Abp. Viganò: World Health Organization treaty is an attack on national sovereignty, part of a ‘global coup’

Global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order and as such it must be rejected and opposed.
グローバル・ヘルス・ガバナンス(Global health governance世界的保健統治)は、新世界秩序(New World Order)の基本的要素の一つであり、それゆえ拒否し、反対しなければならない。
Sat May 21, 2022 - 4:57 pm EDT
2022年5月21日 米東部標準時夏時間4時57分
(LifeSiteNews) – In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations, and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.
Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the “Agenda 2030,” which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.
主権を放棄することは、どの国の法律でも反逆罪とみなされること、また、議会は国家の利益に反する立法を行うことはできず、ましてや自らが代表する市民の自然の自由と基本的権利を侵害することはできないことを考えると、WHOが本来個々の国家に属する権力を自らのものにしようとするこの試みは、医療分野でも医療・病院サービスの大幅な削減、医療産業の民営化、ワクチンによる疾病予防を成し遂げることを目標にしている「アジェンダ2030」(Agenda 2030)へのいかなる反対をも妨げることを意図していることに、誰も気づかないはずはないと私は思います。
Pandemic treaty empowers criminal WHO over nations
The psycho-pandemic has demonstrated the enslavement of rulers, the political system, the media, the judiciary, the entire medical industry, and even the Holy See itself to the diktats of a group of functionaries of a supranational entity that has a blatant conflict of interest. The disastrous adverse effects of the experimental mRNA serum are only now being recognized, while there are many who rightly expect that those responsible for these decisions ought to be held accountable before an independent court.
It therefore sounds absurd, to say the least, that there is now a desire to give binding decision-making power to the WHO, when in its management of the recent pandemic emergency and the vaccine campaign the greatest damage was done in terms of the number of deaths and of patients who have suffered permanent damage to their health. In addition to the impunity it enjoyed for the crimes it has committed thanks to the silence of the mainstream media, the WHO also has total discretion over how to respond to the upcoming emergencies that are obviously being planned by the pharmaceutical lobby. The marginalization of health personnel who appeal to the Hippocratic Oath risks becoming the norm by which to eliminate every voice of dissent.
In this regard, it is significant that the Nations that oppose the New World Order – like Russia and Brazil – are aware of the very serious consequences that the ratification of these resolutions would entail, and for this reason they are opposed to their approval. During his term of office, President Donald Trump also sent an unequivocal signal by halting funding from the U.S. Treasury to the WHO. This was one of the reasons why the deep state blocked his re-election in 2020, supporting a compromised and corrupt individual whose son Hunter is involved in financing American biolabs in Ukraine.
I therefore express my full support for the citizens – especially scientists, doctors, and legal experts – who are denouncing this threat to the national sovereignty of the adhering Nations, and who are asking for light to be shed on past events and on the consequences that the decisions of the WHO have caused for the health of the world population. I exhort heads of state and government leaders who will be called to express their views about the ratification of these resolutions to reject them, since they are contrary to the common good and intended to carry out the global coup that the WHO and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have planned for years under the names of the “Agenda 2030” and the “Great Reset.”
したがって、市民、特に科学者、医師、法律専門家たちが、加盟国の国家主権に対するこの脅威を糾弾し、過去の出来事について、またWHOの決定が世界人口の健康に対して引き起こした結果について、光を当てるよう求めていることに、私は全面的な支持を表明します。私は、これらの決議の批准について意見を述べるよう求められるであろう各国首脳や政府の指導者たちに、これらの決議を拒否することを強く勧めます。なぜなら、これらの決議は共通善に反しており、また、WHOと世界経済フォーラム(WEF)が「アジェンダ2030」や「グレート・リセット」(Great Reset)という名で長年計画してきた世界的クーデターを実行するよう意図されているからです。
Global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order, as has been made clear by authoritative experts who are not compromised with the system, and as such it must be rejected and opposed. The logic of control, profit, and mass pathologization must be replaced with a public health policy that has as its primary goal the health of citizens and the protection of their inalienable rights.

Holy See must reaffirm rights, protect the defenseless
The Holy See – which is a Permanent Observer at the United Nations and also at the WHO for one year now – has the duty to reaffirm the right of individuals to accept or refuse health treatments, especially in the face of the concrete danger of adverse effects, which are still partly unknown, from this experimental genetic treatment. And if up until now Bergoglio and his cabal have indulged the delusions of Gates, Schwab, and Soros, the time has come for the Catholic Church to defend the weakest, the defenseless unborn, children, and the elderly, as well as those who have been blackmailed by the cynicism of businessmen and conspirators in order to force them to be inoculated with a serum contaminated by aborted fetal cell lines.
The present conspiratorial silence of the Vatican, after the hasty pronouncements it made at the beginning of the pandemic and its shameful endorsements of Big Pharma, will be imputed to the condemnation of the Roman Sanhedrin, which has made itself an accomplice in a crime against God and man. Never in all of history has the Hierarchy prostituted itself to temporal power in such a servile and abject way. Let us pray that some Bishops will find the courage to distance themselves from Bergoglio’s collaborationist line and find the words to open the eyes of those good people who have thus far been deceived by globalist propaganda.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
May 21, 2022
Abp. Viganò: World Health Organization treaty is an attack on national sovereignty, part of a ‘global coup’

Global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order and as such it must be rejected and opposed.
グローバル・ヘルス・ガバナンス(Global health governance世界的保健統治)は、新世界秩序(New World Order)の基本的要素の一つであり、それゆえ拒否し、反対しなければならない。
Sat May 21, 2022 - 4:57 pm EDT
2022年5月21日 米東部標準時夏時間4時57分
(LifeSiteNews) – In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations, and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.
Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the “Agenda 2030,” which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.
主権を放棄することは、どの国の法律でも反逆罪とみなされること、また、議会は国家の利益に反する立法を行うことはできず、ましてや自らが代表する市民の自然の自由と基本的権利を侵害することはできないことを考えると、WHOが本来個々の国家に属する権力を自らのものにしようとするこの試みは、医療分野でも医療・病院サービスの大幅な削減、医療産業の民営化、ワクチンによる疾病予防を成し遂げることを目標にしている「アジェンダ2030」(Agenda 2030)へのいかなる反対をも妨げることを意図していることに、誰も気づかないはずはないと私は思います。
Pandemic treaty empowers criminal WHO over nations
The psycho-pandemic has demonstrated the enslavement of rulers, the political system, the media, the judiciary, the entire medical industry, and even the Holy See itself to the diktats of a group of functionaries of a supranational entity that has a blatant conflict of interest. The disastrous adverse effects of the experimental mRNA serum are only now being recognized, while there are many who rightly expect that those responsible for these decisions ought to be held accountable before an independent court.
It therefore sounds absurd, to say the least, that there is now a desire to give binding decision-making power to the WHO, when in its management of the recent pandemic emergency and the vaccine campaign the greatest damage was done in terms of the number of deaths and of patients who have suffered permanent damage to their health. In addition to the impunity it enjoyed for the crimes it has committed thanks to the silence of the mainstream media, the WHO also has total discretion over how to respond to the upcoming emergencies that are obviously being planned by the pharmaceutical lobby. The marginalization of health personnel who appeal to the Hippocratic Oath risks becoming the norm by which to eliminate every voice of dissent.
In this regard, it is significant that the Nations that oppose the New World Order – like Russia and Brazil – are aware of the very serious consequences that the ratification of these resolutions would entail, and for this reason they are opposed to their approval. During his term of office, President Donald Trump also sent an unequivocal signal by halting funding from the U.S. Treasury to the WHO. This was one of the reasons why the deep state blocked his re-election in 2020, supporting a compromised and corrupt individual whose son Hunter is involved in financing American biolabs in Ukraine.
I therefore express my full support for the citizens – especially scientists, doctors, and legal experts – who are denouncing this threat to the national sovereignty of the adhering Nations, and who are asking for light to be shed on past events and on the consequences that the decisions of the WHO have caused for the health of the world population. I exhort heads of state and government leaders who will be called to express their views about the ratification of these resolutions to reject them, since they are contrary to the common good and intended to carry out the global coup that the WHO and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have planned for years under the names of the “Agenda 2030” and the “Great Reset.”
したがって、市民、特に科学者、医師、法律専門家たちが、加盟国の国家主権に対するこの脅威を糾弾し、過去の出来事について、またWHOの決定が世界人口の健康に対して引き起こした結果について、光を当てるよう求めていることに、私は全面的な支持を表明します。私は、これらの決議の批准について意見を述べるよう求められるであろう各国首脳や政府の指導者たちに、これらの決議を拒否することを強く勧めます。なぜなら、これらの決議は共通善に反しており、また、WHOと世界経済フォーラム(WEF)が「アジェンダ2030」や「グレート・リセット」(Great Reset)という名で長年計画してきた世界的クーデターを実行するよう意図されているからです。
Global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order, as has been made clear by authoritative experts who are not compromised with the system, and as such it must be rejected and opposed. The logic of control, profit, and mass pathologization must be replaced with a public health policy that has as its primary goal the health of citizens and the protection of their inalienable rights.

Holy See must reaffirm rights, protect the defenseless
The Holy See – which is a Permanent Observer at the United Nations and also at the WHO for one year now – has the duty to reaffirm the right of individuals to accept or refuse health treatments, especially in the face of the concrete danger of adverse effects, which are still partly unknown, from this experimental genetic treatment. And if up until now Bergoglio and his cabal have indulged the delusions of Gates, Schwab, and Soros, the time has come for the Catholic Church to defend the weakest, the defenseless unborn, children, and the elderly, as well as those who have been blackmailed by the cynicism of businessmen and conspirators in order to force them to be inoculated with a serum contaminated by aborted fetal cell lines.
The present conspiratorial silence of the Vatican, after the hasty pronouncements it made at the beginning of the pandemic and its shameful endorsements of Big Pharma, will be imputed to the condemnation of the Roman Sanhedrin, which has made itself an accomplice in a crime against God and man. Never in all of history has the Hierarchy prostituted itself to temporal power in such a servile and abject way. Let us pray that some Bishops will find the courage to distance themselves from Bergoglio’s collaborationist line and find the words to open the eyes of those good people who have thus far been deceived by globalist propaganda.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
May 21, 2022