summer diary


Doting parent

2012年02月25日 | Weblog

 Of course it is understood that it is a doting parent.
It is ... to have bought the moped motorcycle which a son liked after all.
I think that still there was not it by the bad shopping after all though I have largely exceeded a budget. Because it is sent next Tuesday, the moped motorcycle thinks that the son may be in seventh heaven on that day.

Though wish that only the traffic accident does not want there to be it; ...

それにしても・・・。 子供を思う気持ちはわかるけど・・。 ちょっと甘やかし過ぎじゃないの??・・

I was a really busy day for this one week.

2012年02月25日 | Weblog

  I was a really busy day for this one week.
It seems to rain today from morning. It is rainy expectation by the weather forecast all day now. I am an attendant for the going to hospital of the wife from all over the morning. Then I am going to go to the shop to purchase the motorcycle of the son in three people. In other words, it does not seem to be leisurely today.

もっとも、4月から専門学校に通学するためにも学校側の降車駅から学校までの通学に使用する為でもあるわけだが・・・。 それはどうするのかは未定。

I intend to spend time decoding English news from the afternoon. And in a sense it was very interesting time for me. It seemed to become interesting that by little understood English.  Keep listening, Keep practicing and Keep on smailng!! ですね!