経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習



2014-06-12 04:04:39 | 雑感

Wide range of business activities needs Quality Management, requiring advancing and effective methodologies for the more improvement.

Keeping the process is significant, and the everyday going on is essential. However, thinking KAIZEN must be kept simultaneously.

Business Analytics means thinking methods based on various data. ICT technologies are affecting to create the methods with Bayes.

Manufacturing Systems

2014-06-11 07:48:08 | 雑感

Knowledge Spreading is significant in manufacturing systems, and it means that employees have shared ideas, which are created through group discussions of themselves. The bottom-up ways make effective circumstances to improve quality levels.

In the factory systems, the employees have professional minds, and their prides are fundamentals of the creation for KAIZEN.

However, keeping minds of professions is not easy, and the methodologies of Human Resource Management must be introduced to improve the power of thinking.


2014-06-11 04:06:05 | 雑感

Managing plants contains maintenance activities based on reliability issues of Asset Management. The theories relate to various disciplines.

Actual problems of risk make the difficulty to plan business activities. Stochastic approaches are effective to make the decisions.

Community for Startup

2014-06-10 17:51:43 | 雑感

For entrepreneurs, it is essential to make opportunities of business communications. Administrative offices and universities offer startup communities, and entrepreneurial opportunities are growing everywhere.

However, it is difficult to spread the incentive of keeping a business mind. Nowadays, entrepreneurship activities are recognized as fundamental situations for economic growths. Therefore, the incentive and the opportunity of business launching are significant, and making efforts of these advancing are necessary.

In particular, collaboration works of Business and Engineer Schools are effective to make create new ideas for the wish people. Indeed, belonging to a Business School in Japan, I hope an active community of startup.

Thinking Ability

2014-06-10 07:22:55 | 雑感

In business, thinking is important, and the ability is necessary to create ideas based on methodologies of thinking. Indeed, the practices of thinking for improvements of the ability make the affectivity, and the methodologies of making decisions are advancing. Actually, the thinking methodologies depend on business intelligent tools of computational solution systems. The tools of the business intelligent for management are offered, and for example, we know the tools made by IBM, ORACLE and so on. These fundamentals are Systems Approaches and Data Science, which are developing in areas of Business Engineering. Although management thoughts are significant, the tools based on the thinking methodologies are bases in business activities. The developments and constructions for tools of the solutions will growth effectiveness in economic situations.


2014-06-09 04:12:57 | 日記

Developing methodologies based on mathematics is a fundamental way in Business Analytics. Programming techniques are additionally valuable.

It is important to grasp new directional thoughts of business. Creation of original methods is definite way.

Engineering and Its Bases & Applications

2014-06-08 18:05:09 | 日記
Engineering is a discipline based on scientific methods of physics and so on. In particular, designing systems according to the discipline are performed in order to the realization of required functions. For example, Laws of physics are important to design the functions. However, the design is not completed. It is difficult to consider characteristics of degradation and safety, which are states of usage period. In general, stochastic models are applied to the predictions of the usage states. The probabilistic methods are used for the design of engineering systems.

Deterministic and probabilistic treatments based on physics and mathematics are significant. Indeed, these methodologies are applied to economic theories. Moreover, Economic Engineering attracts as an advanced discipline.

Effective Methodologies

2014-06-08 08:03:25 | 日記
Methodologies of Quality & Reliability are applied to manufacturing processes. In particular, the management methods are significant. Moreover, the improvement for the manufactured equipment Quality & Reliability depends on various technologies. The developments of the methods and the technologies are necessary to growth accomplishments.

Indeed, lectures and tools of innovating methods for Quality & Reliability are bases for a consultation business. Startup of the consultation will be a success through the original methods and technologies, of course if these are effective.

Sometimes, we find a senseless consultation that is waste. Having no originality and no effectiveness, it will be out of business.


2014-06-08 04:06:10 | 日記

To become a businessperson with entrepreneurship, it is excellent. In particular, a mind of startup is significant, and planning is begun.

Risk Analytics

2014-06-07 07:28:36 | 日記
Predictions and assessments of risks are performed using mathematical methodologies. In particular, stochastic modeling and statistical estimations are central tools for the risk analyzing.

We recognize that Risk Analytics is important and it is useful to evaluate priority degrees for making decisions. Indeed, improvements of mathematical abilities make the difficulties for professions of Risk Analytics, and we have to make efforts to arrange educational systems, which offer the fundamentals of the risk analyzing.

Risk Analytics is contained in not only Applied Mathematics but also Engineering and Economics, in general. Application areas of it are spreading and expanding.