そ、ホモーサピエンスに欠けている最も大切な資質であったのだ。ホモーエク セレンスは、進化の過程の或る一点で、これを失ったため、人類は破滅の道を 歩むようになったのである。しかし、本来、ヒトはこれを持っていたのである。
この人間改造の技術の特徴は、この五の資質の回復であった。他の四つの能力 は、この回復の訓練の間に、おのずと生ずる能力なのである。
「人類は苦悩している。自然は人類に三つの脳を授けたが、それらは構造が ひどく異なるにもかかわらず共に機能し、たがいに通じ合わなければならな いという代物だ。
この三つの脳のうち最古のものは基本的に昶虫類の脳であ り、
そして三番目は後期哺乳 類から発達した脳で、それが、人類を異様に「人類的」にしてきたのである。
一個の脳の中に三つの脳が共存する状態を寓話風に説くなら、つぎのように なろうか。
精神医が患者に診察台に横になるように命じる。じつはかれは患者にワニ やウマと並んで寝ろと要求しているのだ」
「ペイプス~マクリーンのこの論文は患者を人類全体に、精神医の診察台を 歴史の舞台にそれぞれ置き換えてみれば、そこにグロテスクだが真の人類の まことにその通りである。ワニとウマが、ヒトの脳の中に同居して、人間を 動かしているのである。人類が、時に、狂気としか思えないような矛盾きわま る非合理的行動に走るのは、このためにほかならない。これが、人類をして破 滅の道を歩ませた元凶である。たしかにその通りだ。
だが、ここでちょっと考えてみよう。また、大いに考えてみる必要があ るのではないか?
もしそうならば、人類の未来には絶望あるのみではないか。カミもホトケも ない。ホモーサピエンスは、混乱とのうちに喘ぎもがきつつ消滅してゆく しかないではないか。
人類とは、決して、ただそれだけの、そんな欠陥 生物ではなかったのである。
これまでの大脳生理学はまちがっていたのだ。すくなくとも大きな見落とし を一つしていたのだ。
止めてしまった。そのため、その脳は萎縮し退化してしまって、その機能を失 ってしまったのである。
その機能は、ヒトにとって非常に大切な、いや、なによりも大切なものだっ たのである。
その機能を失ったために、ヒトは欠陥 生物となってしまったのだ。
この超・ヒトをつくる技術とは、その退化し、失われたものを取り返す技術 である。これから人類が進化してはじめて持つものではないのである。このこ とはこの上なく重要なことである。この未来人、ホモーエクセレンスは、これ
から先、長い時間をかけて進化の結果あらわれて来るのでもないし、突然変異 体としてフランケンシュタインの怪物のごとく登場するのでもない。それはひ とつの特殊な人間開発技術により、ホモーサピエンス自身が変身するというこ とである。だから、それは、ほかならぬあなた自身であるかも知れないの だ。なぜならば、それは、あなた自身の中にあるものを発掘し開発するのだか
尤も、いちばん最初にあらわれたホモーエクセレンスは、あるいは一種のミ ュータントであったかも知れない。あるいは、未来社会への環境適応の結果あ らわれた超・ヒトの先行者であったかも知れぬ。ちょうど、ネアンデルタール 人の群れの中に出現した最初のクロマニョン人のように‐。
ルーガリックの法則によると、すでに存在する属の中での新しい種の形成は、 三〇〇年から六〇万年の時間を要するという。だから、先にのべた今から二〇 〇〇年まえという数字は、ホモーエクセレンスの先行者があらわれて、ホモー サピエンスの中に次第に新しい同族の種属を形成してゆくのにちょうど手ごろ の時間といえるだろう。
Super technology to remodel humans
It was the most important quality that Homo sapiens lacked. Homoek Selence lost it at some point in the evolutionary process, causing humanity to take the path of ruin. However, originally, humans had it.
The characteristic of this human remodeling technology was the restoration of these five qualities. The other four abilities are those that naturally occur during this recovery training.
There was another brain
Humankind has used three brains so far.
The old cortex, old cortex and neocortex.
Physiologist Papes H. McLean argues about this:
”Humanity is suffering. Nature has given humanity three brains, but they are the ones that have to work together and communicate with each other despite their vastly different structures.
The oldest of these three brains is basically a worm brain,
The second is the brain inherited from lower mammals.
And the third is the brain developed from late mammals, which has made mankind strangely "human."
If we preached the state of three brains coexisting in one brain in an allegorical fashion, we would do the following.
A psychiatrist orders the patient to lie on the examination table. In fact, he asks patients to sleep alongside alligators and horses.''
Arthur Kestler draws this sentence in "The Holon Revolution"
As described in.
“This paper by Papes-McLean is a grotesque but true human race, and that's exactly what humans and humans are all about. This is why human beings live in the brains of human beings, who sometimes run into contradictory and irrational actions that seem crazy at times. It is the cause of the destruction, and it is true.
However, let's think a little here. Also, it may be necessary to think a lot.
Is it really so?
Was human beings a defective creature with such a contradiction?
If so, there is no hope for the future of humankind. There are neither kami nor hotoke. Homo sapiens must disappear while struggling with confusion.
Is it really so?
Don't get too early.
Humanity was by no means the only such defective organism.
Cerebral physiology so far was wrong. At least one big oversight was.
There was another brain.
Humans had another brain. Just to use it at some point
I stopped it. As a result, the brain has atrophied and degenerated, losing its function.
The function was very important to human beings, and most importantly above all.
Human beings have become defective organisms due to the loss of their functions.
The technology to make super humans is the technology to recover the degenerated and lost things. It is something that humanity does not have until it evolves. This is the most important thing. This future person, Homo Excellence, is this
From then on, it will not appear as a result of evolution over a long time, nor will it appear as a mutant of Frankenstein's monster. It is that Homo sapiens transforms itself by a special human development technique. So it may be none other than yourself. Because it's discovering and developing what's inside you
Secret technology restored
However, the first homo-excellence that appeared first could be a kind of mutant. Or, he may have been a super-human being who was the result of environmental adaptation to future society. Just like the first Cromagnons to appear in a flock of Neanderthals.
According to Lugaric's law, the formation of a new species within an existing genus will take 300 to 600,000 years. Therefore, the number of 2,000 years ago from the present is just a reasonable time for Homo Excellence's predecessors to gradually form new homologous species within Homo sapiens. right.
First Homo Excellence would have been very lonely. He can have it soon
Becoming a prophet, a leader, and an educator because of their ability
Didn't get In addition, due to his extraordinary ability, he has a future of thousands of years.
And his position and role in human history.
He preached the "teaching" to educate the Homo sapiens who are still at a low stage, and at the same time, created a curriculum to educate the fellows who will gradually appear in the future.
He waited for some worshipers around him. He trained as a disciple from those who had excellent qualities. Or perhaps some of his disciples had the same predecessor of homo-excellence. This training was "education" at the time. However, after a while, the direction of "education" changed.
Education is nothing but "brain development". The direction of its development has changed. The direction that humanity is aiming for has changed. Thus, humanity changed completely at that time. Homo Sapiens set out on a path to ruin.
At this point, the new species, Homo excellence, has ended. However, the technology to create homo excellence remained. However, as time went by, it gradually dispersed and became a fragment without understanding its true meaning. But,
Although dispersed and fragmented, it was quietly waiting for the time when this world needed it.
It has been restored and is about to enter the world.
The time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as a living being. The turmoil, hatred, and despair that cover this world are, above all, a story of it. There is no human living in this vast world for a moment without feeling the danger of life. You yourself will be.
Until now, machines and technology --- science has overcome the crisis. But now that science is taking the lead and damaging humans. I have already seen the future.
The intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must be born. Homo
Everything that Sapiens has created has reached the limits of science, technology, art, and even religion. Both ethics and morals have collapsed. All this has become the thing of the past world, although the old humanity desperately clings to the old civilization.
The way in which creatures that have reached their limits are picked up by the dragon is "group suicide." Now, the mass suicide is spreading to the ground. Nuclear and environmental pollution, narcotics and AIDS, war turmoil-all homo-Sapiens himself. Eventually, Homo sapiens will be extinct due to mass suicide in mass struggles. It means that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path of all living things.
∙ The selection has begun.
That's it. What should be destroyed should be destroyed. That's why humans are not constant. Here is a new kind of fetal movement. Homo excellence will surely overcome modern crises and create new civilizations.
New and old civilizations, Homo sapiens and Homo excellence will coexist for a while. It continues for 3 to 7 generations.
The coexistence of Neanderthals and Cromagnon continued for 100 to 150 generations. It only took Neanderthal to disappear. Both of us
The existence is promoted and completed in a very short time. They will go straight on the path of self-destruction, and within this time, what should be destroyed will perish. After that, Homo Excellence creates new science, new technology, new art, new religion. That's a comparison with Homo Sapiens.
It is a new dimension created by a high degree of intelligence and sensitivity, and above all, the shining spirituality.
We must realize that.
A lot of excellent people have been expecting it and have been asking for it.
Sir Julian Huxli called the futurist who was waiting for a new high ability a "superhuman" and waited for its appearance, and Dr. Kennis Boulding was a new civilization to come.
I think that it will make a leap that must be called "de-civilization"
Well, Dr. Barlow Shapli calls it the "Psychological Animal Kingdom," and Father Scientist and philosopher Fr. Tayre Raudhard Chardin set the "Omega point" to believe in the arrival of the superhuman, and anthropologist Professor Georges Olivier of H., said that highly intelligent homo-excellence will come soon, expecting a bright future for them all,