


2016-08-10 22:38:32 | 米国特許散策

"[0014] In a further embodiment, the semiconductor laser is designed to be a top emitting diode laser and the phototransistor is embedded in the layer sequence forming an n type reflector arranged opposite the main emitting side of the top emitting (頂面発光型)diode laser."

"Namely, the LED 17 is a top-surface-emitting type LED."

"One unique aspect of this type of top-emitting LED chip (also referred to herein as an Illumitex® LED chip) is that the side emission can be negligible. For example, there might be about 6%, 3%, 1%, or 0.1% or less side emission in some embodiments of a top-emitting LED chip."

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2016-08-10 14:40:04 | 米国特許散策

透光性の訳としてtranslucentがよくネット辞書に出てきますが、translucentの意味には 1) transparent, 2) admitting and diffusing light...partly transparent(半透明)とがあるようで(Merriam-Webster Unabridged)、どうも安易に使っていいものか迷います。light transmitting, light transmissive等の方が良いのかという気もします。


"Conventionally, users interface with(インターフェースする)the desktop and operating system of their computer system using a "mouse". A mouse is a special hardware input device connected by a wire(有線、電線)or infrared signal to the computer system. Typically, the mouse has one or more push buttons on its top(上部)and a roller on its bottom(底部)designed to roll along a surface next to the computer system. When the user moves the mouse's roller on the surface, a mouse pointer positioned on the computer system's display tracks(追従)the movement of the mouse's roller. When the user has positioned the pointer at a desirable location, such as over an object, the user clicks or multiple clicks(複数クリック), depending on how the mouse is programmed, one of the mouse push buttons to invoke(起動、呼び出す)or open the object."

"FIG. 3 illustrates a flow chart containing detailed logic for implementing the preferred embodiments. At(で)302, touchscreen 200 detects sound/heat/pressure, etc., from a handprint (or object), or alternatively, a portion of a handprint. At 306, the OS reads the handprint and calculates the measurements previously described and illustrated in FIG. 2. At 310, the OS searches user files in a database for the handprint measurements. At 312, if the OS locates(見つける、特定)any existing handprint measurements within a default tolerance of 10% (which can later be changed by the user, described herein), at 320, the OS reads all information in that user file and, at 322, draws(描く、描画)a virtual pointing device on the touchscreen under the user's hand (or portion of the hand) based on pre-defined characteristics found in the user file. Additionally, in the future, if any objects and/or text have been selected by the virtual pointing device, they will be drawn in a position relative to their previous location to the virtual pointing device (described herein). At 333, the OS requests(要求)a confirmation that the user match is correct. If the user continues to use the virtual pointing device, then the OS interprets this use as a confirmation. The OS displays a user id label next to the virtual pointing device or, alternatively, may display the virtual pointing device as a specific color shading. Otherwise, if the wrong user has been assumed, control returns to 310, where the OS searches the database for another possible match."

"If the entire hand has been lifted off the touchscreen, at 811, the OS continues to display the virtual pointing device on the touchscreen in its current location for a period of time (e.g., 5 seconds), but in an obvious hibernated state, meaning the fingerprint and palmprint areas will be viewed as translucent(半透明)areas on the touchscreen."

"Returning to 328, if all fingers were not detected as being raised while the palm remained in contact with the touchscreen, at 342, control(制御)is directed to FIG. 8."

"Elements of a graphical user interface that are switchably(切換え、切替、切り替え)translucent(半透明)and opaque(不透明)are disclosed. In one embodiment, such an element is initially set to a default, first mode in which the element is translucent when the pointer is not positioned over the element. When the pointer has been moved such that it is positioned over the element, the element becomes opaque. Various heuristics are also disclosed that are applicable to the opaque-to-translucent and the translucent-to-opaque transformations. For example, when the pointer is moved over the element, there may be a delay prior to the element becoming opaque. As another example, when the pointer remains over the element for a predetermined amount of time, the element may revert back(戻る)to translucency from opacity."

"Electronic devices may include transparent(透明)structures. The transparent structures may include structures formed from glass, plastic, ceramics, or other materials that transmit visible light. In some situations, the transparent structures may have a clear appearance. In other situations, the transparent structures may have a milky or cloudy appearance (i.e., the structures may be considered to be translucent(半透明)). These structures are collectively referred to herein as transparent structures."

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