

1958 Landcruiser FJ28

2015年04月05日 | LANDCRUISER



 ebay motors FJ28

Toyota FJ28
Chassis number "8-FJ28-2061". Check it on 'mud', it's the oldest FJ28 on there, possibly the oldest remaining in the world.
This was imported before Thiess Brothers imported a few FJ25's into Australia to work on the Snowy Hydro Scheme, which started the Thiess Brothers to take on the dealership of Toyota in Australia.
The chassis on this is stamped FJ28 (see pic) and the year is "8" meaning 1958.
There is no more of these around... Very desirable car.
It still goes, it can be driven around the yard, even though it's not in a road worthy condition at all. Don't think you can put a tag on this and go driving around!!!  IT NEEDS WORK if you wanted to do this..
It's been fitted with rebuild springs and shockies a few years ago, the brakes were overhauled a few years ago, however don't work well now.  It does however start and drive. Ideal to move around the property or onto a truck, or into a shipping container only..
There is a few parts missing, like front passenger seat, glove box lid (a later one is provided). Comes with some spare parts in the back, the original springs, shocks and some spare bumpers.
We believe this is a Japanese build body, even though most of the others imported into Australia at that time were just a cab chassis and the ute back was manufactured in Australia. We're not sure if the back on this car was made here in Australia or in Japan.

 このFJ28はThiess Brothers がオーストラリアにおいてトヨタの販売権を取得する以前に日本から持ち込まれた。20系ランドクルーザーは当初ショート(FJ25)とミドルでスタートしたが、このFJ28はミドルのサイズである。オリジナルカラーはおそらくライトなブルーであった様子。1950年代のこのFJ28はおそらく日本で製造され組み立てられたのだという憶測があるが、当時の事情は明確ではなく最終組み立てはオーストラリアで行ったという説もある。そういった事も含めてFJ28は秘密を秘めた存在なのである。


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