I usually take more than a month to finish a novel, but this one, "The Housemaid" by Lisa McFadden, took me less than a week. I can't even imagine how anyone can think of a story like this. A young woman finds work as a maid at a gorgeous, almost palatial house inhabited by fabulous husband and wife, with an adorable small daughter. Everything seems perfect at first. It was a rather slow-start, and initially I was wondering where it was going. Also, being written in deceivingly simple English throughout, the first several chapters made me even think that perhaps this was not going to be such a roallercoaster ride of a thriller as advertised. How wrong I was. The story was exactly what the ads and a lot of people said it was: A page-turner, with jaw-dropping twists. Rivetting! Addictive! Unputdownable! Mind-blowing!! I read this almost whenever I could for the past week, my presbyotic eyes literally glued to my Kindle Paperwhite with my glasses sitting on top of my head: on the train to and from work, during lunch break at the nearby Delifrance bakery/restaurant, as well as at home. At one time during lunch I almost uttered a word out loud, a "Whaaat!?" or something like that. The author is introduced as a practicing physician. What a talent. If you like to be entertained by a fast-paced psychothriller that makes your eyes open like a pair of saucers, this one's for you.
The Housemaid: An absolutely addictive psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist, Amazon.com.jp
私は通常、小説を完成させるのに 1 か月以上かかりますが、このリサ マクファーデンの「The Housemaid」は 1 週間もかかりませんでした。このような物語を誰がどのように考えることができるのか、私には想像もつきません。若い女性は、素敵な夫と妻が住んでいる豪華な、ほとんど宮殿のような家で、愛らしい小さな娘と一緒にメイドとしての仕事を見つけました。最初はすべてが完璧に見えます。かなりスロースタートだったので、最初はどこに行くのだろうと思っていました。また、全体を通して非常に簡単な英語で書かれているため、最初の数章では、宣伝されているようなスリラーのジェットコースターに乗ることはないのではないかとさえ思いました。私がどれほど間違っていたか。ストーリーはまさに広告と多くの人が言った通りでした。リベット!やみつき!計り知れない!驚くべき!!この 1 週間、ほとんどいつでもこれを読んでいました。眼鏡を頭の上に乗せた状態で、私の老眼の目は文字どおり Kindle Paperwhite にくぎ付けになりました。通勤の行き帰りの電車の中で、近くの Delifrance ベーカリー / レストランでの昼休み中、家でも。ある時、私は昼食時に「えっ!?」と大声で言いそうになりました。またはそのようなもの。著者は開業医として紹介されています。なんて才能でしょう。円盤のように目を見開いてしまうペースの速いサイコスリラーで楽しまれるのが好きなら、これはあなたのためです.
It usually takes me over a month to finish a novel, but this Lisa McFadden's The Housemaid took less than a week. I can't imagine how anyone could think of a story like this. A young woman finds a job as a maid in a gorgeous, almost palatial house inhabited by a lovely husband and wife, with a lovely little daughter. Everything looks perfect at first. It was a pretty slow start, so at first I was wondering where I was going. It's also written in very simple English throughout, which even made me wonder if the first few chapters wouldn't take the thriller roller coaster ride that was advertised. how wrong i was. The story was exactly as advertised and many said. rivet! Addictive! unfathomable! AMAZING!! I've been reading this almost all the time this past week. With my glasses on my head, my presbyopic eyes were literally glued to the Kindle Paperwhite. On the train to and from work, during your lunch break at the nearby Delifrance bakery/restaurant, or even at home. At one point, I almost yelled, "Huh!?" at lunch. Or something like that. The author is presented as a medical practitioner. What a talent! If you like being entertained by a fast-paced psychological thriller that will make your eyes wide open like a saucer, then this is for you.