


2016-06-16 11:10:02 | 米国特許散策

spectrally separate?
separate into spectral components?
subject to spectroscopy?

"Methods and apparatus for combining(結合)or separating spectral components(スペクトル成分を分光?分散?)by means of a polychromat. A polychromat is employed to combine a plurality of beams, each derived from a separate source, into a single output beam, thereby providing for definition of one or more of the intensity, color, color uniformity, divergence angle, degree of collimation, polarization, focus, or beam waist of the output beam. The combination of sources and polychromat may serve(働く、機能、作用)as an enhanced-privacy display and to multiplex signals of multiple spectral components. In other embodiments of the invention, a polychromat serves to disperse spectral components for spectroscopic or de-multiplexing applications."

"Method and apparatus for detecting, by absorption spectroscopy(吸光分光法), an isotopic ratio of a sample, by passing(通す)first and second laser beams of different frequencies through the sample. Two IR absorption cells are used, a first containing a reference gas of known isotopic ratio and the second containing a sample of unknown isotopic ratio. An interlacer or reflective chopper may be used so that as the laser frequencies are scanned the absorption of the sample cell and the reference cell are detected alternately. This ensures that(することができる、可能にする)the apparatus is continuously calibrated and rejects the baseline noise when phase sensitive detection is used."

"[0057] A laser beam 760 generated by a laser and optical system as known in the art enters(入射)the vacuum chamber 720 via a central opening 770 in the front wall 750a during operation of the TOF-MS array instrument 700. The laser beam 760 is split(分光?)into multiple beams. Each beam is then directed by optics, e.g., mirrors and lenses, through a central axis of a corresponding TOF-MS 710 to simultaneously activate all the TOF-MSs 710. The laser and optical system is preferably a diode pumped Ni-YAG laser system capable of producing short laser pulses and tightly focused beams for minute sample interrogation.

[0058] The acquired time-of-flight data from the array is parallel processed(並列処理)by data acquisition and analysis hardware having a plurality of parallel processors (i.e., arrayed transient digitizers) and software modules designed for acquiring and processing the data. First, the acquired data corresponding to a respective TOF-MS 710 of the plurality of TOF-MSs 710 is provided to a corresponding processor of the plurality of parallel processors. Second, the acquired data corresponding to each of the plurality of TOF-MSs 710 is simultaneously processed by the plurality of parallel processors."

"1. A measuring device for non-invasively measuring levels of constituents in blood and tissue in a subject, the measuring device comprising: (a) a housing having an opening for receiving a hand of the subject; (b) a polychromatic light source that emits a broad spectrum of light in the near infrared range and adjacent visible light; (c) a part receptor shaped(形、形状)for receiving a finger of the subject, the part receptor being located(*分詞)relative to the light source so that when the finger of the subject is placed in the part receptor, the light source can be activated and light from the light source can be directed onto the finger, the part receptor being shaped to receive the finger in close alignment, so as to reduce extraneous light; (d) a light receptor for collecting a continuum of wavelengths over the broad spectrum of light after the broad spectrum of light has been directed onto the finger; (e) a dispersion(分散、分光?)element coupled to the light receptor for dispersing(分光?)light collected by the light receptor into a dispersed spectrum of component wavelengths; (f) a photodetector coupled to the dispersion element for taking absorbance measurements(測定値を得る)from the dispersed spectrum and producing a measurement signal; (g) a communications interface connectable to an external computer for communicating(伝達、送る)the measurement signal to the external computer, and (h) a power interface connectable to an external stabilized power source."

"An integrated optical apparatus includes an optically transparent substrate with a light source and a detector mounted adjacent thereto. The substrate includes an optical element in a transmit path from the light source to a remote target. The optical element splits(分光?)the light into more than one beam. A detector receives beams reflected by the target. All optical elements needed to create the more then one beam, direct the more than one beam onto the target and direct the more than one beam from the target to the detector are on the substrate and/or any structure bonded to the substrate.

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