[0076] The above hierarchical model yields the following full joint distribution:
[0000] p(y,X,K,β,σ2)=p(y|X,K,β,σ2)π(β|σ2,τ12,…,τp2)π(k1,…,kp)π(τ12,…,τp2)π(σ2)=1(2πσ2)n/2e-12σ2(y-Xβ)T(y-Xβ)∏j=1p(ak/dj2)aΓ(ak)kj2(ak-1)e-akkj2/dj2∏j=1p12πσ2τj2/kj2e-βj2kj22σ2τj2…∏j=1pλ22e-λ2τj2/2baΓ(a)(σ2)-a-1e-b/σ2,
[0000] which immediately provides the following posterior distributions using the fact that the full conditional posterior distribution for each parameter is simply the product of the terms including that variable with other terms serving as a normalization constant to ensure the resulting probability integrates to one.
This method is called completion of terms:
この方法は項の補完(completion of terms)と呼ばれる:
[0000] β|μ,Ψ(X),y,σ2,τ12,…,τp2~Np(A-1Ψ(X)Ty~,σ2A-1),A=Ψ(X)TΨ(X)+KDτ-1γj=1/rj2|μ,Ψ(X),y,β,σ2~inverseGaussian(λσβj,λ2)I(γj>0),σ2|μ,β,Ψ(X),y,τ12,…,τp2~inverseGamma(a+n+p2,b+12(y_-Ψ(X)β)T(y^-Ψ(X)β)+12βTDτ-1Kβ)kj2|μ,β,Ψ(X),y,σ2,τ12,…,τp2~Gamma(ak+12,akdj2+βj22σ2τj2)
[0000] The Woodbury Matrix inversion formula is used to calculate A−1 when n<p to obtain more stable results and save in computations by converting a p×p square matrix inversion to a n×n one.
We apply a Gibbs sampler with burn-in iterations 1000 and computation iterations 5000 to obtain the approximate posterior distributions for the model parameters βi , σ.
This process is repeated for all genes g∈G using all samples s∈S, where G and S are the set of gene ids and sample ids, respectively.
[0026] A total conditional probability of being in the state St at time t is determined according to
Yt (0 -0' » 7 ) for all 1 < I < N, 1 < t < T .
Full conditional distribution, Bayesian Inference: With ecological applications, W. A. Link and R. J. Barker (2010) Chapter 11: Open Population Models (11.3~11.5)
FCD, full conditional distribution, Full conditional distributions (FCD’s), Denis Valle, July 2020