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E・マスク氏、脳とマシンをつなぐ技術 E. Musk, technology that connects the brain and the machine

2020-08-28 11:09:32 | デジタル機器


Elon Musk

SpaceXとTeslaの最高経営責任者(CEO)を務め、世界第4位の富豪とも報じられているElon Musk氏は2月、Neuralinkの新たな進捗を発表すると予告していた。Neuralinkは、同氏が創設した、脳とコンピューターを結ぶインターフェースの開発を目指す新興企業だ。同氏はこの発表を米国太平洋時間8月28日午後3時からライブでウェブ配信すると、25日にツイートした。実際に動作するデバイスを披露するという。発表の日付だけは7月に明らかにしていた。



E. Musk to show off "actually working" device that connects brain and machine on August 28
JACKSON RYAN (CNET News) Translation proofreading: Editorial department

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and reportedly the world's fourth-largest millionaire, announced in February that he would announce new progress for Neuralink. Neuralink is a start-up company he founded that aims to develop an interface that connects the brain and computer. He posted the announcement live on August 28th, 3:00 pm live, and tweeted on the 25th. It is said that the device that actually works will be shown. Only the date of the announcement was revealed in July.

When Musk foretold this in February, he said the next version of Neuralink would be "greater" than the one first shown in July 2019.

He constantly professes that Neuralink's device, which places the electrodes under the patient's skin and connects to the device behind the ear, can be revolutionary.
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