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今日の運勢  4月8日 Today's fortune April 8

2021-04-08 08:23:24 | 運命学


 仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切
再生の週  危の日

.. Month
Positive position: Unexpected danger. Bad luck in love. scandal. throw dust in eyes. Be deceived. I'm at a loss. betrayal. Home and family discord. A sick person in the family. Matters related to the person who died. inspiration. Psychological phenomenon. Spirituality with the dead. faith. Cemetery. Evil spirits are attached. Devil exorcism. Anxious departure. Change jobs. Employment. Go on to higher education. Jumping into an unknown world by matchmaking marriage. ancestor. Ancestor spirit. The spirit world.
Reverse position ... a small lie. Taste a light thrill. A little failure. Affected by past events. Influenced by a witchy woman. An unpleasant partner in the past appears. A romantic quarrel.
Weight commentary
Positive position ... Hidden enemy. Danger. Slandering. darkness. Fear. Deception. Illusion. Occult power. Failure.
Reverse position: unstable. Don't continue. silence. Small deception and failure.

Nikuro Saturn Day
A day when work, travel, sick people, etc. are easy to come out. There are many things that are complicated. Although it is busy, there are few results. Don't be short-sighted. It's important to be willing to take on unpleasant work
Week of Rebirth Dangerous Day
A mixed day of good and bad.
Work luck and interpersonal luck are generally strong, and we can expect evaluations from those around us.
It is a day when you need to be careful about your health and you are likely to be involved in an unexpected injury or accident.
If you get too sick, you will get hurt.

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