倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


2回目のジャングルの旅Travel in the 2nd time of jungle

2016-11-02 10:13:41 |  縄文心導ヒーリング













Travel in the 2nd time of jungle

It travel in the second time of jungle, but I'm a little tense.

I carry the baggage by backpack 12kg, total of 14 kilogram

of back and my responsibility.

When I carry a backpack and walk, a belt rips into a shoulder,

and it's quite serious. You seemed to give acupressure on a

shoulder on the slope, and the weight was felt comfortably.

I find usually not to have anything heaviness more than a pen.

The wharf when being Brazilian passage to Belem and dry season,

is dust, and whether hair and a hole of a nose are everywhere from

a Peruvian stet toss, a ship started to depart on the 3rd after all until

a true becoming chilled visitor also full the warming up.

It's automatic from an inn, it can't be taken each other while being

well-informed by tricycle and becoming covered with dust, and I have

taken a breath at a cabin.(*^^*)

It put a commemorative stamp on an embarkation card at a connection

place by the ship in the Peruvian border and the Colombian border,

I thought the official in charge who put on a naval uniform was a little afraid.

I'm relieved for a picture of President Fujimori's formal attire to be displayed

on a wall hotly. It passes Colombia, and I enter Brazil by taxi.

A Brazilian and a Peruvian think even the same Latin is a little different.

A Peruvian makes the Spanish brightly, but there is no amiability.

I found a Brazilian Portuguese ancestry was also going to laugh at

quietness, and to have a liking for the Japanese comes.
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