第12回:第五章 日本外務省に20年遅れの「罪状否認」をさせる
杉田 水脈
国際社会工学部 主任教授
古賀 剛大 様
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UN-Sex-Slave-Report-Chapter-5.2.pdf
平成28年10月25日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝
“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN's Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from the Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.12: Chapter 5: Forcing the Japanese Foreign Ministry
to Deny Accusations 20 Years Too Late
Third delegation (February 2016)
B. Battle over Japanese Government’s Response to UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
By Sugita Mio
The second delegation’s two members, Sugita Mio, former Diet Member and Yamamoto Yumiko, Japanese Women for Justice and Peace, spoke at the pre-session in the capacity as NGO of CEDAW. In response to Ms. Sugita’s account, the Committee chairman stated that he learned for the first time that the comfort woman issue has another perspective and that the matter shall be further investigated.
Ms. Sugita examines the Japanese Government’s responses to the Committee’s questions. However, at the end of the year, the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministers announced, from their own vantages, the contents of an agreement that they had reached. Ms. Sugita was concerned in particular with the following:
“In addition, together with the Government of the ROK, the Government of Japan will refrain from accusing or criticizing each other regarding this issue in the international community, including at the United Nations.”
But what happened at the 63rd Session of CEDAW on February 16, 2016, eliminated Ms. Sugita’s apprehension. Deputy Foreign Minister Sugiyama delivered a statement clearly elaborating the truth about the comfort women, pointing out that: 1) “forced abduction” of women by the military and government authorities for the purpose of them to be “comfort women“ ”cannot not be established in any historical documents”; 2) The basis for the widespread belief that “comfort women” were ‘forcefully taken away’ is the entirely discredited story fabricated by the late Seiji Yoshida in his book, My War Crimes, published in 1983; 3) At the time, the contents of his book was widely reported as the truth by the Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese daily newspaper; 4) The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the ‘200,000’ “comfort women” figure it reported was entirely mistaken with the “Women Volunteer Corps,” who were mobilized as a war-time labor force, and had nothing to do at all with the “comfort women”.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/851/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UN-Sex-Slave-Report-Chapter-5.2.pdf
Questions are welcome.
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for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
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Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.