

Method of manufacturing a transformer core assembly

2016-05-10 22:57:30 | 米国特許散策

"A method is provided for making a transformer core assembly using a work table positioned proximate to(接近、近接)a rotatable rack assembly having first and second racks. Core segments are created(作製、形成)by a segment forming machine. The core segments are transferred to a core block of the second rack. After a predetermined number of core segments are stacked(積層)on the core block to form a core segment assembly, the rack assembly is rotated so that the second rack is positioned proximate to the work table. The second rack is then moved onto the work table and one or more finishing steps are performed on the core segment assembly. During the performance of the one or more finishing steps, core segments may be transferred to a core block attached to the first rack." (Abstract, )

Wound-core style巻鉄心型)transformer cores are commonly(通常、一般)manufactured by building up(形成、構成、作製、組立)the core with a plurality of layered core segments. The process generally(一般)includes a machine that continuously produces(作製、製造)core segments from relatively thin metallic strips. The process requires an operator to stand in front of the machine, wait (typically 1-5 seconds) for a steel laminate(積層体)to feed out of(送り出す、送出)the machine, then place it on a table in concentric loops. When a sufficient number of core segments are layered(積層), the segment forming machine is stopped, and a number of finishing steps are performed on the core assembly. Once(一旦)the finishing steps are completed, the core assembly is sent on for further processing(処理)(e.g. annealing) and the core assembly process begins again. This method of assembly is inefficient, monotonous and time consuming.

There is therefore a need in the art for(需要、必要、求められている)a transformer core assembly process having greater efficiency and speed without the need for additional human operators."

"With reference to FIG. 1, a transformer core assembly apparatus according to the present invention is generally(概して)indicated by the numeral(参照番号)10. The transformer core assembly apparatus 10 includes two core stacking sub-assemblies 12 positioned on opposed sides of a work table 14. As will be discussed(説明、記載、詳述)in greater detail below, transformer core assemblies are continuously assembled in the transformer core assembly apparatus 10 and, once completed, placed on a conveyor 16 for further processing. Additional processing may include, for example, annealing and incorporation into(組み込み、内蔵)a transformer assembly."

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2016-05-10 21:48:49 | 表現

どうも「取り付ける」、「設ける」の意味でのfitted toの実例が少ない気がする(ネイティブの特許文献で)。

"Snow chains, or tire chains, are devices fitted to the tires of vehicles to provide maximum traction when driving through snow and ice." (Snow chains, Wikipedia)

"An anti-siphon drain conduit. First and second cylindrical tubular portions with a U-shaped tubular portion interposed therebetween, and communicating with(連通), the first and second cylindrical tubular portions. A drain passage extends through the conjoined(結合)tubular portions. A siphon break passage communicates with(連通)the drain passage at approximately the intersection of one of the cylindrical tubular portion and the U-shaped portion. A flap valve is formed integrally with at least one of the tubular portions for closing the siphon break passage upon(時、場合 、依存)the presence of liquid flowing through the drain passage. A bleeder cap is fitted to(設ける、取り付ける
the siphon break passage. The bleeder cap has a dome portion penetrated(貫通)by an aperture and an accordion(蛇腹)portion. The bleeder cap serves freely to admit(通す、入れる、通過)atmospheric pressure therethrough while tending to restrict any liquid that inadvertently enters the siphon break from exiting the siphon passage into atmosphere(大気)." (Absract, US5199455)

"The relationship between NOx output and charge density will allow a curve to be fitted to(当てはめる?)the plotted values."(US7913675)

「設ける」の意味でprovide toを使うのには違和感を感じる。disposeを使えば良い場合も多いが、「配置」、「配設」と差別化したい場合とか。

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