ゴルフタイムスの世界   Eagle Eye


正しい歴史認識 30 日本人は、誇りと自信をもって、世界に語ろう!!!必読!!!

2016-03-26 | 危うい日本のゴルフの世界



第五章 白人による人種差別からの解放

 古賀 剛大 様










英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。


平成28年3月28日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝


The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World

By Kase Hideaki

(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)

Chapter 5 – Freedom From Racial Discrimination


This link is to Chapter 5.

In the United States, Japanese people were the object of contempt and subjected to atrocious discrimination. In 1924, the United States Congress passed the Asian Exclusion Act.

Nitobe Inazo, the famous author of "Bushido: The Soul of Japan," took classes at Sapporo Agricultural College, taught at the time by American agricultural scientist William Clark, and later, as a young man, studied in the United States. From 1920, he worked as Undersecretary-General for the League of Nations. Nonetheless, so devastated was he by the mounting American anti-Japanese movement, that he declared, "I shall never again set foot in the United States."

Bert V.A. Roling of the Netherlands, one of the judges of the Tokyo Trial, published a memoir entitled "The Tokyo Trial and Beyond". He wrote:


Racial discrimination may have been one of the roots of the Pacific War... [The Americans] were more or less indoctrinated to look on the Japanese as a sub-human race. The bombing of the Japanese cities, followed by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was made possible by precisely that feeling that it was not human beings they were cremating by the hundreds of thousands.


   Roling also described in detail the circumstances leading up to the war, explaining that Japan's war aim was to create an "Asia for the Asians".

   Less than twenty countries sent delegates to attend the funeral of Emperor Meiji in 1912. Emperor Taisho's funeral in 1927 was attended by delegates from less than forty countries. However, the representatives and heads of state of 164 countries, from all over the world, expressed their condolences to Emperor Showa in 1989.

   The fact that the world then contained 164 independent nations was made possible only through the sacrifices made by all of Japan during World War II. The peoples of Asia and Africa had been liberated and all become independent.


  URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/655/

PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater4.pdf

Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/


*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered


          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States


                  Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality


                    Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia



Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: +81-3-3519-4366

Fax: +81-3-3519-4367

Email moteki@sdh-fact.com

URL http://www.sdh-fact.com


Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.

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