台所を出ると、彼女は深呼吸して 自分の中に込み上がってきたこのムカつく感情を鎮めた。母親が立ち上がってストーブからコーヒーポットを取る音が聞こえてきた。
ジーンの母親が腰を下ろすと、椅子が軋んだ。「心配なさらないで。ジーンは男性のことや 彼らが何を求めるか、すっかり分かっていますわ。彼女には直(じか)に何回も何回も言い聞かせてありますから」
キングさんが答えた、「およろしいことですわ。でもね、私にも 男のことで彼女に言ってあげられることがあるわ!聞いてちょうだい、デニスさんー」 (続く)
原文:⑲ Out of the kitchen, she took a deep breath to put down the nauseous feeling that rose in her. She could hear her mother get up to get the coffee pot from the stove.
"Thanks Mrs. Dennis, just a little," Mrs. King murmured politely. "You know Jenny's a real pretty thing. If I was you, I'd be real careful."
The chair creaked as Jean's mother sat down.
"Don't you worry. Jean knows all about men and what they're after. I told her straight out often enough."
Mrs. King replied, "It's a good thing. Why, the thing I could tell her about men!
Let me tell you. Mrs. Dennisー"