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不動明王 破壊と再生を司り、悪を滅する

2024-05-20 17:51:23 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words


















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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




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龍神が翔ぶ   The dragon god flies

2023-11-08 13:42:12 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words








だれかの怒りと期待と絶望にいろ どられた壮大な夢を聞いたことがあ


千年 二千年 三千年













I heard someone's groaning voice
Have you ever
To a lonely soul looking at someone's sadness
Have you ever touched it?
She had once heard a grand dream in which someone's anger, expectations, and despair chased her away.
he has to wait
1000 years 2000 years 3000 years
At the end of the waves, I'm alone at the edge of the sea
Mikare is gradually getting older
Its tail hangs in the shimmering waves
The galaxy is washing away
Sometimes the inside of me is like a force.
When it's dark, I call the clouds and see the sky
Run to the end, in a sweet circle
Nankai Dragon Kishu
Someone's compassion, anchor, and hope
Do you know the feeling of despair?


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2023-05-20 10:27:21 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words




アカシックレコード: akashic records)は、元始からのすべての事象、想念、感情が記録されているという世界記憶の概念で[1][2]アーカーシャあるいはアストラル光[注釈 1]に過去のあらゆる出来事の痕跡が永久に刻まれているという考えに基づいている[6]。宇宙誕生以来のすべての存在について、あらゆる情報がたくわえられているという記録層[7]を意味することが多い。アカシャ年代記: Akasha-Chronik: akashic chroniclesアーカシャ記録アカシアの記録[8])とも。近代神智学[注釈 2]の概念であり、その他の現代オカルティズムの分野(魔術等)でも神智学用語として引き合いに出されることがある。また、陰に陽に神智学運動の影響を受けている欧米のニューエイジや、日本の精神世界スピリチュアル占い予言といったジャンルでも使われる用語でもある。アカシックレコードが存在する科学的根拠はない[9]


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2023-05-16 08:50:59 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



虚空蔵菩薩(こくうぞうぼさつ)(梵名アーカーシャガルバ: आकाशगर्भ [Ākāśagarbha])、またはガガナガンジャ: गगनगञ्ज、[gaganagañja]))は、仏教における信仰対象である菩薩の一尊。「明けの明星」は虚空蔵菩薩の化身・象徴とされ、明星天子大明星天王とも呼ばれる。また、知恵の菩薩として、人々に知恵を授けるともいわれている[1]。ら















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モンテンルパ 獄中から現代に届いた元死刑囚たちの手紙

2023-05-07 04:34:24 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words


モンテンルパ 獄中から現代に届いた元死刑囚たちの手紙






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4月8日はお釈迦様のお誕生日です April 8th is Buddha's birthday

2023-03-29 18:29:59 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words






Buddha was born as a prince of the Shaka tribe in a city in the northeastern part of India (now Nepal) more than 2,500 years ago.
Buddha was born near the Muyugi tree in Lumbini Gardens while his mother was on her way back to her parents' house to give birth.
The Buddhacharita sutra states, ``When Buddha was born, the heavens and earth vibrated in six ways, flowers of various colors bloomed all over the earth, and rains of nectar poured down from the sky.'' Therefore, on the birthday of Buddha, a hall (hanamido) decorated with flowers was prepared, and a statue of the Buddha of birth, pointing to the sky with the right hand and pointing to the ground with the left hand, was enshrined, and amacha was poured over the Buddha of birth. to celebrate.
Buddha's real name is Gautama Siddhartha, and after his awakening, he came to be called Shakyamuni or Shakyamuni, meaning "Buddha from the Shaka clan."
Now, how can Buddha be freed from the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death that humans have been born with since childhood? After agonizing over this, he left the castle, abandoned his status as a prince, entered the Forest of Asceticism, and challenged all kinds of asceticism for six years in hopes of breaking free from his karma.
The reason why I desperately practiced asceticism was that in India at the time, the mainstream thought was that the mind was suffering because it had a body, and that the only way to free the mind was to separate the body from the mind. Siddhartha followed suit and tried to separate the mind from the body through penance to free the mind.
However, the more I hurt my body, the more my mind weakened, my heart weakened, and my willpower waned. Realizing that the body and mind are not separate but one, the Buddha escaped from the forest of asceticism, purified himself with the pure water of the Nirenzen River, and ate milk porridge offered by a girl named Sujata. After recovering his physical strength, he meditated for a week under the nearby Bodhi tree, and finally attained enlightenment.
A simple explanation of Buddha's awakening is, "The world we live in is originally suffering, and human beings are beings who collect that suffering. However, people do not realize this, and it is natural for them to live happily. If you want to be happy and live in peace, first put yourself aside and wish for the happiness of those around you. By doing so, self-obsession will naturally fade from your heart, your desires will weaken, the power of your mind to remove anxiety and fear will increase, and you will be able to attain peace of mind.
Be sure to visit the temple during the flower festival

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優婆塞の八法   Yubu Fortress's Eight Laws

2023-03-01 16:07:29 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

お釈迦さまは、「而も法次法向に随順して知らざる、是れ則ち具せざるなり」とおっしゃって おられますが、法次とは法に近づくことで、法向とは法を追及することです。ですから、仏さま や沙門の法話を聞き、観察・工夫しても常に法に近づき、法を追及しようとする努力がないなら ば満足な優婆塞とはいえない、ということです。

満足な優婆塞となるための条件を最初から挙げると、まず第一が信、そして順番に戒、 施、聞、 持、 観法次、 法向と全部で八つあります。 これを、「優婆塞の八法」と呼びます。












The Buddha says, "I don't know in order to the law, and I'm not going to give it a rule." To pursue. Therefore, it is not a satisfying Yuba block if you listen to the Buddha and Shamon's tale, observe and devise, and always approach the law and try to pursue the law.

The first thing to be a satisfying Yubutsu fortress is that there are eight things from the beginning, and the first is the religion, the commandments, listening, hearing, kinji, and so on. This is called the "Yubu Fortress's Eight Law".

When each meaning is a bullet, it looks like:





・ Financially observed and devised the deep meaning of the teaching method ... Create the heart of religion with the right wisdom.

・ The commandments of closely observing and devising the deep meaning of the teaching methods ... based on the heart of trust, separating what is good and bad, and doing it as a Buddhist.

・ Stop to observe and devise the deep meaning of the teaching methods, and actively do what you have to do.

・ Do the gourd to the virtue

・ Go to the dojo (Seisha) and hear the story of Buddha and Saemon

・ Pick and execute the contents of the preaching you have heard

・ Hoji ... approaching the law

・ Law ... pursue the law

Will be.


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Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī

2023-01-20 18:27:39 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words





なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.



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 魔訶般若心經    Hannya Shinju

2023-01-20 14:02:26 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



この行の波羅蜜多において、聖なる観自在菩薩は、この世のものすべて、五蘊いっさいは、本来空な るものと照見たまいて、この真理をもって、世のひとすべての悩み苦しみを解きほどく真実の道となし




その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかりに形を生じたものな れば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、形なしとて無しと思うな、縁によって は、を生じ相をあらわす。



たとえば、かの水を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気 となって空にとけこむ。さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。 寒の縁にあわばか たき氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化す。世のことす べてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。


人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。人は敷き、悲しみ、あるいは喜ぶ、されど、人の性 の内に、 敷き、悲しみ、喜びの、一定の性のあるにはあらず。





このように、法の本は、空なる欄である故に、現象の上にては縁によって様々に変化をあらわ すけれども、その本体はいささかもることなし。生ずることもなければ、滅することもなく、るる こともなければ、浄まるということもなし。減ることもなければ、増すこともなし、ただあるものは変化 のみ。


この道理を悟って、この世の成立を見るならば、色あるものも形なきにひとしく、受も、想も、行も、 識のはたらきすべてることなし。また、それらの本なる眼も耳もも舌も身も意もあるにあらず。





まよいを離れてかならず涅槃を究竟つくさん。 三世に住みたまえるのは、このさとりによって因縁解脱を成就し給えり。この故に、解脱を 求めんとする人は、すべからく、般若波羅蜜多の大神呪を知らねばならぬ。









Devil's Heart

Naru Kanjizai joined the line of a thief in search of the truth that will save all the troubles of the world.

In this line of Paramita, the holy Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara sees that all things in this world, including all the five knots, are originally empty, and with this truth, is the true way to relieve the suffering of all people in the world. none




If you preach the teaching here, you should not be bound by the form even if there is a form. If a form arises due to an edge, depending on the edge, it will also change into a formless, empty thing. Also, don't think that formlessness is nothingness.




See, for example, that water. If you get the chance to heat it, it will become hot water, and then it will become steam and melt into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again, and then falls to the ground as rain. On the brink of cold he becomes a splinter of ice, a pillar of cold frost. The nature of water does not change, but it changes depending on the circumstances. Everything he has done in the world has been added to this, and the book, whether tangible or intangible, is one, and it all depends on fate.


The functions of the human mind, such as receiving, imagining, and acting, and the functions of consciousness, are all nothing other than this truth. People are sad, sad, or happy, but there is no fixed nature of sadness, sadness, or joy within human nature.

According to the theory of cause and effect, the rim moves according to the cause, and only a phase appears. I call this the reason of the sky.





In this way, the law book is an empty column, and although the phenomenon shows various changes depending on the edge, the substance itself is not at all. There is no birth, there is no destruction, there is no ruling him, there is no purification. No decrease, no increase, only change.


If you understand this principle and look at the formation of this world, things with color are the same as without form, and there is no function of receiving, thinking, acting, or knowing. Nor do they have eyes, ears, tongues, bodies, and minds.

There are no colors, voices, scents, tastes, touches, or laws that are objects of the six roots. In addition, there is no line of sight, and

There is no world of consciousness, no ignorance, and therefore no end to ignorance, no old age, no death.

Therefore, realize that there is no end to old age and death, no suffering, no collection, no destruction, no path, no wisdom, and no income. Don't dwell on it at all, and when you realize this, you should get rid of all the troubled minds. If the mind is free from hesitation, fear, or greed, the bodhisattva should inevitably embody the truth of this emptiness.


Leaving Mayoi, you must reach Nirvana. It is through this enlightenment that one can live in the third generation and achieve liberation from karma. Therefore, those who seek liberation must know the Great Divine Curse of Prajnaparamita.


This Great Divine Curse is a supreme spell and a spell of nothingness. It is a spell that relieves all hardships and calamities, and its power is unfathomable. Because it is the truth, it does not change in any age, at any time, and is not false.


go to that

"If you learn the truth of the sky and pursue it, you'll eventually reach your destination.

Under the message, "Zeyo, zeyo, just earnestly. To him of liberation."




(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)

(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)


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 准胝観音   Cundī Buddha's dictionary

2023-01-12 19:12:33 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.




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 准胝観音   Cundī Buddha's dictionary

2023-01-12 19:12:33 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.




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准肌観音  Sanskrit character quasi-skin Kannon

2023-01-07 09:26:48 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhなどがよく知られている。長咒は「ナモサッタナン・サンミャクサンモダクチナン・タニヤタ・オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」。

なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なんた にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か

准服とは、梵名チユンデイ上のの音写 「清浄無垢」という意味があり、さとりの道を歩ませる観音です。


Associate skin Kannon

The mantra is well known as the short curse "On Sharay Shrey Juntei Sowaka" (Oṃ cale cule cunde svāh, etc. Juntei Sowaka ".


Associate Bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei SowakaAssociate clothing is a Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent", which is a copy of the Rogo on the Sanskrit.
Also known as Associate Clothes Buddha, Seven Clothes Buddha Mother. Since seven clothes mean "infinite", they are the mothers of many Buddhas. Therefore, it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva
There is also the theory of. In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as a Buddhist priest as a Buddhist priest, but in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a woman.
In addition, the Kannon seeds of the Fetal Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B (times) character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

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阿含宗  イスラエル Agonshu Israel by bjj

2023-01-03 09:15:23 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念 イスラエル大柴燈護摩供



イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念 イスラエル大柴燈護摩供


Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel and praying for world peace Israel Osaito goma


Celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel and prayed for world peace.
At the invitation of Israel and the City of Jerusalem, a religious group of pagans (Buddhists) prayed for world peace in Jerusalem, which is a common sacred place for the world's three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). A historic event of performing a memorial service is realized. It became the cornerstone of religious reconciliation and world peace.


This is possible because the Agon sect does not worship idols, but considers genuine Buddha relics as the principal object of worship.



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阿含宗 Agon Shu: You Can be Buddha 3  Agonshu Agon Shu: You Can be Buddha 3 

2022-12-19 19:09:21 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words


3 か月前



10 年前
which statement are you referring to? he said a lot of things.



Dinuka Sampath
Dinuka Sampath
1 年前
子供の頃、とても貧しい家庭に生まれ、幸運にもスリランカの阿含宗友好財団奨学金を受給しました。 それは私が私の学業で成功することを可能にしました。 最も由緒ある桐山靖湯とスリランカ阿含宗友好財団のスタッフに感謝します。(DinukaSri Sampath)

As a child, I was born into a very poor family and was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship from the Agonshu Friendship Foundation of Sri Lanka. It enabled me to succeed in my studies. I would like to thank the most venerable Seiyu Kiriyama and the staff of the Sri Lanka Agon Shu Friendship Foundation. (Dinuka Sri Sampath)


2 年前


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如意輪観音    Cintāmaṇicakra、チンターマニチャクラ

2022-12-14 15:03:10 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



















Nyoirin Kannon




In Japan, there are various names such as 'Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu,' 'Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu,' and 'Daibon Shinto Kannon,' but the designated name for important cultural properties is 'Nyoirin Kannon.' It is also called 'Kyusebosatsu'.

Nyoi is an abbreviation of Cintamani, and Rin is an abbreviation of chakra, dwelling in the sanmai (satisfaction) of Nyoihoju, preaching at will, removing the suffering of the sentient beings of the six realms, and leaving the world and the world. with the intention of giving the benefit of Nyoi Hoju is something that grants all wishes, and Dharma Wheel is a symbol of Buddhism that destroys earthly desires by transforming Chakram, which was originally an ancient Indian weapon.

Kannon Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering and grants all wishes

What is Nyoirin Kannon?

“Nyoi” is a jewel called “Nyoi Hoju” that brings wisdom, treasure, and good fortune at will, and “Rin” refers to the wheel of the law that destroys worldly desires. It is called Nyoirin Kannon because it is Kannon Bodhisattva holding two of them.


It is counted as one of the Six Kannons and is said to save those who are lost in the heavenly path, but it is also said that it reaches out to all six paths with its six hands.


It is said that there are benefits of wisdom, wealth, good fortune conferment, safe delivery, and life extension.

Statue of Nyoirin Kannon

It is a thoughtful figure with one knee raised, an elbow resting on it, and a fingertip on the cheek. The soles of Nyoirin Kannon's feet are put together, and the posture called Rin Oza is characteristic of Nyoirin Kannon. It is said that he is worried about how he can save people. Most of them are made of six-handed, six-armed statues, holding a wishing jewel and a dharma wheel.

famous temples and statues

・Osaka Prefecture: Kanshinji Temple

Mantra of Nyoirin Kannon

On Handma Sindamani Jimbara Un

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