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James Edward O'Keefe IIIからの手紙

2021-02-04 06:09:00 | 偏向マスメディア
The New York Times never ceases to attack and defame those who counter their partisan narrative.
In their latest offensive against Project Veritas and our Brave Insiders, seven NYT reporters wrote a front-page piece headlined “77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election,” where they attacked Brave USPS Insider Richard Hopkins.
You can watch my response to The New York Times here:

Here is what The New York Times wrote in the front-page article:
“Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, then the Judiciary Committee chairman, went on Sean Hannity’s program to share an affidavit from a postal worker in Erie, Pa., who said he had overheard supervisors discussing illegally backdating postmarks on ballots that had arrived too late to be counted. He had forwarded it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
“Earlier that day, however, the postal worker had recanted his statement in an interview with federal investigators — even though he continued to push his story online afterward. His affidavit, it turned out, had been written with the assistance of the conservative media group Project Veritas, known for its deceptive tactics and ambush videos.”

That right there is omission of truth. The New York Times has no interest in telling the full story.
Hopkins is a Brave whistleblower who never walked back his statements. He stands by them to this day.
What’s worse is that The New York Times omitted the disgraceful actions of federal investigator Russell Strasser, who interrogated Hopkins for almost four hours and coerced him to sign a document he did not understand. Luckily for Hopkins, he recorded Strasser’s corruption.
Here are some of the things Strasser said to Hopkins during the interrogation:

If this were not bad enough, Hopkins was never allowed to see a copy of what he signed.
Instead, the document was LEAKED TO THE WASHINGTON POST.
Hopkins even asked for a copy of the document during the interrogation:

This is the very essence of a corrupt media colluding with a corrupt deep state.
The New York Times should be ashamed of their omission of facts. All they want to do is damage Project Veritas and Hopkins’ reputation.
Well guess what, New York Times? We will fight harder than ever in our lawsuit against you, and WE WILL WIN.
Stay tuned as we recently confronted New York Times’ Executive Editor Dean Baquet and will be releasing that video soon.
Yours truly,


"しかし、その日の早い段階で、郵便局員は連邦捜査官とのインタビューで陳述を撤回していましたが、その後もネット上で自分の話を続けていました。彼の宣誓供述書は 保守的なメディアグループである プロジェクト・ヴェリタスの協力を得て書かれていたことが判明した。

これは真実を省略したものだ ニューヨーク・タイムズは、真実を伝えることに関心がありません。
ホプキンスは勇敢な内部告発者で 自分の発言を決して撤回しませんでした 彼は今日まで彼らを支持しています

これが悪かったとしたら ホプキンスは署名した書類のコピーを 見ることは許されなかった。

これはまさに腐敗したメディアの本質です 腐敗した深層国家と結託。
何だと思う?ニューヨーク・タイムズ?私たちはあなたに対する訴訟で これまで以上に激しく戦います そして私たちは勝ちます

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