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神通力  Mythical power

2020-09-18 12:47:29 | 
六神通(ろくじんずう、ろくじんつう、: chaḷabhiññā)とは、仏教において菩薩などが持っているとされる6種の超人的な能力。

  • 神足じんそく通(iddhi-vidha-ñāṇa) - 自由自在に自分の思う場所に思う姿で行き来でき、思いどおりに外界のものを変えることのできる力。飛行や水面歩行、壁歩き、すり抜け等をし得る力。

  • 天耳てんに通(dibba-sota-ñāṇa) - 世界すべての声や音を聞き取り、聞き分けることができる力。

  • 他心たしん通(ceto-pariya-ñāṇa) - 他人の心の中をすべて読み取る力。

  • 宿命しゅくみょう通(pubbe-nivāsānussati-ñāṇa) - 自他の過去の出来事や生活、前世をすべて知る力。

  • 天眼てんげん通( dibba-cakkhu-ñāṇa) - 一切の衆生の業による生死を遍知する智慧。一切の衆生の輪廻転生を見る力。

  • 漏尽ろじん通(āsavakkhaya-ñāṇa) - 煩悩が尽きて、今生を最後に二度と迷いの世界に生まれないことを知る智慧。生まれ変わることはなくなったと知る力。


Rokujin-dori (Rokujinzu, Rokujintsuu ,: chaḷabhiññā) are six types of superhuman abilities that are said to be possessed by Buddhists and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism.
6 kinds of mythical power. Also known as Rokutsu, it expresses the free state of affairs that can be obtained when moving to Vipassana after the samadhi of the Buddhist meditation (Zenjo) in the meditation practice of the Bikan.
Specifically, it refers to the following six.
Jin-soku-dori (Tomoe: iddhi-vidha-ñāṇa) --The ability to freely come and go wherever you want and change things in the outside world as you wish. Ability to fly, walk on the surface of the water, walk on the wall, slip through, etc.
Tenmi Tenni (Tomoe: dibba-sota-ñāṇa) --The ability to hear and distinguish the voices and sounds of all the world.
Other minds (Tomoe: ceto-pariya-ñāṇa) --The ability to read everything in the minds of others.
Syukumei (Tomoe: pubbe-nivāsānus sati-ñāṇa) --The ability to know all the past events, lives, and previous lives of oneself and others.
Tengen-dori (Tomoe: dibba-cakkhu-ñāṇa) --Wisdom to know the life and death of all sentient beings. The power to see the reincarnation of all sentient beings.
Leakage Jintsu (Tomoe: āsavakkhaya-ñāṇa) --The wisdom of knowing that you will never be born in a world of hesitation again at the end of your life. The power to know that it is no longer reborn.
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