

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)続編

2022-01-15 16:35:05 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > Happy New Year 。

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。 How was the

year-end and New Year holidays in Canada? A big cold wave came

during the year-end and New Year holidays in Japan ? It seems that it

was difficult for returnees to their hometown and those who made

U-turns 。 The sky, the bullet train, and the highway seem to be

confused by snow 。 The news seems to be a cold wave for a while 。

In my place, it snows about 15 cm every day and stops 。 It seems to

continue for a while 。 The temperature is about -3 to 6 degrees 。

Sometimes the sun appears but it hides soon 。 I hope the weather will

get better soon 。 On a different note, infection with Omicron strains has

increased sharply since the end of the year 。 It is increasing rapidly

every day 。 Infection is spreading at double the momentum 。 And the

new coronavirus was announced as of the 14th 。 It has been announced

that more than 20,000 new cases have been confirmed 。 Both are

double the momentum 。 After all, it has increased rapidly since winter 。

What is the situation in Canada ?



 <25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)>続編

貴方達はバンガローから自転車でKuriri Pointまで来ると そこは海が見える

プライベートアイランドの先端ですね。 すべてが絵のように美しい素敵な

風景が続いていましたね。 Kuriri Pointの入り口辺りにカヤックが置いて

あり、 観光客はここで素敵なシュノーケリング用具を借りることが出来きて、

1人用と2人用のさまざまな色の形ですね! 美しいライフジャケットが木の枝

に掛かっていて、 カヤックをするときは常に着用する必要がありますね。

クリルポイントのビーチに向かってゆっくり歩くと、 クリルポイントは徐々に

砂のような感じに変わり綺麗ですね。 そしてKuriri Pointを横切って反対側

は、 本島へのフェリーがあり、 こちら側にも美しいカヤックが数隻あります

ね。 クリルポイントには美しい屋根付きのバーベキュー&ビーチバーが

あり、 うわー、そこからの眺めは本当に最も美しいところで、 そこに座って

心ゆくまで味わい、 夢のような美しい景色うっとりして眺めながら食事をした

いところですね! 本当に写真で見てもわかりますね!! こんな場所でココ

ナッツの木が育つのは不思議ですね! 海に向かって斜めに生える不思議な

木もあるものですね。 そして海を見ると小さなボートがやって来て、 小さな

ボートがクリリポイントの先端近くに来ましたね。 そこには綺麗で小さなプライ



                <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                  Please say hello to your family

                   Let's meet again .Take care.

<25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)>続編


         < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「風薫る            This island is continue nice picturesque landscapes         」

「夏シャツの       There is a kayak near the entrance of Kuriri Point           」

「海水着            Tourists can rent the nice snorkeling equipment here     」

「海水帽            It is various colors shapes for 1 person and 2 people     」

「髪洗ふ            A beautiful life jacket hangs on the branches of a tree   」

「夏の海            Users are always required to wear it when kayaking       」

「夏 岬             We walking slowly towards the beach at Kuriri Point      」

「夏の浜           The grill point gradually changes to a sandy feeling        」

「影涼し             We also look across the Kuriri Point on the other side    」

「半袖の            On the other side, there is a ferry to the main island       」

「半ズボン         There are also several beautiful kayaks on this side         」

「夏帽子            Kuriri Point has a beautiful roofed B.B.Q & Beach Bar     」

「白靴の            Wow, the view from here is really the most beautiful !   」

「汗拭ひ           We will sit here and enjoy the taste to heart's content!   」

「白シャツの      I want to dine while admiring the beautiful scenery       」

「青 岬            It's strange that a coconut tree grows in such a place     」

「夏 衣            A mysterious tree growing diagonally toward the sea     」

「玉の汗           When I saw the sea, a small boat came in the distance    」

「避暑の客       And the little boat came near the tip of Kuriri Point         」

「ボート小屋      And we could see a beautiful little private hut there       」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノあるき 後編】

2022-01-11 18:05:05 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記>

Happy new year everyone !! I think the year-end and New Year holidays

were a lot of fun 。 There were some areas where it was snowing and it

was difficult。However, there were days when the weather was blessed 。

I look forward to working with you this year as well as last year 。


< 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノあるき 後編】 >

ご了承ください。 皆様 新年あけましておめでとうございます。

今日は午後から町歩きですね。 寒いですが天気はとても素晴らしい新年の

町で、人々は冬の完全武装ですね 。 多くの人が初買い物やドゥモー広場に

来ていますね 。 そして欲しかったニットを買いにリナシェンテにも行き、 貴方

は更に欲しかったモンクレールでダウンジャケットを購入しましましたね 。

 そしてトイレは最上階だけだと思つたら、 途中の意外な所、レディースフロア

の奥にありましたね 助かりましたね 。 この隠された秘密のトイレは貴方

以外の誰のためでもありませんでしたね!! トイレを独占して満悦感に浸る

事が出来てよかったですね 。それから、のんびりと店内を見学して、 お腹が

空いたのでランチレストランを探し、 初めてパンツェロッティを食べてワクワク

感になりましたね。 中にチーズとハムを入れて揚げたてを立ち食いをしまし

たね 。 種類も多いので色々食べて、 外に行列があるのでレストランを出て、


            大変お疲れさまでした 。

            <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                Please say hello to your family

                Let's meet again .Take care.






したね! 蔓延防止等重点措置が発令された県がありますね。 大変な新年と

なって来ましたね。 感染拡大に歯止めが全くかからない状態ですね。



「千代の春    Happy new year everyone, thank you again this year       」

「初門出        I'm walking around the city from the afternoon today     」

「初旅の        It's cold but the weather is nice New Year's town             」

「年新た         Everyone on the road is fully equipped for winter            」

「年迎ふ        Many people come to shopping and Dumo Square          」

「初買の         I bought the Moncler I wanted and was satisfied              」

「初市の         I bought a down jacket at Moncler I wanted more            」

「元旦の         And I thought the toilet was only on the top floor            」

「年の朝          However, there was a toilet in an unexpected place         」

「祝月の          It was in the back of the ladies' floor on the way              」

「芳春の          This hidden secret toilet wasn't for anyone but me           」

「初空の          I monopolized the toilet and was soaked in pleasure       」

「初明り           Then I took a leisurely tour of the interior floor                」

「初 暦            I was hungry so I searched for a lunch restaurant            」

「初座敷           I was excited to eat Panzerotti for the first time               」

「初景色           I put cheese and ham inside and ate freshly fried            」

「花の春           This restaurant is all standing up in the restaurant          」

「新春の           There are so many kinds, so I tried various things            」

「日の始           There is a line outside so I'm leaving the restaurant         」

「去年今年        And I went to the bar in the annex of Lina Sente             」

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)前編

2021-12-27 20:30:15 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > How are you !

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

**Omicron strain News 12/22. 20:39 。 Excerpt NHK NEW WEB 。

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, a total of 68

men and women between the ages of 10 and 70 were newly confirmed

from the 13th to the 19th of this month 。 Those who entered Japan

from Haneda Airport, Narita Airport, Kansai Airport and Chubu Airport 。

And one new person was confirmed at the quarantine station at Kansai

Airport 。 In addition, 4 people were confirmed in Osaka prefecture and

2 people were confirmed in Okinawa prefecture 。 A total of 160 people

are infected in Japan 。 There are 4309 close contacts nationwide 。

It was first confirmed at the end of November, but the number of

infected people is increasing at a tremendous rate 。 It's the spread of

the threat, Omicron is scary !

**Omicron strain News 12/23. 19:00 。 Forty new infected persons

have been confirmed in Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, Okinawa and Chiba

prefectures 。 According to the announcement by the Ministry of Health,

Labor and Welfare, the number of infected people has reached 200

nationwide 。 There are a lot of close contacts, so I think it will increase

in the future 。 It's scary how much it will increase !!

**December 25 Heavy Snow Weather Forecast 。 According to the

Japan Meteorological Agency's announcement, it was predicted that the

weather would be rough from northern Japan to western Japan, mainly

on the Sea of Japan side, from the 25th to the 28th 。 And the Pacific

side will also have heavy snow, especially in the mountains 。 And it was

announced that there would be places where snow would accumulate

even on flat ground 。 12/26 I was surprised when I woke up in the

morning 。 As expected, the silver world as far as the eye can see !

The fields, mountains, roofs of houses, roads, and cars were all covered

with 10 cm to 15 cm of pure white snow 。 It's a white Christmas one

day late? ortunately, it's Sunday, so many schools and companies are

closed 。 However, department stores and many transportation facilities

are often busy at the end of the year 。 And many people want to spend

the end of the year and the new year in their hometown 。 What will

happen at the end of this year and the new year ? Of course, I'm also

interested in Omicron strains 。 Judgment is difficult 。 Fortunately for

me, the sun came into view after noon 。 But it’s a snow forecast again

from the evening 。 I'm worried about what happens when I wake up

tomorrow morning 。 December 27 I was surprised when I woke up in

the morning 。

**フォートラベルの皆様へ 。 新型コロナウイルスに始まり新型コロナウイ

ルスで終わる一年間でしたが ,お変わりありませんですか? 今年も大変お世



お祈りいたします。 それでは皆様、良い年末と新年をお迎え下さい。

<一年総括編> <森の番人>さん、昨年から今年の12月まで大変お世話

になりました 。 1年を振り返ると本当に長かったようにも思います 。 然し、

瞬く間に1年が過ぎたようにも思います 。 貴方との旅行記を振り返ってみま

した 。 クック諸島の素晴らしい景色が想いだされます。 貴方と旦那さんとの

思い出が沢山溢れる二人きりの結婚25周年記念。 本当におめでとうござい

ます 。私は感動して拝見しました 。トロピカルなラロトンガ。

美しい観葉植物 ! 全ての藁葺きの屋根の上にソーラーパネルが付いてい

るとは驚きの島ですね! 全島を再生可能なエネルギーにする目標の島!!

80%以上がすでに行われているとは驚きですね!凄い島ですね! 綺麗な

プールとパラソル、そして丸いジャグジーの南国ムード!! 予約したホテル

も綺麗でぐっすり眠る事が出来、 2人乗りのカヤックを借りてビーチに行き、

波の静かなムリラグーンの上を滑るように漕ぎ、 向こうの方に見えている島

を行ったり、 ムリラグーンと夜明けの空とのコラボ。 雲は風の中を動き、映画

のような風景になり、 心が洗われるような素敵な気分に浸る事もできました

ね !! 二人きりの思い出が数え切れないぐらい素敵な結婚25周年記念

の思い出! 大変おめでとうございました !! ところで、今年は、カナダで

家族で楽しくクリスマスを過ごされたと思います。 クリスマスは日本とは少し

違う事と思います。 日本ではクリスマスが終わると直ぐに飾り付けが変わっ

てきます。 新年を迎える準備になります。 新年を迎える為の飾りに変わり

ます。 カナダでは新年の5日か6日までクリスマスの飾りつけですよね。

クリスマスを存分に家族でお楽しみ下さい。 素敵なクリスマスと新年を楽しみ

下さい。 ご主人や家族の皆様によろしくお伝え下さい。



 <25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)>前編

明日の朝、出発する船着場は、 静かな白い砂丘のような並木道は、

貴方と主人の二人だけに用意された道ですね! バーベキュー&ビーチバー

でクリリポイントは、 ビーチもてもよく整備されていますね!! どこもかしこも

夢心地の絶景が広がる風景ですね。 一泊ですが本当にここに来てよかっ

た!よかったですね!! そしてバンガローから自転車でKuriri Pointまで行く

と、 そこは海が見えるプライベートアイランドの先端!!すべてが絵のように

美しい素敵な風景ですね ! 本当に記念すべき風景ですね!! 25周年記

念を祝って、景色が貴方達を待っていたかのようですね!! ここでカヤック

やシュノーケリングの道具を借りれますし、 一人用、二人用そして色や形も

様々なのですね!! すぐ近くに、B.B.Q & Beach Bar もあり、 Beach Barの

前の海は凄い絶景が広がる 。 周りのビーチは白浜で砂も綺麗ですね。 近く

のB.B.Q&ビーチバーには大きくて美しい屋根もある 。 海は真っ青、真綿の

ように白いそして薄い青、海と青空の境界が分からない位続く 。      


             <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

<25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-4(感動的な美しさ!Kuriri Point)>前編



「朝涼し         We came to Kuriri Point from our bungalow by bicycle      」

「夏 岬          This is the tip of a private island with a view of the sea      」

「風薫る         It’s a nice landscape where everything is picturesque         」

「青芝の        We can rent kayaking and snorkeling equipment here       」

「影涼し         One person, two people, and various colors and shapes    」

「夏シャツの   And there is also a beautiful life jacket for kayaking           」

「夏の浜        Life jackets are a must-have item to wear for kayaking       」

「半袖の        The B.B.Q & Beach Bar is in the immediate vicinity of us     」

「日焼止め     The sea in front of the Beach Bar is a spectacular view       」

「海水着        The surrounding beach is white and the sand is beautiful  」

「缶ビール     The palm trees are also beautifully curved and various       」

「サンダルの   The nearby B.B.Q & Beach Bar has a large, clean roof        」

「バーベキュー  But unfortunately it seems to be closed when it rains     」

「缶ビール      The sea is deep blue, white like cotton, and light blue       」

「避暑の宿      I don't know the line between the sea and the blue sky    」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノの中華街編】 後編

2021-12-22 19:20:05 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !!

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。 It is Christmas

soon 。 Have a nice Christmas with your family !!

* * Omicron strain News 12/15 20:54 。

Fifteen new people have been confirmed 。 According to the

announcement by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there are a

total of 15 men and women in their 20s and 70s who entered Japan

from Haneda Airport, Narita Airport, and Kansai Airport 。 There are a

total of 32 people in Japan 。 The infection of the Omicron strain is

spreading at a very fast pace 。 It seems that some people are still

inspecting, so there is a possibility that it will increase in the future 。

* * Omicron strain News 12/19 04 。

It was confirmed that 13 people who entered Japan from the 12th to the

15th of this month were infected with the Omicron strain 。 The Ministry

of Health, Labor and Welfare has 13 men and women in their teens to

60s at Haneda Airport and Narita Airport 。 Three people are vaccinated,

and two people do not receive, eight people are confirmed 。

And on the 18th, it was announced that two people were confirmed in

Okinawa 。 There are now 65 people infected with the Omicron strain 。

The infection is spreading with tremendous momentum 。 It will spread

even more 。 We need to adhere to basic etiquette !

** Weather news 。 The Japan Meteorological Agency announced the

news of the biggest cold wave forecast for this term 。 On Saturday

morning on the 18th, when I looked outside, it was a snowy landscape 。

Mountains, roofs, roads, fields, and winter grove are all about 15 cm

snowy ! It seems that it snowed heavily in the Tohoku region and

Hokkaido 。 And there are expectations of a big cold wave around

Christmas Eve 。 We need to be vigilant 。 ** Osaka Building Fire 。

A catastrophic building fire broke out in the morning on December 17th

in Kitashinchi, Osaka 。 The fire source is seen as a clinic specializing in

psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry on the 4th floor 。 About 30

minutes after 80 fire engines were dispatched, they were put out 。

Twenty-eight were taken to the hospital and 24 were confirmed dead 。

It seems that the death of the hospital director was confirmed on the

19th 。 It's a year-end catastrophe in Osaka's largest downtown area 。

We would like to express our deepest condolences to the many who

died unfortunately 。 I also pray that the people brought to the hospital

will recover 。 On December 18, 12:16, a fire broke out at the home of a

man suspected of arson 。 On-site inspection of the police and live view

of the fire department was held The man's home is a three-story

apartment building in Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka City 。 Investigators

from the Osaka Prefectural Police Department and the Fire Department

of Osaka City have started operations 。 The smoke rose about 30

minutes before the building arson incident 。 When the investigator

breaks the window glass and goes inside, a part of the floor burns and is

extinguished after about an hour 。 According to the neighbors, he

seems to be a man who has recently moved 。 It takes about 20 minutes

by bicycle from the man's home to the scene of the incident 。

On December 19, 16:32, police announced that the arson suspect was

Morio Tanimoto, whose address and occupation were unknown 。

Currently, the suspect has been taken to a hospital and announced that

he is in a serious condition 。 We want to know why such an incident

happened 。 To prevent such a catastrophe from happening again !

 < Excerpt from NHK NEWS WEB >

  さて本題に入ります 。 

< 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノの中華街編】 >後編


日常の穏やかなチャイナタウン 。 友達からラビオリを食べに行こうと言われ

て来ましたね 。 そしてテレビで見たことがあるアジア食材のKATHAYへ行く。

中国、日本、韓国の食材があり、 非常に多くのアジアとイタリアの顧客が

いますね 。 アジア料理が好きな人はとても多いのですね! 店内には味の素

冷凍食品がたくさんあり、 あなたは餃子と唐揚げ、枝豆を買い、 日本の

お菓子や食器もたくさんあるのですね。 日本にもイタリア料理は多いですが

イタリアにも日本のお菓子や料理が多いのですね!! KATHAYの内部はとても

大きくてきれいですね。 アジア食材店で清潔かどうかは大変重要ですね!

そしてキャセイから歩いてすぐのアルコデッラペース(平和の門)は スフォル

ツェスコ城が直線状に見える門ですね 、 初めて近づいて見学したのに、

改装中だったのは残念ですね 。 寒い冬木立の町の中をゆっくり歩いて行

き、 町並みと景色を見て歩くのはとても楽しいですね 。 今度は日本人オー

ナーのケーキ屋さんに立ち寄り、 どんなケーキがあるか大変ワクワクします

ね ! お店にはどら焼きの種類がたくさんあり、 あんこやクリームの種類も

豊富で、 皮も中身によって様々に違い、 多くのイタリア人が店に来て食べて

いますね! そしてイタリア人をとても魅了するオーナーは素敵ですね! 好き

な柚子タルトケーキを選んで食べ、 これはあなたが日本のパティスリーで食

べるまさにその味ですね! ケーキとどら焼きをテイクアウトして外で食べて、

感動に包まれてケーキ屋を出ましたね 。 途中に湾曲したタワーのシティ

ライフが見え、 木の葉散る道をシティライフタワーを見ながら歩いて帰りまし

たね !! そして夕食はステーキ、別名ビステッカ、 食後のデザートは美味し

いティラミスジェラートですね。 後日、KATHAYで購入した冷凍食品で料理

した、 餃子、フライドチキン、枝豆の冷凍食品の、 餃子は素晴らしく美味し

かったですね ! フライドチキンと枝豆は普通の味でしたね !!

             大変お疲れさまでした 。

             <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。

              多くのクチコミ有難うございます 。

               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

       < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノの中華街編】 >後編



            < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >






                  来年またお元気でお会いしましょう !!

「年の宿           There are ingredients from China, Japan and Korea        」

「クリスマス       There are very many Asian and Italian customers           」

「降誕節            It seems that very a lot of people like Asian food           」

「年の末            There are many frozen Ajinomoto foods in the store     」

「聖菓切る         I bought dumplings, fried chicken and edamame          」

「ポインセチア    There are many Japanese sweets and tableware            」

「聖夜まつ         And the inside of KATHAY is very large and clean          」

「年送る             Cleanliness is very important in Asian grocery stores     」

「歳末の             Arco della Pace just a short walk from KATHAY             」

「年歩む             It is a gate where Sforzesco Castle looks straight           」

「大聖樹             I'm near for the first time but it's under renovation       」

「聖樹仰ぐ          I walk slowly through the cold winter grove town         」

「古 暦               It's a fun to walk around the streets and scenery          」

「年送る              This time, I stop by a Japanese-owned cake shop         」

「年の瀬の          I was very excited to see what kind of cake I had          」

「年の家              There are a lot of kinds of dorayaki in the shop            」

「生誕祭               There is a wide variety of bean paste and cream          」

「聖樹立つ            The skin also varies depending on the contents          」

「外套の                A lot of Italian people come and eat in the store        」

「冬服の               This cake shop is a very popular and grand store        」

「年深し                 The owner who attracts Italians so much is nice          」

「冬 衣                 I will choose my favorite Yuzu tart cake and eat it       」

「降誕祭                This is the very taste you eat in Japanese patisserie    」

「冬 麗                 I took out the cake and dorayaki and ate it outside    」

「惜しむ年               I was very impressed and leaving the cake shop        」

「冬景色                 I looked the city life of the curved tower on the way  」

「冬木立                 I walk the foliage road while looking at the tower      」

「惜しむ年             My dinner today is steak, also known as bistecca       

聖夜劇                After-meal dessert is very delicious tiramisu gelato   」

「聖夜祭                Later, I cooked with frozen food bought at KATHAY   」

「聖歌隊                Frozen food of gyoza, fried chicken, and edamame    」

「聖樹飾る             The dumplings I cooked were wonderful delicious     」

「聖夜灯り             Fried chicken and edamame had a normal taste         」

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon Private Islandを自転車で

2021-12-14 22:10:10 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > How are you !

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。 The year-end

party season has arrived this year as well 。 Is there a year-end party in

Canada ? In Japan, it is an annual event in December 。

Currently, infection with the new coronavirus is rapidly decreasing 。

The state of emergency has also been lifted 。 However, since the

announcement of the Omicron strain, there has been increasing caution

about it 。 The fourth domestic case was announced on December 6th 。

Eight new people will be confirmed on December 10th, bringing the

total to 12 people 。 Infection is spreading at a very high rate 。 Since

there are many close contacts, there is a possibility that it will increase in

the future 。 I'm worried about how much it will increase 。 Therefore, it

seems that there are many year-end parties held with a small number of

people this year 。 A new way of working was created in the midst of the

new coronavirus disaster 。 And now companies are doing more online

work 。 It seems that there are government offices and companies that

hold year-end parties "online" 。 **It's an interesting article, so I'll give

you a in generral 。  * Merit 1。 If you do it at a restaurant, you will need 。

a place fee, a meal fee, and a service fee 。 You don't have to pay that

fee online 。 Costs are low for both managers and employees 。

* Merit 2* Since it is online, there is no risk of infection 。 * Merit 3 。

You can feel free to participate, so you can attend even if you are a little

sick 。 * Merit 4 。 You can participate in what kind of year-end party

the online year-end party is 。 And if you can do something, you can

leave freely 。 *Merit 5 。 You don't have to go out with the annual

second party and third party of the year-end party 。It's completely

free。This is also a great advantage 。 *Summary 。 1) You need to get

used to the online method 。 2) Prepare food and drinks in advance 。

3) Prepare the schedule in advance 。 4) Decide the start time and end

time 。 5) Decide when one person will speak 。 6) It would be nice if

everyone could discuss and enjoy themselves 。 I think the secretary is hard 。 **For your reference 。

**illumination 。 The illuminations are in a beautiful season 。

Illuminations decorating the sidewalk in the downtown area 。

Illumination shines all at once at dusk 。 The pruned trees on the

sidewalk come in a variety of shapes 。 Beautiful illuminations shine on

the pruned trees 。 Illuminations that look up at the sky illuminations

that speak to people walking on the road 。 Large shopping centers are

even more beautifully illuminated 。 Shoppers are admiring and looking

at it 。 It's a beauty that warms our body and soul 。 Customers are

enjoying the illuminations while enjoying shopping in the store for a

while 。 There are illuminations and large shopping center in both

downtown areas 。 We can enjoy going and returning 。 The tradition of

this period is very amazing 。 **Weather news 。 Cold days continued

this month, but from around the 6th, the number of days above 15

degrees has increased 。It's warm like spring and there is almost no

wind 。 In Japan, this is called "Indian summer" 。 It's a period of

unusually warm autumn weather 。 I don't know how long it will last, but

it's warm and cheerful and it feels good 。 Of course, going out, basking

in the sun, taking a walk, and exercising will increase 。

**Omicron strain News 12/11 。 On 12/11/2021, the Ministry of

Health, Labor and Welfare announced that an infected person was

found in the Omicron strain 。It is one of the close contact men who was

on the same plane as the fourth infected person in Japan 。 This is the

13th infected person 。 I'm worried about how many people will be in close contact in the future 。 ** Omicron strain News 12/11 18:44 。

Governor huruta of Gifu Prefecture announced that he had confirmed

one infection with the'Omicron strain' 。 A man who was on the same

plane as the fourth infected person in Japan 。 He has been vaccinated

twice and is hospitalized at a medical institution in the prefecture 。

We can't be relieved even if we have been vaccinated twice !!

**Omicron strain News 12/12 19:32 。 It was announced that the first

close contact with the Omicron strain was confirmed in Fukuoka

Prefecture 。It seems that they will be inspected at an accmmodation

facility in the prefecture 。 I hope it's not infected 。



           < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon

                 Private Islandを自転車で) 宿泊する >

バンガローに入って、 テラスから直接ビーチに出ました。 旦那が自転車で

島を一周しようと言い、 大きな島でないから簡単に一周できると言いました

ね ! 主人の望みを尊重してサイクリングですね 。 アイツタキラグーンプライ

ベートアイランドを一周。 バンガローの横から海側へ行くと、 海は綺麗です

がビーチは整備されていませんね 。 大きな石と材木が浜辺にゴロゴロ

転がっているのですね! サイクリングの途中で吊るしてあるハンモックを

見ながら 濃い青や薄い青がとても綺麗な海を見ながらのサイクリングは

楽しいでしょうね! ビーチの空は厚い大きな雲で覆われている 。 しかし、

ビーチの海は何とも言えない美しさなのですね。 近くにデラックスビーチ

フロントバンガローを見ながら 綺麗な椰子の木の素敵な並木道を走るのは

気持ちがいいでしょうね!! 少し離れた所にPremium Beachfront

Bungalowがある 。 Premium Beachfront Bungalowの前には木があり、

テラスが見えないように目隠しされていますね 。 テラスには美しい青い長い

椅子があり、 海側にはハンモックとロングチェアが見えますね ! 反対側にも

ハンモックと長い椅子もありますね。 海岸の並木道は手入れが行き届いてい

て気持ちがいいでしょうね! 雲が薄くなると海がきれいになり、 海の深さに

よって色が違うようですね 。 海の向こう側に大きな島を見ながら行くと 少し

先に展望台のようなものがありますね。 並木道には大きな石のチェスがたく

さん見られ、 大型チェスとこの海は素晴らしい絵になる風景ですね !!

果てしなく真綿のような薄い雲に覆われる青い空と, 美しいライトブルーと

クリーム色のコントラストの海 。 そよ風に揺れる椰子の並木道、 白黒模様の

絨毯のように敷かれた布 。 この並木道は心が癒される風景ですね !!

綺麗なビーチチェアでのんびり眺められて、身も心も癒されましたね !!

カヤックが置かれている船着場は明日の朝、出発する所ですね 。 静かな白

い砂丘のような並木道は、 貴方と主人の二人だけの道ですね 。 二人だけの

為に用意されたのでしょうかね!! バーベキュー&ビーチバーでクリリポイ

ントに来ると、 このあたりのビーチはとてもよく整備されていますね . どこもか




             <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

                Let's meet again .Take care.

< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island

     を自転車で >


<上記アドレスをクリックしてください >


「夏旺ん        Today is cycling with respect for my husband's wishes       」

「白シャツの   We will go around Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island              」

「暑き日の      We go from the side of the bungalow to the sea side       」

「夏 岬           The sea is nice but the beach is not well maintained         」

「サングラス     Large stones and timber are rollling on the beach            」

「夏の浜          There was a hammock hanging in the middle of cycling   」

「夏帽子          The sea is very beautiful in dark blue and light blue          」

「夏の雲          The sky of the beach is covered with thick big clouds       」

「夏の海          But the sea on the beach is very indescribable beauty      」

「汗みづく        We can see Deluxe Beachfront Bungalow near us             」

「白靴の          It is a nice tree-lined road with beautiful palm trees         」

「青 岬            There is a Premium Beachfront Bungalow a little away      」

「夏の宿         There is a tree in front of Premium Beachfront Bungalow  」

「ベランダの     It is blindfolded so that the terrace cannot be seen          」

「バルコニー     There is a beautiful blue long chair on the terrace           」

「藤椅子の       Hammock and long chair can be seen on the sea side     」

「夏 邸           There are hammocks and long chairs on the other side    」

「夏木立           The tree-lined road on the coast is nice maintained         」

「青芝の           We want to be more relaxed in a beautiful bungalow      」

「夏の天           The sea becomes nice when the clouds become thin       」

「汗拭ひ           The color varies depending on the depth of the sea        」

「夏襟の           We can see a big island on the other side of the sea       」

「半ズボン        There are no waves so we feel we can go by kayaking     」

「夏木陰           There is something like an observatory a little ahead       」

「玉の汗           We see many large stone chess on the tree-lined road    」

「夏 衣             Large chess and this sea is a nice picturesque scenery    」

「海水着            A blue sky covered with thin clouds like endless cotton  」

「水泳帽           The sea with a beautiful light blue and cream contrast    」

「風薫る            A tree-lined avenue of palms swaying in the breeze        」

「レモン水           A beautiful cloth laid like a black and white carpet        」

「氷菓子            This tree-lined road is a scenery that heals our heart     」

「薫風の           We can take a calm look by the beautiful beach chairs   」

「夏日影            We came to the dock place where the kayak is placed   」

「夏日向          We'll going to get on from this dock tomorrow morning 」

「カヌー漕ぐ      We walk on a tree-lined road like quiet white dune         」

「夏の風            That's right, it's a road only for me and my husband       」

「雲の峰            We came to Kuriri Point with a barbecue & beach bar    」

「避暑の宿         The beach is very well good condition around here       」

「生ビール          An island with a amazing view of dreams everywhere    」

「避暑の客         We'll stay overnight and it is really nice to be here         」


2021-12-05 17:10:10 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !!

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

** Weather news 。 It suddenly became cold this month 。

It looks like a cold wave has arrived 。 Light snow flickers, it's the first

snow 。 The wind is also very strong and I feel it is colder 。 The weather

forecast says it will last for a few days ! The leaves of the roadside trees

have completely fallen and the number of winter trees has increased 。

The sunset is early and it suddenly becomes dark and cold after 5 pm 。

The number of people who change their clothes from autumn to winter

has increased 。 Winter preparations are about to begun !

**Political news 。 The Constitutional Democratic Party had an

election for a new representative 。 Edano retired because he felt

responsible for this House of Representatives election 。 As a result of

the election, Kentaro Izumi was elected as the new representative 。 The

new representative is 47 years old 。 I feel energetic 。Let's expect !

All the people selected as officers are young !

**Omicron strain 。By the way, in the recent news, WHO has

announced a new mutant strain of the new coronavirus, "Omicron

strain" 。 This virus has a large number of spikes and is likely to spread

worldwide 。 Two infected people have already been announced in

Japan ! Prime Minister Kishida requested all international airlines to stop

new reservations until the end of December 。 People who have not

made a reservation for returning to Japan due to long-term business

trips may not be able to return 。 On December 2, Prime Minister

Kishida instructed them to give due consideration to their return

requests 。 It seems that the request to return to Japan is confusing 。

I hope Japanese people living overseas can spend the year-end and

New Year holidays in Japan 。 It's going to be hard from the end of the

year to the new year ! ! 

**Earthquake news1 。At around 6:37 am on 2021/12/3, a maximum

seismic intensity of 5 lower was observed at Fuji Five Lakes in the

eastern part of Yamanashi Prefecture 。 According to the Japan

Meteorological Agency, the magnitude is 4.8 。The depth is 19km 。

Seismic intensity 4 to 1 was observed from the Chubu region to

the Izu Islands 。 There is no need to worry about tsunami 。 However,

rockfalls and landslides may be more likely to occur 。 The Japan

Meteorological Agency is calling for attention to earthquakes with a

maximum seismic intensity of less than 5 for the next week or so in

areas with strong shaking 。 He announced that no particular changes

were observed in the observation data of Mt. Fuji 。

**Earthquake news 2。

At around 9:28 am on 2021/12/3, there was an earthquake with the

epicenter of Kii Suido 。 According to the Japan Meteorological Agency,

shaking with a maximum seismic intensity of less than 5 was observed 。

Magnitude 5.4, depth 18 km 。 Seismic intensity 4 was observed in

Tokai, Kinki, and Shikoku 。 There is no need to worry about tsunami 。

The Japan Meteorological Agency is calling for attention to earthquakes

with shaking for about a week 。


< 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノの中華街編】 >前編

ご了承ください。 早いものですね!今年も20日余り。 年の瀬ですね。

”ミラノの中華街偏”は旅行時期は新年のミラノですよね。 私は今年の年末に


ご了承ください!! ロンバルディア州ヴァレーゼに車で行き、 初めてミラノに

来たとき、友達に連れて行ってもらった、 世界一の評判のピザショップに

午後7時にオープンしたので入店しましたね。 美味しいので選ぶのも楽しくて

元気になりましたね! お腹がいっぱいになって満足のいく一日を送りました

ね。 さて、今回は晴れた日曜日のミラノのチャイナタウンに車で行きました

ね。 イタリアはまだ新型コロナウイルス騒動の前でした 。 この一週間後に

チャイナでコロナ騒動が始まったのですね! テレビでコロナウイルスの中継

が始まったのですね!! 日本も昨年の1月初旬から中旬にかけて騒動がは

じまったと思います。 オリンピックも一年延期されましたよね。 本題に戻りま

す。今日はまだ日常の穏やかなチャイナタウン 。 友達からラビオリを食べに

行こうと言われてここに来ました 。 ワンタン麺なのですね 。 この店には驚く

ほどイタリア人の長い列ができていましたね 。 牛肉、豚肉、野菜そして生餃

子から選び、 ラビオリの豚肉をチョイスして味見をすると熱々の水餃子は、

食べてみると見た目より大変美味しかったですね! だんだんたくさんの人が

店に集まってきたので、 テイクアウトの店ですから店頭で急いで食べました

ね 。 そしてまたチャイナタウンをのんびりと見回し歩くと、 町はシンプルです


ニオイもしない 。 途中に素敵なカフェがありましたが見ただけで、 少し離れ

たところにあるメキシコ料理店に入って、 このお店で美味しいワカモレとタコ

スを食べますね ! イタリア人はメキシコ料理にあまり馴染みがないようで、

お客様は観光客スタイルが多いのですね 。 貴方は大好きなメキシコ料理を

食べられて大満足して、 チャイナタウンに戻っていると有名なパティスリーが

あったので、 食後のデザートに小さなドルチェは貴方には丁度よかたです

ね! そして次に目指すアジア食材のKATHAYは、 テレビで見た事もあるの


               大変お疲れさまでした 。

              <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                Please say hello to your family

                 Let's meet again .Take care.

           < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノの中華街編】 > 前編


         < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「年歩む              On a sunny Sunday, I drive to Chinatown in Milan        」

「毛衣の               Italy was still before the new coronavirus turmoil         」

「外套の               A week later, the corona turmoil began in China          」

「冬帽子               Broadcast of the coronavirus has started on TV           」

「冬 麗                 Today is still a very peaceful Chinatown everyday       」

「年送る                My friend told me to go eat ravioli and I came here    」

「暖房の               I was excited, but in the end it was wonton noodles    」

「歳末の                This store had a surprisingly long line of people         」

「惜しむ年              Of course, there is a long line of Italians in line          」

「年の瀬の            I choose from beef, pork, vegetables and raw gyoza 」

「年つまる              I chose ravioli pork, but it tastes like dumplings        」

「古 暦                  When I tried it, it tasted much better than it looked   」

「年末の                 Gradually a lot of people gathered in this store        」

「古日記                 It's a take-out shop, so hurry to eat at the shop        」

「師走空                 There is also a large trash can outside the store        」

「去ぬる年              And I will leisurely look around Chinatown again      」

「綿帽子                 Town is simple, but clean, wide and easy to walk      」

「手袋の                 It doesn't smell like the herbs rare to Chinatown       」

「枯園の                 There was a nice cafe on the way, but just saw it       」

「冬木立                 I enter a Mexican restaurant a few distance away      」

「年の家                 I eat tasty the guacamole and tacos at this shop       」

「セーターの            Italians seem not so familiar with Mexican food       」

「息白し                   Mexican restaurant customers are tourist-style        」

「マフラーの            I was satisfied to eat my favorite Mexican food        」

「年の宿                 There was a famous patisserie back in Chinatown    」

「流るる年               I ate a very small dolce for dessert after a meal        」

「冬 館                 This dolce is small and amount is just right for me     」

「クリスマス            It was very delicious to me and I ate everything        」

「冬服の                And the next goal is KATHAY, an Asian ingredient     」

「年深し                  I've seen it on TV so I wanted to come and see it     」

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着 後編

2021-11-29 22:10:10 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。 It's early, isn't

it ? November will end 。 I think you're doing well 。 Well, Japan is in the

middle of the Japan Series 。 I heard that the Toronto Blue Jays belong

to MLD 。 Many players from Japan are also active in MLD 。 Are you

interested in baseball ! Now, let ’s talk about the Japan Series of

professional baseball in Japan 。 **It started on November 20th at

Kyocera D Osaka 。 Japan is also DH in the Japan Series 。 Central

League champion Yakult and Pacific League champion Orix fought for

the best in Japan 。 As a result, Orix won the 9th inning with a reversal

two-run home run 。 The crowded customers were very excited 。

**The second game was a one-point game in the pitcher game 。

The result was 2-0 and Yakult won 。 Pitcher keiji takahashi won the

shutout 。 **Round 3 was fought at Tokyo Dome on the 23rd 。

Tokyo Dome does not have a DH system 。 Pitchers stand at bat 。

The starting pitchers are Ogawa for Yakult and Tajima for Orix 。 The

see-saw game continued from the beginning to the middle 。

*Orix's attack on the Top 3th score 1 point 。 *Yakuruto's attack on

the bottom 5th score 3 point 。 *Orix's attack on the Top 6th score 2

point 。 *Orix's attack on the bottom 7th score 1 point 。 *Yakuruto's

attack on the bottom 7th score 2 point 。 8th and 9th, both teams

scored no points 。 In the final round, McGough held down and Yakult

won 5-4 。 It was a match where I really didn't know who would win until

the end 。 The audience would have been excited and enjoyed !

The director and coach would have been hard ! The winning pitcher is

Taichi Ishiyama 。 The losing pitcher is Ryou yoshida 。

Save is McGough 。 Home runs are No. 1 for sugimoto and No. 1 for

santana 。 **The fourth round 。 Started at Tokyo Dome on the 24th 。

Starting pitcher 。 Yakult is Masanori ishikawa 。 Orix is Soichiro

Yamazaki 。 In the bottom of the second inning, he scored the first goal

in a home run to the light stand of the fifth batter Sanntana 。

The match has already moved 。 Oryx's attack in Top of the 6th 。

No. 1 Fukuda hits the center from two outs and hits base 。 No. 2 Mune

hit to the right 。 Santane fumbles and ties 。 In the bottom of the 6th

inning, Suntana chooses Fabor in Yakult's attack 。 And No. 6 nakamura

hit the light 。 No. 7 Osuna's timely hit over the win 。 This will be the

final point 。 In the top of the 9th inning, McGough of Crozer allowed

one hit but closed at the end 。 With this, Yakult has 3 wins and 1 loss 。

The winning pitcher is masanori Ishikawa 。 The Losing pitcher is

Hirotoshi masui 。Save is McGough。Home run is Yakult's Sntana No. 2 

**5th round 。 Held at Tokyo Dome on the 25th 。 Starting pitcher 。

Yakult is Gyuri hara 。 Orix is Satiya yamazaki 。 If Yakult wins today, the

victory will be decided 。 Orix on the cliff 。 The game moves from the

Bot 7th of second time 。 No. 5 Santana walks on base 。 6th nakamura

hits to the left and 1st and 3rd base 。 No. 7 Osuna double play, but one

runner returned home and scored one point。 **Orix's attack on the

Top 4th 。 No. 1 Fukuda hits the base, but fails to steal and gets 1 out 。

No. 3 Yoshida is two-base 。 No. 4 Sugimoto ties to the center with a

timely hit 。 In the bottom of the 4th inning, No. 4 Murakami won a

home run in the middle left with Yakult 2-1 。 **Orix's attack on the

Top 6th 。 Yoshida goes to first base with Osuna's bad throw 。 No. 4

Sugimoto hits the left and runners 1st and 2nd base 。 No. 5 T-Okada

hits a timely hit with a tie to the right **Orix's attack on the Top 7th 。

Kurebayashi hits to the left and no out 1st base 。 And with a sacrifice

bunt, 1 out and 2nd base 。 No. 8 Oota wins 3-2 with a three-base hit 。

No. 9 Yoshida's pinch hitter Moya hits a timely hit to the right 。 Orix

leads 4-2 。 Yakult scored no points in the bottom of the 7th inning 。

Orix's attack on the Top 8th 。 Kurebayasi hits first base from two out 。

No. 7 Fushimi hits the center in a timely two-base 。 Orix leads 5-2 。

*Yakuruto's attack on the bottom 8th 。No. 1 Somi walks to 1st base 。

No. 2 Aoki also walked 1st and 2nd base no out 。 No. 3 Yamada goes

to rest stand 3 run home run 5 to 5 tie 。 Orix's attack on the Top 9th 。

Pinch hitter jyo-nzu wins home run from McGough to rest stand 。 Orix

leads again 6-5 。 **Yakuruto's attack on the bottom 9th 。 No. 8

Nishiura walks to first base 。 However, No. 9 is a strikeout, No. 1 is an

easy fly, and No. 2 is an infield grounder 。 Orix won by one point in the

fierce battle of being chased and chased 。 This is the game over 。

**6th round 。 Round 6 started on the 27th at Hotto Motto Field Kobe 。

A terrible battle has begun aiming for the best in Japan 。 *Starting

pitcher 。 Yakult is Hirotoshi Takanashi 。 Orix is Yoshinobu Yamamoto 。

The pitcher is a DH system 。 Both teams have no points in 4 innings 。

*Yakuruto's attack on the Top 5th 。 No. 7 Osuna hits base 。 No. 8

Miyamoto sending bunt 1 out 2nd base 。 N0. 9 Nshiura has 2 outs on

the third liner 。 N0. 1 shiomi hits the first timely hit to the left 。

**Orix's attack on the bottom 5th 。 No. 8 Wakatuki hits base after

one out 。 No. 9 Oota sent a bunt and 2 outs, and the runner was based

on 2nd base 。 No. 1 Fukuda hit to the left with a timely hit, and Orix

tied 。 From the 6th to the 9th inning, both Yakult and Orix have

runners, but they enter the extra time with no points 。 *Yakuruto's

attack on the Top 12th 。 No. 1 Shiomi hits from two outs 。 A runner

goes to the second base due to a catcher's error at the time of a pinch

hitter Kawabata Kawbata hits the left with a timely hit 。 Shiomi came

home from the second base and won 2 to 1 。 **Orix's attack on the

bottom 12th 。 One runner goes to base, but the game is over without

a score 。 At this moment, Yakult's number one in Japan was decided  。

Congratulations for the 6th time in Japan for the first time in 20 years 。

Directed Shingo Takatu tossed into the air by his teammates 。 It’s the

joy and tears of the players and the director 。 Congratulations ! !

Congratulations ! ! Did Director Takatu say "Magic word" absolutely

okay "in this series ? Orix was also great 。 It was a great fight of fierce

fighting, obsession, and guts 。 Thank you 。 Thank you for your

impression 。 Winning pitcher is McGough 。

Losing pitcher is Ryo Yoshida 。



       <25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着)> 後編

飛行機はアイツタキ島に着陸し、 今日泊まるプライベートアイランドに到着

し、 そして到着した6人はスタッフに案内され、 みんな赤い椅子に座って

チェックインを済まして、 ホテルのスタッフに順番に部屋に案内されました

ね! 貴方たちは待っている間に美しい海の写真を撮りましたね。 この島は

ラロトンガの海とは比べ物にならない位美しい景色なのですね!! 思わず

立ち止まって美しい景色に見とれていたら、 スタッフに叫ばれて慌てて戻り

今夜宿泊するバンガローに案内されましたね。 28番バンガローのドアの前に

到着すると、 部屋番号が書かれた自転車が2台ありましたね!! パウダー

ルームの外にシャワー室があるが、 室内にはシャワールームがないのです

ね。 アニメニティーは種類も豊富に揃っていて、 トイレは個室で、綺麗な花で

飾られていますね。 ところが夜中に目が覚めてから大変でしたね!! ベッド

からトイレまでの距離が長すぎたのですね。 大変でしたね!! バンガロー

はお互いに見えないようになっていて, 海は言葉では言えない美しい真っ青

で美しい海なのですね!! 太陽が雲に隠れて日が陰ってきても、 しかし海

の青さは全く変わらないのですね! そして晴れてくると更に青く輝く素晴らし

い海ですね! 貴方達はテラスから直接ビーチに出ると、 旦那が自転車で島

を一周しようと言いだしましたね!! 大きな島でないから簡単に一周できる



              <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                Please say hello to your family

                Let's meet again .Take care.

          < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着) > 後編



         < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「夏 岬          And everyone is checking in, sitting in a red chair             」

「暑き日の      The hotel staff took turns to guide us to our room           」

「影涼し          I take pictures of the beautiful sea while I'm waiting         」

「青芝の         This island is incomparable to the sea of Rarotonga          」

「夏 魚           I instinctively stopped and admire the nice scensry           」

「雲の峰           We are shouted by the staff and hurriedly return             」

「風薫る           We will be guided by our staff to stay bungalows             」

「避暑の宿        We arrived in front of the 28th bungalow door               」

「青 岬           There are two bicycles with the room number written      」

「棕櫚の花        There is a shower room outside the powder room          」

「冷蔵庫           This room does not have a shower room in the room      」

「夏 氷           The powder room is large and decorated withflowers      」 

「甘露水           I am glad that there are a wide variety of amenities        」

「氷レモン          The toilet is a private room with beautiful flowers          」

「夕涼の           It was hard since I woke up in the middle of the night    」

「短夜の          The distance from the bed to the toilet was too long       」

「夏未明          The bungalows next door are invisible to each other        」

「朝涼し            The sea is deep blue that cannot be said in words           」

「雲の峰           The sun is hiding in the clouds and sun is getting dark    」

「白シャツの       But the blueness of the sea does not change at all         」

「入道雲            And when it clears up, it glows more and more blue       」

「夏の雲            We went out to the beach directly from the terrace        」

「半ズボン        My husband told me to go around the island by bicycle  」

「避暑の客        It isn't a big island so we can easily go around, he said   」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【バレーゼ編】 前編

2021-11-21 17:37:52 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !!

I look forward to working with you again this time !

*Professional baseball climax series 。

*Central League 。 *First stage and final stage 。

Yakult vs. Giants was held on the 12th and Yakult won the

championship  。 

Yashinobu Okugawa was selected as the best player 。

* Pacific League 。 * Parsol Climax Series 。

* First stage and final stage 。 Orix vs. Lotte was held on the 12th and

Orix won the championship 。 Yutaro Sugimoto was selected as the best

player 。 Yoshinobu Yamamoto is also a great pitcher 。 He won four

crowns in the pitcher category 。 In the final series, the game was

decided in three games in both the Central League and the Pacific

League 。 Both had one advantage win 。 However, during the season,

there was never a giant starting member without the name of Kazuma

Okamoto who participated fully as the immovable No. 4 。 He won the

Central League No. 1 in the home ranking and RBI category 。

Unfortunately, Kazuma Okamoto, the home run king of the Central

League, did not participate due to back pain 。 Next season too, I would

like to see Kazuma Okamoto in good shape again 。

* Japan Series 。

Yakult vs. Orix will fight for the best in Japan from November 20th 。

Yakult is directed by Shingo Takatsu 。 Orix is directed by Satoshi

Nakajima 。 Yakult is the 8th appearance for the first time in 6 years 。

Orix is the 13th appearance for the first time in 25 years 。 The team that

won the first four wins will be the best in Japan 。 The highlight is

yosinobu yamamoto vs. Yakult, who won four titles in the pitcher

category 。 Yakult is a powerful batting line centered on the home

ranking of the 4th batter, munetaka murakami 。 munetaka murakami is

the 39th home run king 。 RBI is 112 smashers 。 By the way, the top is

113 RBIs, giant Kazuma Okamoto 。 The pitchers are yasuhiro ogawa

and yasunobu okugawa 。 The pitcher's closer has a McGough with 31

saves 。 Orix is a powerful batting line centered on the 3rd batter

masataka yosida and the 4th batter yuutarou sugimoto 。 masataka

yoshida has a batting average of 30%, 3 minutes 9 ㎘ 。 He is the

leading hitter 。 Yutaro Sugimoto is the home run king with 32 home

runs and is in third place with a batting average of 302 。 The pitcher's

closer is yosihisa hirano with 29 saves 。 I'm looking forward to which

team will be the best in Japan 。

**The Japan Series started on November 20th 。 Match started at 6

PM 。 The director's direction is a sight to see 。

**Starting pitcher 。

*Orix 。 Absolute Ace yoshinobu yamamoto 。 A fastball with a

maximum speed of 158km / h 。 Relief pitcher is Ryou yoshida and

Higgins 。

*Yakult。 Yashinobu Okugawa 。 Relief pitcher is Noboru

shimizu 。 *Match result 。 Orix win 4 to 3 。 Winning pitcher is Higa

motoki 。 Losing pitcher is McGough 。 Match progress 。 It was a

pitcher game until the middle stage, but in the 8th inning, Yakult's

Murakami seemed to have decided the game with a 2-run home run 。

However, the finale of the Kyocera D Osaka Japan Series, which was a

huge crowd, was waiting for the final episode 。 Mune yuuma made a

timely hit with no out bases loaded 。 And No. 3 yoshida hits a goodbye

two-base hit 。 yoshida finished around the bass with a guts pose in a

great cheers 。 It was a really wonderful match that was overjoyed by the

crowded customers 。 I'm looking forward to future games !


<1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【バレーゼ編】>前編 。

ご了承ください。 今日はミラノの観光を終了した平日の散歩ですね。 昼から

ミラノ近郊の小さな町を散歩すると、 家の壁には美しい鶏が飾られていま

す。 この町には美しい鶏がたくさんいるようですね! 冬の真っ青な空と公園

が美しく 冬の木立と枯れた芝生が綺麗に輝いていますね。 ピンクと黄色の

家がたくさんある街並みは、 家の壁が剥がれたり損傷したりしていますね!

冬晴れに小さな教会が輝いていますね。 スーパーでお菓子を買いジュース

で食べる。 青空の絶好の散歩日和ですね。 キッズコーナーのある珍しい

肉屋があったので、 店に入って興味津々で見回したね! そして翌日の土曜

日は正午頃まで寝てから、 本日のランチは自分の手作りの牛テールのぶつ

切りですね! どうにか手料理で(コーダ・アッラ・ヴァチナーラ)を作り食べて

夕方まで昼寝ですね。 そして夕方はロンバルディア州ヴァレーゼに車で

行き、 約1時間でヴァレーゼの町に到着ですね! 夕暮れ時の美しいサン

ヴィットーレ大聖堂が輝いていますね。 この聖堂は16世紀に建てられた

古典主義洋式の建築ですね!! 大聖堂は高い天井の素敵なディテール

ですね。 素晴らしい建築は後世の財産ですね! 夕暮れの青空に街灯が

キラキラと輝き絵のように美しいですね! 冬は日が暮れるのが本当に早くて

一日が短いですね。 目的はこの町の美味しいピザですね。 ピザショップは

午後7時にオープンする予定ですから、 店が開くまで隣のカフェでアイスク

リームやココアを飲んで待つ。 開店直後の入店戦略が成功成功しました

ね!! このお店は世界一の評判があり美味しいから選ぶのも楽しく元気が

でますね!! 初めてミラノに来たとき、友達に連れて行ってもらった店ですね。 美味しいものは忘れられませんね!! 満腹でもチーズとカノーリも注文

しましたね。 お腹がいっぱいになって、満足のいく一日を過ごせてよかったで


              大変お疲れさまでした 。

              <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                Please say hello to your family

                Let's meet again .Take care.

             < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【バレーゼ編】 >前編


        < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「冬 麗           Today is a weekday walk after sightseeing in Milan          」

「冬青空          I take a walk in a small town near Milan from noon          」

「寒天の          A nice chicken is displayed on the wall of the house         」

「セーターの    This town seems to have many beautiful chickens             」

「外套の          The deep blue sky and park in winter are beautiful           」

「冬帽子          The winter grove and the dead lawn are nice shining       」

「息白し           There is a street with many pink and yellow houses          」

「冬景色          The walls of the house are peeled off or damaged            」

「冬日向          A small church is shining in the winter nice weather         」

「枯園の          There is shopping street centered on the church              」

「暖房の           I buy sweets at the supermarket and eat with juice          」

「マフラーの      It's a perfect day for a walk in the nice blue sky               」

「綿帽子           There was a rare butcher shop with kids corners              」

「冬座敷           I entered the store and looked around with interest        」

「毛衣の           And the next Saturday I slept until around noon              」

「ストーブの      Today's lunch is my handmade beef tail chopped            」

「冬服の           Somehow make Coda alla vaccinara by handmade          」

「冬 館             I had my lunch and took a nap until the evening             」

「冬夕焼           And in the evening I drive to Varese, Lombardy               」

「日短しの         I arrived in Varese town in about an hour by car             」

「寒 茜             The Basilica of San Vittore at dusk is beautiful                 」

「ジャケットの     This cathedral was built in the 16th century                    」

「暮早し             Beautiful cathedral is called the neoclassical style           」

「冬 灯             The cathedral is a nice detail with a high ceiling              」

「絨毯の            Great architecture will be a property of posterity            」

「オリオンの       Streetlights shine nicely in the blue sky at dusk              」

「寒燈の            The scenery of the town at twilight is picturesque           」

「暮易し              In winter, the sun downed early and the day is short     」

「冴える星          The gallery is also a beautiful tradition of the town        」

「冬銀河             I came here to eat the delicious pizza of this town         」

「寒 昴              The pizza shop is scheduled to open at 7 pm                 」

「着ぶくれの        It's 6:30 pm now, but the store is still closed                 」

「冬北斗             I wait at the cafe next door until the store opens           」

「冬の月             I drink ice cream and cocoa at the cafe and wait            」

「冬星座             Successful entry strategy immediately after opening     」

「冬シャツの       This shop has the best reputation in the world               」

「手袋の             It's fun and lively to choose because it's delicious          」

「凍星の             When I first came to Milan, my friend brought me         」

「冬三日月          I'm full, but I also ordered cheese and cannoli               」

「月氷る              It was a very satisfying day when stomach is full            」

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着)前編

2021-11-10 18:55:05 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > 

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

*About Nippon Professional Baseball 。

The climax series of the Central League began on November 6th 。

In the first stage, the 2nd place Hanshin and the 3rd place giant fought .

From November 10th, the giant who won two wins started the battle

with the first place Yakult on the final stage 。 The Pacific League also

started the personal climax series on November 6th 。 In the first stage,

Lotte in 2nd place and Rakuten in 3rd place fought 。 From November

10th, the winner Lotte started the battle with the 1st place Orix on the

final stage 。

*Final stage 。

In the final stage, the Central League winner Yakult is given one a

dvantage 。 Similarly, in the final stage, the Pacific League winner Orix is

given one advantage 。 The team that won 4 will fight for the best in

Japan in the Japan Series 。

*Japan Series 。

From November 20th, the Central League winner and the Pacific League

winner will fight 。 The winner will be the best in Japan 。 Which team

will be number one in Japan ? It's a big sporting event in November !

*About the climate 。

Recently, the morning sun is hard to come out because it is covered

with thick fog 。 The morning sun finally comes out around 11 o'clock 。

Then it becomes a beautiful blue sky 。 Beautiful autumn leaves are

beginning to appear in the mountains 。 Autumn leaves have begun on

the roadside trees 。 However, most of the roadside trees in the

downtown area have already been pruned 。 It is pruned beautifully to

the eye 。 Therefore, there are no autumn leaves or fallen leaves 。

Unpruned roadside tree become fallen leaves 。 It's the season of

autumn leaves 。 The tourist attractions will be beautiful 。 When the

autumn leaves season is over, the cold winter will come 。

How about Vancouver !!

*Diet after the House of Representatives election 。

More than 10 days have passed since the House of Representatives

election was over 。 The ruling party wins and the Diet is management

under the new government 。 A new move has begun for the defeated

opposition 。 The Japan Restoration Party has made a big leap about

three times 。 The opposition party has begun to consider reforming

the Diet, centered on the party of the Japanese Restoration 。 It seems

that constitutional amendment and parliament management are being

considered 。 How will it change ?



     < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着) > 前編

ラロトンガ国際空港に到着し飛行機に乗り, 飛行機は徐々に空港から遠ざか

る。 飛行機は名残惜しいラロトンガから1時間弱でアイツタキ島に到着します

ね! 飛行機はまもなく島に着陸する準備をはじめ,やがてアイツタキ島に着

陸ですね。 真下に美しいアイツタキ島が見えるはずでが、 ところが雲が多く

て何も見えませんね。 雲の切れ目から微かにアイツタキが現れましたね。


空港は宿泊するプライベートアイランドの近くですね。 そして飛行機が着陸

した後、景色を楽しむ事が出来ましたね! 緑の沢山の椰子の木が見えます

ね。 バスターミナルのような素朴な空港ターミナルですが、 ホテルのスタッフ

がターミナルの近くで貴方達を待っていて、 貴方たちの首に花のレイを掛け

て、もてなしてくれましたね!! 感激ですね!!

素晴らしいスタッフですね! 貴方達を待っていたホテルのシャトルバスに

乗り、 買ったココナッツウォーターを飲みながらホテルに行く。 シャトルバスを

降りてフェリーに乗り、 今日泊まるプライベートアイランドに無事に到着

しましたね! 名前が示すように、この島にはホテルしかありませんね。

島に到着してもココナッツウォーターは残ってたのですね。 大きなココナッツ

ウォーターなのですね。 そして到着した6人はスタッフに案内されて



           <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

              < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-2(アイツタキに到着) > 前編


               < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

*追伸 昨年の12月から始まった25周年記念,クック諸島 早いものですね!

今月で丁度1年になりますね。 これ程長編シリーズになるとは思っていませ

んでした! これからも夫婦二人三脚で楽しい旅行記をよろしくお願いします。


ら急激に減少しました。 然し医療関係者は冬の第6波に備えて基本行動を

訴えています。 それでは次の旅行記を楽しみにしております。


「夏の天             The plane will soon be ready to land on the island        」

「雲の峰             The plane eventually land on Aitutaki Island soon          」

「避暑の旅          We should see the beautiful Aitutaki Island below        」

「夏の雲              But there are many clouds and we can't see anything   」

「夏の海              A faint Aitutaki appears from the break in the clouds   」

「青 岬               After a while, the plane started to make a large turn     」

「夏の浜              We saw a private island where we were going to stay   」

「青芝の             The airport is near the private island where we stay       」

「青葉山            We have been after the plan landed and enjoy the view 」

「青葉若葉          This island has a lot of beautiful green palm trees         」

「草茂る              And we also see beautiful small hills in the distance      」

「青き嶺              We can see a nice blue sky through the thick clouds     」

「夏の園             We can see the white building airport terminal nearby  」

「夏芝の            There was a few chickens on the lawn near the runway  」

「青蔦の             I'm worried about an airplane accident. I'm surprised    」

「夏服の             The hotel staff were waiting for us near the terminal     」

「避暑の客         The hotel staff hung a lei of flowers around our neck     」

「万緑の             It’s a simple airport terminal like the bus terminal here  」

「避暑旅行          Take the hotel shuttle bus that was waiting for us         」

「半ズボン         We go to the hotel drinking the bought coconut water  」

「白シャツの        Then we get off the shuttle bus and board the ferry     」

「避暑の客          We arrived at a private island where we stay today       」

「パパイヤの        As the name suggests, this island has only hotels        」

「避暑便り            Coconut water remains after arriving on the island      」

「避暑の宿           And 6 people who arrived were guided by the staff     」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020 【ミラノさんぽ編】 後編

2021-11-05 23:06:06 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !!

* This year's professional baseball 。 This year's professional baseball

has a very unusual phenomenon 。 The team that was the lowest in both

the Central League and the Pacific League last year won the league title.

Yakult won the championship for the first time in 6 years, Orix won the

championship for the first time in 25 years 。 Congratulations !

Congratulations ! Gekokujo ”an inverted social order" is frequently

reported in the news ! It's like a the law of the jungle from the Warring

States period ! The team that won the climax series will fight in the

Japan Series 。 And the winner will be the best in Japan 。 I'm looking

forward to it ! !

*Results of the 49th House of Representatives election 。

The House of Representatives election was voted on October 31st and

the winners were confirmed 。 The number of seats is 465 。 The single-

seat constituency has 289 seats and the proportional representation has

176 seats 。 As a result of the fierce battle between the ruling party and

the opposition 。 The ruling party has 293 seats 。 The opposition has

172 seats 。 Congratulations to all the winners ! The ruling party has

won ! However, the Liberal Democratic Party struggled a lot and the

number of seats decreased from the previous time 。 The opposition

party's joint struggle was not very effective and the number of seats

decreased 。 The Japan Restoration Party has made a big leap about

three times 。 However, even if the candidate loses in the single-seat

constituency, there are quite a few people who are revived as

proportional representatives 。 It's a wonderful system !!

* This year's Order of Culture 。

Nine people received the Order of Culture 。 Mr. Shigeo Nagashima,

nicknamed Mr., was awarded the Order of Culture 。 It's the first time in

the baseball world ! Congratulation !! Mr. Syukuro Manabe, who won

the Nobel Prize in Physics, was awarded the Order of Culture 。

Senior Researcher, Princeton University, USA 。 Research achievements

on climate change forecasting were highly evaluated 。

The Order of Culture was presented by His Majesty the Emperor at the

Imperial Palace on November 3rd 。 Congratulations to all the award

winners ! Six people attended 。 Three people were absent 。

* Person of Cultural Merit of the Year 。

21 Persons of Cultural Merit were awarded 。 Yuzo Kayama, who was

active in the movie "Wakadaisho" series, was also awarded Yuzo Kayama

is also a composer and singer, isn't he ! Congratulations to all the

award winners ! Person of Cultural Merit held an award ceremony at a

hotel in Tokyo on November 4th 。 14 people met with Their Majesties

the Emperor and Empress at the Imperial Palace in the afternoon 。

And His Majesty the Emperor congratulated the winners 。


< 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノさんぽ編】 > 後編

ご了承ください。 日常に戻ったミラノの町をメトロで移動して散歩する。

EATALY店やセレッティで買い物をしたり巨大な壁画アートを見学して, 大変満

足しましたね! そして、ランチタイムをとてもシンプルなフォカッチャにし、

ランチの後は再び町をぶらつき見学ですね。 かわいいカラフルなフラワー

ショップや、 老舗カフェMarchesi 1824 マルケージを見ながら ドゥオモ広場近

くまで来て、 広い回廊の映画館を見て回ってから、 デパートのリナ・センテで

買い物を楽しむ事が出来ましたね! 疲れたので地下カフェで一休みして栄

気をチャージですね!! 美しい夕日にまぶしく輝くドウオモ近くのファンキー

テーブルで 欲しかったランチョンマットを購入出来ましたね。 残念ながら、

もうすぐ友達と会う時間ですね。 ドゥオーモ広場に戻り、地下鉄に乗り無事に

待ち合わせ場所で友人と 合う事が出来ましたね! そして友人に子供向けの

絵本を探してもらい購入できましたね! 子供用の本は面白いし文章も分かり

易くて良いですよね!! 本日のディナーは”ふくろう”と言う日本食堂ですね。

スタッフは全員日本人で親切なカスタマーサービス。 タコの天ぷら、餃子の

グリル、フライドチキン。 そして夕食の最後は日本のおにぎり茶漬けですよ

ね!! ミラノ一人旅の一日が無地に終了しましたね!!

             大変お疲れさまでした 。

             <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

            < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノさんぽ編】 > 後編


   < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

*追伸  昨年の12月から始まった北イタリア旅行! 早いものですね!今月

で丁度1年になりますね。 これ程の長編シリーズになるとは思っていません

でした! 日本に帰られてから旅行記を沢山の写真を掲載して書き上げて

下さって感謝いたします。 この旅行記はまだまだ続きますね!!

乞う、ご期待ですね!! 11月7日は立冬ですね!寒くなります、


「冬木立              The mural design is different for each promotion        」

「セーターの         I was very satisfied to looking the huge mural            」

「冬日影              And I made the lunch time a very simple focaccia        」

「寒牡丹              I am strolling around in the town again after lunch      」

「カトレアの         There is a cute colorful flower shop on the street         」

「防寒帽              There is a long-standing cafe, Marchesi 1824               」

「冬日差              I managed to get close to near Piazza del Duomo       」

「冬服の              I'm looking around the cinema in the wide corridor     」

「暖房の              I enjoy shopping at the department store Lina Sente    」

「毛衣の               I have time so I walk to every corner of the store         」

「絨毯の               I'm tired so I take a rest in the underground café         」

「ホットレモン        The chairs and tables are very nicely designed             」

「ストーブの          I am relaxing at the cafe and charged the energy        」

「着膨れの           I came to Galleria, tourist attraction shopping mall      」

「重ね着の           Today I just look around inside the shopping mall       」

「暮早し               The beautiful sunset shines brightly on the Duomo      」

「冬夕焼               Eventually I came to a funky table near Duomo           」

「日短し                I buy the cute table mat I wanted at a funky table       」

「オリオンの          It's a pity, but it's time to meet up with a friend           」

「冬の風               I return to Piazza del Duomo and take the metro         」

「冬の月              Luckily I meet my friend safely at the meeting place     」

「冬銀河             I am happy to have spent the day meaningful today     」

「寒北斗              I have a friend look for a picture book for children       」

「冬星座              I was able to buy a picture book that I could read        」

「寒 昴               Today's dinner is a Japanese restaurant called "Owl"    」

「星冴ゆる            The clerk is Japanese and kind to the customer           」

「冬座敷               Octopus tempura, grilled dumplings, fried chicken      」

「新海苔の            And at the end of the dinner is rice ball chazuke         」

「冬帽子               The customer base of the store is mostly Milanese      」

「冬の星               This is the end of my day traveling alone in Milan        」