


2018年07月10日 | 巨人


2018年07月10日 | ギター


2018年07月10日 | 英会話
 Hello Mr. Smily, I am very glad to hear about the plans you have for the week. You have your part-time job on Mondays and Tuesdays at the Apple Farm, you have a dentist on Wednesday, guitar lessons on Fridays, you have Saturday English conversation lessons, and then on Sundays you clean the coast. We also discussed the book Mr. Smily, we talked about introducing news and reacting to news. You told me that you are planning to stay here in Manila on November. These were your good sentences during the class: He broke his finger./ She rode an elephant./ She is a tourist./ It rained hard./ She learned how to cook some dishes./ I will go to the Philippines this coming November to see my COCO Juku Online teachers./ I’m going to stay in manila. --- I hope you keep on updating your blog Mr. Smily. Please continue studying English and doing what you want. Have a nice day ahead of you.

 今日は、スマイリーさん、先週のあなたの計画について聞いて嬉しく思います。 あなたは月曜日と火曜日にアップルファームでアルバイトをしています。水曜日には歯科医、金曜日にはギターレッスン、土曜日の英語会話レッスンを受けています。そして、日曜日に海岸を奇麗にします。
 また、スマイリーさんとテキストを使い、ニュースの紹介とニュースへの反応について話しました。 あなたは11月にマニラに滞在する予定だと言いました。これらは授業中のあなたの良い文章でした。:彼は彼の指を壊した/彼女は象に乗った/彼女は観光客です/それは激しく雨/彼はいくつかの料理を作る方法を学んだ/です。マニラに来たら私たちCOCO Jukuオンライン教師に会いましょう。私はマニラに住んでいます。
 スマイリーさん、私はあなたがブログを更新し続けることを願っています。 引き続きあなたが望むように英語を勉強してください。


I got up at 5 AM this morning.

I updated my blog.

I checked my weight and blood pressure.
I weigh in 63.8 kilograms, while my blood pressure is 122/72.

It’s a cloudy today.
The highest temperature is 24 ° C while the lowest is 18 ° C.

I have finished part-time job Tuesday.
I will have another part-time job by August.
I will work in an apple farm this time.

I ate hamburg Tuesday, lunch time.

I took a piano Lesson Monday.
I will take a piano lesson four times a month.

I took a guitar lesson Friday.
I will take a guitar lesson twice a month.

I took a english conversation Iesson Saturday.
I will take a english conversation Iesson 8 times a month.

I cleaned the coast yesterday.
There were 200 participants.

I sent a greeting card on my sister 's birthday Saturday.
I had a meal with my sister and her husband, lunch time.

It is a question.
Would you like capital letters for the days of the week, may I use lower case letters?