

言語と禅の化学式Chemical equation of Language and Zen

2017-02-11 | 坐禅


Language and zazen are parameters


It is likely the chemical equation of H₂O


Oxygen bonds to Hydrogen becoming water


The language functional structure which has acquired in body


-and the breakaway mechanical structure in zazen are


-extremely similar with the water binding formula that the chemical reaction


H, Hydrogen as for the atom of knowing language (2 H⁺)


O, Oxygen as for the atom of practical using language (O⁻²)



Knowledge which has plus electric charge

(Oxygen has 2 electric charge)


Practical using which has minus electric charge

(2 of Hydrogen which has 1 electric charge)


These have attracted each other


From atoms that cannot exist as a singular


-become a molecule combine to be exist


That is, knowledge of language must be combined with its practicing


-otherwise, it cannot be existing as an object


Knowing + Using = Language equation


To use a language


Can learn that the knowing must be applied


In case of zazen


Atomize thought + Atomize ego =Zazen equation


To atomize thought



Break off the thought which formed as a molecule

-decompose it to an element until cannot be dissembled anymore


Sorting thoughts into『Thinking』『Idea』『Memory』


-and then just look at the forms they are combined


To atomize ego


The ego formed as a molecule


Break off ego till it cannot be decomposed like an element


Discriminating ego into

『Life forms』『Brain electric stimuli』『Myself which is not others』


Look at those combined forms


From water-crystalline body


As it can be detected out Hydrogen and Oxygen


-from a molecule combine


-can find an atom which cannot be decomposed any more


If know an atom ionizing


Can understand the formatting of water


If go through into processing of verbalization


Can use a language


If divide thought and keep cutting the thought


Can reach to breakaway


For everything, there is an answer

-in a practicing and in an execution


Can find a question from answers


The ultimate science is


Results against hypothesis


Visualize the hypothesis from the result

A=B or A≠B

B=A or B≠A 


Can hold correlations


Whatever parameters would be


Like water combined with Oxygen and Hydrogen


There is nature’s providence that unchangeable

-at the root of everything

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Unknown (T)
2017-02-23 22:11:18
I understand that the word [ WORK] has a good side and bad side, virtue and vice, same as the word [STRESS].
We can use these words within the context depending upon each situation.
As a synonym and an antonym of [Work],
if I recall [Labour] and [Play], I tend to hate [ Labour], and will enjoy more to [Play].

Only [Work] without [Play], or vice versa,
will create a mental illness after all.
Unknown (T)
2017-02-23 16:54:52
Probably my definition for [work] was very narrow, I guess.
I understood WORK as the Occupation or Job to earn money to support one's living expenses.
My thought came from someone's comment on [Work] as his SPINE (or something?).
It was to me like he was saying that if he didn't have job (=work), he would become insane.
Then, I questioned , this means that in order not to become insane, he has to keep working (=having a job) without retirement till he dies.

I've retired already, so I am not [Work]ing,
but I didn't become insane.
On the contrary, I'm very much enjoying my life now
without [ WORK=Job], since I am completely free.

I was talking in this context,
and you were talking in other context for the word [work], I guess.
Response to T (Eric Daniel Applebaum)
2017-02-23 08:47:05
Mr. T...

I respectfully suggest that you expand your database and then re-evaluate your supposition.

I disagree with it. I find it narrow, merely anecdotal, and not in agreement with other studies I have access to.

If you study work from an anthropological point of view, you may conclude that work is not mere Toil and most people, despite their protestations about getting up in the morning, are aware that without work their lives would have less meaning and some may even go insane.

Humans need work.

I have a great resource for you to access. I have offered you this option before to which you did not directly respond. I offer it again.

I do not know you well, but I suspect you would value greatly the opportunity to review this resource.

If you wish to receive it, let me know.

Frankly, I was tempted to just leave the link, but it was suggested I not do that. If you don't want the data, then continue to decline by silence my offer to send it to you.

On the other hand, if you want another perspective, one you would find quite authoritative, then let me know and I'll pass the link somehow or provide the data directly.
To Eric (T)
2017-02-20 08:23:52
My supposition is based on the following observations

1. Work is usually categorized as Toil,
not as Pleasure but as Pain in reality of the most people (= just a mean of supporting your life).

2. Some psychology experiment showed that,
when people were left themselves in
completely free environment to do anything they want to do, they didn't want to do anything but
staying idle, after all (= this seems to be the human nature).

They just spontaneously want to do something only when they find excitements to do that in another word. This is not called as WORK in general term, I think.

Unknown (Eric Applebaum)
2017-02-19 09:54:11
T: Your comment partially translated as such:

"In Western Christian thought, "WORK" was positioned as a punishment by which humans defeated God's deed in the Garden of Eden.
Because it is a way of receiving the necessary evil, Westerners immediately draw their attention from "WORK" as soon as the future of life is established (· · · Yes)."

Since I am not a Christian, I have no opinion regarding the injection of this religious perspective into the subject of work.

With respect to the Garden of Eden, a mere myth, I would retort and borrow from a great writer when I suggest that even picking apples is work. :-)

But I do maintain that work is universal in providing one with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

If you are interested in a resource on this subject, let me know. I can offer you one that is unique in its depth.

work ethics (T)
2017-02-19 04:17:39


(注;しかし日本人はそれほど大したWork Ethicsを持ってはいないと言う説もある。他方では享楽的でもあるようだ・・・)。
Meaning of work (A worker)
2017-02-18 13:20:39
As you mentioned, work is my spine too in my personal history.
I was saved by work many times.
If I didn't have a work when I had mind issues, I would have had mental illness because I would have focused on the issues not the work.
Work can save economy and minds, I think...
Unknown (The above "To T" should be: To T from Eric)
2017-02-17 08:33:29
The above "To T" should be: "To T from Eric"

Not from "unknown"

Unknown (To T)
2017-02-17 08:31:33

This which you say is really true and very important.

I think you have expressed perfectly how the social sciences should develop and be employed.

Really, I agree with this very much and have never heard these ideas expressed better when you write:

"My wording [Science] was only meant that the psychology nowadays is a part of Social Science.
As long as it says as science, I meant, some kind of justification shall be needed to claim something as facts.

It is similar to at the judicial court, I think, that no one will support mere rumors and bare ideas, or mysterious idea, mystic and supernatural phenomenon as a supportable and trustable statements. All statements have to be based on supportable facts.

In that sense, nowadays, a science-based-psychology
is preferred......This I mean in my previous comments.

Samely, when I said that you can enjoy any kind of fantasy, I only meant that anyone, at his or her
own will, can be a dreamer, fortune teller, mythologist or a mystician, or
even a truly true magician or an illusion creator.
But if you claim yourself as a psychology-based -commentator officially on your writings, you are better to set aside yourself from what those people shall say.....
This I meant in my previous comment in my thinking."
Unknown (The Son Responds!!!)
2017-02-17 08:26:40
The use of the quote was inspired by something you wrote in the blog post above:

"Knowing + Using = Language equation
To use a language
Can learn that the knowing must be applied"

Your writing goes deep into the communal aspect of human story. Language establishes us a social species.

Through our work, as individuals, we find our place in society and add the value of our skills to the group. The group can be two people, a family, a village, or an entire country. The size does not matter.

Work is the "universal application" of the sum of our skills and talents, but is expressed by DOING something. It is, literally: ACTION!!!!

With language we are able to pass skills and knowledge to the next generation in new ways, thus we advance as individuals, but equally important, as a species.

We define epochs of human history by the work the people did and the materials they worked with:
The Period of Hunter- Gatherers
The Dawn of Agriculture
The Stone Age
The Bronze Age
The Industrial Revolution

Although not stated explicitly, your writing about the chemical equation of Language and Zen touches upon themes that have been with us throughout human history. And the "spine", the part which holds it all up, is work: Your individual skills, effort and actions add great value to the community.
To the son (Unknown)
2017-02-16 05:40:59
"Work is the spine of human history."
I think above quatation is come from,
Herbert A. Applebaum who was a writer.
May I ask why this commentator mentioned about it?
Unknown (T)
2017-02-15 11:10:26
My wording [Science] was only meant that the psychology nowadays is a part of Social Science.
As long as it says as science, I meant, some kind of justification shall be needed to claim something as facts.

It is similar to at the judicial court, I think, that no one will support mere rumors and bare ideas, or mysterious idea, mystic and supernatural phenomenon as a supportable and trustable statements. All statements have to be based on supportable facts.

In that sense, nowadays, a science-based-psychology
is preferred......This I mean in my previous comments.

Samely, when I said that you can enjoy any kind of fantasy, I only meant that anyone, at his or her
own will, can be a dreamer, fortune teller, mythologist or a mystician, or
even a truly true magician or an illusion creator.
But if you claim yourself as a psychology-based -commentator officially on your writings, you are better to set aside yourself from what those people shall say.....
This I meant in my previous comment in my thinking.

Unknown (Applebaum, Eric D.)
2017-02-15 11:03:26
A quick quote before I continue my endless copying.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


Unnecessary extra commentary by Eric: I never quoted this person before.
Even though I am not religious, I do like this quote.
P.S.: May I borrow your lighter... :-)
Nuetron (Writer)
2017-02-15 06:29:36
Science gives us facts that how everything has come and will be.
I don't know all the facts yet but it always fascinates me.

This blog has developed from a personal sense which was not supported by scientific evidences.
Still I don't have a certain data for confirming my idea but I can refer some data basics to backup...However,
I don't use someone's perspective to show my perspective angle.
Because I don't want to limit reader's perspective width.

I have my own style to be which is not easy for people to comprehensive.
Even though, my style is not the kind people wanting to know, I am sure that it has a value to be written.
And a few people can argue about what a line drawn on a limitation area.
I am happy to read people's line which they draw on their canvases.
People's opinion are their paintings, it is not a cage I would be in.
But I will take the cages people want to give me because I have a bigger cage to keep them.
Yours opinions whether they are paintings or cages I will always take.
I have an empty cage and it waits for welcoming.
Unknown (To Mr. T)
2017-02-15 05:23:10
Uhhhhh, I have a few inquiries....and comments.

In my post I asked a very discreet question: Have you ever worked in the construction industry?

I asked because that would be a point of some commonality, and an interesting perspective could be offered.

Maybe your answer would indicate a "no" response. You mentioned "buildings" and timetables to complete projects, so that is why I inquired.

YOU wrote the following: "Of course you can enjoy any kind of fantasy in your brain as a past-time, but you can not live your daily life on such a fantasy."

There are two possibilities.

1. When YOU write the word "you" in this statement it is a reference to me. I tend to doubt that because I would have assumed that by now you have determined that I am a rationalist and lover of the scientific method. If I am wrong and the "you" in your statement is a reference to me, than I will look forward to disabusing YOU of what I consider to be an extremely inaccurate ideation.

2. When YOU use the word "you" in that statement you are intending to refer to persons more generically, such that the statement could be written as: "Of course a person can enjoy any kind of fantasy in their brain as a past-time, but they can not live their daily life on such a fantasy."

I assume the second option is what you meant, and I do not disagree with it in any way.

YOU also wrote the following:

It should be rather scientific (in my thinking),
and it should not be based on bare fictitious imagination which can not be verified as THE TRUTH.

I have many thoughts about this, but I will note that while you speak of science, your statement is, in my opinion, not one that a scientist would make.

Science is not static. What was TRUE before may have to be modified as more data is acquired.

A scientist works from hypotheses. And from theories.

Just because something is a theory does not mean it is untrue. Quite the contrary.

Evolution is a theory. It is one of the most robust theories in human history (no pun intended). The theory of evolution is supported by fossil records, geology, planetary formation, deposition charts, observation of species, DNA science, microbial research, medicine, etc. etc. So Evolution is what a scientist would say is an extremely well supported Theory, which should be accepted as a good description of reality until there is extraordinary proof to the contrary. In a century and a half there has been no credible rebuttal to evolution, so the Theory stands.

Of course, the mechanics of Evolutionary Theory has changed over time. The old linear models of a steady flow through time toward greater complexity is not supported by the fossil record. Instead, single cell organisms reigned on Earth for billions of years and it wasn't until the Cambrian period, 350 million years ago, that muti-cellular life began rapid evolutionary divergence. So the so called "Linear Model", was replce by the Evolutionary Model known as Punctuated Equilibrium.

Nevertheless, the general precept of the Theory Evolution is not changed by this new data.

That is an example of how a scientist would describe a state of reality, in my opinion.

Respectfully, when you say that Keiren should be scientific and only rely on THE TRUTH, you do not, in my opinion, seem to be stating things in scientific terms at all.

Truth in science is a theory, well supported, but subject to change.

Even so called "Universal Truths" are subject to this scientific method. The Universe evolves, and changes.

You are invited to respond if you wish.

Of course, I make these comments will all the deepest respect for you. Perhaps it is a language issue, or my own misinterpretation of what you meant to say, that caused me to consider your very statement regarding 'scientific" to be profoundly lacking in application of the scientific method.

Of course, Keiren is interested in ideas. Right or wrong. Ideas are her domain. That is, I think, inherently open minded and scientific to the core.....
P.S (T)
2017-02-15 03:24:58
If Keiren wants to pursue a current world's psychology of zazen,
it should be rather scientific (in my thinking),
and it should not be based on bare fictitious imagination which can not be verified as THE TRUTH.

To Eric (T)
2017-02-15 03:14:25
My Nature is essentially in a mechanical engineering
I prefer the clear, concrete and tangible concept of [Time &Space] without a bare imagination in the human brain, which can not be verified as essential truth.

I received my education as such, and my career
was likewise.
I just feel that I'm existing on the Earth where
the Universal Gravitation solely controls all phenomena in human life on the earth, excluding anything else like a forth dimensional world in reality.

Of course you can enjoy any kind of fantasy in your brain as a past-time, but you can not live your daily life on such a fantasy.

This is just my own belief system to decide my
life style.
Other people may have their own belief system, of course, which is perfectly OK.

Unknown (Eric Daniel Applebaum)
2017-02-14 12:58:54
To the person who uses here a letter for his name::

:-) (Smile)

I am curious....

You wrote: "In the process of manufacturing materials such as machinery, buildings and construction work, I will calculate
the progress made in the past, the completion schedule from the future, confirm the work that I have to do now It is such a
time that it exists strictly as its orderedness."

Did you ever work in the construction industry. It seems so from the translation, but maybe it is not an accurate one from Japanese to English.

If yes, that is very interesting. There is a perspective which can be related to the subject of this blog and your commentary above.
Unknown (Son of Herbert A. Applebaum)
2017-02-14 12:47:42
"Work is the spine of human history."
2017-02-14 05:28:44
Unknown (T)
2017-02-14 00:32:18





輝いている! (馬とモンゴル)
2017-02-13 15:06:35




Image (Unknown)
2017-02-12 16:02:31
Mr.big fan.
Universal solvent concept is interesting to think.
Water has the almighty on the earth...how I couldn't see the solvental capacity on water...as you mentioned water has the almighty to disolve but people can't see the way you realized.

My image of water is,
If I were a painter and try to paint Clean image then I would paint water.
グーグル通訳 (筆者)
2017-02-12 15:49:04









Unknown (One Of Your Big Fans)
2017-02-12 14:14:58
It is interesting that you make this correlation between water and Zazen.

I hope many others will find the subject as interesting as I do, and that they will comment on this valuable post.

This blog is special and I hope it will enjoy a lively discussion with many participants.

Water has some unique characteristics: It is known as "The Universal Solvent".

A solvent is capable of dissolving other substances within it. And, water is called the "universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Life on Earth is made possible because of the capacity of water to break down (cut down) other substances.

The Solvent capacity of water is possible because of the polarity you described: Water molecules indeed have a polar arrangement of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms—one side (hydrogen) has a positive electrical charge and the other side (oxygen) had a negative charge.

This allows it to dissolve other substances.

So I ask this question and invite other readers to comment:

When you think of water, what images come into your mind?

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