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密教のトレーニングは五つの異常能力を生む  Esoteric training produces five extraordinary abilities

2021-04-07 17:17:12 | 瞑想



ひらけ! 胡麻!






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 困難に際し、障害にぶつかり、災厄に遭い、望むものが得られぬ失意のとき、たとえそれがヒゲをはやした五十男でも、ああこんなときにあの魔法のランプがあったならと思わずにと定義し、かつ、それは、たいへんな集中力、観察力、理解力、熱意と、それに加うるに、 発達した創造力、および直観力が必要である。直観力というのは、第六感、洞察力であり、たとえば、キュリー夫人、および科学者としての夫キュリーの場合のような感応力からなっているもので、右にあげた特性の中でも最も注目すべきものである、と述ている。
























も、むしろ、知らず知らず、その人の意志や思考によろこんで服従するようになQg SQQ
















 密教は、数千年むかしの、インドのバラモン時代から、そういうとくべつな技法を開発してきた。そして、その技法は、中国、あるいはチペットを経て、より高度に完成され、いまもなお、その宗門の奥 かく伝えられているのである。



 自分の願望を達成する能力のない人間は、生きる価値がないといってもよいのである願 望というコトバが、理想主義者の眉をひそめさせるというのなら、理想といコトバにき かえてもよい。一切の欲望をしりぞけて生きてゆこうとするピューリタンだって、一切欲 望を持たずに生きてゆこうという願望のもとに生きているわけだし、








しまうのだ。密教は、そういう条件をみたし、願望の達成を妨害する要素をひとつひと克  服してゆく能力を人にあたえる。そういう法をシステムとして持っているのだ。





(2021/4/7 17:16時点)


Esoteric training produces five extraordinary abilities


Open! Sesame!

People often say that it is a human being.

However, with an eye that sees through the deep mischief that I can't even see in the future, I brilliantly foresee the unhappiness, disasters, and failures that will come, and avoid them, and confuse them like a spider web. I'm sure I've found a way to success in the maze of my life, and even if I'm blocked from going to difficulties or obstacles, I'll be able to overcome it vividly, and sometimes I'll be hit by a pinch and sweat in my hands. But don't you wonder how wonderful it would be if you could find the power to turn this into a chance for success?


Would you like to make that kind of power your own?


Change yourself as you want, move others as you want, and even create your own environment, create something out of nothing, what you want, what you want. Whether it is tangible or intangible, you must realize it without fail. Wouldn't you wonder how good it would be if there was such a method?


With esoteric training, you can acquire about five wonderful abilities as follows.


1. Clear recognition and prediction of things and accurate selection

All the causes and effects of things can be clearly understood, and all the events that will occur in the future can be predicted in advance.


Therefore, it is extremely complicated and I find it difficult to choose a course and decide on a policy.

Even in such cases, we can always choose the right and failure-free path.

That is, it has the ability of prediction and selection.


D, excellent high creativity

About creativity and something, Jo S. Moga, who wrote the "Creative Development Method"

"The ability to create original works or ideas on the job"


Will it be?

In times of difficulty, in disability, in disaster, and in the disappointment of not getting what you want, even if it's a beard-bearded fifty man, ah, without thinking that there was that magic lamp at such a time. It requires a great deal of concentration, observation, comprehension, enthusiasm, and, in addition, developed creativity and intuition. Intuition is the sixth sense, insight, which consists of the stresses of Mrs. Curie and her husband Curie as a scientist, among the traits listed to the right. It states that it is the most notable.

The feature of Esoteric Buddhism's Toi Inning is that in training its mental activities, it grasps the consciousness in a deep area beyond intelligence and reason, and tries to freely control and utilize it.


In other words, it is a training to freely manipulate the intuition and stress of Mrs. Curie, which John S. Morgan calls, and her husband, Mr. Curie.


Training in esoteric mental activity is not just about training intuition and telepathy, but training starts from there.


John S. Morgan's ability to create creativity, such as "extreme concentration, observation, and comprehension," is in the same domain as intelligence and reason, but intuition, especially stress. It does not come from intelligence or reason. It belongs to a completely different realm and requires special training and skill to develop it.


Esoteric training has very good skills and systems for the development of this area. Therefore, the idea of ​​a person who has acquired this ability after receiving this training always has a flight and an inspiration. There is free creativity that is not bound by common sense, theory, or the accumulation of numbers.

And that's exactly what true creativity must be.


Third, the ability to change oneself, move others, and create an environment as one wishes

It can be said that this is the strongest and unrivaled power among several abilities developed by esoteric training.


Self-innovation through esoteric training is not something that is commonplace, such as improving an unpleasant personality and correcting bad habits, but fundamentally makes oneself exist and stand.

We will change the basic conditions one by one.


There is such a unique method in esoteric Buddhism, which fundamentally changes him. In a nutshell, it changes his destiny.


What is fate? It is a defined orbit. Will it change its trajectory?

How to change it depends on his will. So, according to this method, it can be transformed into any human being.

This is, so to speak, a complete censorship law.

If you have acquired enough self-control power, then that control power will be directed to a third party other than yourself.

Rather, I became obedient to the will and thoughts of the person without knowing it. Qg SQQ

I don't want to dislike my motivation and individuality, but it has an unexplainable charm that is natural.

Let it do that.

This control power is then directed to non-human things. You are free to collect, disperse, squeeze, and release all substances.


The environment will be completely changed and composed according to his thoughts and their ideas. The world moves at his will.


4. Strong physical strength and outstanding "spirit" power

This is because the body and spirit trained by the three self-control powers naturally show more than three times the endurance of ordinary people.


Fifth, with the power of the desire achievement power by the tremendous explosive power, the water is instantly boiled and the life is ignited. It is a tremendous psychokinesis.

In a word, it is the power to materialize the mind.


Then, physicists would say that such a thing is impossible at all.

However, it can actually be done. Esoteric Buddhism has such a special technique, and if trained by this technique, anyone will have such ability.


Esoteric Buddhism has developed such a special technique since the Brahmin era in India thousands of years ago. And the technique was completed to a higher degree through China or Chippet, and is still handed down in the depths of the sect.


Esoteric Buddhism holds this technique carefully because the powerful desire-achieving power of Esoteric Buddhism is driven by this dimic psychokinesis.

It can be said that a person who is incapable of achieving his or her desires is not worth living. If the word "desire" makes the idealist frown, then he may come to the word "ideal". .. Even Puritans who try to live without any desires live with the desire to live without any desires.

Even that great Gotamer Buddha was finished with the desire to save all sentient beings. People need to have a desire to be shy about achieving their desires.


By the way, various conditions are necessary to achieve the desire.


Esoteric Buddhism meets such conditions one by one.

Do not meet such conditions, just keep in mind kami and hotoke, and do your best to treat the mandala.

The religion is opium and superstitious because it seeks to benefit (that is, the achievement of aspirations).

It will end up. Esoteric Buddhism gives people the ability to meet such conditions and to overcome the factors that hinder the achievement of their desires. It has such a law as a system.


Psychokinesis is what drives the system.

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