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2011-06-18 10:53:08 | 日記



Thank YouAmerica

Unequivocal Proof of Our Alliance and Friendship


 On March 11. 2011, our country experienced an unprecedented national catastrophe. Japan was simultaneously hit by the biggest earthquake in our recorded history, the Great East Japan Earthquake, the subsequent giant Tsunami, and multiple incidents related to the nuclear power plant. The number of victims and people unaccounted for are in the tens of thousands. This is the most serious state of emergency for Japan since the end of World War sixty-six years ago. More than 130 countries and regions, many international organizations and NGOs have extended help in this gravest hour. Of all the governments offering aid, the United States of America provided Japan the most effective and extensive assistance on the ground.

 Operation Tomodachi in particular, a joint operation led by the U.S. forces stationed in Japan, began the day after the earthquake. Nineteen warship including the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, 140 aircraft, and approximately 18,000 troops were mobilized to aid Japan to lead the remarkable efforts of the recovery of Sendai airport, which became crucial to subsequent relief efforts, delivery of goods to the disaster victims, and search and rescue operations for the residents of the devastated areas. This joint operation took advantage of the bases in Okinawa, Yokosuka, Yokota, Misawa and other areas, and the members of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines stationed there. Coordination and cooperation with the Japan Self-Defense Forces has also been successful. The relationship between the JSDF and the U.S. Forces has never been closer before.

 In addition, America has provided assistance and advice, such as sending special units trained in managing nuclear crises and USAID rescue workers. These actions immensely fortified us with newfound strength and resolve, together with your messages of We stand by the people of Japan,and Japan is not alone.As we express our sincere gratitude to President Barack Obama, the United States government and military, and the American people for their friendship and sense of solidarity, having so genuinely manifested the proverb ofa friend in need is a friend indeed,we take into our hearts the importance of the two nations’ alliance.  Thank you, America.


産経新聞 平成23611日 意見広告

アメリカ ありがとう





「アメリカ ありがとう」


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