

Infant spoons, floating cutlery

2008-12-18 16:38:13 | Weblog
Conchita, I keep saying this, don't I?!
I could do not much today, but on reflection
I may have done a lot.

Frist thing in the morning I took care of
those that had gone mat and then I had to
take my wife to her Christmas gathering.

That cosumed quite a lot of my time. On return,
I made one template (no image), and then
got on with my cutting work.

Seen below is the large piece I worked on.

That was sliced into these above, and that took me
smething like one hour or longer. I then had to
transcrive my template, then cutting them out

using a jigsaw.

Above showing you the result. There are 24 of them here.

My decision last night was that after all I should
make the stems side banded with walnut. These pieces
here are oak.

There are at least three more processes,
in fact four if you include cementing of the side bands.

1) Make the outlines exact by sanding
2 Make the stem surfaces smooth so that
cementing is effective
3) Cut out walnut pieces into more or lee
tringular shape to go with the stem side profile

So, Conchita, you know how things take time.
I am feeling like to cry one your shoulder,
or better still on your up top!

As I told you my working hours are from 10:00
to 16:00. I still had some time, so continued
with my egg placers.

These need refinement work, of course. Howeve,
I am slowly getting there. My current idea is
that I will complete 12 of these and stop there.

I have, then, four more to complete, and if they sell
at all I will star working on the remaining 10
or so pieces. I do not want to waste my time,

working on things that do not sell...

Conchita, so much on today's work!
Vaya con Dios!

パエ-リャ 164

2008-12-18 16:37:46 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, hace buen tiempo, no viento, nada...
Pensaba solo sobre una cosa, que lo que puedo
hacer en un dia esta muy limitado.

Yo soy solo yo aqui! Pues, vamos!

Solo imagina cuanto se podria hacer!

reconocer las piezas

Haces todo lo posible!

Cuando el atractivo de la novedad desaparece,
que tenemos!?

Seguro (de) que DOUNOKOUNO!

良くやったわね! (褒める)
Bien echo!

las companas de boda

un anillo de compromiso

Dicho y echo!

hecho a mano

El eco es que NANINANI!

No jubiles a tu viejo ordenador!

再利用しなさいよ!(le =パソコンの事)
Darle una segunda vida!

Enpieza a contar!

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles!

Do not get away with the idea that DOUOKOUNO!

Let us get on with the game!

Nobody wants to be involved!

They may be up to some monkey business!?

The taxi meter notches up in 60 yen steps!

If you freeze a wine alcohol will
separate out!

I will take your word for it!

in a roundabout sort of way

I take your point there!

I quie see that!

Conchita, that is the lot for today.
Take care!

Infant spoons, floating cutlery, bootsholders

2008-12-17 16:38:12 | Weblog
Today was not worse than yesterday...

Still, I am only half way through with
my post coating operation, had to take my wife to
her regular meeting.

Nevertheless, I managed to do a few things.

First, below you see some concaved egg placers.
With a few others, I will have to re-fix the pegs.
That is a lesson...

These are baby feeders. I wanted to improve upon
the design, but the girl K, when I spoke to her
about it, did not want that...

So, I am staying with the original design, and as
it turned out these were apparently jam spoons!
That is what she told me!

Hereafter follow a few images of the new design
concept for infant spoons. Here above, you are looking at
the spoon dead on to its spoon end.

Can you see that it is not symmetrical in its
cross-section? This is meant for natural sliding down
of the food in the concave.

Here, albit difficult, you are looking at the convex
side of the spoon. See? The spoon's convex portion
is unconventional in appearance.

Left end is the stem.

Here, you are looking at the side profile. With
the production model the overall length will be
20 mm longer. Right now it is 135 mm.

Also, it is conceivable that it will have a
tier structure at the handle end, and
possibly with very short protrusions

so that infants can have a firm grip
on the handle. Right now, it is smooth and
slicky, but infants may find it no good...

Here, the concave end is seen. No actual hollow is
here, just yet...

What is in for tommorrow? I am not sure...
I might try and look at strata structures
and see what is best.

I have chopstics to make, too. Am I
not being busy?

パエ-リャ 163

2008-12-17 16:37:22 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, lluvia! lluvia fria todo el dia!
Debes de estar muy ocupada con la preparacion
para la Navidad!

Entonces, vamos!


Privarse de algo tan sano y natural
no tiene nada de bueno, para la mente ni
para el cuerpo!

Vamos a hacer una barbacoa!

Quien no desaprovecho la oportunidad fue DAREDARE!

El reparto incluye a Meryl Streep y ...

como uno de los favoritos para los Oscar

de nuevo surgen los rumores!

Sera cierto esta vez!?

No es la primera vez!

Todavia no ha habido confirmacion!

dounokouno, aunque finalmente dounokouno2

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

I wonder..., let us get this straight!

Shame, it does not have dounokouno!

I would not have thought that dounokouno!

I am not going to make excuses for
what happened!

That is beside the point!

say, me talking to you now and say dounokuo?

Do we agree that dounokouno?

I twisted my mouth into a smile!


They are walking different ways, but
they will end upmeeting!

I can only agree with you!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!

Oh, by the way, even before you get to Machupichu
I am very likely to be wondering about in Borneo!

Floating cutlery, bootsholders

2008-12-16 17:10:36 | Weblog
I could not do much today either, much as I had wanted...

One thing, though, that is my mat coating was completed.
More on that later.

The year end ritual of discarding unwantedy things
is starting. I will be spending some more time on this.

Sown above in the middle are tires. I had to take them
to the nearest waste depo, each costing JPY 500,
not too bad...

The shed, or part of it seen here is my coating shed.
Do not worry, Conchita, no satellite imagery is
possible at this angle!

These are the egg placers, ready to be worlked on, but
they seem to have been sitting there for two days now?
I should be able to, tommorrow, hopefully...

These, just before going mat, basking in the sunshine.

I retrieved some from the coating shed, the rest
still drying in there. I am satisfied. Tommorrow,
I will have a lot more of these ready for delivery.

Above showing you part of my current idea of what
spoons could look like. The concave end is off-set,
and this idea is nothing new, of course.

However, I think they can be useful for those
hospital bound, and possibly with infants.

The blue blob indicating the CoG.

Spoons can be lifters and to my mind virtually
all of them are used that way, I think...

However, why not scapers? Off-set concaves may allow people
to scrape? Some can even be dredgers, I think, with
beans in copious amount of liquids, for instance.

Today, I spent some more time in my workshop,
working on a few beasts. My back came into contact with
the bandsaw casing, but, that is not a big issue.

I only need to move my body away slightly.
A minor improvement was the wooden box fixed
to the wall. I now have 4 of them in place.

I could do with another...

パエ-リャ 162

2008-12-16 17:10:11 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Gracias a tu telefono. No tengo prisa.
Aqui hace buen teimpo. No frio, no viento.
Entonces, vamos!

por razon de NANINANI

sin reservas

en resumen

al reves

de rodillas

uno debajo del otro

por el momento

en el ultimo del momento

en primer lugar

a primera vista

..., por debajo de los 160 centimetros
previstos en un primer momento

La actriz rechaza el papel de una monja

segun sus palabras

la postura de las monjas

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles!

Wasn't the idea that DOUNOKOUNO!?

I went to work for three years...

It is a matter of parental control!

They are being neglected!

That makes my blood boil!

We kept ourselves down to the floor!

We are in for it!

when you are lost for words

I told you about it a moment ago!

Oh, tell me again!

Do not get the idea that DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, let us leave it there, shall we?
Take care!

Floating cutlery, bootsholders

2008-12-15 17:23:24 | Weblog

"Busy" was not the word for it today.
I did not go anywhere and all of my time
was spent on re-reconfiguring my workshop!

Conchita, this is very important, because
the final layout will determine how efficiently
I can work with my machines.

Where you could produce 30, 40 spoons a day
you may well end up with 10, solely due to
the innefficient layout you choose!

Laying machines out must take into account
a few factors, the most important of which
is the safety of operation.

You have machines operating at more than 12,000
rmp, easily. In addition, for instance, with
the milling machine and a few others

you must also take into account the operational
spatial limits the machines extend to. You do not
want your machines, while operating them

to come into contact with the machines sitting
next to them!!! You also want a clear view of everything
you are doing!

In order to ensure that you can only try and see
your decision is right, by actually runnning the machines.
That, in reality, means moving things about,

until you get an optimal layout. That is how today
was spent...

Here follow some snapshots.

The DELTA jointer needs an apmle space for safety. So, it
took the priority. The one at the rightmostis my milling
machine, with a big black shaft.

It is very carefully placed on the bench. Mainly because
the horizontal flat moves about in X-Y (and for that matter
in Z direction!) directions.

The benchi drill is loose at the moment. It is not a dangerous
machine to operate, anyway...

My bandsaw has found a new location. It is now firmly
bolted as with a few others. The biggest chunck to the
right of it is the newly acqusitioned beltsander,

weighing 22kg! It dwarfs a much smaller one to the right of it!
Here again, the jigsaw is loose. It does not matter.
I does not do any harm..., rarely used, anyway.

Here above, you are looking at the milling machine
and the jointer from a different viewing angle.
The jointer has not yet been fully setup...

Here, you see my lathe, together with the newly
purchased beltsander, which is a monster!

In all this I tried not to make huge changes
in the layout. After all, you had things
going on immediately before this big change.

Parts and pieces are still all over in my workshop
and making too huge a change will obliterate
the whereabouts of those pieces!

In fact, in order to ensure I knew what I was
doing I did, today, some fabrication work
with my egg placers. No image, I am afraid...

On a separate issue, I was browsing through
web pages last night, for babies and infants
and those in hospitals.

I now have a fair amount of feel towards them.
In particular, off-set spoons and the
dimensions of the spooning area...

Also, details I might add to the handles.
I have , again, pegs struck into the
spoon handles, so that infatnts can be

sure of holding something not just nice and
smooth handle surfaces, but something
more, something more stimulating to their


パエ-リャ 161

2008-12-15 17:23:06 | Weblog
Link to my woodwork

Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace buen tiempo, un poco frio.
Como te dije al fin de la semana que viene
estare fuera de casa.

Estare con mi hermano en nuestra casa de
naturaleza en la monta-nya...
Ahora, vamos!

Logran el ascenso a Primera Division!

La Real Sociedad acabo la compa-nya
en el cuatro puesto!

despues de empatar (1:1) con el Cordoba

entre el ocho y el once por ciento

la agua alta

sobre el nivel del mar

el viento que sopla hacia el sur

El viento cambio de direccion,
evitando un emperoramiento

de la situacion

la cifra maxima

Las aguas llegaron a los 1.94 metros
sobre el nivel del mar!

No tengo reparos en dicir DOUNOKOUNO!

Se habra equivocada Natalie!?

Conchi, aqui voy ingles!

I was completely bemused!

Naninani on one side and NANINANI2 on the other

I am sick and tired of NANINANI!

What lucky person got i!?

How selective are you in deciding DOUNOKOUNO!?

Money is not easy to come by!

Traffic is heavy here!

No fault of your own!

with a smile on his face

Law stipulates DOUNOKOUNO!

Do you think that is right!?

I could not hear the last few moents
of his speech!

Conchita, that is the lot for today.
Take care!

Unusual cutlery series, bootsholders

2008-12-14 16:58:03 | Weblog
Over the last few months I have accumulated a range
of pieces ready for coating. Why do I bring this out now?

Partly because I do not know where exactly I am
in relation to immediate needs that there might be...
More realistically, there was a sudden realisation

that some of these seen below might be useful to
one particular person in need of cash...

You have seen what is shown below before, but
they are now level at the top, ready for concaving.
Today, I made another 3 of these.

These are additional pegs, rounded at one end,
ready for being struck into holes.

Conchita, for some reason I could not do much today,
in terms of hard products. It was raining and cold,
and that might have been it, partly, at least...

Above image, it makes me think. There are 40 pegs
in the sachet, bought for JPY 100. Now, I make pegs
of my own, seen above.

I buy raw materials with a circular crosssection at
6 mm, length 900 mm. I cut them into 30 mm pegs.
That gives me 30 of them for the buying price of JPY 70.

These JPY 100 pegs are of 8 mm in diam, and there are
spiral slits down the whole length and both ends are

You see what I am getting at? The prices are almost the same...
It make me think... It really does...

Anyway, I did do some more work on beasts. Oh, yes,
I did my coating with the current lot. This is
on top of that, of course.I did mean to do other things.

I never got around to that...
So, for the remainder of my time in the workshop
I was just looking around.

I really need to sort out my space problem in there.

I did come up with one solution. In fact, it seemed and
seems a very good solution. There is a leftover of
almost ready made hselfing material from yesterday's

reconfiguration. I had to cut out 2/3 of a single
unit, previously used for displayat a shop. I realised that
the remaining 1/3 can be used to close the gap

that there is in my workshop. I will work on that tommorrow.
That will make my life a lot easier, I think.

In the meantime, today I found what is seen above.
There are pieces in there, plus a manual in English,
for my newly bought planer.

Yes, there was a manual after all..., just lost and missing
in the caos of yesterday.

I am being pressed for time!I need to fabricate
infant feeders, and some other things, too.

Normally, I like it busy, but I may be too busy
at the moment. Conchita, as I told you I will be
away from home over 26 and 27 of this month.

Logging will be stopped over that period.
take care!

パエ-リャ 160

2008-12-14 16:57:43 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui, hace frio y lluvia...
Hoy he estado muy ocupado con unas cosas.
Las maquinas que compre ayer son muy buenas!
Ahora entonces vamos?

al dia

Estoy al dia!

eso si

Este fin de semana la descubri!

El Endeavor esta en perfecto estado para el
regreso a la tierra

Estoy listo para regresar!

en una conferencia de prensa

en una conversacion telefonica

Si me ha llegado a mi supongo que habra llegado

a todo el mundo!

de algunos rodeos

el margen de como se hizo

Me quede mal porque ...

Conchita, vamos ingles aqui!

Tommorrow's outlook is fine!

I give those only as examples!

I hate to tell you this, but ...

Do not be hard on kids!

You must have something up your sleeve!

one hell of a story of one hell of a man

You are not going to believe this, but ...

Still at it!?


He was stopped for speeding,
but bribed his way out of it!

Of course that is not to say DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, that is it for now!
Take care!