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Buddha の  三十七道品の七科  四念住  Buddha's thirty-seven dozen seven departments, four satipatthana

2022-12-12 18:28:31 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words





全て 名詞
4 の例文 (0.00 秒)
  • 正しい念は、三十七道品のなかの四念住などにおける念とあるように、基本概念の一つである。 ...
  • 四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道の七科に分かれる。 ...


  • 身念処(身念住) - 身体の不浄を観ずる(不浄観
  • 受念処(受念住) - 一切の受は苦であると観ずる(一切皆苦
  • 心念処(心念住) - の無常を観ずる(諸行無常
  • 法念処(法念住) - 諸法無我を観ずる(諸法無我























・受念処 (じゅねんじょ)・受念住(じゅねんじゅう)







・心念処 (しんねんじょ)・心念住(しんねんじゅう)









・法念処 (ほうねんじょ)・法念住(ほうねんじゅう)




三法印・四法印 「図解」







この「身受心法」の瞑想では、まだ「受」も、想う気持ちの「想」も 存在している色界の瞑想です。受も想もない境地が「想受滅」でさらにもっと上の瞑想の境地です。















長部経典 第2経「沙門果経」(しゃもんかきょう)では






長部経典 第22経「大念処経」(だいねんじゅきょう)では














Iddhipada method
Translated as Iddhipada.
The basis for obtaining four free powers. Four types of training methods for obtaining supernatural mythical power: greed gods, gonjinsoku, shinjinsoku, and kanjinsoku.

All nouns
4 example sentences (0.00 seconds)
The correct idea is one of the basic concepts, as is the case with Satipatthana in the thirty-seven dojos. ...
It is divided into seven departments: Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, and Noble Eightfold Path. ...

The contents of Satipatthana are as follows [1].

Satipatthana (Satipatthana) --Seeing the uncleanness of the body (Uncleanness)
Satipatthana (Satipatthana) --I see that all vedan is painful (everyone is suffering)
Satipatthana (Mindful residence) -Watching the unchanging mind (Unusual behavior)
Satipatthana (Law Satipatthana)-Seeing the selflessness of various laws (lawlessness)


Satipatthana, Satipatthana

"Satipatthana / Shinenjo" is also called (in the new Chinese translation after Xuanzang, "Satipatthana / Shinenju").

The wrong way of thinking, which is the exact opposite of the truth, of the four defeats

It is a meditation that breaks down "Jorakugajo".

In meditation to observe yourself as you are

It's about awareness meditation, observing meditation, and Vipassana meditation.

This meditation of Satipatthana is in the scriptures.

With the teaching of "Shinjushinho"

Buddha's preaching often comes up.

Next, let's look at the self-reliance method.

Self-reliance method (Shinjushinho)
・ Satipatthana ・ Satipatthana

"About the body" Observe the body closely and

It is a meditation to see (notice) that the body is unclean.

This is described as "Patikulamanasikara".

My body is made up of five skandhas,

Everything that you feel in contact with your body

To be annoyed by the ephemeral "everyone suffers"

We will meditate on observation and gain insight.

Observe the five senses of your body, "eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body."

・ Satipatthana (Junenjo) ・ Satipatthana (Junenju)

"About the feeling", observe the feeling closely,
It is a meditation to see (notice) that "sensation is painful".

is this,

I will observe the "Uke" (ju) that I feel, which is made up of five skandhas.

Everything you feel is judged by one of the three patterns of "pleasant, unpleasant, and neither".

"What you see with your eyes, what you hear with your ears, what you sniff with your nose, what you taste with your tongue, what you touch with your body, and what you feel with your heart" are all "pleasant, unpleasant, neither" Observe that everything becomes ephemeral "bitter".

Observe what you feel with your five senses, "eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body."

・ Satipatthana ・ Shinnenju

"About the mind", observe the mind closely,
It is a meditation to see (notice) that "the mind is impermanent".

is this,

I clearly observe that the "line" that forms one's own way of thinking, which consists of five skandhas, is the "various lines" that are constantly changing.

Observe that one's heart.

In the scriptures

Knowing a greedy heart, "My heart has greed."
Knowing that the heart that has left greed is "my heart has left greed."

Know that an angry heart is "I have an angry heart."
Knowing that the heart that has left anger is "I have left the heart of anger."

It is expressed as.

・ Satipatthana ・ Honenju

"About various events and laws",
Observe various events and methods carefully,
It is a meditation to see (notice) that "every substance is selfless".

is this,

It is to observe the "Shohomuga" of Sanboin.

How to express in the scripture

Satipatthana and Satipatthana's "Self-reliance method" is described in the Early Buddhist scriptures.

"Be careful,
Be enthusiastic and correct
Stay calm,
We should overcome the greed of the world. "

Will come out.

"Nen" is a Pali word for sati
① Remember (teach).
② Encourage your attention so that you do not get distracted.
③ Always keep in mind the impermanence, suffering, and selflessness of Satipatthana.
There is a meaning of.



This "self-reliance method" meditation is a meditation in the color world where both "reception" and "thought" of feelings still exist. The state of meditation that is neither received nor thought is the state of meditation that is even higher.

By the way, the body of the "body" is in the world of desire that controls desire,
It is a meditation that observes "Uke" in the world of pure material color world that has lost the desire of the body.
(Reference): "Three worlds" (Sangai) The world that revolves around

Four defeats

The three methods of "truth" that Buddha saw are
Because it is invisible to ordinary people and does not understand

The idea that ordinary people spend their days living thinking the exact opposite is the teaching of the four truths of the four truths.

The four truths are "Joraku Gajo".

Joraku Gajo

People are impermanent, but they think they are "always"
Even though it is full of pain, I think it is "easy"
Even though I am a selfless self made up of auspiciousness and five gods, I think that I have an ego.
I spend my time thinking that unclean things are "clean."
This is called "Jorakugajo".

The "truth" that Buddha saw is from four completely upside-down perspectives.
Living in the world of suffering is the teaching of ordinary human beings.



In Mahayana Buddhism, "Jorakugajo" is sometimes used to mean the state of Nirvana.

The virtue of Nirvana's awakening is an absolute eternal everlasting
I'm looking forward to it
I am an active freelancer
It is a clean purification,

The four virtues are called Shitoku.

If you don't understand the Dharmamudrā
You need to be careful because it will be a mess.

"Satipatthana, Shinenjo" that appears in the primitive Buddhist texts
In the second sutra "Samon Kakyo"

"Teaching of small, medium and large commandments"-> "Protection of sensory organs"-> "Attention / clear consciousness" will give you the meditation teachings to observe. Then, → "Satisfaction" → "Removal of the five lids" → "Four Zens of the Color World" → "Insight of Selflessness" → "Getting Mythical Power" → "Four Noble Truths" disappears It will come out when you understand.

<< Attention / Clear Consciousness >>

Buddha acts with a clear consciousness when the practitioner does anything. He is aware of what he is doing now, when he wears clothes, when he holds a bowl, when he eats, when he drinks, when he defecates, and when he acts and wears it. I am.



Meditation is difficult, but it's not about watching TV and touching your smartphone, but consciously doing what you do!
In the Nagabe scripture, the 22nd sutra, "Dainenjukyo"

"About the body (the body is unclean)"
・ Observe your own details such as hair, hair, blood, teeth, skin, flesh, muscles, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, blood, urine, etc.
・ Observe the elements of groundwater, fire and wind
・ Meditation of corpses, observing crows and dogs eating and rotting corpses abandoned in the graveyard

"About the senses (feeling is painful)"
・ Observe that enjoyment, suffering, and non-physical sensations occur and disappear.

"About the mind (the mind is impermanent)"
Observe greed, anger, delusion, unity of mind, and the emergence and disappearance of a vast mind

"About the existence (events / laws) of various things (all substances are selfless)"
・ Observe the occurrence and disappearance of the five hindrances
・ Observe the occurrence and disappearance of the bondage of the six senses

"How to breathe"
◇ Sit with your thoughts in front of you, take care while inhaling and exhaling,
◇ Calm down my physical activity and practice with the intention of exhaling.
◇ Observing the body inside and outside of others, what happens inside the body,
Observe the disappearing phenomenon.
◇ I just think that "only the body exists", there is no dependence, and there is no attachment.

It will be expressed as.


Hey, Bo-san! The first meditation is so difficult ...

Enbo doesn't even notice the rice mash on his face after he finishes eating. But it's okay! Buddha teaches me meditation properly! Introducing the sutras that describe the practice of meditation and the content of training!


Observation meditation comes out with "clear consciousness" ↓

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きみは21世紀にむかって生き残れるか? Can you survive into the 21st century?

2022-11-13 18:45:21 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words


二十一世紀にかけて、世界はおどろくべき変貌をとげる。それは 想像を絶するおどろくべき変貌である。

ひとはだれでも、昨日のつづきが今日であり、今日のつづきに明日があると思う。それは 変ることなく永遠につづくものと思っている。 いままではその通りであった。しかし、これからはちがう。 昨日と今日の間に深い断層が口をあけ、今日と明日の間に越えがたい亀裂が走る。 どうしてそうなるのか? まず、すさまじい勢いで食いつぶされてゆく地球資源の問題がある。これが全地球的な規 模で、深刻な経済摩球と産業株造の変動をひき起こす。国家間の対立抗争が高まり、これに 人種問題と宗教問題がからんだとき、世界はいっきょにカタストロフィーに突入するだろう。

つぎに、目をみはるようなスピードですすんでゆく科学と技術ことに電子機器の進歩 である。これは社会にはなはだしい格差と段落を生ずる。多くのひとびとが、適応できずに 落伍してゆく。能力による階級差が増大するのである。道応したかに見える者のなかにも、 人間性を喪失し、人格崩壊から犯罪、あるいは底辺社会へ転落してゆくものが続出する。国も社会もその負担にたえきれず、破産のおそれが出てくるだろう。 端的に言おう。 二十一世紀は(もしもそれまでいまの世界が存続するならば)極度に発達しておどろくべ き性能を持つにいたったエレクトロニクスと、すぐれた霊的感性を持つヒトによって形成さ れる世界である。すぐれた霊的感性の持ちぬしのみが、最高度に発達したエレクトロニクス を駆使して、この世界を維持し発展させてゆくことになるだろう。それ以外はすべて底辺社 会に呻吟するしかないことになる。

高い霊的感性――霊的能力といってもよい。それは、人間を超えた高い感性と知性と徳性 をそなえた存在である。機械が極度に発達した世界は、同様に、極度に発達したヒトでなけ れば、これを制御し統治することができないのだ。ボタン一つ押すことで全世界を爆破し、 キィを一つ引くことで億を越える脳を思うように操作することができる時代になるのでる。

きみの準備はできているか? もうすでにその時代がはじまっているのである。 できるかぎり高い霊的世界に身を置き、つねに純粋な霊的バイブレーションにふれるのだ。 きみはその準備をはじめなければならぬ。



Can you survive into the 21st century?

In the 21st century, the world undergoes an astonishing transformation. It is an unimaginably amazing transformation.

Everyone thinks that yesterday is the continuation of today, and that today is the continuation of tomorrow. I believe it will last forever without change. This has been the case until now. But it will be different from now on. A deep fault opens between yesterday and today, and an insurmountable crack runs between today and tomorrow. Why? This will cause serious economic and industrial fluctuations on a global scale. When confrontation between nations rises, and racial and religious problems become involved, the world will plunge into catastrophe all at once.

Second, the progress of science and technology, especially electronic equipment, is progressing at an astonishing speed. This creates tremendous disparities and paragraphs in society. Many people fail to adapt and fall behind. Class differences based on ability increase. Even among those who seem to have responded, there are many who lose their humanity, lose their personality, commit crimes, or fall to the bottom of society. Countries and societies will not be able to bear the burden, and there will be a risk of bankruptcy. Let me say it in the end. The 21st century (if the current world survives until then) will be a world formed by electronics that have developed to the extreme and have astonishing performance, and humans with excellent spiritual sensibilities. . Only those who have excellent spiritual sensibilities will be able to maintain and develop this world by making full use of the most advanced electronics. Anything else is left to the bottom of society to groan.

High psychic sensibility—you could call it psychic ability. It is a being endowed with high sensibility, intelligence, and morality that surpasses that of humans. A world of hyper-machinery is likewise incapable of being controlled and governed by anything but a hyper-human. We will be in an era where you can blow up the whole world with the push of a button, and control over 100 million brains with the push of a key.

Are you ready? The time has already begun. Place yourself in the highest possible spiritual world, always in contact with pure spiritual vibrations. You have to start preparing for it.

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Bonji 梵字 降三世明王 Trilokya Vijaya トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ

2022-08-27 09:32:25 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words






シヴァは妻のパールヴァティーと共に「過去・現在・未来の三つの世界を収める神」として ヒンドゥー教 の最高神として崇拝されていたが、 大日如来 はヒンドゥー教世界を救うためにシヴァの改宗を求めるべく、配下の降三世明王を派遣し(或いは大日如来自らが降三世明王に変化して直接出向いたとも伝えられる)、頑強難化のシヴァとパールヴァティーを遂に超力によって降伏し、仏教へと改宗させた。




誰かを踏みつけた仏と言えば 四天王 がそれぞれ 邪鬼 を踏みつけているが、降三世明王は「異教とはいえ神を倒して踏みつけている」という点でひと際異彩を放つ仏である。

降三世はサンスクリット語で、トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ(三界の勝利者  Trailokyavijaya )といい、正確には「三千世界の支配者 シヴァ を倒した勝利者」の意味。

「オン・ソンバ・ニソンバ・ウン・バザラ・ウン・ハッタ」( Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ vajra hūṃ phaṭ )



Descending Third Myoo

Descending Third Myoo  Trilokya Vijaya

Along with his wife Parvati, Shiva was worshiped as the supreme deity of Hinduism as ``the god who contains the three worlds of the past, present, and future'', but Dainichi Nyorai seeks Shiva's conversion to save the Hindu world. In order to do so, he dispatched his subordinate Gosansei Myoo (or it is said that Dainichi Nyorai himself changed into Gosansei Myoo and went there directly), and finally surrendered Shiva and Parvati, who were becoming difficult to stubborn, by superpower and went to Buddhism. and converted.


The name of Gosansei Myo-o means 'the Myo-o who brought down Shiva who contained the three worlds'.

As you can see in the picture on the right, Gozansei Myo-o has three faces and eight arms, with two hands tied in an impressive ``Gosansei seal'', and the other hand holding a weapon such as a bow and arrow and a spear. However, above all, the greatest feature is that he tramples Shiva and his wife Parvati, who have fallen to the ground with both feet.

Speaking of the Buddha who trampled on someone, each of the four heavenly kings trampled on evil spirits, but Gozansei Myo-o is a Buddha that stands out in that ``he defeats and tramples gods, even though he is a pagan.''

In Sanskrit, Gozansei is called Trailokyavijaya (Trailokyavijaya, the victor of the three worlds), and to be exact, it means ``the victor who overthrew Shiva, the ruler of the three thousand worlds''.

"Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ vajra hūṃ phaṭ"


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Bonji 梵字 大黒天 Daikokuten マハーカーラMahākāla

2022-08-25 18:52:09 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words








おん ま ら か きや や そわ か




Daikokuten (same seed as Marishiten)



His Sanskrit name is Mahakala, which means "great darkness".
In Japan, it is counted as one of the Seven Lucky Gods, and is familiar with the appearance of wearing a hood, carrying a large bag, and holding a mallet in its right hand.

However, he was originally an incarnation of the god Shiva, and in addition to being in charge of battle, he was also the god of the underworld.

In Buddhism, it is enshrined in the kitchen of the temple as a god of good fortune, and it protects the temple so that the monks can do their training without worrying about food and that they have the things they need.

Since Daikokuten was enshrined on the pillar of the food kitchen, the thickest pillar that supports the house and the head of the family came to be called the 'daikokubashira.' Generally, as a god of good fortune, we pray for business prosperity.

Onmaraka Kiyaya Sowaka


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和讃 仏舎利尊 Wasan Buddhist sarison 3

2022-08-19 15:13:06 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

「宝生解脱のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし」


福徳宝 生 の徳と因縁解脱の徳、この二つを仏舎利尊さまはご利 益として、わたくしたちにくださる。それはインドの昔から、数限 りない体験談によって証明されています。ですから「功徳のほどを 伝うべし」とあるのです。


「そもそも祀る宝塔は 仏の慈悲のかぎりなく

方便止まずして 末世の衆生救わんと 舎利をとどめ置き給う」


これは、お釈迦さまのご慈悲は実に限りないものであり、涅 槃 に入られたのちもなお、末世の衆生を救うために、この世に仏舎利 をとどめ置かれたのである、という意味です。つまり、仏舎利こそ が仏教の本尊であることを示したものです。ことに末法の世の本尊 は、仏舎利しかありません。

仏舎利の功徳に末法の世界の人間を救う、というのがあります。 昔から仏教では、正法の時代、像法の時代、末法の時代、この三 つがあると説かれております。正法というのは、お釈迦さまのお説 きになった教法が、そのまま、まちがいなく行なわれている時代で す。お釈迦さまがおなくなりになって五百年は、この正法の時代で ある、とされております。

それが過ぎますと、像法の時代です。像というのは、鏡に写る影 像のことですから、そのように真実ではない形ばかりの影像の時代 が、像法の時代です。実物ではないわけです。像法の時代は、お釈 迦さまの教えや法が行なわれているように見えるけれども、その内 容はまったく違ったものというわけです。

わたくしは、いまの世は、像法の時代から末法の時代に入ってき ていると思います。たとえばこれまでの日本の仏教が像法の仏教で したね。仏教といってはいますが、お釈迦さまがお說きになった真 実の仏法・七科三十七道品は影も形もない。またそれが説かれた『阿 含経』は、まったくかえりみられない。そうして、そういうものが 仏教という名前で説かれているのですから、まさに像法です。 この像法の千年が経つと、末法に入ります。末法の時代というのは、もう像法でさえ行なわれない時代ということです。仏舎利尊は、 この末法の世界の人たちを救う本尊なのです。末法時代の人という ものは、仏の教えなど真剣に聞こうとしませんから、とにかく、理 くつ抜きに救いの手に掬い上げてやらなければいけない。ですから まず、信じさえすれば必ずそれだけの力をスト レートにくださる、 という仏舎利尊でなければ末法の世は救われないのです。




「変化法身仏舎利尊 納め祀れる霊祠なり」


"The power of Hosho liberation, the degree of merit should be conveyed."


The virtue of good fortune and the virtue of liberation from karma, these two are given to us by Buddha Sharison as a blessing. It has been proven by countless testimonials from ancient times in India. That's why it says, "You should pass on your merits."

From the age of the image law to the age of the end of the law


"In the first place, the treasure pagoda enshrined is the limitless mercy of the Buddha.

In order to save the lives of people in the last world without stopping, please keep the reliquary."


This means that Buddha's mercy is truly limitless, and even after he entered Nirvana, he kept the Buddha's ashes in this world in order to save sentient beings in the latter age. In other words, it shows that Buddha's ashes are the principal image of Buddhism. In particular, the Buddha's reliquary is the only principal object of worship in the world of the Latter Day of Law.

One of the merits of Buddha's ashes is that they save people in the world of the Latter Day of Law. In Buddhism, it has been preached since ancient times that there are three eras: the age of the true law, the age of the image law, and the age of the final law. The right way is the age when the teachings taught by the Buddha are practiced without a doubt. It is said that the 500 years since Shakyamuni passed away is in this age of the true law.

After that, it will be the age of the Image Law. An image is an image reflected in a mirror, so the age of imagery that is not true and only a form of image is the age of image law. It's not real. In the age of the image law, it seems that the Buddha's teachings and laws were being practiced, but the content was completely different.

I believe that the present world is moving from the age of the image law to the age of the end of the law. For example, the Buddhism in Japan up to now is the Buddhism of the image law, and he did it. Although it is called Buddhism, there is no trace of the true Buddhism taught by the Buddha, the Thirty-seven Dharma of Seven Courses. Moreover, the Agon Sutra, in which it is preached, is completely irrelevant. And since this kind of thing is preached under the name of Buddhism, it is truly an image law. After the 1000 years of this Image Dharma, we will enter the end of the Dharma. The Age of the Dharma's End means that even the Image Dharma will no longer be practiced. Butsusharison is the principal image that saves people in this world of the Latter Law. People in the age of the end of the law don't listen to the Buddha's teachings seriously, so anyway, I have to scoop them up in the hands of salvation without reason. Therefore, first of all, if he believes, he will surely give that much power to his rate.


Realized Buddha of Hōni


"The Transforming Dharma Body Buddha Sharison is a shrine to be enshrined"


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Bonji 梵字 愛染明王 Aizen Myoo

2022-08-19 10:11:16 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words







Aizen Myoo

Aizen Myouou
Aizen Myoo
The Sanskrit name is Ragarazoya (inner sweet child).
Raga means "to be dyed in color" and represents greed, bulkiness, sexual desire, etc., and was translated as "Aizen" in Chinese.
Loving someone is a wonderful thing.
However, if this goes too far, it becomes doting and blind love, which can end up hurting people. This is an annoyance.

But what if we could extend love to more people, to non-human beings, to the whole planet, instead of just to lovers and families? A small love will develop into a dog-like love such as love for humanity and love for the universe, that is, bodhichitta.
will be


Aizen Myo-o gives you the power to sublimate ``worldly desires'' into ``Jyobodaishin.''

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和讃 仏舎利尊 Wasan Buddhist sarison 2

2022-08-17 14:20:52 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

 Wasan Buddhist sarison  


要するに、阿含宗こそ仏教の本道を歩んでいる教団である、とお 釈迦さまが自らお認めくださったということにほかならない。これ をみなさんに、まず最初によく認識していただきたいと思います。



和讃というのは、日本語でできた、仏さまを讃える歌という意味 です。讃というのは、文字どおり、誉め讃えるということですね。 ふつう仏教で讃という場合、たいてい漢文のものをさしますので、 日本語でできた讃を和讃と呼ぶわけです。キリスト教でいう讃美歌 と思えばよいでしょう。


「帰命 頂 礼仏舎利尊」

要するに、阿含宗こそ仏教の本道を歩んでいる教団である、とお 釈迦さまが自らお認めくださったということにほかならない。これ をみなさんに、まず最初によく認識していただきたいと思います。



和讃というのは、日本語でできた、仏さまを讃える歌という意味 です。讃というのは、文字どおり、誉め讃えるということですね。 ふつう仏教で讃という場合、たいてい漢文のものをさしますので、 日本語でできた讃を和讃と呼ぶわけです。キリスト教でいう讃美歌 と思えばよいでしょう。


「帰命 頂 礼仏舎利尊」


さて、どのような和讃でも、たいてい帰命頂礼ということばでは じまっております。

まず帰命というのは、「南無」の意訳で、命をかけて帰一する、 仏さまに心からお仕えする、という意味です。阿含宗の聖典に「南 無大慈大悲法身駄都如意宝珠尊」とありますが、あの南無です。こ の南無というのはサンスクリット語の「ナマス」をそのまま漢字に 音写したもので、さきほどお話ししたように、仏さまへの深い帰依 をあらわすことばです。 それから頂礼というのは、 頂 に礼するという意味で、五体投地

さて、どのような和讃でも、たいてい帰命頂礼ということばでは じまっております。

まず帰命というのは、「南無」の意訳で、命をかけて帰一する、 仏さまに心からお仕えする、という意味です。阿含宗の聖典に「南 無大慈大悲法身駄都如意宝珠尊」とありますが、あの南無です。こ の南無というのはサンスクリット語の「ナマス」をそのまま漢字に 音写したもので、さきほどお話ししたように、仏さまへの深い帰依 をあらわすことばです。 それから頂礼というのは、 頂 に礼するという意味で、五体投地

のことです。仏教のいちばん丁 重 な、仏さまの拝み方は五体投地 というものですが、これは右足、左足、右手、左手、額の順に五体 を地面につけて、そして自分の額に仏さまのおみ足をいただいてい ると観想して行なう礼のことで、またの名を仏足頂礼といいます。

みなさんが毎日の勤行のときに、 「オン サラバタタギャタ ハンナマンナノウ キャロミ」

と中腰で礼拝するのは略式であって、本来は、五体を地につけて 礼拝しなければいけない。現在は略式になってしまい、少し腰をか がめる程度で礼拝しておりますが、みなさんは五体投地の礼もとき にはきちんとやらなければいけませんね。

いまでも南伝仏教の人たちは、五体投地で礼拝しております。チ ベットなどでも、ラサの周囲何キロというところを、五体投地の礼


をしながら三十回あるいは百回まわると誓願を立て、何か月もかけ て巡る修行者を見かけます。

南無、五体投地、仏足頂礼、そういったものをすべて含めて、「帰 命頂礼仏舎利尊」とあらわしているのです。わたくしたちは、仏舎 利尊を生けるお釈迦さまとして礼拝信仰しておりますから、その生 きたお釈迦さまのおみ足を額に受けて礼拝しているのだ、仏舎利尊 さまに命懸けで帰一するのだ、という気持ちで、「帰命頂礼仏舎利 尊」とお唱えしなければいけません。

「宝生解脱のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし」


In short, it is nothing less than the fact that the Agon sect is the sect that pursues the true path of Buddhism, and that the Buddha himself acknowledged it. I would like everyone to be well aware of this first.

Correct mindset for worship

very much

Wasan means a song written in Japanese to praise the Buddha. Praise literally means to praise. In Buddhism, san usually refers to Chinese writing, so san written in Japanese is called Wasan. Think of it like a hymn in Christianity.


"Kimyo Chorei Butsu Sharison"

In short, it is nothing less than the fact that the Agon sect is the sect that pursues the true path of Buddhism, and that the Buddha himself acknowledged it. I would like everyone to be well aware of this first.

Correct mindset for worship

very much

Wasan means a song written in Japanese to praise the Buddha. Praise literally means to praise. In Buddhism, san usually refers to Chinese writing, so san written in Japanese is called Wasan. Think of it like a hymn in Christianity.


"Kimyo Chorei Butsu Sharison"


Now, in any kind of Wasan, he usually begins with the word kimei chorei.

First of all, Kimyō is a literal translation of “Namu”, which means to devote one’s life to return to oneness, to serve the Buddha from the bottom of one’s heart. In the scriptures of the Agon sect, it says, ``Namu Daiji Daihi Hoshindatsu Nyoi Hojuson,'' and that is Namu. The name namu is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word namasu, and as I mentioned earlier, it is a word that expresses a deep devotion to the Buddha. Chorei means bowing to the top,

Now, in any kind of Wasan, he usually begins with the word kimei chorei.

First of all, Kimyō is a literal translation of “Namu”, which means to devote one’s life to return to oneness, to serve the Buddha from the bottom of one’s heart. In the scriptures of the Agon sect, it says, ``Namu Daiji Daihi Hoshindatsu Nyoi Hojuson,'' and that is Namu. The name namu is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word namasu, and as I mentioned earlier, it is a word that expresses a deep devotion to the Buddha. Chorei means bowing to the top,

That's what I mean. The most respectful way of worshiping the Buddha in Buddhism is the five-body throwing, in which the five bodies are placed on the ground in this order: right foot, left foot, right hand, left hand, and forehead, and then rest the Buddha's feet on one's forehead. It is a ritual that is performed while contemplating this, and is also called the Buddha's feet.

When you go to the shrine every day, “On Sarabatata Gata Hannamannanou Caromi”

It is an informal form of worshiping with a kneeling position, and originally, one should worship with all five bodies on the ground. Currently, it has become informal, and we worship him by bending his hips a little, but you have to do the bow properly when you do the prostration.

Even today, people of Nanden Buddhism worship in a five-body prostration. Even in his bed, he would walk several kilometers around Lhasa in a ritual of prostration.


I see a monk who makes a vow to go around thirty or a hundred times while doing this, and spends months following him.

Namu, five-body throwing, and Buddha's foot chorei are all included in the expression 'Kimeichorei Butsusharison'. Since we worship and believe in the Buddha as the living Shakyamuni, we are worshiping with the feet of the living Shakyamuni on our foreheads, risking our lives to return to the Buddha. With that in mind, we must chant “Kimei Chorei Butsari Son”.

"The power of Hosho liberation, the degree of merit should be conveyed."

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和讃 仏舎利尊 Wasan Buddhist sarison 1

2022-08-15 17:00:59 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

帰命頂礼仏舎利尊宝生のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし そもそも祀る宝塔は 仏の慈悲のかぎりなく 大悲方便止まずして 末世の衆生救わんと一 舎利をとどめ置き給う 变化法身舍利尊納め祀れる霊祠なり 霊処かずあるその中に 仏舎利尊の宝塔は 法身歇都如意宝珠草

大悲神変妙にして、 化導利生はてしなし 礼拝供養の徳積めば 悪業一切断ち切りて 福徳果報かぎりなし この塔安置のところには 諸難のせまる恐れなく 人みなすべて安穏に 牛馬の末に至るまで 疫病苦厄のうれいなし されば行者は宝塔の 日々の供養を忘るるな 至心に礼拝供養せば、 法身如来あらわれて たとえ瓦石や木ぎれにて、 つくろといえど宝塔の 忽ち変じて七宝の ちりばめ輝くさまとなり、 紫磨黄金の大光明 十方世界を照らすなり、 光の中に声あって。 微妙の法を說き給う 法身如来の声なれば 凡夫の法性たちまちにひらきて悉地を成ずなり 衆生の胸にしみ透る。 声なき声ぞ尊とけれ さてまた過去世に貪りの 罪にむくわれ身にまとう。 衣類さえなき貧しさに なげく貧窮の人にても 至心に宝生いのるなら法身如来たちまちに 三辦宝珠と変化して 宝の雨を降らすなり、

百味の飲食かぎりなし 日々に富貴の身とならんまた業病や難病の 苦患にもだゆる身なりとも至心に礼拝供養せば 重き病いもその日より癒えて天寿を全うす 功徳ほとほとのべがたし。 先づは信心あつくして 供養の徳を積むことぞ とりわけ解脱をねがうべし 人のうらやむ財産も 巨万の富も権勢も。 悪因ひとつあるならば すべて苦の種泣きの種 家系の因縁断ち切りて 先祖の業障除くべし 父母祖父や祖母どちの一

おかせし悪因悪業は 血肉を通して子や孫の 悪しき運命のもととなる れに犯せし罪とがの一覚えもなきに苦しむは 父母先祖の因縁ぞ家系の因縁はどくベー つぎにはわが身の因縁ぞ 因縁悪しき父母や 業障ふかき祖父祖母を 持つは己れが前の世に 犯せし罪の果報ぞや - 先祖うらむな身を悔め わが身の不徳かえりみて 至心に解脫の供養せよ 八十億劫積もり来し 生死輪廻の罪障も。 消えて菩提の道ひらく。 無間地獄中餓鬼地獄 畜生界に生きる身も 大光明を身にうけて 抜苦与楽の門に入る。 三種供養ぞ尊とけれ まず第一は事の供養 身供養とも申すなり 香華燈塗をととのえて 力のかぎり供養せよ 供養の種をまかざれば 福徳宝生のぞみなし

種籾一升まきおけば一 五升や一斗はみのるぞや 種を惜しみてまかずして 米麦とれたるためしなし 功徳の種をまかずして 果報の德は得ぬものぞ まけばまくほどみのるもの骨身惜しまずまくことぞ 解脫宝生ねがうなら 梵行功徳の種をまけ さて第二には行供養 わが身わが子を助けんと 思わば人をまず救え」 これが因果の大法と 釈迦牟尼如来は說きませりわが身わが身といううちは 決して因縁解けぬぞや わが身わが身といい暮らし 因縁積んで今の身ぞ されば行者は徳を積み 力っくして救うべし

舎利供養をなす人は一 十種の功徳身にうけて おのずと人の上に立ち 人を助ける身とならん されどおごるか高ぶるか おごり怒りは百千の 功徳の種を焼くと知れ 下座の精進忘るるな 如来の加持力身にうけて 悩める人を救うべし 苦しむ人の杖となれ 仏舎利供養を弘むべし さて第三に理の供養 生身如来の說きませる。 七科三十七道品 成仏法の尊きを

ひろく世間に伝うべし 聖経の護持宣布をば 理の供養と申すなり 事・行・理の三供養 仏舎利供養の根本ぞ 三種供養を忘るるな 生身如来の說き給う 三福道こそこれなるぞ 法身如来のみもとにて 正法仰ぐ聖衆の


諸仏讃歎あそばさる。 諸天善神より集い 昼夜行者を護るなり 因縁解脱は大悲にて 福德宝生大慈なり

大慈大悲のみほとけの一 变化法身积迦如来

变化法身舍利尊 福徳宝生身にうけて 因縁解脱の道を行く 仏舎利尊ぞありがたし 仏舎利尊ぞ尊とけれ 婦命頂礼 从舍利尊 宝生解脫加持門の 信解のしるべ示さんと のちの世のため人のため つづりてあらあら和讃とす

The power and merit of Kimyō-chorei Butsu-sari-son Hosho should be handed down.In the first place, the treasure pagoda enshrined is the Buddha's mercy. In the midst of many spiritual places, the pagoda of Buddha's sarison is the Dharma body and the capital Nyoi Hojugusa.

Great grief is strange, and life is endless.If you accumulate the virtues of worship and memorial services, you will cut off all evil deeds, and there will be no end to good and good deeds.There is no fear of misfortune approaching where this tower is enshrined, and everyone will live in peace. Until the suffering of the plague is over, so the ascetic should not forget to perform the daily memorial service at the pagoda. As the shimmering cloisonné shines, the great light of purple polished gold illuminates the world in ten directions, and there is a voice in the light. The voice of Dharmakaya Tathagata, who teaches the subtle laws, will instantly open up the Dharma of ordinary people, form an entire land, and permeate the hearts of sentient beings. A voice without a voice is precious, but he is also covered in the sin of covetousness in his past life. He grieves at the poverty of not even having clothes.

There is no limit to the variety of foods and drinks, and you will become rich and noble every day. death. First of all, he must be devoted and accumulate the virtues of offerings. If there's one bad cause, he's a seed of bitterness.

Evil deeds through blood and flesh become the cause of evil destinies for children and grandchildren.If one suffers without even remembering the sin committed by one, the fate of parents and ancestors, the fate of family lineages, and then my own body. The fate of having bad luck parents and unskilled grandparents is the retribution of the sins you committed in the previous world. The sins of the cycle of life and death that have piled up. Disappear and open the path of Bodhi. Mugen Jigoku Chugaki Jigoku The body that lives in the animal world receives the great light and enters the gate of pain and pleasure. It is said that the three kinds of memorial services are precious, but he is the first one.

If you sow 1 sho of seed rice, you will get 1.5 sho or 1 to. If you want to understand the treasure, sow the seeds of the merits of Brahman practice. As long as I'm telling you, you'll never be able to solve your fate.

Those who perform relics receive 10 kinds of merit, and naturally stand above others and become a person who helps people. Receiving the blessings of the Ruruna Tathagata, save the afflicted; Seven Departments Thirty-seven Dohins The Preciousness of Buddhism

It should be spread widely to the world The promulgation of the sacred sutra is called the rites of truth. At the presence of Dharmakaya Tathagata

Great vow to save the world

Praise the Buddhas. Gathering from all heavenly good deities, protecting the ascetic day and night, liberation from karma is great compassion, happiness is great compassion

Great Compassion, Great Compassion, One of the Transformations

Thank you to the Buddha Shari Mikoto, who is going on the path of liberation from karma, and he is a sign of faith from Shari Mikoto Hojo liberation Kajimon. For the sake of the world to come





仏舎利宝珠尊和讃の講義をいたします。 和讃には非常にやさしいことばで、教え、 行 の仕方、信仰の心 がまえなどが説かれております。やさしいことばですので、うっか りして、和讃が説いているところの深い意味を汲み取れないでいる 人がいるかもしれません。また、やさしいことばだからということ で、その意味をあまり深く味わおうとしない人も多いかもしれない。
しかし和讃というのは、やさしいことばの山に、たいへん重要な 内容が込められております。毎日読誦するものですから、この講義 で深い意味を知り、読誦するたびにその内容をかみしめて、行の糧
また、もう暗記してしまっているから、と勤 行 のときも口先だ けで和讃を唱えている人もいるかもしれませんが、それでは本当の 勤行にならない。やはり、暗記していても聖典をおしいただきなが ら、その内容を深く心にめぐらせて、読誦しなければいけない。そ れが本当のお経の読み方です。

What is Wasan
bluntly hoju sonwa
I will give a lecture on the Buddhist relics Hojuson Wasan. Wasan preaches teachings, manners of conduct, the mindset of faith, etc. in very easy words. His words are easy to understand, so there may be people who inadvertently follow him and fail to grasp the deep meaning of what Wasan is preaching. Also, because it is a simple word, there may be many people who do not try to deeply appreciate its meaning.
However, Wasan is a mountain of gentle words that contains very important content. Since you will recite every day, you will learn the deep meaning in this lecture, and each time you recite it, you will be able to reflect on what you have read and use it as food for your practice.
It must be kongyō.
Also, there may be people who verbally recite the hymns to him during the religious service, saying that they have already memorized them, but that would not be a true religious service. After all, even if you have memorized the scriptures, you have to read them while listening to the scriptures and let the contents go deep into your heart. That is the true way of reading sutras.

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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words 犀の角 rhinoceros horn

2022-08-12 14:22:30 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words













































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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words 武器を執ること take up arms

2022-08-05 14:26:45 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

武器を執ること take up arms











take up arms




A saint must be honest. Let him not be arrogant, not deceitful, not slanderous, not angry, but transcend wicked greed and jealousy.

Those who seek peace, overcome sleep, laziness, and depressed minds. Let him not dwell in idleness. he is not arrogant

Don't let him be lured into lying. Don't make a favorite book in a beautiful form. Also, try to get rid of your complacency. Behave without being violent.

Do not rejoice in the old. Nor should you be seduced by new things. Do not grieve over what is perishing. Don't be caught by the towing person (delusion).

A man who has surpassed the desires of the world, and surpassed the insurmountable attachments, is not swept away, not bound, not sorrowed, not longed for.

Dry up what was in the past (worldly desires). May the future have you nothing. If you hold nothing in between, you will behave as a "peaceful man."

A man who has no sense of 'own' in terms of names and forms, and a man who is not saddened by the lack of (something)--He truly does not grow old in the world.

A man who has no thoughts such as "This is mine" or "This is someone else's"--he has no (such) 'idea of ​​mine', so "I There is no need to mourn.

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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words こよなき幸せ unparalleled happiness

2022-08-03 17:26:14 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



Buddha’s words














Buddha's words

I have heard that—once upon a time the Blessed One (Buddha) was in the Jeta Forest, in the city of Savatti, in the Garden of the Elder Who Feeds the Lonely. At that time, after midnight, a beautiful god illuminated the jeta forest and approached the teacher. Then he bowed to his teacher and stood by his side. Then the god addressed his master with a poem.


"Many gods and humans desire happiness and think of happiness. Please preach the highest happiness."

Not to be familiar with fools, but with wise men, and with honorable people--this is the greatest happiness.

Being deeply learned, acquiring skills, learning to be self-disciplined, and being fluent in language—this is the ultimate happiness.

Being able to serve your parents, loving and caring for your wife and children, being orderly and not chaotic at work—this is the ultimate happiness.

Giving, lawful conduct, loving and caring for one's relatives, and not being blamed—this is the ultimate happiness.

Respect, humility, contentment, gratitude, and hearing instruction at the right time—this is the ultimate happiness.

To persevere, to be kind in words, to meet people of the way, to hear about the law at the right time—this is the ultimate happiness.

Discipline, pure deeds, seeing the divine truth, attaining peace (nirvana)—this is the ultimate happiness.

Even when one comes into contact with worldly things, one's mind is not disturbed, one is not worried, one is free from dirt, one is at peace—this is the ultimate happiness.

If you do these things, you will not be defeated in anything. Reach happiness in all things. ──This is the ultimate happiness

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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words .サーリプッタ . sariputta

2022-07-30 09:04:09 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words


.サーリプッタ . sariputta
















. sariputta


Ascetic practitioners hate the world and love deserted places, under trees and cemeteries, in mountain caves,

Or in the various seats, what dreadful things there are! ──Even though a trainee sits in silence, he should not be afraid of them and tremble.

The Buddha replied,
“O Sariputta, I will explain to you, based on what I have learned, the state of being enjoyed by those who loathe the world, sit in a deserted place, and desire enlightenment, and how to practice according to the Dharma.

A wise practitioner who is vigilant and observant should not be intimidated by the five kinds of terrors. That is, to touch the attacking horseflies, mosquitoes, reptiles, quadrupeds, and humans (bandits, etc.).

He must not be afraid of those who hold different teachings. --even if you see them do many terrible harms. ---Seek goodness again, and overcome other perils.

You should endure sickness and hunger, and you should endure cold and heat. That Homeless Man should be courageous and steadfast in his efforts, even though he is often attacked by them.

Do not steal. Do not lie. Treat all living things with kindness, whether they are weak or strong. When you feel turmoil, think of yourself as a "companion of the devil" and get rid of it.

“What shall I eat?” “Where shall I eat?” “I had a hard time sleeping (last night)” “Where shall I sleep tonight?” Restrain the thoughts that lead to (four) sorrows.

Get food and clothing at the right time, and know the quantity (of food and clothing) in order to be satisfied here (in small amounts). He should not arbitrarily choose food and clothing, walk through the village with restraint, and should not utter harsh words even if he is insulted.

Keep your eyes down, don't wander around, concentrate on meditation, and be very awake. He keeps his mind at peace, maintains a stable mind, and cuts off cares, greed, desires, and remorse.

Be calm and grateful when others warn you with words. Cut off the rough hearts of those who practice together. Speak good words. Do not utter words that are not appropriate at the time. do not think of reviling people

Furthermore, there are five dusts in the world. Be careful and work to control them. In other words, suppress your greed for colors, sounds, tastes, scents, and things you can touch.

Ascetic monks, take great care, completely liberate your mind, and restrain your desires for these things. Let him consider the law correctly at the appropriate time, unite his mind, and destroy the darkness. ”
── said the teacher (Buddha)

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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words 老い old

2022-07-29 14:26:53 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



老い old












Oh short, human life. He dies without being a hundred years old. Even if they live longer than that, they will die again due to senility.

People are saddened by what they have written as "my own." This is because what you own (yourself) is not permanent. Don't stay at home, seeing that things in this world are just going to change.

What one thinks "this is my own" -it is lost by (the person's) death. Those who obey us must not wisely know this reason and give in to the idea of ​​ourselves.

Those who devour what they have written as their own do not abandon their sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows. Therefore, the saints abandoned their possessions and saw peace.

The practitioner who goes away and retreats gets closer to the seat by himself. It is said that it is appropriate for him not to reveal himself in the realm of lost survival.

The saint is nothing, loves, or hates. Neither sadness nor stinginess will pollute him. It's like the water on the (lotus) leaves isn't polluted.

The person who wipes out the wickedness does not write or think about anything he sees, learns, or thinks about. He does not want to be purified by others. He doesn't devour him and he doesn't hate him.

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2022年7月28日 今日の運勢 矢 2 Arrow 2

2022-07-28 09:26:34 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words













If people do not stop mourning, they will suffer more and more. If he lamented the deceased, he was trapped in sorrow.

Look. Other (living) people also die according to the work they have created. Those who are alive are captured dead and terrified in this world.

Even if people think about it, the result will be different from what they intended. It is this melon that breaks and disappears. See how the world goes.

Whether a person lives for a hundred years or more, he eventually leaves even his relatives and abandons the life of the world.

So, when you hear the teachings of (a person to be respected) and see that a person has died, he says, "He is beyond my power," and leave the grief.

Just as a house is set on fire with water, such a wise and intelligent wise man, a good man, should quickly destroy the grief. ──Like the wind blows away cotton.

Except for grief, affection, and sorrow. If you are looking for fun, you should pull out the arrow.

If you get rid of the arrow (of anxiety) and get peace of mind without sticking to it, you will transcend all sorrows, become a sad person, and return to peace.

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buddha ブッダのことば Buddha’s words つとめはげむこと To work hard

2022-07-27 09:15:21 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words













On the banks of the Nerangjara River, I was devoting myself to meditating in order to gain peace.

(Devil) Namuchi approached, uttering a kind word, and he said, "You are thin and pale. Your death is approaching.

The chances of you living without dying are one in a thousand. You, live. You had better live. Only with life can we do various good deeds.

Many merits can only be achieved if you do pure deeds as a Vedic student and offer offerings to the torch. What will happen to the place where I have been struggling (for penance)?

The road that is hard to reach is hard to reach, hard to do, and hard to reach. "
Reciting this poem, the devil stood beside the awakened man (Buddha).

When the devil said this, the guru (Buddha) said: ──
"Lazy relatives, bad guys. You came here in search of good deeds.

I don't have to seek that (public) good work. The devil should speak only to those who seek the merit of good works.

I have belief, effort, and wisdom. Why do you ask me, who is so devoted, to have life?

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