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運命を変える ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 7 

2023-10-31 19:36:00 | タブレットPC






仏教に成仏法がないということは、たとえば、キリスト教にキリストがいな いのと同じことなのである。

なぜかというと、神は人類を救うために、神のひとり子であるキリストをこ の世につかわされた。キリストによって人類は救われる、ということである。 仏教では、シャカその人が人類を救うのではなく、シャカの教えた成仏法によ って人類が救われるのである。 成仏法を学ぶことによって人類は救われるのだ。 だから仏教徒はシャカを偉大なる教師として崇敬するのである。その成仏法が なかったら、仏教の価値はほとんどない。残るのは倫理・道徳の教えだけであ る。倫理と道徳だけでは、人類は救われず、社会も成り立たない。 宗教がぜっ たいに必要である。 そして、仏教を宗教として成立させるのは、成仏法がある からだ。その成仏法が、日本の仏教にはないのである。これほど不思議なこと はない。 日本に仏教が伝来して、およそ一五〇〇年、その間、かぞえきれない 程の天才があらわれているのに、どうしてこの成仏法が行方不明のままなの か?じつに不思議きわまるはなしである。

しかし、ほんとうに仏教を求めようと思ったら、不思議がってばかりはいら れない。 成仏法をさがさねばならぬ。

かれは、仏教の聖職者たちだれ一人としてこれをおかしいと考える者がいな いのも不思議だと思った。一体、どういうことなのだろうか。

かれはしばしば、こういうことを考える自分のほうが異常なのだろうかと 疑った。なんとも思わない伝統仏教の僧侶たちのほうが正常なのだろうかと、 一晩中、 まんじりともせず考えたこともしばしばあった。

しかし、シャカの教えた一番大切なことをそっちのけにしておいて、ただ、 シャカを仏様として礼拝するだけで人が救われるとは、どう考えてもあり得な いことだ。かれは、頭をふって疑惑を払いのけ、成仏法の追求に血まなこにな



仏法がない。これは仏教とはいえぬ。 ぜひとも成仏法をさがし出さねばなら

ぬ」などといっているかれに教える仏教学者も僧侶もいない。異端者だからで ある。だからかれはすべて独学である。難解な専門用語につきあたり、一行の 文章を解くのに数ヶ月もかかることがしばしばあった。それを解くために、何 十冊もの論書や経典を読まねばならぬのである。 また、そういう書物だけでは解けないものがある。インスピレーションでしか解けないものがあるのである。




求聞持聡明法がそのかれを救った。 求聞持法体得ののち、かれの前に立ちは だかる壁は無くなった。難解の経典も、しばらくじっと見つめていると、自然 にその意味が流れこむように理解されてくるのであった。


と同時に、かれは、なぜ日本の仏教が成仏法を持っていなかったかが理解され た。

日本の仏教は大乗仏教であるが、この日本の大乗仏教は古代中国の仏教を そのまま移入したものである。ところが、当時の中国仏教は、すべての経典が 全部、シャカ自身の説いたものであると考える誤りをおかしていた。そして、 その考えの上に立って、あらゆる経典を分類整理し、ランクづけをしたのであ る。その結果、阿含経を最低レベルの経典とし、「小乗経典」と呼び、大乗経 最上のものとした。以来、阿含経は、学ぶに足らぬ経典とされ、だれもか えりみなくなってしまった。ところが、実際は、この阿含経だけがシャカの説 経典だったのである。なんという皮肉であろうか。 中国仏教が最低とした 阿含経だけがシャカの説いた真実の仏教経典であって、最上とした大乗経典は すべてシャカと関わりのない作者不詳の偽作経典だったのである。


シャカの教えた成仏法が、シャカの説いた阿含経のみに記され、 シャカ以外 の人間が書いた偽経の中に書かれていないのは、当然すぎるほど当然であろう。 日本の仏教は、以上のことが明らかになった現在でも、これについては一切、 かぶりである。

かれは、自分の発見したものを、あまねく日本の仏教徒に知らせることが 自分のなすべき義務であり、責任であり、使命であると考えた。それをとると らないはかれらの自由である。 しかし、この真実だけはかれらに告げておかね ばならぬ。それが仏教の聖職者として世に立つ自分の責務である。 そうかれは 考えたのである。

何度か躊躇したのち、かれは阿含宗という一宗を立てることを決心した。 大 きな困難が予想された。 それは、日本中の仏教を敵にまわすことだからである。 しかし、一旦、決意すると、かれは一歩もひかぬ強い性格になっていた。かれ その決心を断行した。予想された障害が、つぎつぎとあらわれた。


ことを、かれらは充分、知っていたからである。 一部の人たちは、マスコミを 煽動して、かれをつぶすことを計画した。

かれの若い頃の前科酒税法違反の暴露戦術に出たのである。これは 今でも、年一、二回、年中行事のようにおこなわれる。仏教宗教のことなど 全く知識のない若い記者などが、かれの敵がわの言い分を鵜呑みにして、かれ 邪教の親玉のごとく考え、正義の使者を気取って書き立ててくるのである。 殊に、かれの教団の大きな行事のある直前には、必ず、そういう記事が出る。 しかし、かれはまことにご苦労な事だと笑って、歯牙にもかけない。

今から三五年前、かれは、ただ一人の弟子をつれて、ほとんど無一文で教団 を始めた。

いま、かれの教団は全国に信徒三十数万人。毎年二月十一日に、京都の 総本山建立地でおこなわれる「火の祭典、阿含宗大柴燈護摩供」には、全国か

五〇万人を越える参拝者が集まる。 本年は、五六万人に達した。この総本山 京都市の中心にあり、広さ約十二万坪 (およそ一〇〇エーカー)に達する。

この山上に、かれは総本山寺院を建立中であるが、これは昭和年代に入って 日本最大の寺院建築である。かれの教団は、現時点に於て、日本で唯一つ、通 信衛星を持つ教団であり、この寺院にはその放送設備が完備されている。この 寺院の建築費は、およそ二五〇億円、ざっと二億ドルである。 土地の評価額も、 大体、おなじ程度と銀行が査定している。

東京の関東別院は、土地、建物、およそ、五〇〇億円、およそ四億ドルの評 価である。その他、日本の各地に、かれの教団はいくつかの道場を持っている。 世間の多くの人びとは、かれが多額の私有財産を持っていると想像している ようだ。しかし、かれも、かれの家族も、全くといっていいほど個人の財産を 持っていない。かれの妻が、歯科医師として開業していた当時に彼女が購入し 木造の貧弱な建物が一棟だけである。評価はおそらく五、六千万円に達する かどうか。 株ブームのこの頃であるが、 株式投資は一切していない。

税務署も世間と同じような想像をしていたようだ。もっとも、そういう趣旨 の投書がいくつかあったらしい。調査にあたったお役人たちは、かなり長い間、

かれとかれの家族がほとんど無資産であることを信じなかった。どこかに隠し 預金があるものと確信していたようである。 しかし、厳重きわまる調査の結果、 それに類したものはどこにもない、と判ったとき、かれらは非常に驚いたよう であった。

かれもかれの妻も、金や物を財産だとは思っていないのである。かれらに限 りなく信頼と期待をよせてくれる信徒たちこそ、かけがえのない財産だと思っ ている。そして、かれは、求聞持聡明法と成仏法の修行により、持って生まれ 能力の何倍もの力を授けられた。



fate changes


The next thing he realized was a remarkable leap in intelligence.

She found it strange that Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood, so she searched for one.

I mentioned earlier that he entered into the study of all the Buddhist scriptures.

The fact that Buddhism does not have a method for attaining Buddhahood is the same as, for example, Christianity without Christ.

The reason is that God sent his only begotten son, Christ, into this world to save humanity. It means that humanity is saved through Christ. In Buddhism, humankind is not saved by Shaka himself, but by the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka. Humanity can be saved by learning the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood. That is why Buddhists revere Shaka as a great teacher. Without him, Buddhism would have little value. All that remains is the teaching of ethics and morality. Ethics and morality alone cannot save humanity and create a society. Religion is very necessary to him. And what makes Buddhism a religion is his body, which has the method of attaining Buddhahood. This method of attaining Buddhahood does not exist in Japanese Buddhism. There is nothing more strange than this. It has been about 1500 years since Buddhism was introduced to Japan, and during that time countless geniuses have appeared, so why is this method of attaining Buddhahood still missing?This is a truly mysterious story. .

However, if he really wanted to pursue Buddhism, he would become frustrated with all the doubts. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

He thought it strange that none of the Buddhist clergy thought this was strange. What exactly is that?

He often wondered if he was abnormal for thinking this way. He would often spend all night wondering if the traditional Buddhist monks who thought nothing of it were normal.

However, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to ignore the most important thing that Shaka taught and think that people can be saved simply by worshiping Shaka as a Buddha. He shook his head to dispel his doubts and devoted himself to the pursuit of Buddhahood.

However, it was extremely difficult.

First, he had no Buddhist teacher. ``Japanese Buddhism has developed

There is no Buddhism. This cannot be called Buddhism. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

There are no Buddhist scholars or monks who can teach him who says, "Nu." He is because he is a heretic. So he is self-taught. Due to the difficult technical terms, it often took several months to unravel a single line of text. In order to solve this problem, one must read dozens of treatises and scriptures. Also, there are some things that cannot be solved with such books alone. There are some things that can only be solved through inspiration.


I didn't make any progress. I spent a lot of time groping aimlessly in the thicket of all the sutras.

He was walking around. He almost despaired many times, but he did not give in.

Gumonji's wise method saved him. After he had mastered the Gumonji Dharma, the wall that stood before him was no longer there. Even if I stared at a difficult to understand scripture for a while, I would naturally begin to understand its meaning.

He finally discovered the method of attaining Buddhahood in a sutra called Agon Sutra. It was hidden in the Agon Sutra under the name ``Shichika Thirty-Seven Dohon''. discover it

At the same time, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood.

Japan's Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and this Japanese Mahayana Buddhism is a direct import of ancient Chinese Buddhism. However, Chinese Buddhism at the time made the mistake of thinking that all the sutras had been preached by Shaka himself. Based on this idea, he categorized and ranked all the scriptures. As a result, he considered the Agon Sutra to be the lowest level sutra, calling it the ``Hinayana Sutra,'' and considered the Mahayana Sutra to be the highest. Since then, the Agon Sutra has been considered a sutra worthless to study, and no one has respected him. However, in reality, this Agon Sutra was the only scripture that Shaka preached. How ironic! The Agon Sutra, considered the worst in Chinese Buddhism, was the only true Buddhist sutra preached by Shaka, and the Mahayana Sutra, considered the best, was all his fake sutras whose author was unknown and had nothing to do with Shaka.

In modern times, research into Sanskrit and Pali progressed, and this error was discovered.

It is only natural that the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka is recorded only in the Agon Sutra that Shaka preached, and not in the false sutras written by anyone other than Shaka. Even now that the above has become clear, Japanese Buddhism is still a cover-up regarding this matter.

He considered it his duty, responsibility, and mission to make his discoveries known to all Japanese Buddhists. If he takes it, he does not take it, it is their freedom. But he must tell them this truth. That is my responsibility as a Buddhist priest. That's what he thought.

After some hesitation, he decided to establish a sect called the Agon sect. Great difficulties were expected. This is because it would make Buddhism in Japan an enemy. However, once he made up his mind, he became a strong character who never backed down. He carried out his decision. The expected obstacles appeared one after another.

Traditional Buddhists avoided any debate with him. his claim is correct

Because they knew that very well. Some people planned to incite the media and destroy him.

This was a tactic to expose his previous conviction for violating the Liquor Tax Law when he was young. This event is still held once or twice a year as an annual event. Young journalists and others who have no knowledge of the Buddhist religion accept the claims of their enemies at face value, think of them as the leaders of a cult, and pretend to be messengers of justice. In particular, articles like this always appear right before a big event for his cult. However, he laughed and said that it was a real pain, and did not even bother about it.

Thirty-five years ago, he started a cult with almost no money and only one disciple.

His church now has over 300,000 members nationwide. Every year on February 11th, people from all over the country participate in the ``Fire Festival, Agon Shu Daisaito Goma-ku,'' which is held at the headquarters of the temple in Kyoto.

Over 500,000 worshipers gather. This year, the number reached 560,000. This head temple is located in the center of Kyoto City and covers an area of approximately 120,000 tsubo (approximately 100 acres).

On this mountaintop, he is currently constructing the head temple, which is the largest temple building in Japan since the Showa era. His cult is currently the only cult in Japan with a communications satellite, and this temple is fully equipped with its broadcasting equipment. The construction cost of this temple was approximately 25 billion yen, roughly 200 million dollars. Banks estimate that the appraised value of the land is roughly the same.

Kanto Betsuin in Tokyo is valued at approximately 50 billion yen, or approximately 400 million dollars, including land and buildings. Additionally, his cult has several dojos throughout Japan. Many people in the world like him imagine that he has a large amount of private property. However, neither he nor his family own any personal property at all. There is only one modest wooden building that his wife purchased when she was practicing as a dentist. Whether his evaluation will probably reach 50,600 million yen. Although it was the time of the stock boom, I did not invest in stocks at all.

It seems that the tax office had the same idea as the public. However, it seems that there were several letters to that effect. For quite some time, the officials who conducted the investigation

He could not believe that he and his family had almost no assets. It seems that he was convinced that there was a hidden deposit somewhere. However, they seemed very surprised when, after intense investigation, they discovered that nothing like it existed anywhere else.

Neither he nor his wife consider money or things to be assets. They believe that the believers who have unlimited trust and expectations for them are an irreplaceable asset. And through his training in the Law of Pursuit of Purity and the Law of Pursuing Buddhahood, he was endowed with powers many times greater than what he was born with.

Moreover, what more wealth do we need than the joyful life we live, day and night, bathed in the light of Buddha Shaka's wisdom and compassion?



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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

2023-10-31 19:23:13 | 運命学




因縁解脱というのは、運命を成り立たせる因子である「因縁」から超越してし まうことである。或いは、「因縁」を消滅させてしまうことである。人間とい うものを成立させているところの「因縁」から超越し、「因縁」を消滅させて しまったとき、そのヒトは、人間を超えた存在である「ブッダ」になる。 ブッ ダにはもはや運命はない。これが仏教の教理である。

ブッダになるための修行法を「成仏法」という。「因縁解脱法」ともいう。 かれは、「成仏法」こそ、人間の運命を完全に、そして最高のものに変えて しまう方法であると考えた。そう考えたかれは、成仏法を求めて仏教の門に入 った。仏教の門に入ったかれが間もなく知ったことは、これまでの日本のどの 仏教にも、完全な「成仏法」がないということであった。

これはかれにとってじつに不思議でならないことであった。仏教というのに どうして成仏法がないのか? 因縁解脱法がなぜないのか? 成仏法のない仏 教は仏教ではないのではないか? かれは不審に思いつつ、成仏法を求めて一 心に大な経典群ととり組み、すべての宗派の勉強をした。かれが特定の宗派に入らず、特定の師を持たなかったのはこの為である。どの宗派にも確立した 成仏法がない上に、一つの宗派に入ると、束縛されてしまって、成仏法を求め る自由な修行が出来ないからである。かれは、仏教だけにとどまらず、中国の 道教、インドのヨーガにも目を向け、修練にはげんだ。道教では導引・気功、 ヨーガではクンダリニー・ヨーガを学んだ。

真言密教の修行に入ったとき、「求聞持聡明法」という法に出会った。これ は、ヒトを天才にするということで有名な法であった。

求聞持聡明法というのは、日本の仏教の中で真言宗という密教の一派を開い 弘法大師空海(七七四年一八三五年)が修行して、大天才になったという有名

空海は、若くして密教の修行をはじめるにあたり、こう考えたのである。 密教は非常に難解であるから、ふつうの頭脳で修行しても、到底理解する ことが出来ない。 幸い、密教には人を聡明にする求聞持聡明法という法がある。 まず、この法を学んで、自分の脳を改善しよう


このことは、空海自身、かれの伝記の中ではっきり書いており、そして空海 は、日本の歴史の中で最高レベルの知性を持つ天才である。

求聞持というのは、一度見聞したことはぜったいに忘れない”という意 味であり、聡明”というのは、“師なくして天地自然の真理をさとる知恵のこ という”とある。

要するに、求聞持は記憶力のことで、聡明は創造力のことであろうとかれは 考えた。あるいは、求聞持とはハードウエアのことであり、聡明はソフトウエ アということであろう。この二つの能力は、ものごとを学び、研究する上で最

高の武器である。日本の仏教に見あたらない成仏法をさがす上で、これは絶対 不可欠な能力といえよう。 それにまた、普通の頭脳の持ちぬしが天才になると いうのは、これまた立派な運命の変換というべきではなかろうか?


かれは、手に入るかぎりの文献を集め、さらに、若い頃、この法を修行した という老僧に伝授を受けた。(この老僧は、残念ながら、天才にはなっていな かったがしかし、この老僧は師から伝統にのっとって伝授を受け、その通 修行した人である)かれは、その老僧の指導を受け、法の命ずる通りの修行を二度くり返した。 二度とも法は成功しなかった。集中力と思考力がいくらかよくなった程度で、 到底、天才とはほど遠いものであった。




というものであった。少なくとも、なんらかの欠陥がある、というのであった。 つまり、自分にミスがあるのではなく、法の方に欠陥があるのだというのであ る。人が聞いたら、なんという自信過剰!と呆れるかも知れない。いや、真 密教の僧侶が聞いたら、法に対する旗だと、かんかんになるであろう。し

かし、かれはぜったいに自分が正しいと確信した。かれが調査したところによ ると、むかしから無数の密教修行者たちが天才になろうとしてこの法に挑戦し、 ことごとく失敗しているというのであった。それも単なる失敗ではなく、その 大半は、精神病か結核になって、天折しているというのであった。

大正年代から昭和初期にかけて(一九一七年三五年頃)かなりの数の犠牲者 が出て、それ以来、この修行をする者はほとんど無くなったということであっ た。修行したとしても形式だけのものになったようである。


「あまり真剣になって根をつめるとやられるようじゃから、注意せんといかん のう。ほどほどにせんとな」




「大天才になられたのは空海さまだけじゃ。あのお方は、最初から天才じゃっ たのと違うかな」


かれは苦笑いしながら、そうかも知れない、と思ったが、しかしおれは徹底 的にやって必ず成功してみせるぞ、と思ったのであった。

しかし、失敗して、さまざまな角度から検討してみて、 これは、伝えられて いる法が不備なのだと考えたのである。 どう考えてみても、こういう修行の方 法で、人間が天才になれるはずはないと考えたのである。 この不完全な法で天 才になろうと思って必死に修行をつづけたら、体力、気力を消耗し尽くして、 さいごには、結核かノイローゼになるのは当然だと考えたのである。

そう考えたが、しかし、かれは、求聞持聡明法の修行をやめてしまおうとは 思わなかった。




明法を修行して、相当な効果のあったこともまた間違いない事実であると思わ れる。なぜならば、かれ自身、奇蹟的な結果を得たと記しているからである。 自分がもともと天才であってこの法を修しても格別に効果がなかったのである なら、こんなことを仰々しく書くことはなかったであろう。 おそらく求聞持 明法は修したとしても、この法についてなに一つ、かれは書くことをしなかっ たであろう。 効果があったからこそ、あったと書いたのである。効果がなかっ たのに、あったとウソを書く必要はない。 ただ一つ考えられることは、真言密 教の法の力の偉大さをアピールするためにそうしたということであるが、かれ ほどの大天才がそんな姑息な手段をとるなど考えられず、またもしそういう必 要があるならば、もっと別な方法をとったであろう。だから、求聞持聡明法は、

必ず効果があるはずである。ただ、その方法は、いま伝えられているものでは 効果がないということだ。 自分は、一生かけてもその欠けている部分をさがし 出し、この偉大な法を完成しよう。なぜならば、それは自分自身にも必要であ るが、自分以外の多くの人にもまた、大きな利益をもたらすからだ」



それについて、かれは、一九七二年に刊行した著書『密教・超能力の秘密』 でつぎのように述べている。



記憶力と聡明さをあたえる秘法であるが、これを、何十ぺん、何百ぺん、昔 から伝えられる法の通りに修行したところで、その結果は徒労におわるであ ろう。 生命を賭して修行すれば、多少の効果はあろうが、宗祖の空海が得た ような霊験を得ることは、まず不可能であろう。

なぜならば、真言密教の「虚空蔵菩薩求聞持聡明法」には、印真観想によ 精神集中の「法」はあるけれども、現実的に生理器官である大脳皮質その ものを動かす「技術」は持っていないのである。

前の著書『変身の原理」で求聞持聡明法について語って以来、私は、十指 を越える真言宗の僧侶、阿闍梨耶 (ācárya=教授) がたから、手紙あるいは 直接、この法の修行について相談をうけた。そのほとんどは、自分も一度な いし数度にわたって求聞持法を修したが、いっさい効験がみられなかった、

修行のしかた、あるいは心構えに間違いがあったのであろうか、というもの であった。 また、何度か修行してみてあの行法にそんな神秘的な力がひそん でいようとは思われぬ、という疑惑の声もあった。中には、お気の毒にも健 康を害してしまって、再起不能になったと訴えてきた阿闍梨耶もおられた。 お気の毒であるが、当然なのである。

真言密教の阿闍梨耶がたが、いくら求聞持聡明法をくりかえしても、成就 できないのは当然なのである。もちろん、絶対に、とはいわない。万人に秀 でる天才、英才であったら、その奥に達することができるかも知れぬ。しか まず不可能といってよいであろう。

私が発見し、編成した「求聞持法」でなければ不可能と断言しても、決し てオーバーではないであろう。それについては後でまた改めてくわしく書く が、ここで、求聞持法の秘密の一端を明かすことにする。




Liberation from karma means transcending ``karma,'' which is the factor that establishes one's destiny. Or, it means to eliminate "karma." When a person transcends the ``fate'' that makes the human being what it is, and eliminates the ``fate'', he becomes a ``Buddha,'' a being that transcends humans. Buddha no longer has a destiny. This is the doctrine of Buddhism.

The training method to become a Buddha is called the ``Buddhahood method''. It is also called the "method of releasing one's fate." He believed that ``the method of attaining Buddhahood'' was the way to completely and supremely change a person's destiny. Thinking so, he entered Buddhism in search of the method to attain Buddhahood. What he soon learned after entering Buddhism was that there was no perfect ``method for attaining Buddhahood'' in any of Japan's previous forms of Buddhism.

This was very strange to him. Even though it is Buddhism, why does he not have a method for attaining Buddhahood? Why is there no method for releasing oneself from one's fate? Isn't Buddhism without a method for attaining Buddhahood not really Buddhism? Although he was suspicious, he devoted himself to great efforts in search of the method for attaining Buddhahood. He worked on the scriptures and studied all the sects. This is why he did not join any particular sect or have any particular teacher. This is because none of the sects has an established method for attaining Buddhahood, and if you join one, you will be bound and unable to practice freely in pursuit of the method for attaining Buddhahood. In addition to Buddhism, he turned his attention to Chinese Taoism and Indian yoga, and devoted himself to training. He studied Taoism and Qi Gong, and Kundalini Yoga.

When he entered the training of Shingon esoteric Buddhism, he came across a law called ``Gumonji Somyoho.'' This method was famous for turning people into geniuses.

Gumonji Sōmeiho is a famous school of Buddhism in Japan, where Kobo Daishi Kukai (774-1835) trained and became a great genius.

This is what Kukai thought when he began training in esoteric Buddhism at a young age. Esoteric Buddhism is so difficult to understand that even if you practice it with your normal mind, you will never be able to understand it. Fortunately, in Esoteric Buddhism there is a law called Gumonji Shumeiho that makes people wise. First, learn this method and improve your brain.

Kukai practiced this method and became a genius.

Kukai himself clearly wrote about this in his biography, and Kukai is a genius with the highest level of intelligence in Japanese history.

The word ``gumonji'' means ``one never forgets what one has seen or heard,'' and the word ``intelligent'' means ``he has the wisdom to understand the truth of heaven, earth, and nature without a teacher.''

In short, he thought that ``knowledge'' refers to memory, and ``smartness'' refers to creativity. Alternatively, ``Gyubunmochi'' refers to hardware, and ``Smartness'' refers to software. These two abilities are the most important in learning and researching things.

It is a high-quality weapon. This can be said to be an absolutely essential ability in searching for the method of attaining Buddhahood that is not found in Japanese Buddhism. Besides, isn't it another wonderful transformation of fate that he says that someone with an ordinary brain can become a genius?

With this in mind, he entered the training of Gumonjisomeiho.

He collected as much literature as he could get his hands on, and also received initiation from an old monk named He, who had practiced this Dharma when he was young. (Unfortunately, this old monk did not become a genius. However, this old monk received initiation from his teacher according to tradition, and was a person who trained through it.) After receiving guidance, he repeated the training twice as instructed by the law. Both times the law was unsuccessful. His concentration and thinking ability improved somewhat, but he was far from a genius.


He repeatedly questioned whether his method of training was wrong.

I considered it repeatedly.

I told him that the conclusion I had reached was that the Gumonji Someiho that had been passed down until now was wrong.

That's what it was. At the very least, there was some kind of flaw. In other words, he argues that it is not his fault, but the law's fault. If people heard this, they might be shocked and think, "How overconfident!" No, if a Shin Esoteric Buddhist monk heard this, he would be furious, thinking it was a flag against the Dharma. death

But he was absolutely convinced that he was right. According to his research, countless practitioners of Esoteric Buddhism had tried this method in the past in an attempt to become geniuses, but had all failed. This was not just a failure; most of them suffered from mental illness or tuberculosis, and were said to have given up.

From the Taisho era to the early Showa era (around 1917), there were a considerable number of victims, and since then, almost no one practices this practice. Even if he did practice, it seems to have become only a formality.

After the old monk who taught him the Dharma had finished teaching him the Dharma,

``If you get too serious and get too serious, you might get killed, so you have to be careful, he's crazy.''

``Fortunately, I didn't suffer from lung disease or go insane, but instead I became a genius.''

I'm familiar with you. Hahaha

he laughed. and,

``Kukai-sama is the only one who became a great genius. He was a genius from the beginning, isn't he?''

He laughed again.

He thought with a wry smile that this might not be the case, but he also thought that he would work thoroughly and be sure to succeed.

However, after failing and considering it from various angles, he realized that this was due to a flaw in the law that had been passed down to him. No matter how you think about it, he thought that there was no way a person could become a genius through this type of training. He believed that if he tried desperately to become a genius using this imperfect method, he would exhaust his physical strength and energy, and eventually develop tuberculosis or neurosis.

That's what he thought, but he had no intention of giving up his practice of Gyomonjisomeiho.

This is what he thought.

The secret of the star

Kukai may have been a genius to begin with. However, he is the

It is also a fact that there is no doubt that practicing Myoho has had considerable effects. This is because he himself wrote that he had obtained miraculous results. If he had been a genius to begin with, and had practiced this method without any particular effect, he would not have written such an exaggerated statement. Even though he had practiced Gumon Jimyoho, he probably did not write anything about this law. He wrote that it existed because it was effective. There's no need to lie and say he had it when it didn't work. The only thing I can think of is that he did it to emphasize the great power of the law of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, but he could not imagine that such a great genius would take such a palliative measure. If that was necessary, I would have taken a different approach. Therefore, the ``Gumonji Sōmeiho'' is

It should definitely be effective. However, the method currently being communicated is not effective. I will spend my whole life searching for the missing parts and perfecting this great Dharma. Because while it is necessary for yourself, it also brings great benefits to many other people.

He spent many years working tirelessly to achieve this goal.

Let me conclude. He finally succeeded in perfecting this law.

Regarding this, he wrote the following in his book ``Esoteric Buddhism and the Secret of Supernatural Powers'' published in 1972.

In his book, he was convinced that he had perfected the ``Gumonji Sōmeiho.''

Gumonji Smart Method is to improve and strengthen the human cerebrum, to strengthen the human brain, and to develop an unparalleled knowledge.

It is a secret method that gives you memory and intelligence, but even if you practice it for tens or even hundreds of hours according to the laws that have been passed down from ancient times, the result will be in vain. If you put your life on the line for training, you may get some results, but it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain the same miraculous powers that the founder of the sect, Kukai, achieved.

This is because, although the ``Kokuzo Bodhisattva Seeking and Jusimeiho'' of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism has a ``method'' of concentrating the mind through Inshin contemplation, it actually moves the cerebral cortex itself, which is a physiological organ. They don't have the technology.

Since I talked about the Gumonji Somyo method in my previous book, The Principle of Transformation, I have had more than a dozen Shingon monks, ācárya (professors), contact me by letter or in person to discuss the practice of this method. I received it. Most of them said that he himself had practiced Gumonjiho several times, but he had never seen any effect.

Perhaps there was a mistake in the way he practiced or his mindset. There were also voices of doubt that even after practicing the practice several times, it was hard to believe that there was such a mystical power hidden in that practice. Among them was an Acharya who complained that his health had deteriorated and he was unable to recover. I feel sorry for you, but it is natural.

It is natural that the Acharyas of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism cannot achieve their goals no matter how many times they repeat the teachings of wisdom. Of course, I'm not saying absolutely. If you are a genius or gifted person who excels at all people, you may be able to reach the depths. However, it can be said that it is impossible for him to do so.

He would not be going overboard if he declared that it would be impossible without the ``Gimonjiho'' that I discovered and organized. I will write about this in more detail later, but I will now reveal some of the secrets of the Gumon Jiho method.

First, let's talk about the traditionally handed down Shingon esoteric Buddhism's ``Kokuzo Bodhisattva Gumonji Sōmei''.

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阿弥陀如来 命あるものすべてを救うべく誓いを立て、極楽浄土に導く

2023-10-31 08:48:08 | 運命学

















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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

2023-10-31 08:38:38 | 運命学





それが、「日の国の法」だったのである。 ノストラダムスがその予言詩で、 - 日の国の法と金星の法が競い合う といった「日の国の法」がこれだったのである。 わたくしは、さきに、「日の国の法」とは、日本の古代神法「息吹き永世の法」で あるとのべた。

仏陀の法のピンガラ、イダーを開発形成する法は、日本の古代神法 「息吹き永世」 の中にあったのである。

わたくしは、いまから一九年も前の一九七二年に刊行した『密教・超能力の秘密』 の中で、このことをいっている。さきに抜粋したものをもう一度のせてみよう。


私も以前、修行中に、これが息吹き長世の法であるという二、三の法に接したが、 世にいうほどの秘法とも思われず、さりとて、私にもそれが本当のものであるか、 そうでないかを見きわめるほどの古神道の素養もなく、そのまま過ごしてきたこと であった。

ところが、クンダリニーの覚醒に際して、私は、まったく思いがけず、この息吹 き長世の呼吸法を発見したのである。

息吹き長世の法の特長は、この法成就するや、寒熱自在の息を長嘯す、とあるよ うに、定に入ると、凍るように冷たい息と、熱風のように熱い息とを交互に、自在 に吐くのである。この、寒熱自在の息は不思議な力があって、法の通りにこれを息 吹くと、いかなる病気も、怪我もたちどころに痛みが去り、快癒におもむくとされ ている。瀕死の病人にむかい息吹くとき、神の新鮮な生命力を吹きこまれて、たち どころによみがえり、元気充実す、という。おかしたる罪けがれも一切浄化される。 天地四方にむかって息吹くときは、悪霊、怨念、低級の霊、すべての障害が消滅す る。「是レ、神ノ息吹キ也」とある。修行者が常時これを修すると、神人合一して


私が、クンダリニー覚醒に際して、痛烈なショックをうけたときに、もっともい ちじるしいことは、急激な寒さと、燃えるような熱さとが、交互に全身を襲ったこ とであった。そうして、寒さにおそわれたときには、吐く息も、氷のように冷たい 息であった。腹の底からかあッと熱いものがこみあげてきたときには、息もたえだ えに熱風のような息を吐いた。二、三〇秒おきにこの寒熱が全身をおそうのである から、たまったものではないのだ。からだ中の細胞がバラバラになってしまうので はないかと思われ、大の男が思わず悲鳴をあげてしまう。

このときは気がつかなかった。のちになって、このときの呼吸のしかたが異常だ ったことに気がつき、何度もそれをくりかえしてみた。最初はできなかったが、定 に入り、腹部と胸部のチャクラを使うと、次第にこの特殊な呼吸法ができるように なった。寒熱自在の息を吐く呼吸法のコツが体得できた。はなしに聞く息吹き長世 の呼吸法がこれであると合点された。 息吹き長世の原点は、古代ヨーガのなかにあったのである。この呼吸の技術は、


古代ヨーガ独特のものである。息吹き長世の秘法は、この技術によるものであるこ とは疑いない。

この古代ヨーガの技術がどのようにしてわが国の古代神道にとり入れられたもの か、私にも判然としない。おそらくは、神代とよばれる古い時代に、古代ヨーガを 体得した超人が、大陸から渡来してこれをつたえたものであろう。あるいは、それ が、この国で神とよばれるこの国の始祖になったのかも知れない。 「たしかに、この特殊な呼吸法は、肺と心臓の機能をいちじるしく強化して、全身 の血流を浄化し、体力を異常にたかめると同時に精神をふかく鎮静させ、頭脳を新 鮮な思考力でみたしてくれる。また、それは心のおくふかくわかわかしいロマンを かきたててくれるようである。それは古代の神への回帰であろうか。ふかい定に入 ると、たくましい古代の神々が、果てしなく深い青空にむかって、厚い胸をそらし、 声をかぎりに神叫びにおらぶ、ゆたかな声量がわが胸に躍動してくる思いだ。この 刹那の悠揚たる充実を持ちつづけるならば、人はたしかに三○○歳を生きつづける ことも難事ではあるまい。私はいま、この呼吸法を、だれでも容易に体得できるよ

う、あたらしい古代神法、息吹き長世、の復元をはかりつつある。古神道の行法 にのっとり、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラをとり入れたピンガラ、イダーの開 発法はすでにほとんど完成している。ただ、この法は、ごくデリケートな呼吸の操 作を必要とし、もし間違えるとよくない影響もあると考えられるので、ペンだけの 表現でつたえることは不可能である。実地の指導なくしては体得し得ない。読者は ベつな機会を持ってほしいのである。


一九年の昔の、まだ修行途上時代の筆であるから、いまから見ると、思い違いをし ている部分もあり、完全に把握していない部分もある。しかし、大筋において間違っ てはいない。

以来、十数年の間、わたくしは、わき目もふらず、ひとすじに、この法を追求しつ づけてきた。そして、結局、これが、仏陀の法につながっていたことをさとったので ある。

右の文章中、「古代ヨーガ」とあるのは、「仏陀の法」だったわけである。当時のわ たくしには、そこまでの眼がなかったのである。勉強不足であった。十数年間の一筋 の修行が、その目をひらかせてくれたわけである。 (阿含経に深くふれたのは、この あとのことであった)

前の節にのべたピンガラ・イダーを開発する「秘密マントラ特殊詠唱法」の呼吸法 が、じつは古代神法 「息吹き永世」の呼吸法なのである。

というのは、息吹き永世の法では、〝寒熱自在の息を吐く。のであるが、これは、 ピンガラ、イダーのはたらきによるものと思われるからだ。 クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、 ピンガラは「太陽の気道」と呼ばれ、高い熱気を伴う とされ、 イダーは、「月の軌道」と呼ばれ、冷寒を伴う とされる。



息吹き永世では、このエネルギーを「神の息吹き」として、人びとの救済に用いた のである。

こういうかたちで、仏陀の法が古代神法の中に生きていたのだと思うと、一九年の 昔も今も、わたくしの胸は、古代の神々への限りない回帰の念にうちふるえるのである。

この法の伝授については、一九年の昔の文章をそのままのせるしかないであろう。 即ち、この法は、ごくデリケートな呼吸の操作を必要とし、もし間違えるとよくな い影響もあると考えられるので、ペンだけの表現でつたえることは不可能である。実 地の指導なくしては体得し得ない。読者はべつな機会を持ってほしいのである。と。

ヴェニュー 金星の法



求聞持聡明法は、「明星」すなわち金星を祀って観想を凝らし、マントラを唱えて、 修行をする。これ以上に、「金星の法」というのにふさわしい法はないであろう。し かも、この法は、人の脳を改造し、すぐれた賢人にする法とされている。まさに、救 世主の法とするに足る法ではないか。

しかし、わたくしが、この求聞持聡明法を以て、金星の法と断定するのは、それだ けのことではないのである。もっと深い理由があるのである。 それはなにか? そのことについて、わたくしは、一九年前のむかし、『密教・超能力の秘密』で、 ~求聞持聡明法・明星の秘密』と題して、つぎのようにのべているのである。

まず、最初、真言密教の求聞持法をのべてみる。 「この法を修するには、東南西三方の晴れたるところを最上とする。東方のみでも 悪くはない。道場の東壁に小窓をつくる。これは虚空蔵の化現である明星(金星)

の光を道場にさし入れるためである。また、朝日夕月の光を本尊にあてる意もあり、 あるいは小窓に網を張り、黄色の種字の字を書いて、そこから、明星の光をとおし て本尊にあてるためでもある」

とまず場所を制定し、つぎに、さだめられた本尊の印明を百万べん、五十日ある いは百日に読誦するのであるが、日蝕または月蝕の時に結願するよう開 白(はじ めること)しなければならぬとある。

弘法大師空海は、求聞持聡明法成就の体験を、 「 阿国大滝の国にのぼりよじ、土州室戸の崎に勤念す。谷響を惜しまず、明星 影す。云々」 と語っている。阿波の大滝岳にのぼり、土佐の室戸岬でこの法の修行にはげんだ ところ、谷はこだまし、明星があらわれるなど、法にいわれている通りの現証があ り、法が成就した―――、というのであるが、これは、このまま鵜呑みにすると間違 ってしまう。 真言密教の求聞持聡明法秘伝に、こうある。

というのは、結願に際して、香に火を置き、明星を拝したとき、四 方が暗く明星が見えなければ、修行が成功せず、失敗したのである。暗くても明星 が現われれば下品の成功であり、四方が少々晴れて明星が現われれば中品、ことご とく晴れて明星現われれば成就、明星が眼前に現われ遊曳するのが、最高の成功で ある。四方が晴れても明星が現われなければ、失敗である」

と。 これがちがうのである。全くちがう。 こういう口伝や奥伝を頼りにいくら修行しても、気の毒だが、求聞持聡明法は成 就しない。 なぜか? 明星は、天空には現われないのである。 では、どこにあらわれるのか?


脳のチャクラが開発されたとき、間脳、視床下部の辺で、光を感ずるような刺激が 生ずるのである。神経経路がスパークするのであろうか。

わたくしがここでいいたいのは、ノストラダムスが予言した「金星の法」は、真言 密教の求聞持聡明法ではなく、仏陀の求聞持聡明法であったということである。

なぜならば、脳底にきらめくこの金星は、仏陀の法でない限り、ぜったいにあらわ れないからである。 ノストラダムスは見たのである。四五〇年の昔、未来の世にあらわれる仏陀の脳の 奥ふかく然ときらめく金星の光を。 そして名づけたのだ。「金星の法」と

救世主の法は、他のものが持たぬ二つの力を持たねばならない。 それは、第一に、これまで説いてきたように、人間の脳の致命的な欠陥を、根本的 に改造する力である。

第二に、メシアの法は、生者を救うだけではなく、死者をも救済する力を持ってい なければならない。全地球上にみなぎる死者の怨念を消滅させる力である。

霊的な力を持つ聖者ならばだれでも、地球を覆う死者の悲泣呻吟の声を耳にして、 心痛の限りを尽くさぬものはない。

この死者の怨念のバイブレーションが、すべての人の深層意識を動かしている。こ とにおそろしいのは、もの心つかぬ幼少年の心に深い傷や亀裂をあたえていることだ。

フロイトによると、ヒトが生まれてからの数年は、一種の催眠に似ており、その数 年間に幼児はさまざまな影響と暗示をうける。それらの影響と暗示が、のちになって



The law of the country of the day


That was the "law of the country of the day." Nostradamus was his prophetic poem-this was the "law of the country of Japan" where the law of the country of Japan and the law of Venus competed. I mentioned earlier that the "law of the country of the day" is the ancient Japanese law "the law of the breathing eternity".

The method of developing and forming the Buddha's law, Pingala, Ida, was in the ancient Japanese god law, "Breathing Eternal."

I say this in "The Secret of Mikkyo and ESP" published in 1972, 19 years ago. Let's put the excerpt from earlier on again.


During my training, I also came across a few laws that this is the law of the breathing eternity, but it does not seem to be a secret law as it is in the world, and I wonder if it is true for me. I didn't have the background of Ko-Shintō to find out if it wasn't, so I spent it as it was.

However, upon the awakening of the Kundalini, I completely unexpectedly discovered this breathing method of the Eternal Age.

Breathing The characteristic of the law of the Eternal Age is that as soon as this law is fulfilled, it will take a long breath of free heat. In addition, it spits freely. This cold-free breath has a mysterious power, and it is said that if you breathe it according to the law, any illness or injury will immediately go away and you will be healed. When the dying sick person breathes, the fresh vitality of God is infused, and he is revived and rejuvenated. All the guilty injuries are purified. When you breathe in all directions, evil spirits, grudges, low-ranking spirits, and all obstacles disappear. It says, "That's right, Kiya Kami no Breath." When the practitioner constantly repairs this, the gods are united.

It is said that he will get a longevity of 3 ○○ years old.

When I was shocked by the kundalini's awakening, his most terrifying thing was that the sudden cold and the fiery heat struck the whole body alternately. Then, when I was struck by the cold, the breath I exhaled was as cold as ice. When a hot thing came up from the bottom of his belly, he was breathless and exhaled like hot air. This cold heat seems to cover the whole body every few seconds, so it is not accumulated. The cells in his body fall apart, so he seems to be there, and a big man screams unintentionally.

He didn't notice at this time. Later, he noticed that his breathing was abnormal at this time, and he repeated it over and over again. I couldn't do it at first, but as I started to use the abdominal and chest chakras, I gradually became able to do this special breathing method. I learned the knack of breathing method to exhale freely in the cold. Breathing to hear without a story It was pointed out that this is the breathing method of the Eternal Age. The origin of the breathing eternity was in ancient yoga. This breathing technique


It is unique to ancient yoga. There is no doubt that the secret method of the Breathing Era is due to this technique.

It is not clear to me how this ancient yoga technique was incorporated into the ancient Shinto of our country. Perhaps a superhuman who learned ancient yoga in an old age called Kamidai came from the continent and responded to this. Or it may have become the founder of this country, called God. "It is true that this special breathing method remarkably strengthens the functions of the lungs and heart, purifies the blood flow of the whole body, abnormally strengthens the physical strength and at the same time calms the mind, and makes the brain fresh thinking. It also seems to arouse the fluffy and fragile romance of the heart. Is it a return to the ancient gods? Toward the blue sky, I think that my thick chest is distracted, my voice is screaming as much as I can, and my heart is full of mellow voice. It's not difficult to stay alive at the age of XX. Anyone can easily learn this breathing method now.

Uh, we are trying to restore a new ancient Shinto ritual, the Breathing Eternal Age. The method of developing Pingala and Ida, which incorporates the Kundalini yoga chakra, has already been almost completed in accordance with the practice of Ko-Shintō. However, this method requires a very delicate breathing operation, and if it is mistaken, it may have a bad effect, so it is impossible to answer with a pen-only expression. It cannot be learned without practical guidance. The reader wants him to have a great opportunity.

("Mikkyo / The Secret of ESP" published by Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)

Since it was a brush that was 19 years old and still in the process of training, when I look at it from now on, there are some parts that I have misunderstood and some parts that I have not completely grasped. However, it is not wrong in general.

Since then, for more than a dozen years, I have been pursuing this law without even looking aside. And, in the end, he is because he took that this led to the Buddha's law.

In the text on the right, "ancient yoga" means "the law of the Buddha." At that time, he didn't have that much eye. I didn't study enough. A dozen years of training have opened my eyes. (It was after him that I touched Agama deeply)

The breathing method of the "secret mantra special chanting method" that develops the Pingala Ida mentioned in the previous section is actually the breathing method of the ancient god method "Breathing Eternal".

This is because, according to the law of the Eternal Breathing, it exhales with free heat, which is thought to be due to the work of Pingala and Ida. In Kundalini Yoga, Pingala is the "airway of the sun." Called and associated with high heat, Ida is referred to as the "orbit of the moon" and associated with cold and cold.

According to the Buddha's law, the heat generated by Pingala is converted into the energy of "invocation / uplifting", and Ida

It seems that the cold generated by-was converted into the energy of "calm / condensation".

Breathing In eternity, he used this energy as "the breath of God" to save people.

In this way, when I think that the Buddha's law lived in the ancient gods, my heart shook in the mind of an endless return to the ancient gods, 19 years ago and now. It is.

Regarding the teaching of this law, there is no choice but to leave the old sentences of 19 years as they are. In other words, this method requires a very delicate operation of breathing, and if a mistake is made, it may have a positive effect, so it is impossible to answer with a pen-only expression. It cannot be learned without on-the-job guidance. Readers want to have another opportunity. When.

Venue Venus Law

In Nostradamus's prophetic poem, "the law of Venus" is the law of sagacity.

I mentioned it earlier.

The scholarship method enshrines "Myosei", that is, Venus, and devises an idea, chanting a mantra, and practicing. There would be no better law than this, the "law of Venus". However, this law is said to be a method of remodeling a person's brain to make him a good wise man. Isn't it just enough to be the law of the Messiah?

However, it is not the only one that I conclude that it is the law of Venus by this method of hearing and wisdom. There is a deeper reason. What is it? About that, I wrote about it 19 years ago in "Mikkyo / The Secret of ESP" under the title of "The Secret of Mikkyo and the Secret of Meisei" as follows. It is.

First, let's look at the Gumonji method of Mantra Mikkyo. "The best way to practice this method is to have a sunny place on three sides of the east-southwest. It's not bad just in the east. Make a small window on the east wall of the dojo. )

This is to let the light of the dojo enter the dojo. There is also the intention of shining the light of the morning sun and the evening moon on the principal idol, or by putting a net on the small window and writing the letters of the yellow seeds, and from there, shining the light of the bright star on the principal idol. "

First, the place was established, and then the inscription of the principal idol was read in millions, fifty days or one hundred days, but it was opened to apply for a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse. I have to do it.

Kobo Daishi Kukai describes his experience of fulfilling the Satoshi Moriho method as "Climbing up to the land of Okuni Otaki and working hard at Tosa Murotozaki. Climbing to Mt. Otaki in Awa and practicing this law at Cape Muroto in Tosa, the valley was echoed, and Meisei appeared. ――, But this would be wrong if you swallow it as it is. According to the secret story of the Mantra Mikkyo scholarship.

For, at the time of the petition, when the incense was set on fire and the star was worshiped, if the four sides were dark and the star could not be seen, the training would not succeed and failed. Even if it is dark, if a bright star appears, it is a vulgar success, if it is a little sunny on all sides and a bright star appears, it is a middle class. , With the highest success he is. Even if all four sides are sunny, if the bright star does not appear, it is a failure. "

When. This is different. It's completely different. No matter how much I practice by relying on such oral and secret stories, I'm sorry, but the method of sagacity is not fulfilled. Why? Myojo does not appear in the sky. So where does it appear?

On another page, I describe my training experience as follows.

When the brain chakra is developed, light-sensing stimuli occur in the diencephalon and the hypothalamus. Will the neural pathways spark?

What I would like to say here is that the "Venus Law" predicted by Nostradamus was not the Mantra Mikkyo's quest, but the Buddha's quest.

This is because Venus, which glitters at the bottom of the brain, does not appear at all unless it is the Buddha's law. Nostradamus saw it. 450 years ago, the light of Venus that shimmers in the depths of the Buddha's brain that will appear in the future world. And I named it. With "The Law of Venus"

The law of the Messiah must have two powers that others do not have. It is, first of all, the power to radically remodel the fatal flaws in the human brain, as we have explained.

Second, the Messianic law must have the power to not only save the living, but also the dead. It is the power to extinguish the grudges of the dead on the whole earth.

Any saint with spiritual power can hear the crying voice of the dead who covers the earth, and there is no end to his heartache.

This vibration of the dead's grudges drives the deep consciousness of all. What's scary about him is that he has deep wounds and cracks in the heart of a heartless little boy.

According to Freud, the first few years of human life resemble a kind of hypnosis, and in those years infants are subject to various influences and implications. Those influences and suggestions later


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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

2023-10-31 08:27:40 | 運命学





















地上にあまねくくりひろげられている人類のこの大愚行を。殺し合い、奪い合い、罵り合い。どこに「知恵あるヒト」のおもかげがあるか? 「大愚人類」そのものではないか?









According to it, it is a supernatural power development method also called "Iddhipada" or "Iddhipada".

Buddha thought that simply brushing intellect and reason was not enough to fulfill the bodhi, and that he needed the power to break the limits of intellect and reason.

To that end, he created a method for developing such powers. It can be seen as an addition to the psychic development methods he learned.
It consists of thirty-seven kinds of techniques, and Iddhipada is the central technique.

He explains Shinto, the rule for getting the will, by dividing it into four types of methods.

Desire foot (desire, ideal, approach for creation)

Work God's foot (body and mind training method)

Mind god foot (subconscious training method)

Kanjin foot (deep consciousness training method)

In order to break the stalemate, it was incorporated into Mahayana Buddhism and systematized, and became known as esoteric Buddhism. So esoteric Buddhism has two sides.

One is the development technology of supernatural powers.
One is the doctrine of Mahayana Buddhism.




People need religious teaching because of their low intellectual ability. In short, it's stupid. People's moral awareness is low because their intelligence and mental abilities are low. If the intelligence is really high, one will have a higher ethical sense that goes beyond the religious consciousness that human beings have now.

This is what Professor Oliveyer calls "the possession of an infinitely developed moral consciousness."

The development of human moral awareness through teaching (religion) has already reached its limit.



This great folly of mankind that is spread all over the earth. Killing, scrambling, and swearing. Where is the essence of "wisdom humans"? Isn't it the "great fool" itself?

In short, no matter how much you teach a fool, you can't.

To be more frank, (I'm not saying this, everyone is esoteric god Sama), a sardine idiot is preaching to a sardine idiot. But isn't it the shape of the current religion?

It's not just religion. Isn't it the case with science and technology? I feel good about it and create various things, and later I am in trouble that it is a toxic substance that is a pollution. Such stupid things will not be uncommon if human intelligence becomes a little higher. In short, it has low intelligence.

Don't you think it's true that politics, economy, and thought are all the same?

In short, it's all due to "low human intelligence".

To make this world livable and enjoyable, first and foremost, to enhance human intelligence, rather than playing a revolution. Yeah, don't you think?

Well, let's get back to the story.
The limit of teaching is the limit of human intelligence.
Esoteric Buddhism breaks that limit.
They are trying to give supernatural powers by technology, remodel human beings together, jump over the low dimensions such as religion at once, and create highly ethical creatures with unimaginable wisdom.
That is esoteric Buddhism. Fighting possession method "Meisei"

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2023年10月31日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-10-31 08:04:17 | 運命学





躍動の週  栄の日

阿弥陀如来 命あるものすべてを救うべく誓いを立て、極楽浄土に導く















10月31日 (火曜)





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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康










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普賢延命菩薩  延命十句觀音經

2023-10-30 08:34:41 | 運命学









  • オン・バザラユセイ・ソワカ (Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā) [注 2][3]




與佛有因 與佛有緣











となうるところの眞言は 觀

いままさに座す觀音光明世界一切の悪因を離れ、もろもろの惡業を捕って觀音妙法實相 の聖













The Bodhisattva of Great Peace and Absolute Truth is said to have the wisdom to produce enlightenment, and it is said that if one enters the meditation established by this Bodhisattva, a life of ease that transcends the limits of time will be created, hence the name ``Fugen Prolonged Life.'' [4]

Fugen Enmei Bodhisattva is an esoteric Buddhism bodhisattva statue derived from Fugen Bosatsu (an attendant of Shakyamuni Nyorai, who is also enshrined as the Solitary Buddha), and is a Buddhist Bodhisattva statue that is based on the ``Fugen Enmei-ho'' ritual to pray for disaster prevention, longevity, etc. '' is created as the principal image.


Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā [Note 2][3]


10 prolonging life poems and sounds


sight sound
Namu Buddha
There is a Buddha, there is a Buddha

State of affairs
Buddhist priest green
Morning view sound
everlasting pleasure
evening sight sound
Nennen Yuushinki
thoughts and thoughts
remembrance and detachment




quasi-sleepy sound

Quasi-exhibition meritorious group. Be quiet and be at peace
If you recite it, you will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
No harm to other people. Heaven and
Receive human blessings, palm like a female.
However, in this sense, excess is determined and nothing is equal.

If I were to fulfill the world's wishes as one of the founders of my vow and great sorrow, I would become a fuss in the midst of my delusional sins.
Don't go back to the main list and throw away your great sadness.


The shape that Kannon is currently making is

Kanon Myoho Reality The aspect of Buddhist objects

The thought I have is Kanon Myochi
Great wisdom.

The true word that comes to mind is visible
Great Divine Spell of Vision

I am satisfied with all the three Cs.
Right now, I am sitting in the world of Guan Yin Light, detaching myself from all evil causes, catching all the evil deeds, and becoming the holy spirit of Guan Yin Myoho, the reality of reality.
Because there is no evil cause in the mind, and there is no harm in the body, there is nothing in the mind.

without sadness,

without anger,

Don't be afraid,

Without arrogance,

Without any pain in my body,

without suffering,

All demonic obstacles and enemies will be expelled, and everything will be cleared both inside and outside.

The painful enemy is gone, and everything is safe both inside and outside.

Light-enlightening Samadhi action
Immediately, all evil will come to pass, and Buddha will come to pass.
Shami taste

Words (ten chants)






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Send Japanese Buddhismニルヴァーナを智慧と慈悲をめざす。"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."
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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

2023-10-30 08:25:27 | 運命学













さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha's airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha's airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method "


Let's go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on

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2023年10月30 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-10-30 08:12:28 | 運命学






躍動の週  命の日

不動明王 破壊と再生を司り、悪を滅する











10月30日 (月曜)



Buddha Japan journal
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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."

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求聞持明法秘伝 Gumon Jimyoho secret

2023-10-29 18:49:56 | 運命学








それがどのような技術であるか、 つたえられる奥義書、神聖知識、聖典 秘密経典などのなかから、いくつかをえらんで紹介してみよう。

まず、 それは、感覚器官の増幅からはじまる。


一、三つの種類のこころを統 Samyamaすることになり、自分の転生のありさまを 過去および未来にわたって知ることができる。また、これを他人に応用すれば、ひとの過 去現在未来をくまなく知ることができる。(ヨーガ・スートラ、自在品 第16節) 二、 言葉と対象と観念に複合と混乱がある。 それらの区別に対して Samyama を向けることに より、あらゆる生き物の声を理解することができる。(自在品 第1節)仏教で、天正〟とよぶ名の神通力のひとつである、Samiyama というのは、ある分野におけるこころの御と集中と放射に関する特殊なトレーニングと思っていただきたい。そのトレー ニングから生ずる異常なエネルギーを考えればよい。

三 Samyama をもって他人の想念を直観することにより、他人のこころを知ることができ 自在 第10節)


四 わが行に Samyama を適用して直観するならば、前生のことがわかる。(作品 第18節)


「行はこれまでの経験によって潜在意識へ投入された、残存印象 (Vasand である。この行 は、人の潜在意識内に蓄積されていて、記憶想念や業果となって顕現しないかぎり、永久に残存 するものであるから、この行に対して制(佐保田博士は Samyama をこのように訳しておられる) をほどこして、それを直観 (sakat-karana) することに成功するならば、自分の前生だけでなく、 他人の前生をも何生にもわたって知ることができる。この仏教は六神通のひとつにかぞえ とよんでいる。ブッダもりを開かれる この

という非常に遠い昔にまでさかのぼってくわしく たといわれている」(解説ヨーガ・スートラ、佐保田治計)


五第四のこころをもって目をひらき、相手を見るとき、いかなる相手も自分の過去をおおい かくすことはできない。(クンダリニー・ヨーガ・ウパニシャッド、 実 第1節) 六、自分の心を、他人の身体のなかに宿らせることもできる。自在品 第2節

これは、強力な念力により、他人の想念を自分の思うままに統御することである。 その力は、 「クンダリニー(Kupdalint) の力を発動させて、 相手の第二の心に向けて放射(集中)するこ とにより可能である。(クンダリニー・ヨーガ・ウパニシャッド・実篇 第3節)

Smayama を使って、ふかい心の発現にそなわる光をあてることにより、どんなに微細な ものでも、人目につかぬところにかくされているものでも、はるか遠くにあるものでも知る ことができる。(実作品 第3節)




心の発現にそなわっている光線を対象にあてることによって、分子や原子のような御さなもの でも、地中にかくされている宝でも、千里の遠くの出来事でも知ることができるのである。イン ドでは紀元前からアトム説(極論)がとなえられていたが、これはギリシャ人のように推理によ って到達したのではなくて、超自然的な力で極小なものを直した結果だといい伝えられてい る。インドの原子論は理論物理学的ではなくて、 実験物理学的な方法によって到達されたわけで ある。遠方のことがらを感じたり、ヴィジョンとして見たりするひとは今日でもいる。 千里眼と か、テレパシーとかいわれる心理現象は催眠術によって発現する場合もあって、あながちに否定 することはできない』(解説ヨーガ・スートラ)


第六のこころは白銀色にふるえる光をはなち、そのこころを目にむけて見るとき、この世界 透明である。 (すきとおってなにもかもはっきり見えるの意)』(クンダリニー・ヨーガ・ウバニ シャッド)

とある。 すぐれた透視力を持つ心の把握である。



の術とか、かぐみかとかいわれる秘術を説明した文である。物の形や色が見えるの は、見るものの方に対象を見る能力があると同時に、見られる形態の方に見られる能力があると いう原理をふまえて、この経文は書かれている。 インドでは、偉大なヨーギー(ヨーガ行者)が自 由に自分の身体を見えなくするという話はありふれたものになっている。 佐保田治註釈)

九 Nabhi-cakra (輪) に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることが できる。 第2節)


というのは、実際のの孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の 場所で、一六のをもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャク ラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニピューラ・チャクラ (Mapipara-cakra) のことであるともい いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、常に属するものとされている。 チャクラにつ いては、ここで詳説する暇がない。輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるか ら、これにをおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである』解説ヨーガ・スートラ) 解説されておられるが、これは、多少ともちがう。




それは、医学的には Solar plexus と名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢 内臓動脈ともいわれ、 腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経 である(図参照。 胃の裏がわにあってさながら太陽の光のごとくに神経を送って いるのでこの名前がつけられた。

すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝 輪胆管膵臓、副腎、等に分布 している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが 集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要である。

Human remodeling by esoteric Buddhism


Mind control and freedom

Technology existed in ancient India.

It was a technology that gave the human mind and body an unimaginable leap and sublimation.


What kind of technology it is, secret books, sacred knowledge, scriptures, secret scriptures

Let's take a look at a few and introduce them.

First, it begins with the amplification of sensory organs.


One or three kinds of hearts will be unified Samyama, and you will be able to know the state of your reincarnation in the past and the future. Also, if you apply this to other people, you can know the past, present, and future of people. (Yoga Sutras, Freedom verse 16) 2. There is complexity and confusion in words, objects and ideas. Against those distinctions he is able to understand the voice of any creature, than to turn Samyama on. (Jizai-bon, Section 1) In Buddhism, Samiyama, one of the supernatural powers called Tensho,

Think of it as a special training in the control of the mind, concentration and radiation. Think of the extraordinary energy that results from that training.

By intuitively observing the thoughts of others with the third Samyama, you can know the hearts of others.

It is the other-mind of Buddhism.

If we intuitively apply his Samyama to the four lines, we can understand the previous life. (Op. 18)

Dr. Osamu Sabota comments on this passage as follows.

“The line is a residual impression (Vasand) that has been injected into the subconscious mind through previous experiences. This line is stored in the subconscious mind of a person, and unless it manifests itself as a memento-idea or a deed, it is permanent. If you apply a restraint to this line (Dr. It is possible to know not only previous lives, but also other people's previous lives over many lifetimes.This Buddhism is one of the six divine passages.

It is said that he was born in detail going back to the very distant past.”

The same power is conveyed in another secret book as follows.

When you open your eyes with the fifth heart and look at the other person, no one can cover up your past and hide it from him. (Kundalini Yoga Upanishads, Truth verse 1) 6. You can also let your mind dwell in another person's body. free item Section 2

This is the ability to control the thoughts of others to one's own volition by means of powerful telekinesis. Its power is capable of activating the power of the Kundalini (Kupdalint) and radiating (concentrating) it towards the second mind of the other. section)

By using Smayama to shed light on the manifestation of the deepest heart, we can learn about him, no matter how subtle, hidden, or far away. can. (Actual work Section 3)

Regarding this chapter, Dr. Sabota comments as follows.

“In another chapter, the manifestation of the white-lighted mind is explained.

By directing the ray of the manifestation of the mind upon an object, one can perceive even the smallest things such as molecules and atoms, treasures hidden in the earth, and events a thousand miles away. In India, the atom theory (extreme theory) has been advocated since BC, but this was not arrived at by reasoning like the Greeks, but the result of repairing a very small thing with supernatural power. Good news. Indian atomic theory was arrived at by means of experimental physics rather than theoretical physics. Even today, there are people who perceive distant things and see them as visions. Clairvoyance and him, or psychological phenomena called telepathy can be manifested by hypnosis, and cannot be denied.” (Commentary on the Yoga Sutras)

Hearts that radiate light are spoken of in other scriptures,

The sixth heart emits a trembling light of silvery white, and when you look at that heart toward your eyes, this world is transparent. (It means to be clear and see everything clearly.) (Kundalini Yoga Ubani Shad)

a. It is the grasp of the mind with excellent clairvoyance.

Eight, by kicking your own Sayama,

No one can see Gee's body.

It is a sentence that explains a secret technique called Kagumi Kagumi. He wrote this sutra based on the principle that the seer has the ability to see the object, and at the same time the form seen has the ability to be seen. ing. In India, stories of great yogis (yogis) voluntarily making themselves invisible have become commonplace. Osamu Sabota's note)

By pointing his Samyama at the nine Nabhi-cakras (wheels) he is able to perceive the arrangements and organization within the body. Section 2)

Regarding this chapter, Dr. Sabota said,

For it is not an actual hole, but a mysterious wheel-like place which is imagined to be around it, said to have sixteen holes. One theory is that he is the Mapipara-cakra, the third from the bottom of Ra, which is one of the six chakras of later Hatha Yoga. rather than always belonging to it. As for his chakras, I don't have time to go into detail here. Since the ring is in the center of the gas (the body composed of life energy), it is said that by doing this you can see the tissues in the body.' different.

the doctor is around

not a place It is true that he exerts a great power that can be thought of as mystical, but his philosophical

It has been confirmed.

It is the "solar plexus," which medically he named Solar plexus. Celiac plexus Also called the splanchnic artery, it is a nerve with large sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that exits the celiac artery (see diagram. Located on the back of the stomach, the nerves act like sunlight). It was given this name because it sends

In other words, the nerves coming out from here are distributed to the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, hepatic ring, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal glands, and so on. In addition, this nerve plexus gathers the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, the duodenum ganglion, the first lumbar ganglion, etc., and is the most important visceral nerve.






チャクラについては、べつに章をもうけてくわしく説明するが、いずれも、今まで、空想的 神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきたこれらの部位は、決してそういうものではなく、実際に、医学 的見地からも重要な場所であり、大切なはたらきをする場所であるのである。それを明らかにす ることが、本書の大きな目的のひとつでもあるのだ。

体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、これは組織を知るだけではなく、組織を自由にコ ントロールすることができるという意味である。 実際にこのナービチャクラに Sampyama を集 中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官それは食道から胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副

腎にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。 これらの内臓器 官が、どんな状態にあるかをすぐに知り、 少しでも異常があるようであれば直ちに正常にもどし てしまう。そういう力の訓練が、このナービ・チャクラのトレーニングである。

からだに関するSamyama の力についてべつの経典、クンダリニー・ヨーガにつぎのような記 述がある。

「第六番目に成就したこころを以って病者を見るとき、その悪しき病める場所はすぐにわかる。 また、Samyama にさらに熟練すれば、将来、病むであろうところもはっきりわかる。そのと 熟者が、とこころに集中すれば、悪しき場所はすぐに据える』(同経典 第5節


一〇、頭のなかの光明に Samyama を向けるならば siddha (神霊たちを見ることができる。


「頭のなかの男 (mardha-jyotis) というのは、頭の頂上で、頭蓋骨の接合するところ、インド での目 brahma-randhra) とよばれている所にある光のことである。 しかし、この光明の 心であって、心からしていら



ここで霊というのは、高い地位の神々ではなく、霊よりは上位の体であって、天と地の 中間に住んでいると考えられている。 現代のインド学者は、これをマスター(主)と訳して いる。 マスターは初めのうちは修行者の夢のなかに現われて教育し、後にはその姿を現わし、自 分の名を修行者に告げる。 さらに修行者の霊性が高まると、修行者は自分の必要に応じていつ でもそのマスターに会うことができるし、その上、他のすべての神霊に会うこともできる、とい っている。もちろん、神霊を見られるだけでなく、それと話を交わすこともできるわけである」 (解説ヨーガ・スートラ

これは要するに霊性の発現であり、 四次元世界への接触ということであろう。頭のなかの光明 についてはあとでくわしく解説する。

一頭のなかの光明とよばれる智に Samyama を向けるとき照明智 (prätibha) が得られる。 照明は最高の智であり、あらゆることをあやまりなく知り、いかなることでも間違いを おかすことのない智である。(自在 第33節)

照明のことを、べつの経典では、つぎのように説明する。「第六と第七のこころの過程 において、光明 (prabha) とよばれる至上の智慧を獲得する。 それは光りかがやくであ

る。それは第一の段階において、すべての見聞するところを記憶にとどめて、いっさい忘れ ぬというかがやきを持つ。

第二の段階において、すべてのものは彼のこころのなかにおいて形と色とかがやきを変え る。(つまり、これは、ものの本質をさとるということであろう。いうなれば、三次元の感 と意識でこの物質世界、現象世界を見ているのと、そこを飛びこえて、四次元の立場から 見るのとでは、全然すべてのものが変わってしまうに違いない。 そう解釈すべきであろう) 第三の段階において、すべてのものは、かれの心のままに、形と色を変える。 (自在にな る)」(クンダリニー・ヨーガ・ウパニシャッド実篇・堤真寿雄訳)

二、 心臓 (hedaya) に Samyama を向けることによって、25" (citta)を意識することができ 自在品 第36)




このはの座である。あるいは、座とも、内部、我慢、覚)の座とも解釈さ れている。 ケアーンドーギア・ウパニシャッドには、「小さな白華の家」のなかにはアートマ ンがおさまっている、と歌われている。



制操作をほどこす時には、この秘奥にひそむこころの実体さえも意識面に現われてくる、とい うのである。心が意識される以上、その現象形態は残らず意識できることになる。

ある註釈者は、自分の心だけでなく、他人の心をも知り得ることだと解し、自分の潜在意識に ひそむ行(これはの意であろう。)と、他人の心に浮ぶよろこび等とを知ることができるこ を意味するという』(解説ヨーガ・スートラ)


この場所は、潜在意識、深層意識を動かす力の存在する場所で、こころ、すなわち潜在意識、 深層意識そのものが存在する場所ではない。ここは、そういうものを動かす力が存在する場所な のである。

今までの修行者は、ここのところをまちがえて解釈し、すべて失敗している。 これをまちがえ ると致命的なのである。ところがほとんどの修行者が、この聖典のこの文章にひっかかってしま って、心が心臓の位)にあると考え、もちろんその心臓とは解剖学的な心臓ではなく、その 近くにある心臓に関係のある細胞群と神経線維の群れのことであるが、それを動かすこと により、深層意識を動かすことができると考えて一心にトレーニングに賑む。それではダメなの である。 潜在意識 深層意識はここにはない。それは大脳のなかにある。これはたいへん重要な ことで、このことを私は、密教の記憶力増強法 「 法」を成就したときに気がついた。

私も最初それにひっかかってたいへん苦しんだのであったが、トレーニングを積んでいるうち に、ハッと気がついた。それは、そこに心があるのではなく、心を動かす力があるのである。こ のことについては、あとでくわしく解説する。 さて、超能力のトレーニングは、次第に、超能力 のみなもとである心のエネルギー(念力というべきか)におよんでゆく。

一三、Samyama のトレーニングによって、ウダーナの気を統御するならば、水、泥など にわずらわされず、また容易にそこから脱出することができる。(自在品 第38節)

ウダーナの気 (Udana) というのは、いわゆる五気のひとつである。このウダーナに対して Sam- yama するならば、海や泥沼のなかに落ちても沈まず、 とげを踏んづけても怪我をせず、らく らくとそこから脱出することができる。 というのは、ウダーナをコントロールして使いこなす と、からだを軽く浮き上らせることができるからである。 五気というのは、生命のもとになる五 つのエネルギーである。

1 プラーナ (Praya)

2 サマーナ (Samina)




アバーナ (Apina)

ウダーナ (Udana)

5 ヴィアーナ (Vyana)

とにより、百目くらい食事をとらなくとも栄養になんら支障をきたさず、体力、気力にいき さかのおとろえをきたさない。




以上の五気のなかで、プラーナは、ヨーガの修行のなかでもっとも重大視される呼吸調節に関 する生体調節の気であるから、五気を代表し、総称して、プラーナ(生)という。

さて、そのなかのウダーナは、上にあげるはたらきをするから、これを自由に使いこなせれ ば、からだをかるく浮き上らせることができるようになり、海や泥沼などからぬけ出すことが可 能になるというのである。

また、ダーナは、生命をひき上げて死を招くはたらきをするから、これを支配すれば、意の ままに死ぬこともできる、とされている。意のままに死ぬことができるとは妙な表現だが、これ は、解脱死、すなわち、 大往生、成仏死が自在にできるという意味である。解脱死とは輪から

Chakras will be explained in detail in a separate chapter, but these parts, which until now have been thought only as imaginary and mysterious places, are nothing like that. It is an important place and a place to do important work. Clarifying this is one of the main purposes of this book.

It is possible to know the tissues inside the body," which means that it is possible not only to know the tissues but also to freely control them. When actually concentrating his Sampyama on this Navi Chakra, the visceral organs belonging to this solar plexus, from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, vices,

You can control everything as you wish, down to your kidneys. It immediately knows what state these internal organs are in, and immediately restores them to normal if there is even the slightest abnormality. The training of such power is this Nabhi Chakra training.

Samyama's power over the body is described in another text, Kundalini Yoga:

"When you look at the sick with the mind of the sixth fulfilled, you will immediately know where they are ill and sick. And if you become more skilled in Samyama, you will see clearly where they will be sick in the future. If one concentrates on one's heart, the bad place will soon be set up.'

ESP gradually rises from sensory to advanced.

10. If he turns Samyama to the light in his head, he can see siddha (divine spirits.

According to Dr. Sabota's notes,

"The man in the head (mardha-jyotis) is the light at the top of the head, at the junction of the skulls, called in India the eye (brahma-randhra). But, With this luminous heart, from the bottom of my heart

It is thought that it reaches here and becomes a strong mass of light.


The spirits here are not the gods of high rank, but are considered to be higher bodies than the spirits, living between heaven and earth. A modern Indologist translates this as Master (Lord), he says. At first the master appears in the dreams of the monk to educate him, and later he appears and announces his name to the monk. Furthermore, as a practitioner's spirituality increases, he says that he can meet the master at any time according to his need, as well as all other divine spirits. ing. Of course, not only can he see spirits, but he can also communicate with them.” (Commentary on the Yoga Sutras

This is, in short, a manifestation of spirituality and contact with the four-dimensional world. I will explain more about the light in my head later.

Illumination wisdom (prätibha) is obtained when he turns Samyama to the wisdom called the light in one. Light is the supreme wisdom, the wisdom that knows all things without fail, and makes no mistake in anything. (Universal Section 33)

Another scripture describes lighting as follows. “In the course of the sixth and seventh minds, one acquires the supreme wisdom called enlightenment (prabha).

be. In the first stage, it has the impression of remembering everything it sees and hears and never forgets it.

In the second stage, all things change shape, color, and brightness in his mind. (In other words, this is to perceive the essence of things. In other words, you can see this material world and the phenomenal world with a three-dimensional sense and consciousness, and jump over it and see it from a four-dimensional standpoint. In the third stage, all things change form and color according to his will. (Be free)” (Kundalini Yoga Upanishads True Story, Translated by Masuo Tsutsumi)

Second, by directing his Samyama to the heart (hedaya), he can be conscious of the 25" (citta).

Dr. Sabota wrote this chapter,

"The heart, of course, is the astral heart, a small

shaped and always facing downwards

This is the throne. Alternatively, it is also interpreted as the seat of the interior, endurance, and enlightenment. In the Cairndogia Upanishads, it is sung that the Atman resides in the 'Little White House'.

The mind is the substance of the mind and is itself

Some do not climb,

He says that when he exerts control, even the substance of this secret heart will appear on the conscious plane. As long as the mind is conscious, all of its phenomenal forms can be conscious.

One commentator understands that it is possible to know not only one's own mind, but also the mind of another. It is said that it means being able to know floating joy, etc.” (commentary yoga sutra)

Although it is annotated, this part is very important.

This place is a place where the power to move the subconscious and deep consciousness exists, not a place where the heart, that is, the subconscious and deep consciousness itself exists. This is the place where the power to move such things exists.

Until now, practitioners have misinterpreted this point and failed. Getting it wrong is fatal. However, most practitioners get caught up in this passage of this scripture and think that the mind is at the heart level, and of course the heart is not related to the anatomical heart, but to the nearby heart. It is a group of cells and a group of nerve fibers, but by moving it, I think that I can move my deep consciousness, and I am enthusiastic about training. Then he is no good. The subconscious mind is not here. it is in the brain. This is a very important person, and I realized this when I completed the esoteric Buddhism method of memory enhancement.

I was also caught in it and had a lot of trouble at first, but I suddenly realized it while I was training. It is not that the mind is there, but that it has the power to move the mind. I will explain this in detail later. Now, the training of psychic powers gradually affects the energy of the mind (or should I say telekinesis), which is the source of psychic powers.

13. Through Samyama's training, if one manages the udana qi, one will not be bothered by water, mud, etc., and will be able to escape from it easily. (Free Item Section 38)

Udana is one of the five so-called qi. If he gives Sam-yama to this udana, he will not sink if he falls into the sea or mud, and if he steps on a thorn he will not be injured, and he will be able to easily escape from there. This is because, by controlling and mastering the udana, the body can be lightly lifted. The five qi are the five energies that form the basis of life.

1 Prana (Praya)

2 Samina

It stays between the head and the heart and acts as a breather.

Stay between the heart and use the body and go all over the body

Physical strength and energy. bottom



5 Vyana

As a result, even if he does not eat a hundred meals, his nutrition will not be affected in any way, and his physical strength and energy will not be affected.

Removes impurities and impurities from the body.

It stays between the heads and is the driving force of the ascent.

It circulates throughout the body and regulates other qi.

Among the five qi mentioned above, prana is the qi that regulates the body and regulates respiration, which is considered the most important in yoga training. .

Now, Udana in it works to raise you up, so you can use it freely. It becomes.

It is also said that Dana raises life and invites death, so if you control it, you can die at will. It is a strange expression to say that one can die at will, but this is the meaning of liberation death, that is, the ability to attain great rebirth and attain Buddhahood at will. Emancipation and death is from the circle






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この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です。


再生の週  親の日











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大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏






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The perfect Buddha airway
By the way, I mentioned in the previous section that the Buddhist airway law supplemented the inadequate part of the Kundalini Yoga airway method.
What does that mean?


There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.

The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. It starts with the Tailed Beast bone and reaches the medulla oblongata, as mentioned earlier.

When the Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy explosively rises the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, the kundalini also rises in the airways of Pingala and Ida, and acts as an energy regulator and other auxiliary functions for the kundalini.

The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.

The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If the kundalini wakes up accidentally through Pingala, the practitioner can literally turn black and burn to death in the worst case due to the tremendous internal heat that is completely out of control.

The author of Kundalini, Gopi Krishna, describes his own nearly deadly experience due to this mistake.

I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of the Kundalini Yoga by putting out the miracle pond, the biography, the Buddha, the miracle, etc. The miracle of putting out is a pair of energy using this biorider.

This miracle is peculiar to the kundalini yoga perfector. Now, as the kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, as the training progresses, the kundalini reaches the Sahasrara chakra, where I will practice. (However, the people who can reach this point are rare nowadays)

Thus, Sandriny is supposed to reach from the luck test bone to the medulla oblongata, then ascend further, and eventually to the top of the Sahanini chakra. In terms of clarity, what the route to is is is clear because each company is sending it, so to speak, it is a straight road. But what about the route to Sahaslara?

I said earlier that the Buddha did not let his disciples use Kundalini Yoga because it was too radical, but that was not the only thing.

The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain. The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.


to be continued. Buddha's practice is not yet


Kundalini prana

I said earlier that the Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini yoga into his training.

That's true. The Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into the Iddhipada method. However, Kundalini energy was taken in.

The energy of human beings is not as powerful as Kundalini. There is no comparable driving force for remodeling humans. No, without using this energy, it would be impossible to remodel humans. Therefore, the Buddha used this.

The breath that the Buddha uses in the Iddhipada method, that is, prana, is the energy generated from the kundalini. It's not just breathing or willingness.

In the early stages of meditation, it is a willful misunderstanding. When the practitioner has enough will to awaken the kundalini, the power of the strengthened will is directed towards the awakening of the kundalini. There are two parts to awaken the kundalini. There was a correct stimulus there
When you get it, Kundalini wakes up. This practice must be carried out meticulously and boldly according to the guru.

In Agama, there are some Buddhist dragons or vipers that exert great power by subduing poisonous snakes, but the poisonous dragons and poisonous snakes can be thought of as representing kundalini.

Since ancient times, Landriny has been represented in the form of a three-headed dragon or a nine-headed snake. The fairy tale of the poisonous snake, which is told in Agama, reveals that the Buddha has succeeded in controlling the kundalini energy, which is intense and burns for everyone, rather than a simple poisonous snake liquor.

It is not clear whether it will take the road. As long as the kundalini awakens, the awakened kundalini is supposed to reach the Sahasrara chakra automatically, and the practitioner himself does not know the route at all.

What about the Buddha's airway?

The Buddha's airway also has something in common with Kundalini Yoga.

It is the airway through the part of the spinal column from the caudal hypobone to the medulla oblongata. It is an airway that is almost the same as the Sushmuner tube. However, while the Kundalini Yoga Sushmuner's canal ends in the medulla oblongata, the Buddha's airway goes further into the neocortex, old cortex, and paleocortex of the cerebrum.
It reaches from the diencephalon to the hypothalamus. And it has that clear route.

That is not all. The route goes further to the forehead, from the eyebrows, through the back of the nose, from the chin to the throat. In other words, the prophecies that are effective because they reach the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland over the neural pathways from Sahaslara to Ajnya and the surrounding area can be understood even by beginner practitioners.

It goes without saying which one is better.

This is basically due to the difference in training between the Kundalini practice and the Buddhahood Buddhahood practice.

The Buddha's method is to "go" prana. This means that the practitioner does it according to his own will. Therefore, the practitioner must know the route that leads Prana. Burana's goodness,
Instead of leaving it to Blur, the practitioner decides and proceeds. Therefore, the practitioner must know the path.

The Kundalini Yoga Tower is completely different.

In order to awaken the kundalini, the power of the practitioner's will is required, but once the kundalini is awakened, the kundalini explosively aims at the Sushmuner airway regardless of the practitioner's will. It is not something that the author says "Megurasu".
And, with that, it's Kundalini Kise.


Therefore, the way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of "using, mari, kundalini energy!"

























kundalini prana

I said earlier that the Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into his ascetic practices.

That's certainly true. Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into the Four Gods. However, he did incorporate Kundalini energy.

There is no energy in humans as powerful as Kundalini. There is nothing comparable to this as a driving force for modifying humans. No, you could say that without using this energy, it would be impossible to modify humans. That's why Buddha used this.

The breath, or prana, that the Buddha uses in the Four Gods' Footwork is the energy that arises from Kundalini. It is not just a breath of breath or a thought.

In the early stages of meditation, it is a willful delusion. When the practitioner has enough will to awaken the kundalini, the power of the now powerful intention is directed towards the awakening of the kundalini. There are two parts to awaken Kundalini. The right stimulus is there
Kundalini awakens when it is awakened. This training must be performed with great care and boldness in accordance with the master.

In the Agon Sutra, there are several martial arts in which the Buddha displays great power by subduing poisonous dragons or snakes, and these dragons and snakes can be thought of as representing Kundalini.

In ancient times, Landrinni was represented as a three-headed dragon or a nine-headed serpent. The story of the poisonous dragon's obedience told in the Agon Sutra is not just a simple story about getting rid of a poisonous snake; it reveals that the Buddha succeeded in controlling Kundalini energy, which is intense and difficult to deal with.

It is not clear whether it will take the road or not. Once Kundalini is awakened, it is supposed to automatically reach Sahasrara Chakra, and the practitioner himself is completely unaware of the path.

In contrast, what about the Buddha's airways?

The Buddha's airway also has something in common with Kundalini Yoga.

It is the airway that runs through the part of the spinal column from the coccyx to the medulla oblongata. The airway is almost the same as the Sushumna tube. However, while Kundalini Yoga's Sushumna channel ends in the medulla oblongata, the Buddha's airway goes further and connects the neocortex, old cortex, and paleocortex of the cerebrum.
It goes around and reaches from the diencephalon to the hypothalamus. And it has a clear route.

That is not all. The route continues to the forehead, from between the eyebrows to the back of the bridge of the nose, down to the chin and down to the throat. In other words, even a novice practitioner can grasp this prediction as it goes from Sahasrara to Ajna and the surrounding neural pathways to the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland.

It goes without saying which one is better.

This is basically due to the difference in the training methods of Kundalini and the Buddha's Buddhahood method.

The Buddha's method is to "let the prana go." This means that the practitioner does what he or she does according to his or her own will. Therefore, a practitioner must know the route through which prana can be guided. The beauty of Burana,
Instead of leaving it up to Blur, the practitioner decides and moves forward. Therefore, practitioners must know the path.

The experience of Kundalini Yoga is completely different.

Awakening the kundalini requires the practitioner's will power, but once the kundalini has awakened, it explodes into the Sushumna airway at once, regardless of the practitioner's will. It is not something that the author ``megurasu''.
And this means that it is kundalini-like.


Therefore, the way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandrini-Yoda method, and it is a method of controlling the Landrini and saying, ``Use, kundalini energy!







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仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切

再生の週  友の日

大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏













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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

2023-10-27 19:11:08 | 運命学



基本的な生命の具現である「生きている」 すがたは、脳幹の脊髄系が分担し、 「たくましく」生きてゆくすがたは、大脳辺縁系が分担し、「うまく」生きてゆ くすがたと、われわれ人間だけが身につけている「よく」生きてゆくすがたと は、新皮質が分担しているのである。

そこで、人間が生きてゆくということは、「たくましく」 「うまく」 「よ 生きてゆこうということになるのだが、この三つのものは、いずれにも片 よってはならぬということである。 藤が

この三つのものが、よく統合され、調整され、うまくバランスがとれている とき、人は、 そして、社会も、安定し、幸福と平和がたもたれているわけで、 このバランスがくずれると、人は不幸になり、社会は不安につつまれることに なるわけである。

それでは、はたしてこの三つのものは、つねにバランスがもたれているで あろうか?



その答えはすでに、ポール・マクリーン博士が、人間の脳の中には、ワニと ウマが同居しているという表現で、答を出してしまっている。

かれによると、人間の脳は、進化の過程で古い脳をすべて脱ぎ捨ててき たのでもないし、また、それらの古い脳がヒトの進化にともなって新しい 脳を補助するという役割を果たしてきたのでもない、と言う。わたくしたちの

持つ三つの脳は、相互に連絡し合っているのだけれども、それぞれの部位は固有の知能、主体性、記憶、 空間・時間認識を持ちつづけており、それらの古い 脳は古い脳のやり方で、それぞれが独自に(つまり、勝手に) 外界からの情報 処理対応しているというのである。


なっているはずの思考や行動にも、他の二つの古い脳がおこなっている原初的 活動パターンが現われていることになる。マクリーンは、人類が爬虫類や原始 哺乳類から引き継いでいるはずのそうした行動様式を「古代心理学的過程」と 呼んだ。 そして、動物行動の観察から、その原始的な行動様式 を割り出し、 それを現代人の行動にあてはめてみる研究を半世紀にわたってつづけてきた。 その結論が、ヒトの脳の中にワニとウマが同居しているという有名な発言にな ったのである。

つまり、これが、シャルル・リシェの言った。超人”という部分なの である。

だが、これでは全く救いがないではないか。 人間の未来はお先真っ暗で ある。これからヒトがいくら進化したとしても、その脳の中に永久に進化しな ワニやウマが同居してハバをきかし、勝手なことをするというのでは、全く 絶望的である。一体、ホモ・サピエンス (聡明なヒト)の部分はどうなってい るのか? この新しく進化した脳は、なんとか古くから住みついているこの古

怪物どもを退治してしまうことができないのか? これでは本当に設計ミス があったとしか思われないことになってしまう。 本当に設計ミスはあったのか。 ヒトの脳の部分をもう少し掘り下げて見てみよう。

著名な脳生理学者である時実利彦氏は、人間の脳のはたらきを、コンピュー タのハードウエアとソフトウェアになぞらえて、わかりやすく、適切な解説を されている。

それによると、われわれの生のいとなみを分担する脳の統合系のうち、脳 幹・脊髄系と大脳辺縁系は、古い記憶と本能にささえられて、それぞれ反射的、 絞きり型のはたらきかたをしているので、これは、ハードウエアということに なる(ハードウエアとはコンピュータの機械そのものをいう。これにたいしソ フトウエアとはコンピュータをより高度により容易に利用することを目的とし プログラムの体系をいう。 コンピュータは、機械だけでは利用者がプログラ ムをつくるのが非常に困難で、効率のよい利用ができない。どうしてもソフト ウエアなしでは運転することが不可能である)。


じつは、この人間においてすばらしく分化発達している新皮質系に、コンピ ュータなど比較にならぬ精巧なハードウエアと、われわれ人間だけが持ってい 賢明なソフトウエアとその両方がそなわっているのである。

つまり、脳幹・脊髄と大脳辺縁系はハードウエア、新皮質系は、おなじくハ ードウエアとソフトウエア、とこういうことになっているのである。


前頭葉の前端部で点のうってある場所を「前頭連合野」というが、この部分 と、それ以外の部分と二つに分けて、この「前頭連合野」がソフトウエアであ り、それ以外の部分がハードウエアということになる。

そこで、その役わりを説明すると、まえのほうで人間の「生きてゆく」生の いとなみを、三つのすがたに分けて表現したが、その、


「うまく」生きてゆくのが、新皮質系のなかのハードウェア (頭頂後頭連合






というのは、すべての動物の中で、この前頭連合野を持っているのは、人間 だけなのである。ほかの動物にはほとんどみることがないのである。たとえば、 ネズミやネコのような動物は痕跡程度で、サルやチンパンジーにいたってはご





者モニスが、 不安神経症やソウウツ病の患者に前頭葉切除の手術をおこなうよ うになって、はじめてその意味がわかるようになったのである。

前頭葉切除の手術をうけると、知能指数や記憶力にはほとんど変化はみられ ないが、無頓着、無感動、自発運動の減退、意欲の喪失、情操の貧困、不安の 解消などが起きる。 これは、思考力や創造性や意志力や情操の精神の減退ある は消失を意味するものにほかならない。

つまり、この部分は、人間の心のいとなみの中で、思考、判断推理、 創造、 情操 よろこび、かなしみなどというもっとも高度のはたらきがなされている のだということがわかってきたのである。つまり、この部分こそが、 ソフトウ エアであるということがわかったわけである。

だからこそ、この部分のないネズミやネコやサルは、模倣や、たんなる試行 錯誤の方法によって、自分の持っている本能や記憶のハードウエアを動かして うまく生きてゆくことを習得しているだけで、それ以上のものではないと いうことになるわけだ。

「ソフトウエアがないから、せっかく持っているハードウエアを開発し、それ を「よりよい」 高度のものに高め貯蓄してゆくことができないのである。 サル はいつまでたってもサルである。イルカに芸当を教えると、すっかりおぼえこ んで実にすばらしい芸当をわれわれに見せてくれる。 あれだけの脳のはたらき を持っているのに、覚えている芸当を組みかえて新しい芸当をつくり出すよう なことは決してしない。 また、イルカどうしでは、あれだけの芸当を開発する こともできない。だから海の中に何万年経とうともイルカの文明はない。ハー ドウエアを使いこなすソフトウエアである創造の座、前頭連合野がないためで ある。


ソフトウェアとは、ハードウエアの持つ潜在能力を最高度に発揮させるシス テムであり、これを持つわれわれは、この前頭連合野というひとにぎりにも足




「ハードウエアの開発は、もはやギリギリのところにきている。 これからはソ


と語っているが、この言葉は、そのまま、われわれ人類にあてはまるのでは ないか?

太古の洞窟に棲む原始人が、火の使用をおぼえ、車輪を考案し、文字をつく 内燃機関を発明し、ついに原子力の解放にまで到達した。 この偉大なる進 化!その原動力であるソフトウエアを、われわれは、自分自身の脳の中に持 っているのである! ソフトウエアは無限の可能性を秘め、われわれは無限の 未来を持つ。人間はこれからどれほど高度な文明をきずきあげることであろう か? 洋々たるその未来! ばんざい!「にんげん」ばんざい! 「ぜんと うれんごうや」 ばんざい!

ちょ、ちょ、ちょっと待っていただきたい。そんなところでいい気になって おどっていてもらっては困るのだ。


ものごとにはすべて二つの面があり、この世の中に、すべてよい事ずくめと いうものは絶対ないのだ。おもしろい話がある。



「先生とわたしが結婚したら、理想的な子供が生まれることでしょうね。 先生


す。いかが? 結婚しましょうか?」



「まっぴらごめんだね。君のそのおそまつな頭脳と、私のこの貧弱な肉体をいっしょにした子供が生まれるかもしれんと思うとぞっとするよ」 まわりの人々は、例によって例のごときショウの毒舌にわっと手をたたき、 美しい女優は口あんぐり、というエピソードがつたわっている。

さすがにショウで、ものごとにはすべて二つの面があることくらい、だれで も知っていることだが、とっさの間にこう軽く出てくるところが、ショウのシ ョウたるところであろう。


ところで、この前頭連合野もその通り、私がこれまで述べてきたのは良い方の部分、聡明なヒトの部分なのだ。だがこの前頭連合野には、なんと、もう一つ、悪い方の面、趙・悪人類の部分があったのだよ。悪い面は、旧皮質、古皮質だけだと思ったのに、なんと新皮質の部分にもあったのだ。ブルータス、汝 もかである。

つまり、もっともすぐれたるよきものと、もっとも愚かな劣れるものと、こ の二つの極端に矛盾したものが、二つながら存在しているのがこの前頭連合野 なのだ。つまりそこにはジェキル博士とハイド氏がいっしょに住み、神と悪魔、


さきに、私は、前頭連合野こそ、人間の心のはたらきの中で、もっとも高度 な心のはたらき 「思考」「判断」「推理」「創造」「意志」「情操」が活動すると ころであると述べた。

ところが、そういう心のはたらきと同時に、そこには、「競争意識」「欲望 物欲、名誉欲、権力欲)」「情操(ねたみ、うらみ、嫉妬)」などの精神がいっ しょにいとなまれていることがわかったのである。

The spinal system in the brain stem is responsible for the form of ``living'', which is the embodiment of basic life, and the limbic system of the brain is responsible for the form of living ``strongly'', and the role of living ``well''. The neocortex is responsible for the ability to live a ``well'' life that only we humans have acquired.

Therefore, for a human being to live, it means to live ``strongly'', ``well'', and ``well'', but these three things should not depend on any one of them. but

When these three things are well integrated, coordinated, and well balanced, people and society are stable, happy, and peaceful, and when this balance is disrupted, He believes that people will become unhappy and society will be filled with anxiety.

So, are these three things always in balance?


Star of the brain: frontal association cortex

The answer has already been given by Dr. Paul MacLean, who said that a crocodile and his horse live together in the human brain.

According to him, the human brain has shed all its old brains during the process of evolution, and that these old brains have played a role in supporting the new brain as humans evolved. No, I say. Our

The three brains we have are interconnected, but each part continues to have its own intelligence, independence, memory, and spatial and temporal awareness, and these older brains continue to use the old brain's methods. , each independently (in other words, automatically) processes information from the outside world.

Therefore, the neocortical brain of humans, which evolved into modern Homo sapiens,

Even in our thoughts and actions, the primitive activity patterns of the other two older brains are appearing. MacLean called the behavioral patterns that humans must have inherited from reptiles and primitive mammals ``ancient psychological processes.'' For half a century, he has been researching animal behavior to determine its primitive behavioral patterns and apply them to modern human behavior. This conclusion led to the famous statement that a crocodile and a horse live together in the human brain.

So this is what Charles Richet said. He is the superhuman part.

However, this is not a relief at all. The future of humanity is dark for him. No matter how much humans evolve in the future, it would be completely hopeless if a crocodile or a horse were to coexist with a crocodile and a horse, making their own noises and doing whatever they wanted. What on earth is going on with Homo sapiens (intelligent humans)? This newly evolved brain somehow manages to adapt to its ancient home.

Isn't it possible to get rid of the monsters? This would make it seem like there was a real design error. Was there really a design error? Let's take a closer look at the parts of the human brain.

Toshihiko Tokizane, a famous brain physiologist, compares the functioning of the human brain to the hardware and software of a computer, giving an easy-to-understand and appropriate explanation.

According to this theory, among the brain's integrated systems that share the burden of our lives, the brainstem/spinal system and the limbic system are supported by old memories and instincts, and each function in a reflexive and focused manner. (Hardware refers to the computer itself.Software, on the other hand, refers to programs that are designed to make the computer more advanced and easier to use.) (This refers to the system of computers. It is very difficult for users to create programs for computers if they are machines alone, and it is not possible to use them efficiently. It is impossible to operate them without software.)

On the other hand, what about the neocortical system, which is also a member of the integrative system?

In fact, the neocortical system, which is wonderfully differentiated and developed in humans, is equipped with both incomparably sophisticated hardware such as computers and clever software that only humans possess.

In other words, the brain stem, spinal cord, and limbic system are hardware, and the neocortical system is the same hardware and software.

The figure on the previous page is a map of the division of labor in the neocortex, which covers the left cerebral hemisphere.

The area at the front end of the frontal lobe where the dots are located is called the ``frontal association area.'' It is divided into two parts: this area and the other area.This ``frontal association area'' is the software, and the other areas That part is the hardware.

So, to explain its role, I expressed the behavior of humans in their ``living'' life divided into three forms.

Living a “strong” life depends on the limbic system, brain stem, and spinal cord system.

Living ``successfully'' depends on the hardware within the neocortical system (parieto-occipital association).

motor cortex, memory area of the temporal lobe)

It is the software in the neocortical system (frontal association cortex) that allows us to live ``well''.

That is what it means.

By the way, among these three, the one that attracts our attention first is software.

This is the frontal association area where A is located.

Of all animals, humans are the only ones that have this frontal association cortex. It is rarely seen in other animals. For example, animals such as rats and cats only have traces, while monkeys and chimpanzees have only traces.

Although it can be seen very little, its function is insignificant and weak.

What exactly does this mean?

In fact, until recently, I didn't really understand what it meant. This is clearly

It was the Portuguese neurologist who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1949.

It wasn't until Monis, a doctor like him, performed frontal lobectomies on patients with anxiety and neuropathy that I began to understand their meaning.

After frontal lobectomy, there is almost no change in intelligence or memory, but symptoms such as indifference, apathy, decreased locomotor activity, loss of motivation, poor emotional state, and resolution of anxiety occur. This means nothing but a decline or disappearance of thinking power, creativity, willpower, and emotional spirit.

In other words, I have come to understand that this part of the human mind is where the most advanced functions such as thinking, judgment, reasoning, creation, emotional joy, and compassion are performed. In other words, it turns out that this part is the software itself.

That's why mice, cats, and monkeys who lack this part only learn how to survive by imitating their own instincts and memory hardware through imitation and simple trial and error. So he ends up saying it's nothing more than that.

``Because we don't have software, we can't develop the hardware we already have, make it ``better'' and more advanced, and save it. A monkey will always be a monkey. If you teach a dolphin a trick, it will memorize it and then show you some really amazing tricks. Even though he has such a powerful brain, he never rearranges the tricks he knows to create new ones. Also, the dolphins can't do what he can do with his talent. Therefore, no matter how many tens of thousands of years pass, there is no dolphin civilization in the ocean. He is because he does not have the frontal association cortex, the seat of creation, which is the software that masters doware.

But we have this software.

Software is a system that maximizes the potential of hardware, and those of us who own this software can even reach the frontal association cortex.

Because of this piece of flesh, we evolved from ape-man to hominid to archaic man, and finally, we became what we are today.

It has reached the level of modern humans known as Homo sapiens.

A famous computer scientist said,

“Hardware development has reached its limit.

This is software development. There is an unlimited future in software development.”

But don't these words apply directly to us humans?

Primitive humans living in ancient caves learned to use fire, devised the wheel, invented the internal combustion engine that could write, and finally achieved the release of nuclear power. This great evolution! We have the software that is the driving force in our own brains! Software has infinite possibilities, and we have an infinite future. How advanced a civilization will humans be able to develop in the future? A glorious future! Hurray! ``Good luck!'' ``He'll be happy!'' Hurray!

Hey, hey, please wait a moment. I don't want him to get carried away and dance around in a place like that.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

There are two sides to everything, and there is absolutely nothing in this world that is all good. I have an interesting story.

Bernard Shaw, the British literary giant who was famous for his cynicism, met him at a party.

The famous actress Sarah Bernhardt, who was sitting at the table, was about to say this.

``If Sensei and I get married, I'm sure we'll have an ideal child. Sensei.

She is a wonderful child with a brilliant mind and a beautiful appearance.

vinegar. How about it? Shall we get married?”

She answered yes.

said the actress with a mischievous look in her eyes, and Shou didn't even smile.

``I'm so sorry. I shudder to think that a child might be born with that slow brain of yours and this meager body of mine.'' As usual, the people around him reacted to Shou's vicious words. There are stories of beautiful actresses clapping their hands and mouths hanging open.

Of course, he knows that there are two sides to everything, but the fact that he comes out so casually like this is probably the best part of the show.

homo sapiens

By the way, the frontal association cortex is exactly the same, and what I have been talking about so far is the good part, the part of intelligent people. However, in this frontal association cortex, there was another bad side, the part of Zhao/evil humanity. I thought that the bad side was only in the old cortex, but it turned out that it was also in the neocortex. Brutus, thou art also.

In other words, it is in this frontal association cortex that two extremely contradictory things exist, the most excellent and the most foolish, and the most foolish and inferior. In other words, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde live there together, God and the devil,

Hotoke and Oni live together.

First, I believe that the most advanced functions of the human mind, ``thinking,'' ``judgment,'' ``reasoning,'' ``creation,'' ``will,'' and ``emotions'' are active in the frontal association cortex. He said that.

However, along with this functioning of the mind, spirits such as ``competitiveness'', ``desire (lust for material things, desire for honor, desire for power)'', and ``emotions (envy, envy, jealousy)'' are also being consumed together. That's what I found out.




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Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."



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