Dr. WAKASAGI at HEI-RIVER(閉伊川ワカサギ博士)



2011-07-16 | 水圏環境教育




What: Public briefing to release A Framework for K-12 Science Education
When: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.
Where: Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of
Sciences 525 E Street N.W., Washington, D.C. (directions <http://www.koshland-science-museum.org/visitor/dandp.jsp>

The National Research Council is pleased to announce the release of a report that presents a new framework for K-12 science education, identifying the key concepts and practices that all students should learn. The framework offers a new vision for K-12 education in science and engineering, and embodies a significant
shift in how these subjects are viewed and taught.

The framework will serve as the basis for new science education standards. It will also inform the work of curriculum and assessment developers, researchers, teacher educators, and others.

The framework will be released at a public briefing starting at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19. Briefing participants will include:

Helen Quinn, chair of the committee that wrote the report and professor of physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Brett Moulding, committee member and director, Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning
Brian Reiser, committee member and professor of learning sciences, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University>>

Welcoming remarks will be given by Ralph Cicerone, president of the National Academy of Sciences, and Robert Hauser, executive director of NRC’s Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.

Seating is limited. If you would like to attend the briefing, please RSVP to Rebecca Krone at rkrone@nas.edu.

The framework will be available online at www.national-academies.org at 1 p.m. EDT on July 19.
We hope that you’ll join us for this important event. Please feel free to forward this
message on to any colleagues who may be interested in attending.


2011-07-16 | 里海探偵団
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