Blog 81


私の芝居見物記 (四) 『Death of a Salesman』

2017年02月06日 | 映画『東京家族』
 アーサー・ミラー作 『Death of a Salesman』 の舞台上演を動画サイトで検索していたら、この映像があった。


【2017.2.8 ~ 2017.2.15 原文の抜粋

A melody is heard, played upon a flute. It is small and fine, telling of grass and trees and the horizon. The curtain rises.

LINDA: Willy!

WILLY: It’s all right. I came back.

L: Why? What happened? Did something happen, Willy?

W: No, nothing happened.

L: You didn’t smash the car, did you?

W: I said nothing happened. Didn’t you hear me?

L: Don’t you feel well?

W: I’m tired to the death.〔The flute has faded away.〕I couldn't make it. I just coldn't make it, Linda.

L〔very carefully, delicately〕: Where were you all day? You look terrible.

W: I got as far as a little above Yonkers. I stopped for a cup of coffee. Maybe it was the coffee.

L: What?

W: I suddenly couldn’t drive any more. The car going off on to the shoulder, y’know?
LINDA: Willy, dear. Talk to them again. There’s no reason why you can’t work in New York.

WILLY: They don’t need me in New York. I’m the New England man. I’m vital in New England.

【ウィリーの追想,幻想 “the locale of all Willy’s imaginings” 】
BIFF: Where’d you go this time, Dad?

WILLY: Well, I got on the road, and I went north to Providence. Met the Mayor.

B: The Mayor of Providence!

W: He was sitting in the hotel lobby.

What’d he say?

W: He said, ‘Morning!’ And I said, ‘You got a fine city here, Mayor.’ And then he had coffee with me. And then I went to Waterbury. Waterbury is a fine city. Big clock city, the famous Waterbury clock. Sold a nice bill there. And then Boston ― Boston is the cradle of the Revolution. A fine city. And a couple of other town in Mass., and on to Portland and Bangor and straight home!

B: Gee, I’d love to go with you sometime, Dad.

W: Soon as summer comes.

B: Promise?

W: You and Hap and I, and I’ll show you all the towns. America is full of beautiful towns and fine, upstanding people.


LINDA: Well next week you’ll do better.

WILLY: Oh, I’ll knock ‘em dead next week. I’ll go to Hartford. I’m very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is, Linda, people don’t seem to take to me.


【第二幕 ACT TWO】

WILLY: I think I’ll get one (wire-recording machine) myself.

HOWARD: Sure, they’re only a hundred and a half. You can’t do without it. Supposing you wanna hear Jack Benny, see? But you can’t be at home at that hour. So you tell the maid to turn the radio on when Jack Benny comes on, and this automatically goes on with the radio…

W: And when you come home you…

H: You can come home twelve o’clock one o’clock, any time you like, and you get yourself a Coke and sit yourself down, throw the switch, and there’s Jack Benny’s programme in the middle of the night!

W: I’m definitely going to get one. Because lots of time I’m on the road, and I think to myself, what I must be missing on the radio!

Dustin Hoffman

LINDA: Forgive me, dear. I can’t cry. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t cry. I don’t understand it. Why did you ever do that? Help me, Willy, I can’t cry. It seems to me that you’re just on another trip. I keep expecting you. Willy, dear, I can’t cry. Why did you do it? I search and search and I search, and can’t understand it, Willy. I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear. And there’ll be nobody home. 〔A sob rises in her throat.〕 We’re free and clear. 〔Sobbing more fully, released〕 We’re free. 〔BIFF comes slowly toward her.〕We’re free… We’re free…
BIFF lifts her to her feet and moves out up right with her in his arms. LINDA sobs quietly. BERNARD and CHARLEY come together and follow them, followed by HAPPY. Only the music of the flute is left on the darkening stage as over the house the hard towers of the apartment buildings rise into sharp focus.〕


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