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種子を用いた代表的な観法が[阿息観] です。これは、氷轍(満月)の中にヽ森羅万象の始源とされ大日如来の種子でもある阿(アご字を描いた画像仏の象徴として用います。またヽ出息、大息するときに、ひたすら阿字を観ずるのを[阿息観]、出息に阿字、大息に吽字を観ずるのを耶牢俳響といいます。
種子を用いた代表的な観法が[阿息観] です。これは、氷轍(満月)の中にヽ森羅万象の始源とされ大日如来の種子でもある阿(アご字を描いた画像仏の象徴として用います。またヽ出息、大息するときに、ひたすら阿字を観ずるのを[阿息観]、出息に阿字、大息に吽字を観ずるのを耶牢俳響といいます。
The profound philosophy of seeds
A seed that has the meaning and virtue of innumerable sides The symbolic Sanskrit that represents each honor with a single character is called a seed.
Usually, Ichiu, which is taken from the name of each honor or the mantra, is the seed. It is said that it was named as a seed because it is possible to obtain Buddhist fruits such as Buddha's satori, Buddhist wisdom, and Satori from the Buddha's symbol and mantra, which is the symbol of Buddha, just as many fruits can be obtained from the seeds of plants. ..
In this way, the seeds that represent the wild boar have an infinite amount of meaning and virtue, so it is said that if you chanting, keep in mind, and copy it, you will get a bodhi promptly.
Buddhist meditation
By the way, in ancient India, meditation was one of the practices of Brahmin even before the rise of Buddhism. Buddha is said to have obtained the best satori through his meditation. Buddhist meditation is a practice that awakens to the truth and acquires true wisdom, so it may be said to be the basic and most advanced practice of Buddhist training.
Types of seed viewing
In esoteric Buddhism, this meditation method is called observing and is practiced as a compulsory practice. The feature is to repair with the symbol of the Buddha in front of you, and one of the things used as the symbol of the Buddha is the Sanskrit seed.
A typical way of viewing using seeds is [Asukan]. This is used as a symbol of A (an image of the Ago character), which is the origin of all things in the ice rut (full moon) and the seed of Dainichi Nyorai. Also, breathe and breathe. Occasionally, watching Aji earnestly is called [Aburikan], and watching Aji in breath and Vairocana in Vairocana is called Yagoku Haikyo.