


2016-05-30 18:56:59 | 米国特許散策

"The high speed contact driver of the invention is depicted at 10 in FIGS. 1 and 3 wherein a bridging contact 11 is arranged (配置、配列)across a pair of fixed contacts 12, 13 formed on the sloped ends of a pair of bar conductors 14, 15."

"8. The contact driver of claim 7 wherein said pair of first and second link conductors are arranged(配置、配列)spaced apart from each other (間隔を空けて、離間して;*"arranged/disposed spaced apart"は実例少ないかも)in said same plane at an angle formed at the junction between one of said first conductor links with one of said second conductor links, said angle being less than 180°."

"An optical communications system includes spaced apart (離間、間隔)first and second optical elements. Each optical element has a focal plane. A plurality of optical transmitters, each of which includes a light emitting element, are disposed(配設、設ける)spaced apart from each other (離間)in the focal plane of the first optical element. A plurality of optical receivers, each of which includes a light receiving element, are disposed spaced apart from each other in the focal plane of the second optical element. Optical signals emitted by the light emitting elements are received at first optical element and combined into a single beam. The single beam is received at the second optical element. The second optical element separates the single beam into separate optical signals. The separate optical signals are focused onto(焦点、結像)the receiving elements."

"As shown, the reaction plates 26 extend vertically(縦、垂直、立設)within the reaction chamber and are placed side-by-side so that there are small gaps between opposing faces of each of the plates."

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