RNAワールドにおける生命体の原始代謝の基本構造が、現在のDNAワールドにおける生命体の代謝の基本構造より遥かに単純化されたものであることは確かですが、RNAワールドにおける生命体の代謝の基本構造もその化学プロセスは相当複雑であり、偶然から一足飛びにRNAワールドが出現したとは確率的に言って考えにくいようです。しかしそれにしても、RNAワールドは、生命の起源に向けてかなり前進した仮説と言えるのではないでしょうか。 内山
My name is uchiyama. Recently, reading a book titled "Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life" written by Christian de Duve, I was so shocked that I feel my view on life much changed. Although my thought is still in a incomplete state to present it in sentences, I'm writing this text only to convey my excitement.
The story is centered on a thought of "RNA world". These days, DNA is well-known so much as regarded as a common sense, but RNA may not be familiar to the public. I will explain it in brief. The process that a cell of living thing synthesizes a protein based on the genetic information recorded on a DNA is first to copy the genetic information on the DNA to a messenger RNA, then arrange the RNAs each bearing a single amino acid in accordance with the genetic information the messenger RNA carries to indicate a kind of amino acid, and synthesizes a prototype of a protein, a chain of a plurality of amino acids. At this time, another RNA functions as an enzyme, helping synthesize the protein. The functions of protein widely range, and one of those is to work as enzymes in various chemical actions. This explanation is a well-known fact written in any textbook of biology.
The current living organisms have the basic structure mentioned above, and it is what we see it now. It is a thought of "RNA world" that, prior to a picture of DNA-RNA-protein, there might be a more simple preceding one. In the RNA world, there exist basically RNA only. An RNA makes a duplicate of its own from its fundamental elements while another RNA functions as an enzyme during the chemical reaction. That is, one kind of RNA bears its genetic information, becomes a die to produce another RNA obtaining help from still another enzyme-functioning RNA. As a result that this RNA world had progressed, a new world was compartmentalized in such a manner that a DNA was constructed, which concentrated on only the preservation and replicating of genetic information and the RNA mainly concentrated on synthesizing proteins instead of producing another RNA while the proteins played a role of catalysis in chemical reactions such as a synthesis of protein.
The "RNA world" is a hypothesis, but earns the endorsement of many scientists, with seemingly receiving few objections. Most textbook of biology refers to the RNA world, but, with an attitude of not much describing it on grounds of insufficient evidence, it seems that the textbook fails to explain the RNA world enough to convey why the RNA world really mattes.
The current DNA consists of two chains, forming a structure that mutually complementary bases pair up with each other. Due to this makeup, one base made defective or erroneously copied is easily corrected with the use of another pairing base, making the DNA highly reliable structure. In other words, DNA is equipped with an equivalent of a bit correction mechanism the electronic apparatuses such as computers, digital TVs etc have in them. On the other hand, because proteins have neither copy mechanism of their own nor dual-redundant structure, they are vulnerable to damages caused by external environment. The cell are ever busy repairing, discarding and reproducing of defective proteins. RNA consisting of a single chain is sensitive to a defect or erroneous copy of its components, but the active replication process of RNAs in the RNA world supposedly enabled to continue the growth of living organisms, even without repaing mechanism. However, due to the lack of proteins, the functions of creatures in the RNA world are almost limited to the proliferation of themselves, which would have probably looked shoddy compared with the present complex mechanism of multicelled organisms.
It is supposed that there was a precursor of the RNA in the RNA world, with no details known. After the RNA world, the synthesis of proteins supposedly began with the use of RNA, while the DNA was kept being constructed based on other RNAs. Natural is the thought that the living organisms, begun with primitive organisms, had advanced the path of evolution via the RNA world until they reached the basic structure of creatures as we see today.
The living organisms in the RNA world are supposed to have been the transient creatures, the suviving period of which had been shorter than we expect. In short, the RNA's being a single chain was so fatal that it, with proliferation performed active but with a lot of erroneous replication, had gone to extinction except the creatures that evolved into those in a DNA world. We estimate that the living organisms in the RNA world had become lost by the time of at least 3.5 billion years ago, with only creatures in the DNA world left alive. Uchiyama