"Still further criteria 232 and associated descriptor fields 234 and 236 may contain information identifying, for example, a role played by the narrative node 12A within the narrative structure 14 A.
Such identified roles may include, for example, narrative nodes 12A that set a context or provide a surprise, drama or resolution effect, and so on,
thereby allowing the associated narrative data files 12C to be identified and sorted on an aesthetic basis to more readily determine the flow and pattern of the narrative of a work 10.
Context setting narrative data files can be described by the formula as having wide general exposure coupled with a low level of significance but of lengthy temporal duration.
A dramatic narrative data file can rely on high levels of significance and short temporal duration and close proximity, that is, a close relationship to the associated person(s). "
"Additionally, in certain preferred embodiments, the use of an external video display device (e.g., computer monitor, television, video projector, etc.) is used to display a more elaborate visual accompaniment to the music being played.
In such cases the I-Way graphical display preferably is a more detailed rendition .of the I- Way shown in Fig. 7A (e.g., a higher resolution image in terms of color depth and/or dots per inch)."
"28. The gaming machine network of claim 11, wherein said audio instructions provide choreographed audio effects broadcasting from said audio speaker system of said plurality of gaming machines. "