

リバティーメトロン BREAKING / 香港デモに習近平マスクが大人気

2019-10-18 08:09:15 | 政治


香港加油!! 私は香港を応援しています


Hong Kong protesters defy new law, wear Xi masks

Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping issued a stark warning when it comes to “territorial integrity,” one of the communist state’s “core interests.”

“Anyone who attempts to split any region from China will perish, with their bodies smashed and bones ground to powder,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted Xi as stating in Nepal, where he met this past weekend with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Hong Kong protesters in Xi Jinping masks. / Twitter

In Hong Kong, meanwhile, thousands of protesters took to the streets on Saturday and Sunday, many wearing masks of Xi in defiance of a new law which prohibits protesters from wearing masks.

Joshua Wong, one of the protest leaders, posted a photo on Twitter of protesters in the Xi masks, writing: “President Xi, 5 demands, not one less!”

The five demands are: the full withdrawal of a bill that would allow extradition to China; freedom for political prisoners; an independent investigation into police brutality; direct election of lawmakers; and an end to being called “rioters.”

“Any external forces that support the splitting of China can only be regarded as delusional by the Chinese people,” Xi said.

Xinhua quoted Xi as saying in Nepal: “Anyone attempting separatist activities in any part of China will be crushed and any external force backing such attempts will be deemed by the Chinese people as pipe-dreaming.”

China has accused the United States of helping to orchestrate the Hong Kong protests.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, was in Hong Kong on Oct. 13 to support the protesters

“We’ve seen over two million people come to the streets standing up for freedom, standing up for democracy, and standing up against the oppression of the Chinese Communist regime,” Cruz said. “I think it is very much in the United States interests to support the people of Hong Kong. I’m here, I’m dressed in all black standing in solidarity with the protesters.”

Xi’s comments were seen by many as a warning not only to pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong but to supporters of Taiwan’s independence.

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, during the celebrations honoring the establishing of a free Taiwan last week, responded to Xi’s National Day speech, saying: “We are witnessing China’s rise and expansion, as they challenge free, democratic values and the global order through a combination of authoritarianism, nationalism, and economic might. As the strategic forefront of the Indo-Pacific region, Taiwan has become the first line of defense for democratic values.”

“China is encroaching on us through their sharp power, but as a crucial member of the region, we know that Taiwan must fulfill its responsibilities to the international community. We will not act provocatively or rashly; rather, we will work with like-minded countries to ensure that the peaceful and stable cross-strait status quo is not unilaterally altered,” Tsai added.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted in August: “The PLA is supposed to protect the people, not pound them into submission. It’s time for authoritarian China to back off!”
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ホワイトハウスよりメールが来たので引用し 本当の意味の小さな政府について説明します

2019-10-16 22:51:57 | 政治







President Trump is protecting Americans from Big Government

During the Obama Administration, it became common practice for Federal agencies to target and penalize American families and small businesses. They got away with it by hiding behind vague, often secret interpretations regarding how ordinary citizens should comply with the government’s own maze of bureaucratic regulations.

When President Donald J. Trump took office, he pledged to turn the page on Washington’s regulatory overreach, giving the American people a government that’s finally accountable to its citizens. Building on that promise, the President signed a pair of Executive Orders today to ensure that the abuses that took place under the last Administration can never happen again.

Americans will no longer be kept in the dark.

First, Agencies will have to place their guidance documents on easily searchable public websites, allowing any American access to them. The government will be required to permit citizens to give their input on these guidelines, and they will have the ability to ask agencies to withdraw guidance they believe is wrong. Second, agencies will be strictly prohibited from enforcing rules that have not been made publicly known.

These common-sense changes come alongside the President’s historic efforts to cut burdensome red tape. In his first week in office, he issued a challenge to his Administration: For every new regulation introduced, 2 old ones must be cut.

That goal has been met—to say the least. As of today, the tally is 14 regulations that have been cut for every significant new one implemented. That makes for the largest deregulatory push since Ronald Reagan was President.

Unlike Obama, President Trump is protecting Americans from Big Government.

Acting OMB Director: “Trump Keeps Promise to Tame Bureaucracy That Runs Roughshod Over Americans”

President Trump signs ‘game-changing’ trade deal with Japan

During the U.N. General Assembly last month, President Trump continued to fight for fairer trade deals for American workers. The results of that hard work came to light Monday, when the President signed a pair of groundbreaking deals at the White House.

“These two deals represent a tremendous victory for both of our nations,” President Trump said. “They will create countless jobs, expand investment and commerce, reduce our trade deficit very substantially, promote fairness and reciprocity, and unlock the vast opportunities for growth.”

🎬 President Trump: This is a groundbreaking achievement for the U.S. and Japan

America’s farming community is the big winner from the first of Monday’s agreements, which dramatically expands their market access. Before this deal, Japan was already America’s third largest agricultural export market—accounting for $14.1 billion in food and agricultural exports last year. The terms are even better now, as Japan will eliminate or reduce tariffs on approximately $7.2 billion in U.S. agricultural goods.

Once the agreement goes into effect, more than 90 percent of American agricultural imports into Japan will be duty free or receive preferential tariff access.

“In the United States, these deals are a game-changer for our farmers and our ranchers . . . [they] will now be able to compete fairly in Japan against major competitors worldwide,” the President said.

The second deal signed on Monday focuses on digital trade, setting the same “gold standard” digital trade rules that are found in the President’s landmark United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). Vital online commerce will now be expanded, which brings a significant boost to the already roughly $40 billion worth of digital trade between America and Japan. It ensures America will remain a global leader in digital.
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リバティーメトロンの記事より アメリカの本来の保守精神とトランプ大統領について

2019-10-15 23:11:50 | 政治





Trump: Left’s united front is key to their success

Power is the Democrats’ religion, President Donald Trump said on Oct. 12 in an address to religious conservatives.

President Donald Trump speaks at the Value Voters Summit on Oct. 12.

“Socialism is obsessed with the pursuit of power because it has replaced religion in their lives,” the president said at the Value Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Family Research Council.

“We’re under assault, very simple,” Trump said. “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

While blasting Democrats, Trump also noted that, unlike many instances with Republicans, they always put up a united front.

“It’s the one trait that I do respect and even admire — they stick together,” he said, referring to the Democrats.

Trump spoke of his pro-life policies which include ending fetal tissue research, excluding abortion providers from receiving Title X funding and appointing 150 judges to the federal courts.

※ Title Xとは、タイトルX家族計画プログラムのこと、公法91-572または「人口調査および自発的家族計画プログラム」

Trump also reinstated and expanded the Mexico City policy which blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate to decriminalize abortion, or expand abortion services.

“In this administration, we believe that every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God,” Trump said.

Trump also took a shot at, without actually naming him, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke for threatening to remove tax exemption from religious groups who oppose same-sex marriage.

“You know why, you know who it is, he’s a wacko,” Trump said.

As for the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry, Trump said that “They’re coming after me because I’m fighting for you.”

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リバティーメトロン Breaking 民主党とディープステートの焦り

2019-10-14 21:43:50 | 政治




Adam Schiff now doesn’t seem to want the Whistleblower to testify. NO! Must testify to explain why he got my Ukraine conversation sooo wrong, not even close. Did Schiff tell him to do that? We must determine the Whistleblower’s identity to determine WHY this was done to the USA..
....Democrat’s game was foiled when we caught Schiff fraudulently making up my Ukraine conversation, when I released the exact conversation Transcript, and when Ukrainian President and the Foreign Minister said there was NO PRESSURE, very normal talk! A total Impeachment Scam!


Deep state panic? Law firm announces ‘multiple’ anonymous ‘whistleblowers’

The same law firm representing the Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower” supposedly is representing another anonymous source who, the firm claims, has first-hand knowledge of President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

ABC’s This Week claimed on Oct. 6 that attorney Mark Zaid said the second “whistleblower” is “a member of the intelligence community with first-hand information on some of the allegations at issue.”

President Donald Trump tweeted on Oct. 5. ‘This is a fraud against the American people!’ / Public Domain / VOA

“I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers,” Andrew Bakaj, the lead attorney for the first whistleblower, said in a tweet. “No further comment at this time.”

Radio and TV host Mark Levin wrote in a Facebook post: “Since the first so-called whistleblower flopped, now the same lawyers reportedly and suddenly have a second so-called whistleblower. The choreography with this left-wing law firm, the Democrats, and the media goes on. But we all have the transcript of the phone call. So why does it matter how many so-called whistleblowers are paraded out by this law firm?”

Pollster John Zogby cited a recent approval poll that found Democrats with an 11-point advantage over Republicans. “Meaning,” Zogby told the Washington Examiner, that “the pollster has never been to Kentucky, Nebraska, or Kansas. I do not hear anyone talking about impeachment, and when I ask, folks tell me they are so tired of it all and can’t watch any of it.”

Trump tweeted on Oct. 5: “The so-called Whistleblower’s account of my perfect phone call is “way off”, not even close. Schiff and Pelosi never thought I would release the transcript of the call. Got them by surprise, they got caught. This is a fraud against the American people!”

During his phone conversation with Zelensky on July 25, Trump asked the Ukrainian president to look into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, according to the transcript of the call released by the White House.

During the call, Trump mentioned the aid that the U.S. provides Ukraine, but didn’t present it as an explicit quid pro quo for a probe of the Bidens.

Democrats have ramped up their drive for impeachment by claiming the whistleblower allegations are evidence that Trump and his administration were willing to use the power of his office to persuade a foreign country to undertake a probe that would be beneficial to his re-election campaign.

Levin added: “This is all about trying to create the impression of a scandal. Trying to influence public opinion. Trying to pick off congressional Republicans. Trying build momentum toward impeachment.”

リバティーメトロン 本編記事はこちらから↓
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Free Press Foundation , World Tribune より アメリカ人はメディアを信頼していない

2019-10-12 08:48:20 | 政治


Poll: Media no longer the most trusted source of political information

More than half of America has lost trust in the media to provide straight and accurate news about politics, a new survey found.

“Once upon a time, the news media was the most trusted source of political news and information — but not anymore. Over the past 12 months, attitudes about the American news media, particularly among Republicans, have become increasingly negative. More than 50 percent of the public don’t trust the political news they receive from the media,” said the latest 2019 Public Affairs Pulse Survey Report.

From 2018 to 2019, the new poll said, trust in the news media’s political coverage fell from 46 percent to 39 percent. Major political stories being covered during the time period of the survey included the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination fight and the Trump-Russia investigation.

In Kavanaugh’s case, many observers said that the leftist media not only did not cover the story fairly, but was complicit in attempting to derail President Donald Trump’s nominee to the high court.

On the Trump-Russia story, the corporate media was savaged by observers who say it was working hand-in-hand with Democrats in an attempt to bring down Trump. The leftist media’s alliance with Democrats continues to this day, observers say, in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower affair.
The survey, conducted by the Public Affairs Council and Morning Consult, found that friends and family, and even trade associations, are considered more trustworthy than the media when it comes to political news.

The survey found:

• The news media is rapidly losing the public’s trust as a source of news and information about politics. Only 39 percent consider it trustworthy, compared with 50 percent who said they trust the media “not too much” or none. Last year, 46 percent said it was a trustworthy source of political news and information and only 43 percent disagreed.
• Democrats still generally trust the news media, with 58 percent saying they trust it at least somewhat and only 32 percent saying they have little or no trust. Just 23 percent of Republicans, however, have at least some trust in the news media and 69 percent have little or no trust. Independents also tend to be negative about the press, with 33 percent having some trust and 50 percent having little or no trust.
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