


2018-01-10 | 人間関係



Last week, my husband’s 3rd brother and his wife visited us.

My husband is the youngest and he seemed has trained a man’s rule from three brothers.


It might have been the background reason why my husband can make friends easily among men and talk with them genially.


When he was a kid, he and his brothers seemed to have been playing outside covered with muds all the time.


The 3rd brother Rob, he likes rock and soil so eventually, he became a geology professor.


When Rob visits us, my husband and him begin to talk until around morning but since the subjects involving cosmologic science so I get tired to listening.


When I look at the scenery which my husband and Rob are talking each other, seen to me that they seem to relate with bonds deeply between them.


When my husband started to point out about an issue in systematic knowledge which has been known today, Rob begins for the first step accepting with “That is a good idea” and after then he starts with “Buts”.


His acceptance is seen to me that it can enrich subjects to talk and brings variety with further and depth.


Also, Rob starts talking with me with the same acceptance, so I can develop concretely my opinions while I am talking.


As well as he begins to talk with acceptance with his wife Rachyl so they seemed have been solving problems by conversations about these and those that happens for their 30 year-marriage.


The technic of acceptance of Rob, it remined me cognition class and counselling realms which learned in psychology classes.


The fundamental factor to recognize in human relationship processing is how to see each other and it seems having two kinds of acceptance patterns. One is taking, and the other is accepting.


The taking is like including acceptance factors which take in someone’s opinion superficial and formal, but the acceptance is like engaging deeply with someone’s opinion to approval in the way positively connected.


As human being can improve by receiving acceptance from others, Rob’s acceptance can bond brotherhood more strongly and make family bonds stronger, so it can be the essential nutrient in human relationship.

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