経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


Decision and Knowledge Making

2014-06-16 06:36:02 | 雑感

In Management Science, Decision and Knowledge are treated with made thoughts. Indeed, Creation means making these, and it is essential for business activities.

It might be recognized that Creation Management is effective. Because, KAIZEN and GEMBA methodologies contain the creation activities, and harmony states of employees play the central roles for the creations. Of course, the basic idea is bottom-up thinking.

However, it is necessary for employees to spread or learn the thinking methods of the creation, and then the methods are used in group discussions of QC circles. In actual, managements for the organizational situations with human resources are significant, and simultaneously, the managements make the difficulties to the creations.

Perspective and advanced considerations are required to apply the creation methods to actual activities in business.


2014-06-16 04:07:40 | 雑感

Strategies make possibilities of successes. However, the original created strategy is essential, and the creation is of Knowledge Science.

Thinking methodology for Creating Strategy

2014-06-15 11:47:39 | 雑感

Strategic plans play significant roles in business activities. In particular, a thinking way concerned with time progresses is essential for the successful strategy.

Thinking methodologies and making decisions are fundamental activities in business planning. The time dependent strategy is effective to create the plans.

Time is one of believable tools.


2014-06-15 04:19:19 | 雑感

Reliability Engineering is significant, and advanced methodologies are required. The techniques improve abilities of manufacturing states.

Entrepreneurship based on Engineering Systems is attractive, and Operations Management for Systems involves business opportunities.

Changing minds in business activities is to change the world. In particular, entrepreneurships are effective.

Engineering Innovations

2014-06-14 06:57:03 | 雑感

Engineering Systems are developed and designed based on scientific principles. However, central thoughts are functional realizations of systems. Innovations of Engineering Systems are recognized as states of the functional realizations, which are of extreme advanced products with high Quality.

Indeed, Engineering Systems are required as stable operated states. These operational characteristics are significant, and Reliability means features of the manufactures with the respectable operated states. In many cases, designing methodologies for Reliability are incomplete, and then the innovation of the Reliability Designing is sought.

Nowadays, Asset Management is known as the relative thoughts of Reliability. The opportunities of Reliability business are expanding.



2014-06-14 04:18:01 | 雑感

Does curious to become an entrepreneur end up to be one? Business Schools only offer opportunities of possibilities. Self makes the sureness

Engineering Management

2014-06-13 04:58:32 | 雑感

Engineering Management handles management based on engineering thoughts, and the applied fields are wide rages of business activities, which are issues of developments, designs, manufactures, markets and so on. In particular, Quality, Reliability and Safety are principles of the activities.

 In actual, Solution Tools of the handling are developed, and ICT technologies relate to the solutions using computational resources. However, principles of Engineering Management are constructed from Systems Approaches.

Therefore, Engineering Management methods mean the thinking methodologies based Systems Approaches for the business activities. Of course, mathematics, physics and others play the important roles in the methodologies, and indeed, the abilities of these fundamentals must be improved for the professions of Engineering Management with Business Administration.


2014-06-13 04:06:39 | 雑感

Between Business Solutions based on Data Analytics and ICT Technologies, there are affecting each other. The systems will be advanced.

It is necessary to change the changing way. Knowledge Science for Management handles the thinking ways and the creating tools.

Disciplines of Business are attractive, and opportunities for the learning make the possibility to change self.


2014-06-12 06:40:29 | 雑感










Changing Systems

2014-06-12 05:55:31 | 雑感

It is necessary that functions of systems are accommodated to requirements. When the accommodation is not ensured, the system is changed. Indeed, the changing system has issues, which relate to satisfaction of the modification.

The modification management for the changing system is important, and the usage of the effective method is chosen or created. However, it is possible to fail the maintain of the system.

Obviously, developing the management method for modification and maintain is significant to complete the changing system.