

Baby spoons are forever, bootsholders

2008-12-23 16:46:06 | Weblog
Conchita, I had usual chores today, such as
taking my wife to a meeting, minding vegetable plot, etc etc.
Then came a phone call and that was good!

The lady N is after all renting the shop she wanted.
This could be a turning point in my own work. Hers will be
the second fully fledged shop for my pieces.

That reminded me of something about the exterior of my workshop.

Up until now, for the last 6, 7 years by now,
my windows have been as they were bought, with papers
stuck on the double glazed panes.

I decided to remove them, as seen above. I will get
more sun light!

Having done the exterior I ctinued with the
interior, too. Two horizontal bars were added and
clocks were fixed. Bars have new holes and

a lot of my tool bits inserted there for ease
of operation. This may seem unimportant, but
it will make all the difference in the long run...

With so much time spend on other things I only
work on a few. Coating continued, of course.
Above is the largest of my spoons ready

for coating tommorrow.

So are these baby feeders. Conchi, you know?,
these are ostensbily baby feeders, but, they are
also meant for posterity.

So desgined and so fabricated, and so coated
so that the bay will be able use it
one day in the near future.

He/she may decide to take it for something
they need one for... Who knows?

Right, that is it!
Take care!

パエ-リャ 169

2008-12-23 16:45:42 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas alla?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo, un poco frio...
Sabes, no?, que tenemos aqui las festividades
del nuevo anyo, si, en tu pais tambien,

por supuesto que si, pero... aqui
son simplemente muchas mas grandes!

Ahora, vamos!

Ya esta aqui la Navidad!

para ayudar a entender como DOUNOKOUNO

el ultimo retroceso glacial

Hay una interesante correlacion!

la diminucion del poder romano y bizantino en la region

una encuesta acerca de que aspectos
hacen atractivos a los varones

el segundo requisito mas importante

las entrevistas cara a cara y telefonicas

la encuesta llevada a cabo en octubre

la discrepancia entre hombres y mujeres

el coche solar

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui!

You stay on the motorway until you get to the
entrance to DOKOSOKO!

We talked in some length about DOUNOKOUNO!

The car hit the lamp post and rolled over!

7 tortoises died and they held a postmortum!

He does not want to take chances!

I will tell you if you care to know!

It makes you wonder just how safe we are on the road!

We will back you all the way along!

in this day and age

You are overdoing it a bit!

Conchi, that is about it for now.
Do not forget, though, that despite the fact
that all these appear simple (and some indeed are)

I was painstakingly colleting expressions
useful to me. Do not also forget that by this
stage I was already far more competent

in the use of the language compared to anyone
who were around attending language schools.
They had all day for that, and I did not!,

being extremely busy with my experiments
in the laboratory!

Conchi, so, you stay with me and at the end of
a few years you will be comfortable with these!

Take care!

Contactless cutlery, baby and infant cutlery

2008-12-22 17:07:56 | Weblog
Conchi, I could not do much today, with shoppings
here and there and over there...

Before going out, though, I did complete one
infant feeder and even managed to coat it
in a preemptive way...

You are looking at the concaved side of the thing here.

Today's shopping was good, because I got things
I had wanted for a long time at discount prices.
One above here is a new vice. I do have more than
a few of them. The one I have been using heavily

is good, all cast iron and all that, but the opening
was the problem, only up to 70mm...

One you are looking at now can manage up to
100+mm, and that is good, because it can fix
my toast placers.

One of the largest spoons is shaping up to
its final stage of completion and all that remains
with this one is to make it concave. I have got 5 more
to go and I think I will give it a prioity...

Here above, the new vice has been installed on my
milling machine. I am happy, I am!

These, I bought them too. One of them is a line
marker for cutting. I meant to make one, but this
was so chaep, I just had to buy it.

Here is its close-up. This gave me a new insight
into the mechanims of this kind. Last night, only
last night I was thinking about it, that is

how you might arrange for the tightening screw
to be fixed in the jig. I had in mind something a little more
complicated than this. That is why this is good!

I tell you why it is good briefly. The most
important thing with this device is to fix
the protrusion of the knife slider.

You do that with a tightening screw, seen to
the right of the assembly. It must have its
counterpart female nut. Well, it is inserted in the narrow

slit in the body. You cannot see it with this image.

It has implications, and it can be used in
similar situations! That is why I am in full
praise of this simple device!

That does not mean I will discard my
existing jigs. They are useful in their own

パエ-リャ 168

2008-12-22 17:07:17 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes, y como estas?

Aqui debajo, ves mi iluminacion de la Navidad?
Buena, no? Muy pequenyas luces...
Ahora, vamos!

Se registran algunas heladas debiles de madurugada
en puntos del interiores

los vientos flojos de componete oeste

prediccion por comunidades

temperaturas en general en ligero ascenso

vientos moderados al flojos en el resto

un sondeo hecho a 1,000 hombres y mujeres
de 12 paises

el varon, la feminina

a pesar de esos esfuerozos menos de la mitad
de los hombres ...(dounokouno)

los perros con traje de Papa Noel

los villancios en las calles

Se ven centenares en la calle!

Conchita, vamos ingles desde aqui!

It suddenly daunted on me that NANINANI!

You are barking at the wrong tree!

It is a lovely piece of music!

How do you face up to the day?

staying still one moment and zooming away
the next moment

North Circular way is not sign posted!

I am still in two minds about DOUNOKOUNO!

Kids sniff up adhesives!

I think something is in your arguement!

I say!

The dog leapt up onto the stage!

Conchita, enough for now, no?
Take care!

Separation markers, care free butter knives

2008-12-21 17:36:21 | Weblog
Conchita, I could not do a lot today,

because I went to the factory I mentioned to you
earlier and spent a wonderful three hours there!

They taught me a few things I had asked them in
advance for clarification. That really was good!

Nonetheless, I did a few things, of course.

Above, rough cutting out of the largest spoons
I make. Cutting by the bandsaw, up to this stage.

My belt sander rendered them to this stage above.
What remains to be done is to make their bottoms
convex and start concaving the other sides.

Of course, you have to round their handles, but
that is very minor...

These are the redundant pieces, cut out from the
handles. I do not want to waste them, but there is
nothing much I can do, as they come from coniffers.

Above are some of the side bars I made today for
the infant spoons. They have been cemented by now
and are drying for further processings.

These above are baby feeders, nearing completion.
All that remains is hand sanding and coating.

At the factory I was talking to the president, settling
the account, looking at their machines for advice
on my own machines. Generally, nitty-gritty of

machine operation and material properties and
how to identify them, etc etc.

He gave me a Chirstmas present, and
these are all walnut, a precious addition
to my current stock...

In return, of course, I gave him 21 butter
knives for him and his 6 employees. In addition,
I gave him 40% of what I got in terms of the sale

so that they can have extra booze for their
end of year festivities.

He also gave me a valuable advice on measurement
jigs. One of them is seen above. It should be
pretty obvoious what this does.

I am going to make one for myself, although
these are commercially available.

What it does is this. You slide across the
horizontal bar with a knife in it. Decide
on the separation you want and fix it there.

Then you slide the hole things down the side
of the plankyou want to cut through. The knife
will leave a straight line.

What I want to do is to replace the knife with
a pencil. This is good, because with my
alminium jigs distances are quantised.

This new jig is not quantised. And I will
be freed from having to have a number of
alminium jigs, forever and ever!

パエ-リャ 167

2008-12-21 17:35:49 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes, y como estas?

Ahora, hace calor, no demasiado, pero agradable...

para concienciar a usuarios

en el blog de DAREDARE

ahorrar algo de dinero

los recursos tecnologicos

Por todo el mundo hay esas cosas!

intervalos nubosos, tendiendo a muy nuboso

las brumas y nieblas matenales

fuertes en las cumbres

nubosa a muy nuboso

estar en torno de NANINANI (動詞とか)

a lo largo del dia

Conchi, aqui hay el resto en ingles!

You put up a fight if you are attacked!?

He will go out of his way to help!

The other week I was down at DOKOSOKO!

He is super fit!

..., then, you get NANINANI creeping in!

He is a tone deaf!

using DOUNOKOUNO like nothing

I had a quick peep!

You have made a point there!

One of the things that spring to my mind is DOUNOKOUNO...

What attracted you to this part of the world?

Conchi, there you are. Take care!

No table contact cutlery, heavy duty spoons

2008-12-20 17:04:00 | Weblog
Conchita, yes, I did things, but I have only
a few images, lo siento...

I told you that I rely heavily on my old disk sander.
You see two disks below. You may think that the one
loaded now is more abrasive, by the look of it, anyway.

As a matter of fact, the one loose below it is
more abrasive, and it is one I nearly discarded
as wasted.

I am going to use it from tommorrow. The thing is this.
These disks are so durable. One loaded now has been in use
for more than two years, I think.

You can buy one of these for a mere JPY 500, or so!

Above? My width and depth decision jigs. I have
problems with these. I have put these up as I
worked on different things.

You then scribble on these so that you do not forget
what's what. The trouble is that I have scribbled
more than one reminder with confusing results.

I should assign one for one end product only.
So, since alminium is costly I will buy
plastic angles. That will be the only way

in which I can sort out my decision jigs...

Above are conventional baby feeders, not concaved yet.
The K girl was admant that she should have these.

Above was my proposal to her, but she would not listen...
I really think that these are better, but then...
you just cannot contradict an energetic young woman.

Today, I did some more work, but I did not bother
to take photos.

I delivered my beasts and other to the new shop.
The guy was very plaesed and in fact some of my
pieces had been sold, in particular, the largest

spoon I have made. So, I will have to work on them
for more stock. I also sent a package to a friend
of mine who was eager to pay for my bootsholders

and other things. I have had to oblige...

I had given her an assortment of my pieces,
but she wanted buy more from me for
the season...

Tommorrow, I will go to another shop for sorting
out the finance there. 21 beasts will be given away
in the spirit of the season...

パエ-リャ 166

2008-12-20 17:03:38 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?
Quedamos separados, no...?

Aqui tambien ha llegado La Navidad!
Tengo mis iluminaciones funcionando!

Entonces, vamos!

Habra intervalos nubosos

お昼過ぎからは, お昼を過ぎると
a partir del mediodia

Los vientos se pueden superar los 90 km/h!

La nieve estara ascendiendo por la manya-na
por encima de 1.5 m

La nieve pasara de 1.3 m subiendo a 1.7 m

Temperaturas en ligero ascenso

en zonas elevadas

en la vertiente Cantabrica

Las precipitaciones seran menos cuanto mas al sur

Es un punto a favor!

Conchi, vamos ingles, no?

If you are plang a sporting weekend

Something is bound to give!

He must be up to no good!

Let it be said that way!

It may be taken that way!

I wil turn my back on you while you get changed!

I agree up to a point!

I will tell you one thing, though...

in the faint hope that DOUNOKOUNO

wih sympathy rather than anything else

Play it down!

if you feel something is distasteful

I had a glance through it!

You cannot afford to be selective!

Conchi, this should be more than enough, no?
Take care!

Baby and infant feeders, bootsholders

2008-12-19 17:15:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I did a lot today, I think...

Things, you know, takes time, they really do!
What you see below is not much different from yesterday's,
but they are more refined.

Their surfaces are nice and smooth so that they can
accept the side bars for cementing.

I will talk more about these in a minute.

This above, it makes me think. And funny, if
you come to think about it. It is only a piece of wood.
It is a residual from earlier baby feeder cuttings.

What I thought then was that because I had cut out
6 for conventional baby feeders I would leave the
rest as a spare, in case the K girl wanted more.

However, I wanted to make use of it for more
refined (?) babay feeders. I looked for it, and
initially I could not locate it in my workshop.

Eventually, after a lot of messing about I found it.
Somehow, it made me feel so happy... It is only a
small thing, really.

Perhaps, happiness is a small thing like this...?

Anyway, here above disected pieces are seen. Of course
I had to cut out small side bars from oak, not seen here.

Much more time consuming was these drop shaped side
bars for infant feeders. I had to go jigsaw with these.
On top of that, I miscounted the number I needed.

Further more I made a serious mistake in sanding only
on a particular side of these. Not even that! I was
very naievely thinking that all the sidebars

could be treated in the same way. More on that soon.

Halfway through my work today, I felt that the position
of my jigsaw was not right and I stopped my sanding work
and spent some time rigging up the base for it.

I am a lot happier now. Until then, this things was
hidden away between the bandsaw and the large
belt sander on the right. It was dark in there...

Above is the saddest thing today. The number of the side bars
was not enough! Not only that the symmetricity had
betlayed me. I should have sanded them into pairs!

So, I have ended up cementing only one side bar per
each of the inner pieces! However, in a way, this is
good for several reasons.

1. It is difficult to cement two side bars at the same time.
2. Cementing one at a time ensures it is more firmly fixed.
3. No matter how much you want to complete the
cementing process in one go you cannot hope to
work on cemented ones in a single day, if the number is large.

Yes, I am using my clumping jig, as well, not shown here.

Above are the baby feeders being cemented. Side bars are
not that extensive, and only one clump each is OK.

There you are, Conchita, I have done a lot and have
had some new small discoveries, too.

Take care and feliz Navidad!

パエ-リャ 165

2008-12-19 17:14:40 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo, un poco frio...
Tengo hambre, pero vamos!

los ordenadores, los monitores, las consolas de
videojuegos, los discos duros externos

la fiebre por tener siempre lo ultimo!

Piensalo bien!

Dounokouno, pero eso no quiere decir que


el reciclaje

si tienes algo de imaginacion!

Te puede ser muy util!

Tienes un poco de pericia con la electronica?

los armarios

De que forma pueden aprovechar los componentes
de un equipo?

Lo mas importante es NANINANI!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!

Somebody called in!

Treat her a night in a casino?

It is going to be a hard day's night tonight!

I hope you will make it home safely!

I hve got a double problem!

Do not make it your last!

They bend over backward to help!

Do you like it here?

It is terribly sad it has happned this way!

Surf was not high enough!

Conchita, that is it, then. Take care!