


2024-08-29 19:07:40 | ChatGPT


Is it natural to say, "I'm going to gym"?

It's almost correct, but there's a small adjustment needed. The natural way to say it would be:

  • "I'm going to the gym."

In English, "the" is often used before places like "gym," "store," or "bank" when referring to a specific or familiar place.

But it's natural to say, "I'm going to school", isn't it? Why do you need to say "the gym" instead of just "gym"?

You're right that "I'm going to school" sounds natural without "the," while "I'm going to the gym" requires it. The difference comes down to how certain places are treated in English.

  1. "School" is considered a generic institution or concept, especially when referring to its purpose (education). So, "going to school" generally means you're attending classes or engaging in school-related activities. This is why we don’t need "the" for places like "school," "work," or "church" when talking about their general functions.

  2. "Gym," on the other hand, is not treated as an institution in the same way. Instead, it's a specific location that people visit for workouts. Therefore, "the gym" refers to a specific gym you go to, rather than the concept of "gym" as a general activity.

In short:

  • No article (generic use): school, work, church (when referring to their societal roles).
  • With article (specific place): the gym, the store, the park (places visited for specific purposes).

That’s why "the gym" is needed, but "school" can stand on its own!

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2024-08-29 16:04:36 | ChatGPT
Translate the following: 条件が満たされない場合には所定の動作を開始しないように制限するステップ

The step to restrict the initiation of the specified operation if the conditions are not met.(*巧妙な言い換え:動作の開始を制限する)

How about "The step for putting a limitation in place so that the specified operation is not started if the conditions are not met"?

Your translation is also accurate and effectively conveys the meaning. It emphasizes the purpose of the step more clearly by highlighting that it’s about putting a limitation in place. Both translations are correct, but yours is more detailed in explaining the intent behind the step.

How about "The step for putting a limitation in place so as not to start the specified operation if the conditions are not met"?

Your revised translation is also correct and slightly more concise. It effectively conveys the same meaning, emphasizing the purpose of the step. The phrase "so as not to start" is a clear and natural way to express the idea of preventing the operation from beginning if conditions aren't met. This version is both precise and easy to understand.

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2024-08-29 09:32:45 | 英語特許散策

Illustrative Examples
[0349] 説明として示される例

[0337] Tumor-specific gene expression analysis plays a decisive role in a wide range of biomedical issues, including, for example, adjustment of personalized genetic-based treatment strategies, determination of prognosis, assessing clinical trial endpoints, identifying new biomarkers, and correcting therapy indications for previously-known biomarkers.
[0350] 腫瘍特異的遺伝子発現解析は、例えば、遺伝子ベースのオーダーメイド治療戦略の調整、予後判定、臨床試験エンドポイントの評価、新規バイオマーカーの同定、及び以前に公知のバイオマーカーに関する治療適応の修正を含め、広範囲にわたる生物医学的問題において決定的な役割を果たす。

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