[0091] Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy or ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in the ultraviolet-visible spectral region.
This means it uses light in the visible and adjacent (near-UV and near-infrared (NIR)) ranges.
The absorption or reflectance in the visible range directly affects the perceived color of the chemicals involved.
In this region of the electromagnetic spectrum, molecules undergo electronic transitions.
This technique is complementary to fluorescence spectroscopy, in that fluorescence deals with transitions from the excited state to the ground state, while absorption measures transitions from the ground state to the excited state.
A UV spectrometer is an instrument that uses a beam of light from a visible and/or UV light source (colored red) is separated into its component wavelengths by a prism or diffraction grating.
Each monochromatic (single wavelength) beam in turn is split into two equal intensity beams by a half- mirrored device.
One beam, the sample beam (colored magenta), passes through a small transparent container (cuvette) containing a solution of the compound being studied in a transparent solvent.
The other beam, the reference (colored blue), passes through an identical cuvette containing only the solvent.
The intensities of these light beams are then measured by electronic detectors and compared.
The intensity of the reference beam, which should have suffered little or no light absorption, is defined as 10. The intensity of the sample beam is defined as I.
Over a short period of time, the spectrometer automatically scans all the component wavelengths in the manner described.
The ultraviolet (UV) region scanned is normally from 200 to 400 nm, and the visible portion is from 400 to 800 nm.
[00148] Photostationary State (PSS) Absorption spectra over the visible range (380-780 nm) were obtained using an OceanOptics™ Spectrophotometer.
A 2 x 10 <"5>M solution of compound in solvent is prepared, and photofaded using visible light until absorption in the visible region of the spectrum stabilizes.
The sample is then irradiated with simulated sunlight (QSUN SS-150 Solar Simulator with xenon arc lamp) until the absorption spectrum stabilizes.
次いで、吸収スペクトルが安定化するまで、ミュレートされた太陽光(キセノンアークランプ付きQSUN SS-150ソーラーシミュレーター(QSUN SS-150 Solar Simulator))をサンプルに照射する。
To obtain PSS in the presence of a UV blocking film (if desired), a second sample is prepared and irradiated as described, with a UV blocking film inserted in the light path when irradiating.