


2016-06-09 12:45:38 | 米国特許散策

"An easy to assemble(組立容易)transformer for use in an electronics module of an electric vehicle.(*名詞句;体言止め)The transformer can be assembled from the "top down," thus alleviating(抑制、低減)the need to build(組立、作製)the transformer as a subassembly unit. During manufacture of the transformer, windings are wound(巻く)onto a thermally conductive coil form. Next upper and lower E-shaped core members are inserted into openings in the top and bottom of the form so that the side legs and the center legs of the E's touch(接触)and are in alignment(揃う). The thermally conductive coil form has a portion that touches a cold plate when the transformer is mounted on(搭載、配置、配設、取付)the cold plate. The transformer is further secured to the cold plate by a mounting bracket."

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2016-06-08 16:16:01 | 米国特許散策

Monochromatic Fundus Photography, Ophthalmic Photographers' Society
"Monochromatic fundus photography(眼底撮影)is the practice of imaging(撮像、画像化、イメージング)the ocular fundus with the use of colored or monochromatic illumination (Figure)."

"System and Method pertaining to the modification and integration of an existing consumer digital camera, for example, with an optical imaging module to enable point and shoot(自動露出)fundus photography(眼底撮影)of the eye. The auto-focus macro capability of existing consumer cameras is adapted to photograph(撮影)the retina over an extended diopter range, eliminating the need for manual diopter focus adjustment. The thru-the-lens (TTL) auto-exposure flash capability of existing consumer cameras is adapted to photograph the retina with automatic flash exposure eliminating the need for manual flash adjustment. The consumer camera imaging sensor and flash are modified to allow the camera sensor to perform both non-mydriatic focusing of the retina using infrared illumination and standard color flash photography of the retina without the need for additional imaging sensors or mechanical filters. These modifications and integration of existing consumer cameras for fundus photography of the eye significantly improve ease of manufacture(容易な製造)and usability(有用性、使い勝手)over(比べて、対して)existing fundus cameras."

"A system for performing an examination of the eye of a subject(被験者)which uses a source of light and a concave mirror for focusing(焦点)such light at a selected region(部位、領域)of the fundus of the eye so as to form an enlarged optical image of the selected region at a selected spatial region which is remote from the eye. An ophthalmoscope, or camera, or other viewing instrument is then focused at the selected spatial region to permit the selected region of the eye to be viewed either immediately or photographed for subsequent viewing."

"Two cynomolgus monkeys with normal eyes were used. The monkeys were anesthetized, and their eyes dilated. The initial opthalmologic examination included fluorescein angiography, color and red-free(無赤色、レッドフリー)fundus photography(眼底撮影), and slit-lamp examination of the fundus."

"Another object of the present invention is to provide a fundus imaging system which is less complex and bulky compared to the traditional fundus imaging(眼底撮影)systems"

"The eye imaging(撮影、撮像)system of the present invention is designed to capture the image of(撮像)the structures in the posterior chamber of the human eye, including the retina, and any structures within the same. regions of the vitreous. Fundus cameras using 35 mm film have been used in the past for photographing(撮影)the eye. However, such cameras have various limitations, are technically challenging to operate, and are limited in use. The present imager(撮像、撮影装置)provides super wide-angle viewing of the ocular fundus, with capability for color fundus imaging, fluorescein angiography and stereoimaging. The present imager can resolve(解像)approximately 80% of the retina and capture the image with consistent digital quality. The sharp digital resolution is important to the documentation of a patient's condition for diagnosis or before and after treatment especially for a series taken over an extended period of time. The present imager provides captured digital images which may be viewed and studied immediately on a monitor screen, stored digitally for later examination and comparison, and/or printed out via a printer for hard copy documentation(ハードコピー), or sent through telephone lines via a modem."

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a light 光;不定冠詞の付いた光;光に不定冠詞;light不定冠詞;不定冠詞light

2016-06-08 09:46:10 | 表現

Neuroscience Online
7.2 Ocular Reflex Responses
"Consequently, a light(光;*不定冠詞)directed in one eye elicits responses, pupillary constriction, in both eyes."

"Tactile(触覚)stimulation of the cornea results in an irritating sensation that normally evokes(喚起、引き起こす、惹起)eyelid closure (an eye blink)."

"The pupillary light reflex involves adjustments in pupil size with(に伴い、につれ、応じ)changes in light levels."

"The reflex is consensual: Normally light(光;*無冠詞)that is directed in one eye produces pupil constriction in both eyes.  The direct response is the change in pupil size in the eye to which the light is directed (e.g., if the light is shone in(照射、入射)the right eye, the right pupil constricts)."

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Words, imagery, associations

2016-06-06 21:09:43 | 雑感

I came across a new word "moisture-wicking" and consulted my dictionary for "wick", and it said, as a verb, the word means "absorb or drain like a wick".  For "wick" as a noun, it said "bundle of fibers ... to be burned ...in lamps or ...candles."  I went back to the newspaper article in which I had found the word, and the image of water being instantly sucked into a bundle of fibers came up.  So I think the word "wick" had just been stored in memory in my brain with that image, and the next time I come across the word again, that image will, hopefully, materialize in my mind in a flash and I would think like it's nothing, that I knew it all along.  When I see the word "residents" I have the image of several people looking out the window of a house; for the word "environment", the image is that of the ocean, skies, rivers, wind, water, the smell in the air, etc; for the word "feminine", I imagine the face of a young adult woman (Mirei Kiritani, perhaps), the way she walks, moves her hands, or touches her hair. 

So I guess we learn words by association with images.  Even abstract words like "peace", "happiness", "concept", "idea", they can arouse certain images, like, for "peace" or "happiness", children playing happily and parents or granma or grandpa watching them with smiles on their faces; for "concept", someone, a researcher, a scientist and the like having some ideas or images bubbling in their minds, like a figure showing their head with shapes, numbers or words dangling or dancing inside their brains, the person trying to express those ideas to others, moving her mouth and hands.  And when I see or hear such words, the associated images will pop up in an instant -- maybe so short an instant that I don't even recognize them in consciousness -- and I will go on reading or listening to the words being spoken or written; when another new word appears, I may stop and get confused momentarily but will let go of it and keep reading or listening. 

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2016-06-06 17:22:33 | 機械表現

Shearing(せん断), Wikipedia
"Shearing in continuum mechanics(連続体力学)refers to the occurrence of a shear strain(せん断ひずみ), which is a deformation of a material substance in which parallel internal surfaces slide past one another. It is induced by a shear stress in the material. Shear strain is distinguished from volumetric strain, the change in a material's volume in response to stress.

Often, the verb shearing refers more specifically to a mechanical process that causes a plastic shear strain in a material, rather than causing a merely elastic one. A plastic shear strain is a continuous (non-fracturing) deformation that is irreversible, such that the material does not recover its original shape. It occurs when the material is yielding(曲がり易い)."

"The shear center (also known as the elastic axis or torsional axis) is an imaginary point on a section, where(この場合、この時;*詳細付加)a shear force can be applied without inducing any torsion. In general, the shear center is not the centroid. For cross-sectional areas having one axis of symmetry, the shear center is located on the axis of symmetry. For those having two axes of symmetry, the shear center lies on(にある)the centroid of the cross-section."

Shearing(せん断、型抜き), Wikipedia
"Shearing, also known as die cutting,[1] is a process which cuts stock(材料、原料;*無冠詞)without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. In strict technical terms, the process of "shearing" involves the use of straight cutting bladesorm(?)of sheet metal or plates, however rods can also be sheared. Shearing-type operations include: blanking, piercing, roll slitting, and trimming."

"A punch(パンチ)(or moving blade) is used to push a workpiece against the die(ダイ)(or fixed blade), which is fixed. Usually the clearance(間隔)between the two is 5 to 40% of the thickness of the material, but dependent on the material. Clearance is defined as the separation between the blades, measured at the point where the cutting action takes place and perpendicular to the direction of blade movement. It affects the finish of the cut (burr(バリ)) and the machine's power consumption(電力消費). This causes the material to experience(受ける、生じる)highly localized shear stresses between the punch and die. The material will then fail(破断?)when the punch has moved 15 to 60% the thickness of the material, because the shear stresses are greater than the shear strength of the material and the remainder of the material is torn. Two distinct sections can be seen on a sheared workpiece, the first part being plastic deformation and the second being fractured. Because of normal inhomogeneities in materials and inconsistencies in clearance between the punch and die, the shearing action does not occur in a uniform manner. The fracture will begin at the weakest point and progress to the next weakest point until the entire workpiece(加工対象、被加工物)has been sheared; this is what causes the rough edge. The rough edge can be reduced if the workpiece is clamped from the top with a die cushion. Above a certain pressure the fracture zone can be completely eliminated.[2] However, the sheared edge of the workpiece will usually experience(生じる)workhardening(加工硬化)and cracking. If the workpiece has too much clearance, then it may experience roll-over or heavy burring."

Shear(せん断機), Wikipedia

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2016-06-06 17:03:50 | 電気

相補的:complementary (serving to complete)
おべんちゃら:complimentary (expressing praise)


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2016-06-03 12:33:26 | 電気

Surface-mount technology, Wikipedia
"Surface-mount technology (SMT) is a method for producing(製造、作製)electronic circuits in which the components are mounted(搭載、実装)or placed(配置)directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs). An electronic device so made is called a surface-mount device (SMD). In the industry it has largely replaced the through-hole technology construction(組立、製造、製作)method of fitting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board. Both technologies can be used on the same board, with the through-hole(スルーホール、貫通孔)technology used for components not suitable for surface mounting(表面実装)such as large transformers and heat-sinked(放熱板付きの?)power semiconductors."

"Surface-mount technology was developed in the 1960s and became widely used in the late 1980s. Much of the pioneering work in this technology was by IBM. The design approach first demonstrated by IBM in 1960 in a small-scale computer was later applied in the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer used in the Instrument Unit that guided all Saturn IB and Saturn V vehicles.[2] Components were mechanically redesigned to have small metal tabs or end caps that could be directly soldered to the surface of the PCB. Components became much smaller and component placement on both sides of a board(基板)became far more common with surface mounting than through-hole mounting(挿入実装), allowing much higher circuit densities. Often only the solder joints hold the parts to the board, in rare cases parts on the bottom or "second" side of the board may be secured(固定)with a dot of adhesive to keep components from dropping off inside reflow ovens if the part has a large size or weight.[citation needed] Adhesive(接着剤)is sometimes used to hold SMT components on the bottom side(裏面)of a board if a wave soldering process is used to solder both SMT and through-hole components simultaneously. Alternatively, SMT and through-hole components can be soldered together without adhesive if the SMT parts are first reflow-soldered, then a selective solder mask is used to prevent the solder holding the parts in place from reflowing and the parts floating away during wave soldering. Surface mounting lends itself well to(可能にする、相性が良い、向いている)a high degree of automation, reducing labor cost and greatly increasing production rates(生産率;*「生産性」の英訳としてproductivityに違和感を感じる場合がある。その場合、production ratesの方が良いかも?). SMDs can be one-quarter to one-tenth the size and weight, and one-half to one-quarter the cost of equivalent through-hole parts."

"Assembly Techniques
Where components are to be placed, the printed circuit board normally has flat, usually tin-lead, silver, or gold plated copper pads without holes, called solder pads. Solder paste, a sticky mixture of flux and tiny solder particles, is first applied to(塗布)all the solder pads with a stainless steel or nickel stencil using a screen printing process. It can also be applied by a jet-printing mechanism, similar to an inkjet printer. After pasting, the boards then proceed to the pick-and-place machines(ピックアンドプレイス), where(そこで)they are placed on a conveyor belt. The components to be placed on the boards are usually delivered to the production line in either paper/plastic tapes wound on reels or plastic tubes. Some large integrated circuits are delivered in static-free trays. Numerical control pick-and-place machines remove the parts from the tapes, tubes or trays and place them on the PCB.

The boards are then conveyed into the reflow soldering oven. They first enter a pre-heat zone, where the temperature of the board and all the components is gradually, uniformly raised. The boards then enter a zone where the temperature is high enough to melt the solder particles in the solder paste, bonding the component leads to the pads on the circuit board. The surface tension of the molten solder helps keep the components in place, and if the solder pad geometries(形状)are correctly designed, surface tension automatically aligns the components on their pads. There are a number of techniques for reflowing solder. One is to use infrared lamps; this is called infrared reflow. Another is to use a hot gas convection. Another technology which is becoming popular again is special fluorocarbon liquids with high boiling points which use a method called vapor phase reflow. Due to environmental concerns, this method was falling out of favor(廃れる)until lead-free legislation was introduced which requires tighter controls on soldering. Currently, at the end of 2008, convection soldering is the most popular reflow technology using either standard air or nitrogen gas. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. With infrared reflow, the board designer must lay the board out(レイアウト、配置)so that short components don't fall into the shadows of tall components. Component location is less restricted if the designer knows that vapor phase reflow or convection soldering will be used in production(製造). Following(の後)reflow soldering, certain irregular or heat-sensitive components may be installed and soldered by hand, or in large-scale automation, by focused infrared beam (FIB) or localized convection equipment.

If the circuit board is double-sided then this printing, placement, reflow process may be repeated using either solder paste or glue to hold the components in place. If a wave soldering process is used, then the parts must be glued to(接着)the board prior to processing to prevent them from floating off when the solder paste holding them in place is melted.

After soldering, the boards may be washed to remove flux residues and any stray solder balls that could short out(短絡)closely spaced component leads. Rosin flux is removed with fluorocarbon solvents, high flash point hydrocarbon solvents, or low flash solvents e.g. limonene (derived from orange peels) which require extra rinsing or drying cycles. Water-soluble fluxes are removed with deionized water and detergent, followed by an air blast to quickly remove residual water. However, most electronic assemblies are made using a "No-Clean" process where the flux residues are designed to be left on the circuit board [benign]. This saves the cost of cleaning, speeds up the manufacturing process, and reduces waste."

SMT placement equipment, Wikipedia
"SMT (surface mount technology) component placement systems, commonly called pick-and-place machines or P&Ps, are robotic machines which are used to place surface-mount devices (SMDs) onto a printed circuit board (PCB). They are used for high speed, high precision placing of broad range of electronic components, like capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits onto the PCBs which are in turn used in computers, consumer electronics as well as industrial, medical, automotive, military and telecommunications equipment."(対応日本語ページでは「チップマウンター」とあり、"surface mounter"との記載があるが、和製英語かも。"pick and place machine"?)

"FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic view of an exemplary Cartesian pick and place machine 201 with which embodiments of the present invention are applicable. Pick and place machine 201 receives a workpiece, such as circuit board 203, via transport system or conveyor 202. A placement head 206 then obtains one or more electrical components to be mounted upon(実装、配設)workpiece 203 from component feeders (not shown) and moves in x, y and z directions, relative to workpiece 203, to place(配置)the component in the proper orientation at the proper location upon workpiece 203. Placement head 206 may include sensor 205 that is disposed to view one or more components held by respective one or more nozzle, from a substantially side view as placement head 206 moves the component(s) from pickup locations to placement locations. Sensor 205 allows placement machine 201 to view components held by nozzles 208, 210, 212 such that pick efficacy can be determined prior to mounting the component(s) upon workpiece 203. Other pick and place machines may employ a placement head that moves over a stationary camera to image(撮像;"capture(take) an image of"の方が良いという人もいる)the component. Placement head 206 may also include a downwardly looking camera 209, which is generally used to locate fiducial marks upon workpiece 203 such that the relative location of placement head 206 with respect to workpiece 203 can be readily calculated."

"With the increasing use of high power transistors (1 to 80 Watts) in electrical circuits which operate at high frequencies, such as radio frequencies (RF), e.g. 25 MHz to 1GHz, it has become necessary to design transistor packages which permit the transistors to operate properly in such circuits. The packages for such high power transistors must be capable of dissipating(放熱)the relatively high quantities of heat generated by the transistor to maintain the transistor at a suitable operating temperature, i.e., a temperature which will not adversely affect(悪影響)the operating characteristics of the transistor. Another important characteristic for such packages is that they provide for(可能にする;make ready, make preparations)good electrical grounding of the transistor with a minimum of parasitic inductance."

"In addition, some prior art semiconductor device packages are prone to(し易い、しがち)have flux and solder enter the cavity of the device, for example, during soldering operations used to attach the packages to the circuit. Further, most prior art RF packages are not well suited for surface mounting and are not designed to be easily handled by pick and place equipment. Also, positioning of capacitors close to most prior art packages is often difficult because of the protruding flying leads found on these packages."

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リアクトル、reactor, inductor

2016-06-02 11:38:29 | 電気

Inductor, Wikipedia
An inductor(*不定冠詞;具体的、ある特定の例を意識), also called a coil or reactor, is a passive two-terminal(2端子)electrical component which resists changes(変化;*複数、色々な変化、一般)in electric current(*無冠詞、特定する必要ない)passing through it. It consists of a conductor such as a wire, usually wound into a coil. Energy is stored in a magnetic field in the coil as long as current(*無冠詞)flows. When the current flowing through an inductor changes, the time-varying(時間的に変化、時変)magnetic field induces a voltage(*不定冠詞)in the conductor, according to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. According to Lenz's law(*無冠詞)the direction of induced electromotive force (or "e.m.f.") is always such that it opposes the change in current that created it. As a result, inductors(*複数)always oppose a change in current, in the same way that a flywheel opposes a change in rotational velocity(回転速度;*無冠詞). Care should be taken(気を付ける、注意)not to confuse this with the resistance provided by a resistor.

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2016-06-01 17:44:41 | 米国特許散策

"At 615, the process 600 performs image processing operations(画像処理). In some embodiments, the image processing operations include a color correction (e.g., exposure, saturation, etc.) and/or a non-color based correction (e.g., blemish removal) to the detected faces."

"The digital processor 36 then performs image processing(画像処理)on the still images, and finally stores the processed images on the removable memory card 26 via a memory card interface circuit 40, which may use the PCMCIA 2.0 standard interface."

"Consumer camcorders which include the capability of recording analog motion and/or still images on 8mm or VHS videotape have been developed by a number of companies. Motion images(動画)are recorded in the same manner as in any standard camcorder. These cameras include a single chip charge coupled device (CCD) sensor having a color filter array that provides a spatially color-sampled image. To record still images(静止画), the user pushes a “still capture(キャプチャ)” button at the desired instant. The image obtained from the CCD sensor is temporarily stored in a digital memory. The image is then read from the memory and recorded onto(記録)the videotape."

"1. An electronic still camera for initiating capture(キャプチャ)of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:

(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images(キャプチャ、撮像)of a scene, each captured image(キャプチャ画像、撮像画像)having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;

(b) motion processing means for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;

(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement(配列、配置)of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;

(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;

(e) still processing means for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a processed captured still image; and

(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image."

"A method for altering a linked series of image processors capable of manipulation digital image data includes providing a digital image capture device with an image processing chain, and modifying the image processing chain to form a new image processing chain. The modifying(*動名詞)further includes deleting an image processor from the image processing chain. Alternatively, the modifying further includes altering the image processing chain with at least one externally provided image processor, inserting an image processor into the image processing chain, or replacing an image processor in the image processing chain.

In a system aspect, the system includes a digital image capture device(撮像装置), the digital image capture device capable of processing digital image data through two or more image processors. The system further includes a central processing unit within the digital image capture device and capable of(できる、可能)linking the two or more image processors to form an image processing chain. The central processing unit further facilitates modification of the image processing chain to form a new image processing chain."

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2016-06-01 17:13:54 | 米国特許散策

"An essential semiconductor device is semiconductor memory(*無冠詞), such as a random access memory (RAM) device. A RAM device allows the user to execute(実行)both read and write operations(読出しおよび書込み動作)on its memory cells. Typical examples of RAM devices include dynamic random access memory (DRAM)(*無冠詞)and static random access memory (SRAM).

DRAM(*無冠詞)is a specific category of RAM containing an array of individual memory cells, where(*詳細付加)each cell includes a capacitor for holding a charge(*単数)and a transistor for accessing the charge held in the capacitor. The transistor is often referred to as the access transistor or the transfer device of the DRAM cell.

FIG. 1illustrates(示す)a portion of a DRAM memory circuit containing two neighboring(隣接)DRAM cells 100. Each cell 100 contains a storage capacitor 140 and an access field effect transistor or transfer device 120. For each(それぞれ)cell, one side of the storage capacitor 140 is connected to a reference voltage (illustrated as a ground potential for convenience purposes(説明のため). The other side of the storage capacitor 140 is connected to the drain of the transfer device 120. The gate of the transfer device 120 is connected to a signal known in the art as(周知、いわゆる)a word line 180. The source of the transfer device 120 is connected to a signal known in the art as a bit line 160 (also known in the art as a digit line). With the memory cell 100 components connected in this manner(このように), it is apparent that(明らか、分かる)the word line 180 controls access to the storage capacitor 140 by allowing or preventing the signal (representing a logic “0” or a logic “1”) carried on(~上の、ある、存在)the bit line 160 to be written to or read from(書込み、読出し)the storage capacitor 140. Thus, each cell 100 contains one bit of data (i.e.,(すなわち)a logic “0” or logic “1”).

In FIG. 2a DRAM circuit 240 is illustrated. The DRAM 240 contains a memory array 242, row and column decoders 244, 248 and a sense amplifier circuit 246. The memory array 242 consists of(から成る)a plurality of memory cells 200 (constructed(構成、組立)as illustrated in FIG. 1) whose(*関係代名詞の所有格;厳密には物だからof which)word lines 280 and bit lines 260 are commonly arranged into rows and columns, respectively. The bit lines 260 of the memory array 242 are connected to the sense amplifier circuit 246, while its word lines 280 are connected to the row decoder 244. Address and control signals are input(入力)on address/control lines 261 into the DRAM 240 and connected to the column decoder 248, sense amplifier circuit 246 and row decoder 244 and are used to gain read and write access, among other things, to the memory array 242."

"The column decoder 248 is connected to the sense amplifier circuit 246 via control and column select signals on column select lines 262. The sense amplifier circuit 246 receives input data destined for(宛ての)the memory array 242 and outputs data read from the memory array 242 over input/output (I/O) data lines 263. Data is read from the cells of the memory array 242 by activating a word line 280 (via the row decoder 244), which couples all of the memory cells corresponding to that word line to respective bit lines 260, which define the columns of the array. One or more bit lines 260 are also activated. When a particular word line 280 and bit lines 260 are activated, the sense amplifier circuit 246 connected to a bit line column detects and amplifies the data bit transferred from the storage capacitor of the memory cell to its bit line 260 by measuring the potential difference between the activated bit line 260 and a reference line which may be an inactive bit line. The operation of DRAM sense amplifiers is described(記載), for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,627,785; 5,280,205; and 5,042,011, all assigned to Micron Technology Inc., and incorporated by reference herein.

The memory cells of dynamic random access memories (DRAMs) are comprised of(から成る)two main components, a field-effect transistor (FET) and a capacitor which functions as a storage element. The need to increase the storage capability of semiconductor memory devices has led to the development of very large scale integrated (VLSI) cells which provides a substantial increase in component density. As component density has increased, cell capacitance has had to be decreased because of the need to maintain isolation(分離、絶縁)between adjacent devices in the memory array. However, reduction in memory cell capacitance reduces the electrical signal output from the memory cells, making(*現在分詞)detection of the memory cell output signal more difficult. Thus, as the density of DRAM devices increases, it becomes more and more difficult(増々、ますます)to obtain reasonable storage capacity.

The majority of DRAM's currently use either stacked capacitor or trench capacitor cells. (See generally, J. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall, 585–590 (1996); W. P. Noble et al., “The Evolution of IBM CMOS DRAM Technology,” IBM J. Research and Development, 39-1/2, 167–188 (1995)). Three transistor, 3-T, planar gain cells, originally used in DRAM's, were abandoned as higher densities were required. This is because three transistor planar gain cells generally require a minimum cell area of twenty-four square photolithographic features (24F2) and can in some case require an area as large as forty-eight square photolithographic features (48F2).

Some “embedded” DRAM memories currently use 3-T gain cells. (See generally, M. Mukai et al., “Proposal of a Logic Compatible Merged-Type Gain Cell for High Density Embedded.,” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, 46-6, 1201–1206 (1999)). These “embedded” 3-T gain cells are more compatible with a standard CMOS logic process than DRAM memory cells which use either stacked capacitors or trench capacitors. That is(すなわち), stacked capacitors require special processes not available in a CMOS logic process. Trench capacitors are possible in a CMOS logic process, but three additional masking steps are required. (See generally, H. Takato et al., “Process Integration Trends for Embedded DRAM,” Proceedings of ULSI Process Integration, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, 99-18, 107–19 (1999)). As a result 3-T DRAM gain cells are the easiest technique to use to incorporate(組み込む、内蔵)embedded memory into microprocessors. These 3-T gain cells however are planar and they use conventional planar CMOS devices which again requires a cell area which is large. For reference, DRAM cell areas for either stacked capacitor or trench capacitor cells are typically 6F2 or 8F2.

It is becoming more and more difficult(ますます、増々)to fabricate stacked capacitor cells with the required DRAM cell capacitance of around 30 fF. Very high aspect ratio capacitors are required with height to diameter ratios of the order(程度)ten and consideration is being given to(考慮)employing high-K dielectrics. Various gain cells have been proposed from time to time."

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2016-06-01 12:26:00 | 米国特許散策

"A bus voltage limiter (BVL) 18 is coupled on the regulated bus 12 between the solar array 14 and the satellite load 16 for purposes as will be hereinafter described. A secondary power source, such as an electrical storage battery(蓄電池)20, is coupled(結合、接続)between system ground 22 and a battery discharge controller (BDC) 24 and a battery charge control (BCC) 26."

"The bus voltage limiter 60 is coupled between the regulated bus 58 and the bus array 54. A storage battery 64 and charge array 56 are connected(接続;*直接)in parallel and coupled(結合;*間接)between system ground 66, through a unidirectional battery charge/discharge controller 70, and into regulated bus 58 common with the bus voltage limiter 60 and the satellite load 62. A current feedback path 72 is provided between battery 64 and charge/discharge controller 70."

"This invention relates to determining the electrical condition of a battery(バッテリー、電池).

2. Prior Art

Various systems using analog circuits are known to determine the state of charge(充電状態)of the battery. However, known(公知)systems have reduced accuracy because they do not take into account some significant parameters which affect the state of charge. This is very important in the question of electrically powered motor vehicles, because battery capacity corresponds to range."

"Using these calculations the state of charge (SOC) for the storage battery(蓄電池、バッテリー)may be calculated by measuring the Ampere Hours Consumed from the net discharge current I for the battery, and then calculating the ratio of the Ampere Hours Consumed to the Ampere Hour Capacity, and subtracting the result from 100%."

"A storage battery(蓄電池)is provided which has a first and second post(*なぜか単数、同一名称複数部材の謎、"first and second posts", "a first post and a second post")for electrically coupling to an electrical system. A test plug is provided(設ける、配設)for use in coupling(結合、接続)the storage battery to an electronic battery tester. In another aspect, a battery tester is provided having a plug configured to couple to(結合、接続*自動詞)a test plug of a storage battery for use in performing an electronic battery test on the storage battery."

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