あなたを見つめて。。 monochrome life


We are still dreaming of Kodachrome film. あのころ僕たちはいつもコダクロームの夢を見ていた。Part3

2021年03月26日 23時33分47秒 | Leica M8・M-E・M9・MM・CCD no3

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 35mm F2 3rd 7枚玉 Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 50mm F2 2nd Capture One Pro 20

Leica M8(Kodak ccd)Elmarit 28mm F2.8 4th IR/UV cut filter Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Carl Zeiss C Biogon T* 21mm f4.5 zm Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 50mm F2 2nd Capture One Pro 20

Leica M8(Kodak ccd)Elmarit 28mm F2.8 4th IR/UV cut filter Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 35mm F2 3rd 7枚玉 Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 35mm F2 3rd 7枚玉 Capture One Pro 20

Leica M8(Kodak ccd) Elmarit 28mm F2.8 4th IR/UV cut filter Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 35mm F2 3rd 7枚玉 Capture One Pro 20

Leica M-E(Kodak ccd) Summicron M 50mm F2 2nd Capture One Pro 20

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