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准胝観世音菩薩じゅんじがんぜおんぼさつJuntei Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

2023-05-12 14:37:40 | 運命学






准胝観世音菩薩は、梵語で Cundī」と呼ばれ、その名の通り、千の耳と千の目を持ち、全ての人々の悩みや苦しみを察知することができます。また、多くの手を持ち、人々を救うために必要なものを与えます。






Junji Ganzeon Bosatsu is one of the bodhisattvas of Buddhism and is a bodhisattva that symbolizes wisdom and compassion.

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is called He Cundī in Sanskrit, and as his name suggests, he has a thousand ears and a thousand eyes and can perceive the troubles and sufferings of all people. He also has many hands and gives people what they need to save them.

Juntei Kanzeon Bodhisattva is particularly worshiped in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, and is enshrined in many temples and shrines. Her figure is usually depicted as a graceful woman holding a lotus flower, a jewel, and a bottle in her hands.

Juntei Kanzeon Bodhisattva is said to give hope and courage to people all over the world by relieving people's troubles and sufferings and showing her compassion and wisdom.





What is Juntei Kannon?

It is also called Junteibutsumo or Shichikuteibutsumo. She is originally the Hindu goddess Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva. She has a very beautiful appearance, but she is a goddess of battle who has defeated demons with the weapons of the gods. It has been pointed out that she was originally a female deity and not Kannon. However, I will introduce it as Kannon here.


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god of mercy and purity, and is also known as Shichiguteibutsubo. It means the mother of Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the distant past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as one of the six Kannons that save humanity (Sho Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-Faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Bato Kannon, and Juntei Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Juntei Butsumo. classified as Together with Fukensaku Kannon, it is sometimes called Seven Kannons.


There are benefits such as protection for monks, good health, life extension, and merits such as easy delivery and children.


Rigen Daishi, a disciple of Kukai, was known as a monk of Shugen, and enshrined Juntei Kannon and Nyoirin Kannon by carving sacred trees himself. In the sutra, it is said that if a monk chants Juntei Dharani, his body will become pure and he will be able to attain Buddhahood. In addition, Shobo prayed to Juntei Kannon for the birth of Emperor Daigo's son, and it is said that later Emperor Suzaku and Murakami were born. Therefore, it is generally known for its merits as child-bearing and safe delivery.

Appearance of Juntei Kannon

She has 18 hands and is often in the third form. The central hand takes the sermon seal and the shimui seal. Her belongings include weapons, prayer beads, and lotus flowers.












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