


2020-01-23 18:08:49 | 英語特許散策

"[0094] Simulations were performed for an all alumina bed to evaluate different cycles at a constant cycle speed of 5 CPM. Three cycles differing in the number of top equalization steps were compared. It can be seen from the graph in Figure 6 that the productivity obtained using a cycle with two top equalization steps is only slightly lower than that obtained using a cycle with one equalization step. In addition, the graph in Figure 7 shows that switch loss is reduced by almost 1% when a cycle with two top equalization steps is used. Adding a 3rd equalization step can help minimize stability of process variation, and maintain a lower switch loss compared with the one-equalization step cycle. Overall it has been found that two or more equalization steps help the RCPSA process to achieve a low switch loss target of 2% or less, or at least less than 3%."

[0107] 5CPMの一定のサイクル速度における様々なサイクルを評価するために、すべてのアルミナ床に対してシミュレーションが行われた。上位の均圧ステップ数が異なる3つのサイクルが比較された。図6のグラフから、2つの上位の均圧ステップを有するサイクルを使用して得られた生産性が、1つの均圧ステップを有するサイクルを使って得られた生産性よりもわずかだけ低いこいとが分かる。それに加え、図7のグラフは、2つの上位の均圧ステップが使用されるとき、スイッチ損失が、ほぼ1%低減されることを示す。第3の均圧ステップを加えると、工程安定性のバラツキを最小限にすることに役立ち、1均圧ステップサイクルと比較して低いスイッチ損失を維持することができる。全体として、2つ以上の均圧ステップが、2%以下、または少なくとも3%未満の低スイッチ損失目標を達成するために、RCPSA工程に役立つことが確認された。

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2020-01-23 17:49:48 | 英語特許散策

"[0077] Similarly, the absorbent composite 195 may be utilized with or as the topsheet of an absorbent garment. The topsheet 50 is preferably soft, compliant, exhibits good strikethrough and a reduced tendency to rewet from a liquid pervious material. The topsheet 50 is placed in close proximity to the skin of the wearer when the diaper 10 is worn. In this way, such a topsheet 50 permits bodily discharges to rapidly penetrate it so as to flow toward the core 46 more quickly, but not allowing such discharges to flow back through the topsheet 50. The topsheet 50 may be constructed from anyone of a wide range of liquid and vapor permeable hydrophilic materials. The surface(s) of the topsheet may be treated with a surfactant so as to facilitate liquid transfer therethrough, especially at a central zone or area of the topsheet located over the core and an inner surface of the core. The topsheet may also be coated with a substance having rash preventing or rash reducing properties (e.g., aloe vera)."


"[0134] The rationale for having the first layer (or wearer-facing layer) being comprised of a hydrophobic material is twofold. First, if the liquid permeable substrate is apertured, the hydrophobic layer will not retain as much liquid as the hydrophilic second layer and thus, there will be less fluid (e.g., urine) in direct contact with the skin of a wearer. Second, projections (described below) in the first and second layers generally form hollow portions or arches on a garment-facing side of the liquid permeable substrate that do not have direct contact with the ADS or core, so fluids can get caught in the hollow arches. Without good connectivity of the hollow arches to the ADS or the core, the liquid permeable substrate may retain more fluid and feel wetter to the wearer. With a hydrophobic first layer, however, any liquid that is wicked into the hollow arches will be mostly on the garment-facing, or downward-facing hydrophilic side of the liquid permeable substrate, thereby leaving the first hydrophobic layer dryer. In principle, this may be achieved with a hydrophilic or capillary gradient from the first layer to the second layer (e.g. finer fibers in the second layer with same hydrophilic properties (i.e., contact angle with the liquid)). The apertures in the substrate may play an important role to enable initial and fast fluid flow (strike-through) despite the first hydrophobic layer. Therefore, the first hydrophobic layer works in concert with the protrusions, hollow arches, and the apertures to reduce wetness on the wearer-facing surface of the liquid permeable substrate. In other instances, the second layer may be used as a portion of the wearer-facing surface."

[0092] 第1の層(即ち、着用者に面する層)が疎水性材料からなることの根本的理由は、2要素からなる。第1に、液体透過性基材が有孔の場合、疎水性層は親水性の第2の層ほど液体を保持しないため、着用者の皮膚と直接接触する流体(例えば、尿)はより少ないであろう。第2に、第1の層及び第2の層内の突起部(以下に記載)は、一般に、液体透過性基材の衣類に面する側にADS又はコアと直接接触しない中空部分又はアーチを形成し、したがって流体は中空アーチ内に捕捉され得る。ADS又はコアに対する中空アーチの良好な接続性がない場合、液体透過性基材はより多量の流体を保持し、着用者はより濡れた感触を有し得る。しかしながら、疎水性の第1の層を有する場合、中空アーチ内に毛管作用で逃れる全ての液体は、ほとんどが衣類に面する、つまり液体透過性基材の下方に向いた親水性側上に存在し、それにより第1の疎水性層をより乾燥した状態で残留させる。原則的に、このことは、第1の層から第2の層への親水性又は毛細管勾配(例えば、同一の親水性特性(即ち、液体との接触角)を有する第2の層内のより微細な繊維)により達成することができる。基材内の孔は、第1の疎水性層にもかかわらず、初期の、かつ急速な流体流(裏抜け)を可能にする重要な役割を果たし得る。したがって、第1の疎水性層は、突出部、中空アーチ、及び孔と協働して、液体透過性基材の着用者に面する表面の湿潤を低減する。別の場合では、第2の層は、着用者に面する表面の一部分として使用されてよい。

"Fibrous materials are used in a wide variety of different components to help control the flow of fluids. In absorbent articles, for instance, fibrous materials (e.g., nonwoven webs) can be used to rapidly absorb bodily fluids (e.g., urine) and allow them to flow into an absorbent layer without permitting or facilitating re-transmission of the fluids to the wearer. Unfortunately, fibrous materials can experience multiple problems when used in this manner. For example, it is often desirable to lower the basis weight of the fibrous material to allow for the formation of thinner products. With most conventional fibrous materials, however, such a reduction in basis weight can adversely impact other properties, such as liquid strikethrough and barrier properties. While some solutions to these problems have been proposed, none are fully satisfactory. For example, U.S. Patent No. 6,368,990 describes a spunbond nonwoven web that is formed from hollow filaments or staple fibers. According to the '990 patent, such hollow fibers can allow for a lower basis weight or an increase in the number of fibers for a given basis weight. Nevertheless, despite achieving some improvement, these hollow still suffer from multiple deficiencies. For example, the fibers tend to lack a sufficient degree of porosity to significantly improve the fluid intake properties of the material beyond what is already conventional. As such, a need currently exists for improve fibers and fibrous materials for use in a wide variety of different applications."

[0002] 繊維状材料は、流体の流れの制御を助けるために多種多様な構成要素に使用されている。吸収性物品では、例えば、繊維状材料(例えば、不織布ウェブ)を使用して、体液(例えば、尿)を迅速に吸収し、着用者への体液の再伝送を許すことなくまたは促進することなく、体液を吸収層に流れ込ませることができる。残念ながら、繊維状材料はこの用法で使用される時、複数の問題に直面することがある。例えば、より薄い製品の形成を可能にするために、繊維状材料の基本重量を低くすることが望ましいことがよくある。ところが、最も従来的な繊維状材料では、基本重量のこのような低減は、液体裏抜け特性およびバリア特性など、その他の特性に悪影響を与える可能性がある。これらの問題に対するいくつかの解決策が提案されているが、どれも完全に満足できるものではない。例えば、米国特許第6,368,990号は、中空フィラメントまたはステープル繊維から形成されるスパンボンド不織布ウェブを記述している。’990特許によると、このような中空繊維は、より低い基本重量または所定の基本重要に対する繊維数の増加を可能にできる。いずれにしても、いくらかの改善の達成にもかかわらず、これらの中空繊維にはまだ複数の欠点がある。例えば、これらの繊維は、材料の流体取込み特性を従来のもの以上に大幅に改善するために十分な空隙率を欠く傾向がある。こうして、多種多様な用途に使用するための繊維および繊維状材料に対するニーズが現時点で存在する。

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2020-01-23 16:42:54 | 英語特許散策

"[0068] In order to provide good sinterability for firing of the components, it is advantageous to repeat the step of micronization. For this purpose, the powder is again mixed with deionized water and finely milled. One should preferably aim for a grain size distribution having roughly the following properties: d(0.5)=0.5 μm and d(0.9)≦1 μm. In the next step, a pressable powder or granulate is produced from the milled suspension. This can be carried out directly by spray-drying of a suspension mixed with a binder, or—in the case of small amounts, for example,—by drying the suspension and then manually adding a binder component."

[0044] 部品の燃焼のために良好な焼結性を得るために、再度微粉化することが有利である。このために、粉末を再び脱イオン化水と混合し、その後細かく挽く。好ましくは、例えば以下の特性、d(0.5)=0.5μmおよびd(0.9)≦1μmを有する粒径分布を得ようと努力がなされる。挽かれた懸濁液から、次の工程で、圧縮性の粉末ないし粒状物質を製造する。これは、結合剤と混ぜ合わされた懸濁液を直接噴霧乾燥させることにより行い得る。または、例えば、少量については、懸濁液を乾燥させ、続いて、結合剤成分を手動で添加することにより行いうる。

"[0011] The magnesium silicide added with antimony is formed, for example, by the method described in Patent Document 1 in such a manner that a raw material mixture of magnesium, silicon, and antimony is melted and synthesized to produce ingot and the ingot is pulverized and then sintered. However, the magnesium silicide added with antimony has problems in practical use such as poor productivity because of its extremely low sinterability of about 20% and toxicity of antimony."

[0009] アンチモンが添加されたマグネシウムシリサイドは、例えば、特許文献1に記載される方法によって、マグネシウム、シリコンおよびアンチモンからなる原材料混合物を溶融合成してインゴットを作製し、該インゴットを粉砕後焼結して形成される。しかし、アンチモンが添加されたマグネシウムシリサイドは焼結性が約20%と極めて低いために生産性が悪く、かつアンチモンに毒性があることなどが実用上問題点とされている。

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2020-01-23 16:37:04 | 英語特許散策

"[0035] A figure of merit, Z, for a thermoelectric material may be defined as Z=S<2>σ/γ, in terms of Seebeck coefficient (S), electrical conductivity (σ), and thermal conductivity (κ). An alternative dimensionless figure-of-merit is ZT, as Z varies with temperature. For a typical homogeneous bulk thermoelectric material, such as alloys of bismuth telluride, ZT is 1 or less. The figure of merit may be improved by increasing S and/or σ, and/or lowering κ. However, for a homogeneous bulk material, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity are often correlated, so that increasing electrical conductivity also increases thermal conductivity, and the effects of both increases tend to cancel out in the figure of merit."

[0023] 熱電材料の性能指数Zは、ゼーベック係数(S)、電気伝導率(σ)、及び熱伝導率(κ)を用いてZ=S<2>σ/κと規定される。他の無次元性能指数はZTであり、Zは温度によって変化する。典型的な均質塊熱電材料、例えばテルル化ビスマスの合金においては、ZTは1以下である。性能指数はS及び/又はσを高め、及び/又はκを低下させることにより向上する。しかしながら、均質塊熱電材料において、熱伝導率及び電気伝導率はしばしば相関があり、電気伝導率を高めると熱伝導率が低下し、両者を高めると性能指数において相殺する傾向にある。

"[0004] Thermoelectric device performance may be captured by a so-called thermoelectric figure-of-merit, Z=S<2>σ/k, where ‘S’ is the Seebeck coefficient, ‘σ’ is the electrical conductivity, and ‘k’ is thermal conductivity. Z is typically employed as the indicator of the COP and the efficiency of thermoelectric devices—that is, COP scales with Z. A dimensionless figure-of-merit, ZT, may be employed to quantify thermoelectric device performance, where ‘T’ can be an average temperature of the hot and the cold sides of the device."

[0004] 熱電デバイスの性能は、いわゆる熱電性能指数、Z=S<2>σ/kにより捉えられてもよく、「S」はゼーベック係数、「σ」は導電率、「k」は熱伝導率である。Zは典型的に、熱電デバイスのCOP及び効率の指標として使用され、すなわち、COPはZと共に変化する。無次元性能指数ZTは、熱電デバイスの性能を定量化するために利用されてよく、「T」はデバイスの高温側及び低温側の平均温度とすることができる。

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2020-01-23 10:58:48 | 英語特許散策

US202002850(JP, Mitsubishi)
"[0031] A fourth aspect of the present invention is a method for producing a carbon fiber bundle, wherein the method includes the following steps 4) to 6):

[0032] 4) a stabilization step of heating a carbon fiber precursor acrylic fiber bundle composed of the carbon fiber precursor acrylic fiber according to the second aspect of the present invention in an oxidizing atmosphere at 200° C. or higher and 300° C. or lower to obtain a stabilized fiber bundle;

[0033] 5) a pre-carbonization step of heating the stabilized fiber bundle at 550° C. or higher and 800° C. or lower in a non-oxidizing atmosphere to obtain a pre-carbonized fiber bundle; and

[0034] 6) a high-temperature carbonization step of heating the pre-carbonized fiber bundle at 1200° C. or higher and 3000° C. or lower to obtain a carbon fiber bundle."

[0012] 本発明の第四の態様は、下記4)〜6)の工程を含む炭素繊維束の製造方法である。

EP3578698(JP, Toray)
"[0056] The acrylic fiber bundle obtained by the above-mentioned production method is subjected to an oxidation treatment in an oxidative atmosphere at 200 to 300°C. It is preferable to raise the treatment temperature from low temperatures to high temperatures in a plurality of steps in order to obtain the oxidized fiber bundle. Furthermore, it is preferable to stretch the fiber bundle at a high stretching ratio so as not to cause the occurrence of fuzz in order to sufficiently express the performance of the carbon fiber bundle. Then, the carbon fiber bundle is produced by heating the obtained oxidized fiber bundle to 1,000°C or more in an inert atmosphere such as nitrogen."

[0061] 前述の製造方法によって得られたアクリル系繊維束を、200〜300°Cの酸化性雰囲気中で耐炎化処理する。処理温度は低温から高温に向けて複数段階に昇温するのが耐炎化繊維束を得る上で好ましい。さらに毛羽の発生を伴わない程度に高い延伸比で繊維束を延伸するのが、炭素繊維束の性能を十分に発現させる上で好ましい。次いで得られた耐炎化繊維束を窒素等の不活性雰囲気中で1000°C以上に加熱することにより、炭素繊維束を製造する。

US2019194829(JP, Toray)
"[0045] Preferably, the precursor fiber for carbon fiber produced as described above is sequentially subjected to a stabilization step wherein the fibers are made fireproof in the air at a temperature of 200 to 300° C., a pre-carbonization step wherein the fibers produced by the stabilization step is preliminarily carbonized in an inert atmosphere at a temperature of 300 to 800° C., and a carbonization step wherein the fibers produced by the pre-carbonization step are carbonized in an inert atmosphere at a temperature of 1,000 to 3,000° C. to produce the carbon fiber."

[0045] 本発明では、前述のようにして得た炭素繊維前駆体繊維を、200〜300°Cの温度の空気中において耐炎化する耐炎化工程と、耐炎化工程で得られた繊維を、300〜800°Cの温度の不活性雰囲気中において予備炭化する予備炭化工程と、予備炭化工程で得られた繊維を1,000〜3,000°Cの温度の不活性雰囲気中において炭化する炭化工程を順次経て炭素繊維を得ることが好ましい。

"[0057] The spinning dope solution was controlled to 50° C., and after ejecting into air, it was introduced in a coagulation bath prepared by mixing at 48% by weight of dimethyl sulfoxide (polymer solvent) and 52% by weight of ethylene glycol (non-solvent) controlled to 5° C., and the coagulated fiber was produced by dry-wet spinning by taking up at a speed corresponding to a spinning draft of 2.5. The coagulated fiber was washed with water and stretched in water bath. Subsequently, an amino-modified silicone-based silicone oil agent was applied to the fiber bundle that had been stretched in water bath, and the drying densification process was conducted by using a heater roller, and stretched in a steam at elevated pressure to a total draw ratio of the process of 10 to produce a polyacrylonitrile precursor fiber for carbon fiber having a filament fineness of 0.8 dtex. Next, the resulting polyacrylonitrile precursor fiber for carbon fiber was subjected to a stabilization process in air having a temperature gradient of 220 to 270° C. to produce a stabilized bundle of fibers. The resulting stabilized bundle of fibers was subjected to preliminary carbonization treatment in a nitrogen atmosphere at a temperature of 300 to 800° C. to produce a bundle of preliminarily carbonized fibers. The resulting bundle of preliminarily carbonized fibers was subjected to carbonization treatment in a nitrogen atmosphere at the maximum temperature of 1400° C. Subsequently, the fiber was subjected to electrolytic surface treatment by using aqueous solution of sulfuric acid for the electrolyte, washed with water, and dried, and carbon fiber was obtained after applying a sizing agent."

[0057] 得られた紡糸溶液を50°Cにコントロールして一旦空気中に吐出し、5°Cにコントロールしたポリマー溶媒であるジメチルスルホキシドを48質量%、非溶媒であるエチレングリコールを52質量%の比率で混合した凝固浴に導入して、紡糸ドラフト2.5になる速度で引き取る乾湿式紡糸法により凝固糸条とした。この凝固糸条を、水浴で洗浄した後、水浴において延伸した。続いて、この水浴延伸後の繊維束に対して、アミノ変性シリコーン系シリコーン油剤を付与し、加熱ローラーを用いて、乾燥緻密化処理を行い、加圧スチーム中で延伸することにより、製糸全延伸倍率を10倍とし、単繊維繊度0.8dtexのポリアクリロニトリル系炭素繊維前駆体繊維を得た。次に、得られたポリアクリロニトリル系炭素繊維前駆体繊維を温度220〜270°Cの温度勾配を有する空気中において耐炎化処理し、耐炎化繊維束を得た。得られた耐炎化繊維束を、温度300〜800°Cの窒素雰囲気中において、予備炭素化処理を行い、予備炭素化繊維束を得た。得られた予備炭素化繊維束を、窒素雰囲気中において、最高温度1400°Cで炭素化処理を行った。引き続いて硫酸水溶液を電解液として電解表面処理し、水洗、乾燥した後、サイジング剤を付与し、炭素繊維を得た。

EP3467165(JP, Toray)
"[0053] The "stabilization time" as used herein means the time during which the fiber bundle stays in the oxidation oven, and the "stabilized fiber bundle" means a fiber bundle after the stabilization process and before the pre-carbonization process. In addition, the "peak intensity" as used herein is the absorbance at each wavelength that is obtained by sampling a small amount of the stabilized fiber, measuring the infrared spectrum of the fiber, and subjecting the obtained infrared spectrum to baseline correction, and the spectrum is not subjected to peak splitting. Further, the sample for measurement is diluted with KBr so that the sample may have a concentration of 0.67% by mass. As described above, the conditions of stabilization should be considered according to the preferable manufacturing method described later by measuring the infrared spectrum every time the stabilization condition settings are changed. Appropriate control of the infrared spectrum peak intensity ratios of the stabilized fiber enables control of the knot strength of the obtained carbon fiber bundle."

[0053] ここで述べる耐炎化時間とは耐炎化炉内に繊維束が滞留している時間を意味し、耐炎化繊維束とは、耐炎化工程後、予備炭素化工程前の繊維束を意味する。また、ここで述べるピーク強度とは、耐炎化繊維を少量サンプリングして赤外スペクトルを測定して得られたスペクトルをベースライン補正した後の各波長における吸光度のことであり、特にピーク分割などは行わない。また、試料の濃度は0.67質量%となるようにKBrで希釈して測定する。このように、耐炎化条件設定を変更するたびに赤外スペクトルを測定して、後述の好ましい製造方法にしたがって条件検討すればよい。耐炎化繊維の赤外スペクトルピーク強度比を適切に制御することで、得られる炭素繊維束の結節強度を制御することができる。

EP3480346(JP, Mitsubishi)
[0005] In order to reduce flaws and bring about the aforementioned presence state of flaws, Patent Document 1 discloses to filter a spinning solution in two stages using a stainless steel fiber filter and a glass filter, and apply to a carbon fiber obtained from the solution a special electrolytic surface treatment. Patent Document 2 discloses that using a specific copolymerizing component and an oil agent produces a high-strength carbon fiber even when the fiber diameter is large. Patent Document 3 proposes reducing the flaw-containing fiber surface area itself by reducing the diameter of carbon fiber, in addition to three-stage filtration of a spinning solution, filtration of bath liquid or steam for use in a spinning process, and dust removal in a stabilization as well as a pre-carbonization furnace. In addition, Patent Document 4 proposes filtering a spinning solution through a filter having an opening of 5 µm or less, and filter the atmosphere in an oxidation oven through a filter having an opening of 1 µm or less. Furthermore, Patent Document 5 proposes filtering a spinning solution using a filter having a filtering performance for removing 95% or more of dust having a particle diameter of 5 µm or more when filtering the air. Furthermore, Patent Document 6 proposes a multistage-filtration method including gradually reducing the opening diameter.


EP3093380(JP, Univ. of Tokyo)
"[0082] The fiber obtained by the above-described process is transferred to a process for stabilization. Where, the fiber before being transferred to the stabilization process is preferably in a dried condition. As the method for stabilization, in particular, it is preferred to use a dry-heating apparatus in order to control chemical reaction and suppress unevenness in fiber structure, and concrete equipment thereof will be described later. The temperature and the treatment length are appropriately selected depending upon the oxidation degree of the used polymer for spinning, the fiber orientation degree and the required properties for a final product. Concretely, the treatment temperature for the stabilization is preferably 280°C or higher and 400°C or lower. More preferably, it is 300 °C or higher and 360 °C or lower, and particularly preferably, it is in a range of 300°C to 330°C. If the temperature is lower than 280°C, a problem tends to occur in a carbonization process. If the temperature exceeds 400°C, the fiber tends to be decomposed in a stabilization furnace. The treatment time of the stabilization is preferably 10 seconds or longer in order to prevent decomposition in a carbonization process. Further, in case where the treatment time of the stabilization exceeds 15 minutes, because the merit for shortening the time for stabilization becomes small and besides the fiber is fuzzed to cause reduction of strength and degree of elongation, it is preferred that the treatment time of the stabilization is 15 minutes or shorter. From the viewpoint of suppressing occurrence of fluffs, more preferably it is 5 minutes or shorter."

[0078] 上記工程により得られた繊維は、耐炎化処理の工程に移る。ただし、耐炎化処理工程に移行する前に繊維は乾燥状態にあることが好ましい。耐炎化処理方法としては、特に、化学反応の制御や繊維構造のムラを抑制するために、乾熱装置を用いることが好ましく、具体的機器については後述する。その温度や処理長は使用する紡糸用ポリマーの酸化度、繊維配向度や最終製品の必要特性によって適宜選択される。具体的には、耐炎化処理温度は、280°C以上400°C以下が好ましい。さらに好ましくは、300以上360°C以下であり、特に好ましくは300°C〜330°Cである。温度が280°C未満では、炭化工程で問題が発生する傾向にある。温度が400°Cを超えると、耐炎化炉内で繊維が分解してしまう傾向にある。耐炎化処理時間は、炭化工程で分解しないようにするために、10秒以上おこなうことが好ましい。また耐炎化処理時間が15分を超える場合、従来の耐炎化処理工程の時間短縮というメリットが小さくなるうえに、繊維が毛羽立ち、強度と伸度の低下に繋がってしまうため、耐炎化処理時間は15分以下が好ましい。毛羽発生抑制の観点から、より好ましくは5分以下である。

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2020-01-23 10:29:43 | 英語特許散策

"[0003] Some digital still cameras for taking photographs of still images, and some digital movie cameras for taking photographs of moving images employ CCD solid-state image sensors. In a CCD solid-state image sensor, in a period after a mechanical shutter has been closed and before signal charge obtained by image capture is read out, the amount of saturation signal charge held in the CCD solid-state image sensor decreases with time in some cases. Such a decrease in the amount of saturation signal charge is not preferable because performance including the S/N ratio or the dynamic range deteriorates. In view of this problem, in an example of a conventional imaging system, the substrate voltage is reduced while signal charge is read out, thereby increasing the amount of saturation signal charge in anticipation of a decrease in the amount of the saturation signal charge (see, for example, Japanese Patent Publication No. H10-150183)."


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2020-01-22 22:45:11 | 英語特許散策

US2017278992(JP, Panasonic)
"[0004] A plurality of solar cells arranged in one of the row direction and column direction are made into a cell string by connecting adjacent solar cells by tab wires. Transition wires are provided at both ends of the solar cell module, and the first and last solar cells in each of a plurality of cell strings are connected to the transition wires via the tab wires."

[0004] 行方向及び列方向の一方に配列された複数の太陽電池セルは、隣接する太陽電池セル同士をタブ配線によって連結することでセルストリング化される。また、太陽電池モジュールの両端部には渡り配線が設けられており、複数本のセルストリングにおける先頭及び最後尾の各々の太陽電池セル同士がタブ配線を介して渡り配線に接続されている。

US2019221680(JP, Panasonic)
"[0030] Five of the nine bridge wiring members 14 are provided in the first non-generating area 22a, and the remaining four are provided in the second non-generating area 22b. Each of the sixth bridge wiring member 14f through the ninth bridge wiring member 14i provided in the second non-generating area 22b extends in the y axis direction and is electrically connected to two adjacent solar cell strings 12 via the cell end wiring member 16. For example, the sixth bridge wiring member 14f is electrically connected to the 14th solar cell 10ad in the 1st solar cell string 12a and the 24th solar cell 10bd in the 2nd solar cell string 12b via the cell end wiring member 16. The cell end wiring member 16 is provided on the light receiving surface or the back surface of the solar cell 10 in a manner similar to that of the inter-cell wiring member 18."

[0022] 9つの渡り配線材14のうちの5つが、第1非発電領域22aに配置され、残りの4つが、第2非発電領域22bに配置される。第2非発電領域22bに配置される第6渡り配線材14fから第9渡り配線材14iのそれぞれは、y軸方向に延びて、セル端配線材16を介して互いに隣接する2つの太陽電池ストリング12に電気的に接続される。例えば、第6渡り配線材14fは、第1太陽電池ストリング12aにおける第14太陽電池セル10adと、第2太陽電池ストリング12bにおける第24太陽電池セル10bdとにセル端配線材16を介して電気的に接続される。ここで、セル端配線材16は、太陽電池セル10の受光面あるいは裏面において、セル間配線材18と同様に配置される。

US2015059824(JP, Sanyo)
"[0029] The solar cell module 10 is further provided with, for example, a frame 17 attached to the periphery of crossover wiring materials 16 for interconnecting wiring materials 15, the first protective member 12 and the second protective member 13, an unillustrated terminal box, and the like."

[0014] 太陽電池モジュール10は、例えば、配線材15同士を接続する渡り配線材16、第1保護部材12及び第2保護部材13の周縁に取り付けられるフレーム17、図示しない端子ボックス等をさらに備える。

US2017373212(JP, Panasonic)
"[0037] Note that leading solar cell 10 in each string 10S is connected to a connecting line (not illustrated) via tab lines 20. Furthermore, solar cell 10 at the tail end in each string 10S is connected to a connecting line (not illustrated) via tab lines 20. Accordingly, a plurality of strings 10S (six strings 10S in FIG. 1) are connected in series or parallel to one another to constitute a cell array. In the present embodiment, two adjacent strings 10S are connected in series to constitute a series connection (a series connection of 24 solar cells 10), and three such series connections are connected in parallel."

[0022] なお、各ストリング10Sにおける先頭の太陽電池セル10は、タブ配線20を介して渡り配線(不図示)に接続されている。また、各ストリング10Sにおける最後尾の太陽電池セル10は、タブ配線20を介して渡り配線(不図示)に接続されている。これにより、複数(図1では6つ)のストリング10Sが直列接続又は並列接続されてセルアレイが構成される。本実施の形態では、隣り合う2つのストリング10Sが直列接続されて1つの直列接続体(24枚の太陽電池セル10が直列接続されたもの)が構成されており、この直列接続体が3つ並列接続されている。

US2019334046(JP, Panasonic)
"[0034] The solar cell module 10 preferably has a plurality of the strings 16 on which the solar cells 11 are aligned in one row. Transition wiring members 17, 18 are provided on both sides of the strings 16 in the direction of the length thereof such that the transition wiring members 17, 18 are provided at a position where they do not overlap with the solar cells 11. The transition wiring member 17 is a wiring component that connects the strings 16 to each other. The transition wiring member 18 is a wiring component that connects, for example, the string 16 to an output wiring member. A wiring member 12a which is joined to the solar cell 11 positioned at the end of the string 16 is connected to the transition wiring members 17, 18."

[0021] 太陽電池モジュール10は、複数の太陽電池セル11が一列に並んだストリング16を複数有することが好ましい。各ストリング16の長手方向両側には、太陽電池セル11と重ならない位置に渡り配線材17,18が設けられている。渡り配線材17は、ストリング16同士を接続する配線材である。渡り配線材18は、例えばストリング16と出力用配線とを接続する配線材である。渡り配線材17,18には、ストリング16の端に位置する太陽電池セル11に接合された配線材12aが接続される。

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2020-01-22 22:07:17 | 英語特許散策

[0004] The wafers are typically designed with horizontally and vertically extending "streets" between the dies to facilitate the separation of the individual dies. There are two conventional techniques for the separation of semiconductor wafers into individual dies after fabrication. These are: cutting and scribe and break. The cutting operation is typically a sawing process, using a rotating circular abrasive saw blade. This process is efficient for traditional silicon and III-V substrates, but not working well for new substrate materials such as sapphire due to its inherent hardness and strength. Further, sawing creates debris such as wafer particles and dust, thus requiring additional processes washing and clean up, which might damage fragile device structures. Other methods for cutting wafer into individual dies include a laser beam or a combination of laser beam and saw blade.

[0005] In the scribe and break(*ブレイク、分断)operation, the wafer is scribed along the entire length of the street. The scribe is created either by a diamond scribe tool scratching the wafer surface, or a laser or saw cutting a shallow trench in the surface of the wafer. A wet or dry etch can also be used to create such a trench. A force is then applied to the wafer which stresses the wafer and causes it to break along the scribe lines. In this way the wafer is separated into individual die. This force may be applied via a roller, a dome press, or other pressure technique. Typical breaking mechanisms also apply force to both sides of the semiconductor wafer as part of the breaking procedure. There are many types of semiconductor wafers, some of which would be damaged if force were applied to the top surface of the wafer. To avoid contacting the top surface, vacuum suction can be applied to the backside(*裏面)of the wafer, but the suction is typically not strong enough to withstand the stress caused by the breaking mechanism."

"[0017] The present invention discloses an apparatus and method for breaking or cleaving a semiconductor wafer into individual dies along a plurality of scribe lines without damaging the top surface by employing a breaking mechanism contacting the wafer top surface at only non-sensitive surface areas. Semiconductor wafers are typically crystalline with sufficient thickness and hardness, thus the wafers are likely to be broken(ブレイク、分断される)or cleaved along the crystal orientation, and breaking or cleavage errors can be reduced to a minimum."

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2020-01-22 19:30:07 | 表現

Spd, Density of Peaks, ISO25178, number of peaks per unit area (Area Roughness Parameters, KEYENCE CORPORATION)

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リチウムイオン電池、積層、laminate, stack

2020-01-22 18:32:59 | 表現

"The lithium metal foil or layer that, in part, comprises the anode is tailored to suit the capacity of the cathode and anode. The lithium may be laminated, coated, or calendered with the anode of the lithium ion battery."

"Example 2
In this example of the invention, the anode is a graphitic carbon with a capacity of 340 mAh/g and an electrode thickness of 110 microns on either side of a 10 micron copper current collector. The anode is further laminated with a layer of lithium metal of 31 micron thickness."

"A conventional lithium ion battery is typically constructed with a graphitic carbon anode with a specific capacity of 340 mAh/g and an electrode thickness of 55 microns on either side of a 10 micron copper current collector. This is combined with a lithiated cobalt oxide cathode with a specific capacity of 140 mAh/g and an electrode thickness of 60 microns on either side of a 20 micron aluminum current collector. The separator between anode and cathode is a 33 micron thick microporous polyethylene and an electrolyte comprising of 1 : 1 EC: PC containing 1 molar LiPF6. The components are stacked as coupons, like electrodes welded together, in a soft-pack cell phone battery configuration with dimensions 35mm x 64mm x 3.6 mm. A battery of this conventional design has a charge-discharge profile as depicted in Fig. 4. The average cell voltage of this battery is 3.7 V with top-of-charge being 4.2 V and end-of-discharge voltage of 3 V. The specific energy of this battery is 162 Wh/kg."

"A solid electrochemical cell precursor is formed by laminating a first anode of Example 12 between two layers of separator film of Example 5. Similarly, a second anode of Example 12 is laminated(*積層、ラミネート)between two layers of separator film of Example 5. A cathode of Example 10 is positioned between the two anode structures, and the unit is laminated together."

"Bi-cell units are stacked(*積み重ね), electrically interconnected, and laminated(*積層、ラミネート)together. Plasticizer is extracted from the battery precursor, as described above in Example 7. The electrolytic cell is then packaged and activated as described above in Example 8."


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変圧器、積層、laminate, stack

2020-01-22 17:26:22 | 表現

Stacking factor, Wikipedia
The stacking factor(*占積率)(also lamination factor or space factor[1]) is a measure used in electrical transformer design and some other electrical machines. It is the ratio of the effective cross-sectional area of the transformer core to the physical cross-sectional area of the transformer core. The two are different because of the way cores are constructed.

Transformer cores are usually made up of thin metal sheets stacked(*積層)in layers. The layers are laminated(*積層、ラミネート)with varnish or other insulating material. The purpose is to reduce eddy currents in the core, while keeping a high magnetic flux. Since the insulator is non-ferro-magnetic, little, if any, magnetic flux is contained within it. It is mainly in the metal sheets. The insulation takes up a finite space, so the effective area the flux occupies is less than the physical area of the core.[2]

The stacking factor is used when calculating the magnetic flux density within the core. Because the flux is confined within a smaller area in a laminated core, the flux density is higher than it would be in a homogeneous core.[3]

Laminated cores always have a stacking factor less than unity; a stacking factor of unity implies no laminate at all. Stacking factors are typically 0.95 or higher for transformer cores[4] and machine stators.[5] However, cores made from amorphous metal have a stacking factor of around 0.8, compared to 0.96 for silicon steel.[1]

複数のthin laminated corestackedしてcomplete iron core structureを作製する (Complete basics and theory of Electrical Transformer)

Stacked Transformer Lamination Core, Alibaba.Com (積層コアのスタック、積み重ね)


(Transformer Construction, ElectronicsTutorials)
Lamination stampingsをcore shapeにconnectしてlaminationsstackすることによりコアを作製する。

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2020-01-22 12:22:42 | 英語特許散策

"[0161] The stack of articles may be made of a variety of articles or items. For example, the stack of articles may be made up of magazines, catalogs, mail, containers, tiles, boards, stackable components or materials, or other articles that are desired to be singulated or shingulated. In some embodiments of the automatic static feeder 100, the stack of articles can be positioned such that some articles in the stack of articles are closer to the singulator 140 than other articles. Thus, the stack may comprises a leading article, which is the article in the stack located closest to the singulator 140."

[0108] 物品スタックは、様々な物品又は品物で構成され得る。例えば、物品スタックは、雑誌、カタログ、郵便物、コンテナ、タイル、ボード、積み重ね可能な構成部品もしくは材料、又は個別化もしくは個体化が要求される他の物品で、構成されることができる。幾つかの実施形態の自動スタックフィーダ100では、物品スタックは、物品スタック内のいくつかの物品が他の物品よりもシンギュレータ140に近くなるように位置決めすることができる。この場合、スタックは、スタック内で、シンギュレータ140に最も近く配置される物品である先頭の物品を含み得る。

"[0109] FIG. 14C illustrates a cross-sectional view of inductive interconnection system 1400 showing exemplary magnetic interactions between transmitting element 200 and receiving element 1300 during wireless power transfer, according to some embodiments of the present disclosure. Transmitting element 200 is shown as being housed within housing 302. As can be appreciated by the illustration shown in FIG. 14C, central axis 1309 can divide receiving element 1300 in two halves: a first half 1410 and a second half 1412. First half 1410 positioned closest to transmitting element 200 can have a cross section that is substantially similar to receiving element 400 in FIGS. 4 and 5. Thus, the electrical interactions during wireless power transfer are substantially similar. For instance, during wireless power transfer, coil 202 can generate a plethora of time-varying magnetic flux 1402, a substantial portion of which can be redirected by ferromagnetic structure 204 so that the flux exits or enters through interfacing surfaces 208 and 206 and enters or exits ferromagnetic structure 1304 through interfacing surfaces 1306 and 1308. Thus, a concentration of magnetic flux 1402 can exist in regions 1404 between corresponding interfacing surfaces/rings of ferromagnetic structures 204 and 1304. In some embodiments, surfaces of interfacing surfaces 1306 and 1308 are parallel to central axis 1309."

[0107] 図14Cは、本開示のいくつかの実施形態に従った、無線電力伝送中の送信素子200と受信素子1300との間の例示的な磁気相互作用を示す誘導相互接続システム1400の断面図を示す。送信素子200は、筐体内302内に収容されるものとして図示される。図14Cに示される例示によって認識することができるように、中心軸1309は、受信素子1300を二等分する、すなわち第1の半部1410と第2の半部1412に分けることができる。送信素子200に最も近く配置された第1の半部1410は、図4及び5における受信素子400と実質的に同様の断面を有することができる。よって、無線電力伝送中の電気的相互作用は、実質的に同様である。例えば、無線電力伝送中、コイル202は、時間的に変化する多量の磁束1402を生成することができ、磁束1402の実質的な部分は、強磁性体構造204によって再方向付けすることができ、その結果、磁束はインタフェース面208及び206を抜け出又は通過し、インタフェース面1306及び1308を通って強磁性体構造1304に入り又は抜け出る。よって、磁束1402は、強磁性体構造204及び1304の対応するインタフェース面/リングの間の領域1404に集中して存在することができる。いくつかの実施形態では、インタフェース面1306及び1308の面は、中心軸1309に並列する。

"[0456] The electronic device (e.g. 600) detects (1208) selection of a respective accessory option (e.g., 81 l2b). In response to detecting the selection of the respective accessory option of the plurality of avatar accessory options (e.g., 8112), the electronic device changes (1210) an appearance of the avatar (e.g., 805) to include a representation of the respective accessory option (e.g., 8140), including, in accordance with a determination that the respective accessory option is a first accessory option (e.g., 81 l2b) (e.g., a glasses accessory option): displaying (1212) the representation of the first accessory option (e.g., 8140) positioned on the avatar (e.g., displaying the selected glasses on the avatar’s face with the temple positioned along the side of the avatar’s head and the earpiece positioned behind the avatar’s ear). The electronic device modifies (1214) a geometry of a first portion (e.g., 8145) of the avatar hair based on the position of the representation of the first accessory option on the avatar, while maintaining the selected avatar hairstyle (e.g., a portion of the avatar hair located adjacent the glasses is displayed pushed aside to accommodate the presence of the glasses on the avatar’s face, including the positioning of the temple and the earpiece behind the avatar’s ear, while the remaining portions of the avatar hair remain unchanged to represent the selected avatar hairstyle). The appearance of the avatar accessory option provides feedback to the user indicating the accessories of the avatar can be customized. Providing improved visual feedback to the user enhances the operability of the device and makes the user-device interface more efficient (e.g., by helping the user to provide proper inputs and reducing user mistakes when operating/interacting with the device) which, additionally, reduces power usage and improves battery life of the device by enabling the user to use the device more quickly and efficiently."

[0456] 電子デバイス(例えば、600)は、個別のアクセサリオプション(例えば、8112b)の選択を検出する(1208)。電子デバイスは、複数のアバターのアクセサリオプション(例えば、8112)のうちの個別のアクセサリオプションの選択を検出することに応じて、個別のアクセサリオプション(例えば、8140)の表現を含むようにアバター(例えば、805)の外観を変更し(1210)、この変更することは、個別のアクセサリオプションが第1のアクセサリオプション(例えば、8112b)(例えば、眼鏡アクセサリオプション)であるという判定に従って、アバター上に配置された第1のアクセサリオプション(例えば、8140)の表現を表示する(1212)こと含む(例えば、選択された眼鏡を、アバターの頭部の側面に沿ってテンプルを配置し、イヤピースをアバターの耳の後ろに配置して、アバターの顔に表示する)。電子デバイスは、選択されたアバターの髪形を維持しながら、アバター上の第1のアクセサリオプションの表現の位置に基づいて、アバターの毛髪の第1の部分(例えば、8145)の形状を変更する(1214)(例えば、眼鏡に隣接して配置されたアバターの毛髪の部分が、テンプル及びアバターの耳の後ろのイヤピースの配置を含む、アバターの顔の上の眼鏡の存在を収容するために横に押されて表示され、一方、アバターの毛髪の残りの部分は変化せずに、選択されたアバターの髪形を表す)。アバターのアクセサリオプションの外観は、アバターのアクセサリをカスタマイズできることを示すフィードバックをユーザに提供する。改善された視覚フィードバックをユーザに提供することにより、デバイスの操作性が改善され、ユーザ−デバイスインターフェースを(例えば、デバイスを操作/対話するときに適切な入力を提供するようにユーザを支援し、ユーザの誤りを削減することによって)更に効率的にし、加えて、ユーザがデバイスを更に素早くかつ効率的に使用することを可能にすることによってデバイスの電力使用を削減し、バッテリ寿命を改善する。

"[0045] If desired, conductive interconnect structures 574 may be located sufficiently close to the conductive material in display module 540 so as to effectively short the antenna emitting/receiving element of display 110 to ground (e.g., at radio-frequencies handled by feed 300). For example, interconnect structures 574 may be capacitively coupled to conductive structures in display module 540 and antenna currents associated with antenna 103 may flow between display module 540 and housing wall 106W over interconnect 574 (e.g., via direct or capacitive coupling). Conductive interconnect structures 574 need not be shorted to display flexes 556 in this scenario, if desired."

[0045] 所望であれば、導電性相互接続構造体574は、(例えば、フィード300によって扱われる高周波において)ディスプレイ110のアンテナ発信/受信素子を接地に効果的に短絡するように、ディスプレイモジュール540内の導電材料に十分に近接して配置され得る。例えば、相互接続構造体574はディスプレイモジュール540内の導電性構造体に容量結合され得、アンテナ103に関連付けられるアンテナ電流は相互接続574を通じて(例えば、直接結合又は容量結合を介して)ディスプレイモジュール540と筐体壁106Wとの間で流れ得る。所望であれば、導電性相互接続構造体574はこのシナリオにおいてディスプレイフレックス556に短絡されていなくてもよい。

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2020-01-22 11:46:41 | 英語特許散策

"[0083] FIG. 9 show the flow charts of the algorithm used in one embodiment for building right branched trees. The algorithm is also used to build right tree sections of balanced trees. FIG. 10 shows the flowchart of the algorithm used in one embodiment for building left branched trees. The algorithm is also used to build left tree sections of balanced trees. Both algorithms use the following parameters and variables:

[0000] N—Constant for the given configuration whose value represents the number of IO cells that are part connected to via the interconnect circuit.
CCL—Constant for the given configuration whose value represents the IO cell column location after which a corner cell will be instantiated.
c—Variable that contains the selected column location to instantiate a tile.
r—Variable that contains the selected row location to instantiate the tile."

[0065] 図9は、右分岐ツリーを構築する一実施形態で使用されるアルゴリズムの流れ図を示す。このアルゴリズムは、平衡ツリーの右ツリー区間を構築するのにも使用される。図10は、左分岐ツリーを構築する一実施形態で使用されるアルゴリズムの流れ図を示す。このアルゴリズムは、平衡ツリーの左ツリー区間を構築するのにも使用される。どちらのアルゴリズムも、以下のパラメータおよび変数を使用する。

"Flash memory cells 112 are accessed by bit lines (BL0-BL3) 114, source lines (SL0-SL3) 116 and word lines (WL0-WL2) 118. Other selection circuitry and control lines are contemplated but not shown for clarity, such as selection transistors at the top and bottom of each column, etc. Programming, read and erase operations are carried out by asserting appropriate voltages to the respective bit, source and word lines 114, 116 and 118. One or more pages of data are stored to each row of cells, e.g., the cells 112 coupled to a given word line 112. It is contemplated for the purposes of the present example that each page is 32 KB, although other sizes can be used."

[0018] フラッシュメモリセル112は、ビット線(BL0〜BL3)114、ソース線(SL0〜SL3)116、及びワード線(WL0〜WL2)118によってアクセスされる。各の上部及び下部に位置する選択トランジスタなど他の選択回路及び制御線が企図されるが、明確にするために図示しない。プログラミング操作、読み取り操作、及び消去操作は、対応のビット線114、ソース線116、及びワード線118に適した電圧をアサートとすることにより実行される。1つ以上のデータページが各セル列、例えば、所定のワード線112に接続されているセル112に記憶される。本例のために、各ページは32KBであると企図される。ただし、他のサイズを使用することができる。

"[0042] On each cell 64 of the grid 60, as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, a symbol is displayed based on the symbol arrangement of virtual reel strips 71 to 75 configured of a virtual reel set 70. That is, the cells 64 of the grid 60 correspond to the virtual reel strips 71 to 75 by column, and the symbols disposed on predetermined parts of each virtual reel strip 71 to 75 are displayed. Furthermore, by moving (scrolling or spinning) each symbol by column based on the symbol arrangement of the virtual reel strips 71 to 75, the symbols displayed in the cells 64 of the grid 60 change, and by stopping the movement (scrolling or spinning) by columns, the symbols are stopped. Here, the virtual reel strips 71 to 75 are data where the control unit 50 uses a program having the memory 53 or the storage 54, and data showing the symbol arrangement (i.e., the order of symbols on each reel) regulated by each cell column. Further, the virtual reel set 70 is a general term for such virtual reel strips 71 to 75."

[0029] [00043]グリッド60の各セル64には、図3および4に示されるように、仮想リールセット70をなす仮想リールストリップ71〜75のシンボル配列に基づいてシンボルが表示される。つまり、グリッド60のセル64は、ごとに仮想リールストリップ71〜75が対応付けられており、各仮想リールストリップ71〜75の所定部分に配置されたシンボルが表示される。さらに、仮想リールストリップ71〜75のシンボル配列に基づいて列ごとに各シンボルを移動(スクロールまたはスピン)することによってグリッド60のセル64に表示されるシンボルが変動し、列ごとに移動(スクロールまたはスピン)を停止することによってシンボルが停止される。ここで、仮想リールストリップ71〜75はデータであり、制御部50は、メモリ53またはストレージ54を含むプログラム、およびセル列ごとに規定されるシンボル配列(すなわち各リールのシンボルの並び順)を表示するデータを使用する。さらに、仮想リールセット70はこのような仮想リールストリップ71〜75の総称である。

"[0033] FIG. 4 depicts single cell row 308 (with a height shown by the rectangle) of first metal layer 302 with a plurality of parallel metal tracks 310. In certain embodiments, metal tracks 310 inside the boundary of cell 308 (e.g., tracks that do not straddle the edge or boundary of the cell and/or track that are not shared with another cell) are used as power tracks (e.g., Vdd tracks) and ground tracks (e.g., Vss tracks). For example, as shown in FIG. 4, tracks 310A are used as power tracks for diffusion layers 306A in the row of PMOS transistors and tracks 310B are used as ground tracks for diffusion layers 306B in the row of NMOS transistors."

[0017] 図4は、複数の平行な金属トラック310を有する第1金属層302の単一のセル列308(高さが矩形で示されている)を示している。特定の実施形態において、セル308の境界の内側の金属トラック310(例えば、セルの端部又は境界を跨らないトラック、及び/又は、別のセルと共有されないトラック)は、電源トラック(例えば、Vddトラック)及び接地トラック(例えば、Vssトラック)として使用される。例えば、図4に示すように、トラック310Aは、PMOSトランジスタの列の拡散層306Aの電源トラックとして使用され、トラック310Bは、NMOSトランジスタの列の拡散層306Bの接地トラックとして使用される。

"[0003] For example, FIG. 1 illustrates a memory system 100 that can be provided in a processor-based system. The memory system 100 in this particular example employs memory bit cells 102(1)-102(N) for storing data, as shown in FIG. 1. Each memory bit cell 102 is capable of storing a single bit of information. In FIG. 1, a single memory bit cell column 104 is shown that contains a plurality of memory bit cells 102(1)-102(N), wherein ‘N’ can be any number of rows of memory bit cells desired. However, note that multiple memory bit cell columns 104 may be provided in the memory system 100 to provide a data array of the memory bit cells 102(1)-102(N). In this example, the memory bit cells 102(1)-102(N) are provided in the form of eight (8) transistor (T) (8-T) complement memory bit cells. Using memory bit cell 102(1) as a reference example, each memory bit cell 102(1)-102(N) includes two (2) cross-coupled inverters 106(1), 106(2) (i.e., four (4) transistors) and two (2) access transistors 108(1), 108(2) configured to be activated by a row word line WL(1) for the accessed memory row 1 of the memory bit cell 102(1) for performing write operations, as is well known. Two (2) additional transistors, a pull-down NFET 110(1) and a read port NFET 110(2), as provided for the memory bit cell 102(1) as part of a dynamic read circuit 112 for performing read operations in the memory bit cell 102(1). The dynamic read circuit 112 performs read operations for each of the memory bit cells 102(1)-102(N) for the memory bit cell column 104. The assertion of a particular word line WL(1)-WL(N) for a given respective memory row 1-N controls which memory bit cell 102(1)-102(N) is read by the dynamic read circuit 112 during a read operation. Providing the additional pull-down NFET 110(1) and read port NFET 110(2) in the dynamic read circuit 112 decouples write performance of the memory bit cell 102(1) from read performance of the memory bit cell 102(1)."

[0004] たとえば、図1は、プロセッサベースシステムに設けることができるメモリシステム100を示す。この特定の例におけるメモリシステム100は、図1に示すように、データを記憶するためのメモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)を使用する。各メモリビットセル102は、単一のビットの情報を記憶することができる。図1には、複数のメモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)を含む単一のメモリビットセル列104が示されている。ここで、「N」は所望のメモリビットセルの任意の数の行であってもよい。しかし、メモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)のデータアレイを形成するためにメモリシステム100内に複数のメモリビットセル列104が設けられてもよいことに留意されたい。この例では、メモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)は、8つのトランジスタ(T)(8-T)補メモリビットセルの形態で設けられる。メモリビットセル102(1)を参考例として使用する場合、各メモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)は、2つの交差結合インバータ106(1)、106(2)(すなわち、4つのトランジスタ)と、よく知られているように、書込み動作を実行するためにメモリビットセル102(1)のアクセスされるメモリ行1に対して行ワード線WL(1)によってアクティブ化されるように構成された2つのアクセストランジスタ108(1)、108(2)とを含む。メモリビットセル102(1)における読取り動作を実行するための動的読取り回路112の一部として、メモリビットセル102(1)用に、2つの追加のトランジスタ、プルダウンNFET110(1)、および読取りポートNFET110(2)が設けられる。動的読取り回路112は、メモリビットセル列104に関するメモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)の各々に対する読取り動作を実行する。所与のそれぞれのメモリ行1-Nに対して特定のワード線WL(1)〜WL(N)をアサートすると、読取り動作中に動的読取り回路112によってどのメモリビットセル102(1)〜102(N)が読み取られるかが制御される。追加のプルダウンNFET110(1)および読取りポートNFET110(2)を動的読取り回路112内に設けると、メモリビットセル102(1)の書込み実行がメモリビットセル102(1)の読取り実行から分離される。

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2020-01-21 15:52:24 | 英語特許散策

[0043] As shown in FIG. 3B, cavity 314 of component mold 316 may include a unique or custom geometry, that may be utilized to form a ceramic component (FIG. 3G). That is, cavity 314 may include an opening having a custom geometry that may shape ceramic- based slurry mixture 100 used to form ceramic component during the casting process discussed herein. Cavity 314, as shown in FIG. 3B, may be angularly oriented within component mold 316. More specifically, cavity 314 may be formed or oriented within component mold 316 to include at least one angular sidewall 324 positioned adjacent vacuum conduit 320 of component mold 316. As discussed herein, angular sidewall 324 of cavity 314 may aid in allowing air and/or air bubbles 108 to move within cavity 314 to be positioned adjacent vacuum conduit 320, and be subsequently removed from cavity 314 via mold vacuum 318. Additionally as shown in FIG. 3B, cavity 314 may include a coating 326. Coating 326 may include any conventional material having substantially hydrophobic properties. As discussed herein, coating 326 may also aid in allowing air bubbles 108 to move through ceramic-based slurry mixture 100 disposed in cavity 314 (e.g., operation 208), to be positioned adjacent vacuum conduit 320, and be subsequently removed from cavity 314 via mold vacuum 318.


"[0011] The present invention provides an apparatus for friction welding at least one structural member according to Claim 1. The apparatus includes a shank and a probe that is connected to the shank. The probe is configured to be actuated by the shank for friction welding the at least one structural member. The shank and probe defines an absorption surface and a cavity that extends thereto. The absorption surface is configured to receive electromagnetic radiation from an electromagnetic radiation source for heating the probe. The cavity and the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic radiation are both in the longitudinal direction. The absorption surface is internal and oblique to a direction of the electromagnetic radiation received from the electromagnetic radiation source. The absorption surface can also be curved and/or conical. According to one aspect of the invention, the probe defines at least one aperture extending through the absorption surface such that electromagnetic radiation can propagate from the cavity through the aperture and impinge on the structural member."

本発明では、少なくとも1つの構造部材を摩擦溶接する装置を提供している。この装置は、シャンクとそのシャンクに接続されるプローブを備えている。プローブは、シャンクによって少なくとも1つの構造部材を摩擦溶接するように作動されている。シャンクおよびプローブの少なくとも1つは、吸収面およびその吸収面から延長されるキャビティを画成している。吸収面は、電磁放射源(electromagnetic radiation source)から電磁放射を受け、プローブを加熱している。吸収面は電磁放射源から受ける電磁放射の方向に対して内側におよび/または傾斜して配されるとよい。また、吸収面は、湾曲および/または円錐状であるとよい。本発明の一つの態様によれば、プローブは吸収面内を貫く少なくとも1つの開口を有し、電磁放射は、キャビティからこの開口内を伝播して構造部材に入射している。

"8. The rotating drum device of claim 6 wherein said augered feed line is oriented on an incline."


"3. The connector hub of claim 2, wherein, when the first and second connectors are attached together, the piercing member is disposed parallel with the adhesive layer in the first position and the piercing member is disposed at an angle to the adhesive layer in the second position."


"18. The surgical instrument of claim 17, wherein the at least one button includes a plurality of buttons extending through the rotation control member and arranged angularly about the longitudinal axis, and wherein each of the buttons is configured to be depressed toward the longitudinal axis to selectively direct the rotation control assembly from the locked rotation state to the unlocked rotation state."


"1. A device (1000, 2000) for measuring a distance between two objects, comprising:
a base (100) including an upper surface (122) and a lower surface (125), the upper surface (122) being disposed at an incline to the lower surface (125);
a wedge (300,800) having a top surface (315) and a bottom surface (322), the bottom surface (322) being arranged to slidably engage the upper surface (122) of the base (100), the bottom surface (322) being disposed at an incline that matches the incline of the upper surface (122) such that the top surface (315) of the wedge (300,800) and the lower surface (125), of the base (100) are disposed parallelly to one another; and
a flexible actuator (400,900) having a first end coupled to the wedge (300,800) such that a force applied to a second end of the flexible actuator (400,900) causes the bottom surface (322) of the wedge (300,800) to slide relative to the upper surface (122) of the base (100) thereby causing a distance change between the parallelly disposed top surface (315) of the wedge (300,800) and lower surface (125), of the base (100)."


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2020-01-21 15:51:21 | 英語特許散策

"18. The haptic actuator of claim 17, wherein the ground conductor comprises:
a first ground conductor positioned opposite the first voltage conductor; and
a second ground conductor positioned opposite the second voltage conductor."


"1. A hand dryer (2) comprising:
a first jetting nozzle (6) comprising a first duct (34) in fluid communication with a first slot (38) which forms a first nozzle outlet;
a second jetting nozzle (8) disposed opposite the first jetting nozzle, comprising a second duct (36) in fluid communication with a second slot (40) which forms a second nozzle outlet, and
a blower (10) which blows air through the jetting nozzles (6, 8) to produce respective air jets, wherein the first and second slots (38, 40) extend transversely with respect to the hand dryer (2), characterised in that at least a portion of each of the first and second slots (38, 40) is curved such that the distance between the slots (38, 40) varies in the longitudinal direction of at least one of the slots (38, 40), each of the first and second slots (38, 40) comprises a first scalloped section and a second scalloped section, the first and second scalloped sections of each slot (38, 40) being disposed adjacent each other with respect to the longitudinal direction of the slot and the respective first scalloped sections oppose each other and the respective second scalloped sections oppose each other."


"10. The reaction tool of claim 1, wherein each said reaction member further comprises a foot disposed opposite said reaction bar, said clamping surface is disposed on said foot."


"2. The optical impedance sensor as recited in claim 1, wherein said second light guide further comprises a second tube which encases said second optical fiber, said second tube comprising a second jacket having a longitudinal slot and a second lens disposed in said longitudinal slot of said second jacket and optically coupled to said second optical fiber, wherein said longitudinal slots of said first and second jackets are arranged in mutual opposition so that at least some light emitted from said longitudinal slot of said first jacket will directly enter said longitudinal slot of said second jacket."


"15. The cutting tool of claim 13 wherein the first cutting flute is one of a first one or more oppositely disposed pairs of similarly configured cutting flutes each having a first cutting edge at the first distance from the shaft centerline, and the second cutting flute is one of a second one or more oppositely disposed pairs of similarly configured cutting flutes each having a second cutting edge at the second distance from the shaft centerline."


"1 . An apparatus comprising:
a substrate having a first side and a second side disposed opposite to the first side and a sidewall disposed between the first side and the second side, the sidewall defining a perimeter of the substrate;

a plurality of through-substrate vias (TSVs) disposed between the first side and the second side of the substrate;
a first dielectric layer disposed on the first side and including electrical routing features to route electrical signals of one or more dies in a plane of the first dielectric layer; and
a second dielectric layer disposed on the second side and including electrical routing features to route electrical signals of the one or more dies in a plane of the second dielectric layer, wherein the sidewall is configured to receive attachment of the one or more dies on respective surfaces of the sidewall."



"22. The computing device of claim 21 , wherein the flexible substrate defines a first side of the device and the device further includes a plurality of contacts disposed on a second side of the device disposed opposite to the first side."


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