心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


The origin of unhappiness: living selfishly, according to desires and instincts

2024年07月18日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

With the end of the COVID-19 infection control society, the atmosphere in society as a whole has relaxed for the time being.

However, the Kishida Cabinet has raised taxes one after another, and prices have not stopped rising, so ordinary people live in anxiety and suffering every day.

We live our lives exposed to danger every day, but to escape from such stress and pressure, we "change our mood" or "take a breather."

Some people do nothing and spend their time sleeping or watching dramas on Netflix, while others pursue hobbies, go shopping, travel, or conversely, immerse themselves in work.

In this way, we take a breather to reduce the strain on our brains, but there is a bad way to take a breather.

"Taking a breather by drinking alcohol."

Drinking alcohol is prohibited by law for minors, but if you ask, "Is it okay to drink alcohol when you become an adult?", it is not necessarily a good idea. (The same can be said about "smoking.")

The reason is that "it has a negative effect on the brain itself."

Drinking alcohol and smoking intentionally put a strain on the brain and reduce brain function, so it feels like you are relaxing.

During that time, you are simply unable to face problems and stress.

This does not solve the problems or stress because it "puts a strain on the brain so that it stops working."

And the strain gradually accumulates in the brain.

As a result, some people develop alcohol-induced dementia.

It's a scary story.

Even in everyday life, drinking destroys social life.

Drinking and driving.

Drinking and driving continues to be punished more severely under the Road Traffic Act, but drinking and driving has not decreased.

There are still 23,000 cases per year.

"Drinking and driving is on the rise ~ Fact sheet of DUI in Japan 2023 ~ National Police Agency statistics show the prevalence of drinking and driving. 2024.3.8 https://transport-safety.jp/archives/21016"

People who drink and drive are in a state of "alcoholism."

This is because when people get their driver's license, they study the Road Traffic Act and learn that "driving under the influence of alcohol is severely punished," meaning that they drive while knowing that it is "illegal."

But people still drive while drunk because "alcohol causes brain dysfunction."

In fact, once you start drinking alcohol or taking drugs such as marijuana or psychotropic drugs, you can no longer control them.

Even in psychiatric hospitals, patients who are hospitalized will go crazy if they stop taking psychotropic drugs.

They will experience withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia due to excitement, anxiety, hallucinations, and delusions.

It's the same mechanism as when someone who likes smartphones or chocolate gives up smartphones or chocolate and experiences withdrawal symptoms and starts to become irritable.

In the case of "drinking alcohol," it can even become a crime.

In this way, Japan has a culture that tolerates "alcohol," even though it is known to be dangerous and to lose social credibility.

"Drinking alcohol and smoking are things that you should never do."

In that case, it seems much healthier to exercise or train muscles.


I'll talk about a healthy way to change your mood.

It's "praying to God."

People who can "pray" can process all the negative emotions in life and can even obtain infinite "positive emotions."

Unlike self-development, the joy never fades.

Of course, it doesn't cost any money, so it's the best way to change your mood.

I've included a link on how to pray, so I think it's a must-read for anyone who wants to quit drinking or smoking.

You should also be able to stop overeating and shopping addiction.

"I'll teach you the specific methods of what to pray and how to pray. Here is the key to changing your life and the fate of the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=25977"



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