西尾治子 のブログ Blog Haruko Nishio:ジョルジュ・サンド George Sand


国際シンポジウムSanta Barbara・1

2008年06月13日 | 海外のG.サンド研究
Eighteenth International George Sand Conference
September 25-27 2008
University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
“Writing, Performance, and Theatricality in George Sand’s Works”
In memory of Nathalie Buchet Ritchey (1963-2007)

Thursday September 25, 2008
10:00am - 1:00pm. Registration. Location: Mar Monte Hotel (still a preliminary location).
12:00 - 1:00pm. Lunch on your own. Bus will leave at 1:00 for the University from the hotel.

1:30 - 1:45pm. Welcome from David Marshall, Dean of the Humanities and Fine Arts, College of Letters and Science, UCSB nLocation: Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, McCune Conference Room, 6th Floor, Humanities and Social Science Building.

1:45-2:00pm. Opening Remarks from Catherine Nesci and Annabelle Rea.

2:00 - 4:00pm. Plenary Session: “Sand’s Theatrical Practice”
Location: Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, McCune Conference Room, 6th Floor, Humanities and Social Science Building.
Chair: Catherine Masson (Wellesley College) cmasson@wellesley.edu
- Shira Malkin (Rhodes College): “George Sand et la pratique de la mise en scene”
- Olivier Bara (Universite Lumiere Lyon II): “Comediens en scene: George Sand et la comedie comique”
- Gay Smith (Wesleyan University): “Why Sand Abandoned Gabriel for Julia”
4:15 - 4:45pm. Coffee/Tea Break. Location: Women’s Center Conference Room & Library, Student Resource Building
5:00 - 7:00pm. Panel sessions 1
A. Music and Transcendence. Location: Multipurpose Room, Student Resource Building
Chair: David Powell (Hofstra University) David.A.Powell@hofstra.edu
- Evlyn Gould (University of Oregon): “The Lyric Priest in George Sand’s La Derniere Aldini”
- Linda Kick (University of California, Santa Barbara): “George Sand : Performing the Sublime”
- Arline Cravens (Washington University in St. Louis): “Music’s Shifting Landscapes on the Path to Sand’s Transcendental Heroine in Consuelo”
- Francoise Ghillebaert (The University of Puerto Rico, campus Reo Piedras): “The Artist in Rose et Blanche and
Consuelo. La Comtesse de Rudolstadt : Artist as Improviser and Artist as Savior”
B. The Politics of Utopia. Location: Conference Room 3153, 3rd Floor, Office of International Students and Scholars, Student Resource Building
Chair: Cynthia Skenazi (UCSB) cskenazi@french-ital.ucsb.edu
- Tatiana Khozanova (University of Moscow & UC Santa Barbara): “L’ideal precieux revu et corrige (L’Astree
d’Honore d’Urfe au miroir des Beaux messieurs de Bois-Dore)”
- Stephanie Wooler (Harvard University): “Fraterrenity and Transformed Memory: Re-Staging the Revolution in
- Patrick Bray (University of Indiana): “Nanon’s Illegible Utopia”
- Virginia Piper (University of Oregon): “Revolutionizing the Fairy Tale: Intersections of History and Form in George
Sand’s La Petite Fadette”

7:15 - 8:30pm. Reception and Buffet. Location: Faculty Club.
Bus will leave from Faculty Club to hotels at 8:45pm.

Friday September 26, 2008 Bus will leave at 8:30 from hotel
9:00 - 11:00am. Registration. Location:

9:00 - 11:00 Panel Sessions 2
A. Masks, Carnival & Italy. Location:
Chair: Annabelle Rea (Occidental College) rea@oxy.edu
- Olga Kafanova (University of Tomsk, Russia) : “Theatralite dans le roman La Derniere Aldini : jeux de scenes et
- Haruko Nishio (Keio University, Japan): “Deguisement, une technique d’ecriture dans l’oeuvre sandienne”
- Clorinda Donato (California State University, Long Beach): “George Sand’s Reconstruction of Eighteenth-century
Theatre Culture and Dialogue in Consuelo”
- Marie-Christine Garneau (University of Hawaii) : “La Campagne romaine: un lieu commun pas si commun”

B. Intertextualities & Intercultural Dialogue. Location:
Chair: Karen Turman (UCSB) kturman@umail.ucsb.edu
- Christophe Ippolito (The Georgia Institute of Technology): “Aspects intertextuels de la mise en scene de
l’interiorite dans la conclusion d’Indiana”
- Monia Kallel (Institut Superieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis): “Sand et Flaubert : ‘les deux amis’”
- Philippe Mustiere (Ecole Centrale de Nantes): “Etude psychocritique croisee de Laura de George Sand et de deux
romans de Jules Verne”
- Sharon Deane (University of Edinburgh): “Translating the Translated : Negotiating the Berry in La Mare au

11:00 -11:30 Coffee/Tea Break. Location:
11:30 - 1:00 Panel Sessions 3
A. The Dialogue: Between Theater and Prose Fiction. Location:
Chair: Professor Jody Enders (UCSB) jenders@french-ital.ucsb.edu
- David A. Powell (Hofstra University): “Farce romanesque: Structure et dialogues theatraux dans La Derniere
- Rachel Corkle (New York University): “Theater, Spectatorship and Knowledge in George Sand’s Romans
- Marianne Lorenzi (Universit? de Paris IV-Sorbonne): “L’education dans Mauprat : une initiation au dialogue et a
la parole convaincante”
B. Theatricality and the Press. Location:
Chair: Kathryne Adair (UCSB) adair@umail.ucsb.edu
- Marie-Claire Vallois (Cornell University): “Fanchette (1843): reflexions sandiennes entre l’economie politique et
la fiction”
- Dominique Laporte (University of Manitoba): “‘Vous etes de ceux que je voudrais contenter toujours’: La
theatralisation du Magasin pittoresque dans Flamarande et La Tour de Percemont”
- Marie-Eve Therenty (Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier 3): “Theatralite/auctorialite chez Sand journaliste”

C. Theatrical Practices II. Location:
Chair: Gay Smith (Wesleyan University) gsmith@wesleyan.edu
- Catherine Masson (Wellesley College): “George Sand : ‘un auteur dramatique honn?te dans la peau d’un romancier’”
- Romira Worvill (Universite Acadia): “La Reflexion sur l’illusion dans Le Chateau des Desertes (1847) de George
Sand et dans Le Fils naturel et Les Entretiens sur ‘Le Fils naturel’ (1757) de Denis Diderot”
- Isabelle Michelot (Paris, Independent scholar): “L’Acteur et le ‘performer’, echanges et dedoublement”

1:00 - 2:00pm. Lunch on your own. Suggested locations: Faculty Club or University Center.
“Assemblee generale” of the George Sand Association (Faculty Club).
2:00 - 3:30pm Panel Sessions 4
A. Theatrical Novellas. Location:
Chair: Suzanne Braswell (UCSB) sbraswell@french-ital.ucsb.edu
- Valentina Ponzetto (Universite de Paris IV-Sorbonne): “George Sand et le genre du proverbe”
- Cathy Leung (Columbia University): “Theater and Theatrical Performance in George Sand’s Mattea”
- Yvon Le Scanff (Universite Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle): “Du bon usage de la theatralite dans la nouvelle :
l’exemple de Lavinia”
B. The Author and her Doubles. Location:
Chair: Lucienne Frappier-Mazur (University of Pennsylvania) lfrappier@verizon.net
- Martine Reid (Universit? de Lille III): “Histoires de vocation”
- Eve Sourian (CUNY, Graduate Center): “Alexandre Dumas fils et George Sand : une collaboration”
- Marie-Pierre Rootering (Dusseldorf, Independent scholar): “George Sand dramaturge: une collaboratrice
C. Operas and Divas. Location:
Chair: Anne Marcoline (UCSB) a_marcoline@umail.ucsb.edu
- Catherine Authier (Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines): “Le Mythe de la diva au dix-neuvieme
siecle a travers le roman Consuelo”
- Dora Wilson (Ohio University): “Consuelo as Opera”
- Veronique Bui (Universit? du Havre): “Sand: paroles/Viardot : musique. La Mare au Diable, opera comique en un
acte et deux parties”
3:30 - 4:00pm Tea and Coffee Break. Location:

4:00 - 5:15pm. Plenary Address I. Anne McCall (Tulane University): “George Sand Stages the Law.” Introduction by Annabelle Rea.

5:30 - 7:00pm. Musical Event & Homage to Nathalie Buchet Ritchey with Sylvaine Egron-Sparrow, Catherine Masson and Marie-Paule Tranvouez, Wellesley College
Bus will leave at 7:15pm from the University Center, or the Student Resource Building

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国際シンポジウムSanta Barbara・2

2008年06月13日 | 海外のG.サンド研究
Saturday September 27, 2008 Bus will leave at 8:30 from hotel.

9:00 - 11:00 Panel Sessions 5
A. Gender as Performance. Location:
Chair: Aur?lie Chevant (UCSB) aureliechevant@yahoo.fr
- Lynn R. Wilkinson (University of Texas at Austin): “Gender and Performance in George Sand’s Nouvelles of 1837”
- Francois Kerlouegan (Paris, Independent scholar): “Desir, delire et dolorisme: les mises en scene du corps dans
- Magali Le Mens (Paris, Independent scholar): “L’Hermaphrodisme de George Sand”
- Nigel Harkness (Queen’s University Belfast): “Corps, parole et performance dans le roman sandien'

B. Politics as Theater/Theater as Politics. Location:
Chair: Sylvaine Egron-Sparrow (Wellesley College) segronsp@wellesley.edu
- M?ire Cross (Newcastle University): “The Construction of Political Heroes through Writing”
- Chiyo Sakamoto (Kobe University, Japan): “Theatre fantastique au chateau d’Ionis dans Les Dames vertes”
- Daniel Long (Universit? Sainte-Anne, Canada): “Les jeux du concours et de l’histoire dans Horace”

C. Historical Dramas. Location:
Chair: Marie-Paule Tranvouez (Wellesley College) mtranvouez@wellesley.edu
- Claudine Grossir (LIRE CNRS/Lyon II - IUFM Paris Sorbonne): “De conspiration en r?volution : George Sand et le
drame historique”
- Marie-Pierre Le Hir (University of Arizona) : “Construction de l’habitus national dans Cadio, roman et pi?ce”
- Gilbert Chaitin (Indiana University): "The Secret of Lorenzaccio's Success: Art and Identity in Sand's Conspiration
en 1537"

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee/Tea Break. Location:
11:30 - 1:00 Panel Sessions 6
A. Performing the ? Femme Auteur ?. Location:
Chair: Nigel Harkness (Queen’s University Belfast) n.harkness@qub.ac.uk
- Laura Colombo (University of Verona, Italy): “‘Les femmes, je sais, ne doivent point ecrire. J’ecris pourtant’ : La
reference George Sand et la repr?sentation de l’ecrivaine dans la doxa critique des decennies
centrales du dix-neuvieme siecle”
- Claire Burkhart (University of Texas at Austin): “Writing and Unwriting George Sand in Balzac’s Beatrix and La
Muse du drpartment”
- M. Ione Crummy (University of Montana): “Lucrezia Floriani a Re(per)forming Corinne”

B. Transparency/Opacity. Location:
Chair: Marie-Eve Th?renty (Universit? Paul Val?ry, Montpellier 3) met@club-internet.fr
- Lucienne Frappier-Mazur (University of Pennsylvania): “La Theatralisation du secret”
- Aimee Boutin (Florida State University): “‘La Comedie de la r?habilitation’ ou la transparence et l’obstacle dans
- Pascale Auraix-Jonchiere (Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II): “Le Theatre a l’epreuve : Hamlet, matrice
identitaire et performance romanesque dans L’Homme de neige”
C. The Theater of the Gaze. Location:
Chair: Alain Lescart (Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego) alescart@pointloma.edu
- Manon Mathias (Trinity College, Oxford): “‘Tout ce que l’artiste peut esperer de mieux, c’est d’engager ceux qui
ont des yeux a regarder aussi’: Scene-setting and Visualisation in George Sand’s Novels”
- Mariette Delamaire (Paris, Independent scholar): “Performance publique/performance privee : La dialectique du
regard : Verite et illusion dans Le Ch?teau des Desertes”
- Marie-Cecile Levet (Universit? Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II): “Mise en scene du regard dans Pierre qui roule
et Le Beau Laurence”

1:00 - 2:30pm. Lunch on your own (in Isla Vista or the Beachside caf?).

2:30- 4:00pm Panel Sessions 7
A. Performing Female Celebrity. Location:
Chair: Margaret Waller (Pomona College) MAW14747@pomona.edu
- Alexandra Wettlaufer (University of Texas at Austin): “Performing Artistic Identity: Sand, Nadar and the Gender of Celebrity”
- Carol Ockman (Williams College): “‘Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?’ Sarah Bernhardt’s Professional Travails”
- Michael D. Garval (North Carolina State University): “How To Be a Famous Woman: An Unlikely Dialogue between Cl?o de M?rode and Simone de Beauvoir”
B. Reading Families/Writing Family. Location:
Chair: Nicole Meyer (University of Wisconsin, Green Bay) meyern@uwgb.edu
- Janet Beizer (Harvard University): “Scenes of Reading: Literacy, Desire, and Sentimental Education in Sand’s Fictions”
- Kathy Richman (University of the Pacific): “Ce plaisir du texte qui n’en est pas un : Sand, Barthes and the Purpose of Re-Reading”
- Laurence Richer (Universit? de Paris XII-Val de Marne): “George Sand et sa correspondance familiale”
C. G?n?tique/Edition. Location:
Chair: Dominique Jullien (UCSB) djullien@french-ital.ucsb.edu
- Beatrice Didier (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris-8): “Richesse et complexite du theatre de George Sand:
comment concevoir une edition complete?”
- Sylviane Saugues (CIEREC, Universite Jean Monnet ; ITEM/CNRS): “L’ecrivain au travail : etude genetique de Jean
de la Roche”
- Isabelle Naginski (Tufts University): “Engelwald en eclats”

4:00 - 4:15pm Tea and Coffee Break. Location:

4:10- 5:30pm. Plenary Address II. Eric Bordas (Ecole Normale Sup?rieure, Lyon): “George Sand: La Forme et le style.”

Introduction by Catherine Nesci.

5:45 -7:00pm. Theatrical Readings. Shira Malkin & Catherine Masson Bus will leave for hotel at 7:15pm
8:00. Closing Banquet. Mar Monte Hotel.
Awarding of the George Sand Dissertation Prize
& One-woman show by Sasha Colby, Simon Fraser University (Canada)

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