US2018345371(GEN ELECTRIC [US])
[0037] FIG. 7 shows a top down view of an additive manufacturing apparatus 700 having two build units 702 A and 702 B mounted on the positioning mechanism 725 .
The positioning mechanism 725 as shown in FIG. 7 has an “x” crossbeam 725 X and two “z” crossbeams 725 Z.
The rotational direction of the build platform 710 is shown with reference to curved arrows “r”.
The build units 702 A and 702 B may be translated along the “x” axis as shown by the dashed boxes indicating movement along different radial positions along x-crossbeam 725 X.
In one aspect, the build unit may be moved along the “x” axis while held in a fixed position intersecting the center of the circular build platform 710 .
In this way, the rotational movement of the build platform allows the build unit 702 to operate along a circular build path as the build platform 710 and object 730 rotate beneath.
In some cases movement along the “y” axis may be desirable as well.
For example, in one case movement along the “x” and “y” axes are used to build portions of the object 730 while the build platform 710 is prevented from rotation.
FIG. 7 also shows the built object 730 that is formed in a powder bed 714 , between an outer grown build envelope 724 and an inner build envelope 726 .
EP4149705(KANTHAL AB [SE])
The present disclosure relates to a powder suitable for additive manufacturing.
More specifically, the present disclosure relates to an iron-chromium-aluminum (Fe-Cr-Al) powder having a specific chemical composition to be used in additive manufacturing processes.
Further, the present disclosure relates to a process for manufacturing a three-dimensional object using an additive manufacturing process and said Fe-Cr-Al powder.
Also, the present disclosure relates to an additive manufactured object comprising the Fe-Cr-Al powder.
Additive manufacturing is defined as a process of joining materials layer-by-layer to build objects from a three-dimensional data model.
Metal-based additive manufacturing permits layer-by-layer production of near net-shaped metallic components with complex geometries not restricted by the process limitations of traditional manufacturing.
[0011] Methods are known in the art for measuring, or modeling to predict, stress induction in a formed product (e.g., see U.S. Pat. No. 9,555,475 (Sidhu et al. (2017); 9,950,476 (Nguyen et al. (2018)).
Prior techniques developed to address these shortcomings have met with limited success.
For example, post-weld high pressure mechanical rolling for plastically deforming consolidated material before formation of a subsequent layer has been used (see, e.g., Colegrove et al., UK Patent Application GB2491472 (2012).
Peening processes, such as those taught in and U.S. Pat. App. Pub. Nos. US2017/0326681 (Sidhu et al. (2015)) are taught to be useful in mitigating distortion for each metal layer deposited during the building of additive layer manufactured parts.
[0060] As used herein, “additive manufacturing”
is also known as “additive fabrication” and “additive layer manufacturing” and “solid free form fabrication”
and “shaped metal deposition” and “layered manufacturing”
and refers to an additive process implementing the manufacturing, layer after layer, of an object.
The process can employ a 3D model data, a metal feedstock source, such as wire or powder, a thermal source (such as a plasma arc, laser or electron beam) to melt the metal source, or a combination thereof.
This can be achieved by reducing traverse speed, or increasing thermal energy application, or a combination of both, for example.
Taller DED preform builds also may distort less in comparison with shorter builds,
meaning that the radius of curvature of the mold could be increased for shorter builds.
[0015] In addition, the present invention relates to a method for forming an article,
wherein the method includes the step of additive manufacturing to form the article by utilizing the tantalum-titanium alloy powder of the present invention to form the shape of the article or part thereof.
The additive manufacturing can include or comprise laser powder bed fusion, electron beam powder bed fusion, directed energy deposition,
laser cladding via a powder or wire, material jetting, sheet lamination, and/or vat photopolymerization.
Example 2—Theoretical
[0192] The alloy powder of Example 1 was used in a 3D printing or additive manufacturing process.
Specifically, alloy builds were performed on a EOS M290 with a build volume of 250×250×325 mm and maximum laser power of 400 W.
具体的には、合金造形を、250 mm×250 mm×325 mmの造形容積、及び400 Wの最大レーザー出力で、EOS M290において行った。
The base plate used was Type 316 austenitic chromium nickel stainless steel.
[0194] The printing parameters and laser parameters used were the preferred parameters mentioned earlier.
The results included a >99.5% density with good overhang in the test build.
Several porous cubes were printed as well in this experiment and this demonstration part showed high resolution (
この実験では、多孔質キューブも幾つか印刷した。この実証部品では、連続気泡構造をうまく印刷する能力を有する高解像度(30 μm未満)の特徴部が示された。
This mesh-solid structure is often required for lightweight additively manufactured aerospace components and industrial parts, as well as for medical implants to allow improved osteointegration.
EP3840911(NUBURU INC [US])
[0002] The present inventions relate to laser processing of materials and in particular laser building of materials including laser additive manufacturing processes using laser beams having wavelengths from about 350 nm to about 700 nm.
本発明は、材料のレーザー加工に関し、特に、約350nmから約700nmの波長を有するレーザービームを使用したレーザー積層造形処理を含む、材料のレーザー造形(laser building)に関する。
[0003] Infrared red (IR) based (e.g., having wavelengths greater than 700 nm, and in particular wavelengths greater than 1 ,000 nm) additive manufacturing systems suffer from, among other things, two short comings, which limit both the build volume and the build speed.
(例えば、700nmよりも大きな波長、特に1,000nmよりも大きな波長を有する)赤外(IR)に基づいた積層造形システムは、とりわけ、2つの短所、すなわち造形体積(build volume)と造形速度(build speed)の両方が制限されるという短所を抱えている。
In these IR systems the build volume is limited by the finite size of the scanning systems and the spot that can be created for a given focal length collimator and f-theta lens.
For example, in such prior IR systems, when using a 14 mm focal length collimator and a 500 mm F-theta focal length lens the spot size is on the order of 350 mtt for a diffraction limited IR laser beam.
This gives an addressable foot print on the raw build material, e.g., a powder bed, of approximately 85 mm x 85 mm, which in turn creates or establishes the finite limitation on the build volume for that given resolution (e.g., spot size).
これは、造形原材料、例えば粉末層、の上に約85mm×85mmの指定可能なフットプリント(foot print)を与え、これは次いでその所与の解像度(例えば、スポットサイズ)での造形体積の有限の限界(finite limitation)を付与又は規定する。