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横変死の因縁   事故 自殺  Esoteric AstrologyCause of Suspicious Death Accident Suicide

2023-01-14 10:36:15 | pc










Before the new century, the world will be in terrible turmoil, and society will be divided into innumerable groups, which will be flooded with people who do not know what to do. They will go back and forth in search of leaders with abilities not found in ordinary people. The world is rushing for someone to take us to a new world. At that time, you must be the leader they seek. Esoteric Buddhism is to create such a person. Therefore, the technology has been preserved. This is such a technology. As such, you must know that it is a fairly demanding workout.

Escape from Karma The first course in some training stages is to escape from your karma. People are naturally bound by various conditions. No one can be free from itself.

If you think about it, the very existence called human being is a bond. Being is already a slave. So, being a non-existent thing is a complete liberation, and esoteric Buddhism aims for it, but it will be a theme you should pursue much further. Here is a commentary on what exists in the river. That is called the liberation of karma. Karma is killed by fate. The fate forms the karma. The practice of esoteric Buddhism begins in parallel with this practice of liberation of karma. Sokubaku


A practitioner who does not release the karma from his ability cannot be assimilated into a clean thing called "law" because his training is not stubborn and is seen as unclean.
It is said that.

Therefore, in the first step of training, the guru (master) teaches the practitioner how to solve the karma.

"Yogee's medicine is neither white nor bad. The work of other people is three-way," Guru tells the practitioner, at the beginning of his training, that he was liberated from him. Let's get rid of the law and get out of the business) Sato.
Because he tries to withdraw. (There are usually three types of karma: white karma, agriculture, and black and white medicine. White karma is the cause of good results, so-called good ties, and black leaves are the cause of bad results, so-called bad.

By the way, Kuro's own business is a mixed business. Most ordinary people belong to this paper industry. Rogue transcends any of these drops.


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