

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-1(ラロトンガ出発の日の朝)前編

2021-09-24 18:15:15 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > 

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

It's early, September is already over 。 Japan has become cooler, but

there are few autumn-like weather 。 There are many cloudy days 。

Canada is already autumn 。By the way. Typhoon No. 14 that hit the

Japanese archipelago from the 17th caused great damage 。 Heavy rains

and storms caused river floods, landslides, road floods, and underfloor

flooding of houses 。 In addition, highway traffic stops, national roads,

and prefectural roads were severely damaged 。 And the roof was blown

and the tiles were blown by the gust of wind 。 In addition, the vinyl of

the agricultural house was blown off, and the fields were flooded 。

In the coastal area, high waves hit the breakwater, damaging residential

areas and fields 。 I think there are other places and people who have

been damaged 。 We would like to express our deepest sympathies 。

By the way, in Japan, Prime Minister Suga suddenly announced his

resignation 。Four people ran for the presidential election 。 A fierce

debate has begun with four candidates 。 The feature of this time is that

two women ran for the presidential election 。 There is a heated debate

on TV debates and SNS 。 The new president will be decided on the

29th of this month 。 By the way, in Japan, September 23rd is Autumnal

Equinox Day 。 It is the beginning of autumn from the autumnal equinox

day 。 However, the temperature during the day is close to 30 degrees 。

It's still summer temperature 。 I heard that Canada also has the

Autumnal Equinox Day 。 How is the weather in Canada !


         結婚25周年記念を話し合って初夏のラロトンガへ行く 。

 <25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-1(ラロトンガ出発の日の朝)>前編

夫と一緒にホテルのメインダイニングに行き素敵な生演奏を聞いて, まずい


雲の間から二人を覗く月を眺める。 素敵な不思議な風、雲、薄い月明かりに

うっとりと時間がすぎましたね。 それから部屋で充実した長い一日を終える

事が出来ましたね!! さて早朝に目が覚めて,いよいよラロトンガの出発の

朝ですね。 夜明け前の薄明かりの空を真っ白い鳥が飛んでいる。 朝日が地


空が美しい茜色に変わり、そして真っ赤に染まり 海も眩しく黄金に輝く朝

日!!素晴らしい光景ですね!! まるで空や朝日や海が二人の結婚25周

年記念を祝福して”おめでとう” と言っているようですね!!

また来て下さい!!素晴らしいですね!! ホテルに戻りながら眺める朝日も

徐々に顔を出して”おめでとう” ”また来て下さいね”と言っているようですね!


             <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

<25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-1(ラロトンガ出発の日の朝)>前編


      < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「夏未明            Today is the morning of departure from Rarotonga        」

「朝涼し             We wake up before sunrise and go out for a walk          」

「夏暁の             In the sky of twilight is flying is pure white bird              」

「風涼し              We wait for the rising sun to rise above the horizon      」

「夏の夜明          We wait in front of the Koka Lagoon Cruises sign          」

「涼しさや            There is the tour venue for Koka Lagoon Cruises          」

「朝焼けの          Riging sun gradually came out from the horizon           」

「露涼し              The sky begins to turn into a beautiful madder color     」

「夏の朝             We look clear and nice today because there is no fog   」

「風薫る              The riging sun dyes the sky bright red and dazzling      」

「影涼し              The sea is also dazzling and beautiful shining golden    」

「涼風の             Finally the round golden sun appeared on the horizon  」

「夏朝日             The sky and the sea have been dyed in dazzling gold    」

「涼み舟             The riging sun is dazzling and my eyes are dazzling      」

「夏 岬              Illuminated by the riging sun ,the kayak looks dazzling  」

「夏未明             The area around the big golden sunrise is shining red   」

「涼しさや           We look at the moning sun as we return to the hotel    」

「夏の空             The position of the riging sun will gradually change      」

「薫る風              Here the riging sun hasn't come out completely yet      」

「夏 暁               The golden rising sun rising gradually and gradually    」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【パドヴァ 後編】 前編

2021-09-17 13:38:31 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記>

How are you !! It's early, isn't it ? It's past mid-September 。

Due to the influence of the autumn rain front, there are many rainy days

and the temperature does not rise 。 Occasionally there are days with

autumn-like weather 。 When will the fall of fruit and the fall of appetite

come ? Rice harvesting seems to be progressing little by little 。 It's hard

to make progress due to the influence of rain, isn't it ? I'm also worried

about the yield 。 By the way, Prime Minister Suga suddenly announced

his resignation 。 Since taking office as Prime Minister, the days of

struggle between the new coronavirus and the economy have

continued。 Among them, the Tokyo Olympics and the Tokyo

Paralympics were successful 。 I can't forget the smile of the athlete and

the enthusiasm of that time 。 Thank you very much for your hard work。

In the future, you will concentrate on dealing with the new coronavirus 

We look forward to converging as soon as possible 。 Four people ran

for the presidential election Candidates are the following four people 。

Former policy chief Kishida 。 Minister of State for Regulatory Reform

Kono 。 Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takaichi

Executive Acting secretary general Noda 。 Four people ran for the

presidential election 。 A fierce debate has begun with four candidates 。

Convergence of the new coronavirus, although there are many

challenges 。 And how to rebuild the economy 。 Of course, there are

also energy issues 。 There will be fierce debate on various issues 。

By the way, recently in the news, it is reported that "a cluster of new

coronaviruses in elementary school students and nursery schools is

occurring" 。 Currently, people over the age of 12 are eligible for

vaccination 。 Naturally, nursery school children, elementary school

students, nursery teachers and teachers will also be on standby at home 

The number of nursery teachers in the nursery school will be small 。

And the parents of the child will be waiting at home together 。 The

workplace of my parents will also be difficult 。 Of course, the economy

of parents waiting at home will also be difficult 。 How will the

government and prefectures respond ? Chairman Shigeru Omi said at

the government's new coronavirus infection control subcommittee 。

”Even if we vaccinate or do our best, we cannot immediately suppress it

and reduce it to zero。 We need to keep fighting for the time being 。

It may take two to three years to get rid of the anxiety of society."

This is an excerpt from the article Prime Minister Suga will concentrate

on the new coronavirus after resigning 。 Since you are saying this,

thank you for your cooperation 。

* * Typhoon No. 14 is approaching Japan ! The Japan Meteorological

Agency is calling for caution against storms, landslides, etc. in northern

Kyushu and in a wide range of western, eastern, and northern Japan on

the 17th 。 Let's take action to save lives together 。 I pray that there will

be less damage 。

        さて本題に入ります 。

<1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【パドヴァ 後編】>前編 です。

ご了承ください。 スクロヴェーニ礼拝堂の絵に魅了され感動しました。 時間

が来たので後ろ髪を引かれる思いで退出して, お腹が空いたので市内を歩い

て店を探す。 パドヴァは町並みが可愛くて私は歩き易いハイブランドの店が

コンパクトに 並んでいるのですね! 高級カフェの前に美しい獅子像を見なが

らマルシェが並ぶエルベ広場に来て, タコ屋台のラ・フォルペリアを探しても

どこに見当たらなかったのですね! 店は夜だけ開いているようですね。



そして30分待ってやっと席に座れましたね!よかったですね! 濃厚な


感動してたべましたね! そしてこの料理は今まで食べた中でベスト5の料理

の1つなのですね!! 30分並んで待った甲斐がありましたね 。 クオリティ

の高いレストランですね 。 ティラミスと食後のエスプレッソがとても美味しかっ

たのですね。 気がつくと最後のお客となっていましたね 。 お腹が満たされた


く見えますね。 パドヴァのドゥオーモでの撮影は禁止されているのですね。

素敵な美しい広場と言われる、大きな楕円プラトデッラヴァッレに来ると 広く





                大変お疲れさまでした 。 

                <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


                 Please say hello to your family

                 Let's meet again .Take care.

<1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020 【パドヴァ 後編】> 前編です。


        < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「冬 館            I was impressed at the Scrovegni Chapel paintings         」

「外套の           I'm hungry so I walk around the city to find a store         」

「冬服の           This town is compactly lined with high brand stores        」

「冬木立            Padua has a cute cityscape and I can walk easily             」

「冬日差            A beautiful lion statue is in front of a luxury café            」

「冬青空            I came to Piazza delle Erbe where Marche is lined up     」

「毛帽子の        There is no octopus stall La Folperia anywhere               」

「冬の園            Apparently the store seems to be open just at night      」

「冬景色            I was looking forward but find for another store            」

「手袋の            I'm hungry to find a store, but I can't find it easily          」

「冬半ば            It's like I'm a gypsy walking for search of lunch               」

「暖房の            there is a shop that seems to be lively so I entered         」

「冬座敷            I walked around so I'm tired , it's about 2 pm                  」

「着ぶくれの       I waited for 30 minutes and finally got a seat                 」

「毛衣の             I order the thick spaghetti-shaped pasta "Bigoli"           」

「冬帽子             It’s very delicious so I was impressed and ate it              」

「冬晴の            This dish is one of the 5 best dishes I ate so for              」

「セーターの      It was worth the wait in line for 30 minutes                     」

「ストーブの       This shop is a very high restaurant of quality                  」

「綿帽子            I had very good tiramisu and after-meal espresso          」

「冬の空            when I knew it, I was the last customer of store              」

「ホットレモン      It is a highly recommended shop for everyone              」

「冬日差             I am wander around the town because I'm full              」

「冬 麗              There is a nicely towering Duomo in the blue sky          」

「冬の園             The Duomo frescoe painting look very beautiful           」

「冬木影             Shooting is prohibited in The Duomo of Padua           」

「山眠る              I came to the nice large ellipse Prato della Valle           」

「冬日向             It is a square that means a beautiful lawn square          」

「冬日和             The blue sky is reflected in a wide and nice canal          」

「冬の水             Figures Statues line up inside and outside the canal      」

「日向ぼこ          There are 78 figures lined up in this square                    」

「冬の川             Marche's white tents and cars line up on this day          」

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day3-8(後悔先に立たず…でも至福のひととき♪)後編

2021-09-12 16:36:15 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > how are you !

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

It's early, summer is over and autumn is already over ! Typhoons and

heavy rains nationwide caused great damage this summer 。

Tokyo Olympics and Tokyo Paralympics held without spectators 。

And Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics during the state of emergency

have also ended successfully 。 However, the spread of the new

coronavirus does not stop 。 The summer Koshien, which has been

postponed, has also finished successfully 。 This fall, the autumn rain

front is stagnant and unstable 。 There are many rainy days and the

temperature does not rise 。 It seems that it will affect the fruitful

autumn 。Summer clouds and autumn clouds are mixed on sunny days。

And the voice of autumn insects came to be heard at night 。 Insects are

singing in a beautiful voice all night ! I sleep listening like a lullaby 。

How about Canada ! By the way, the state of emergency issued to Japan

has been extended until the 30th of this month 。

The spread of infection has not stopped yet 。 19 prefectures have been

declared a state of emergency 。 It seems that the fight against the new

coronavirus will continue for the time being 。



< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day3-8(後悔先に立たず…

    でも至福のひととき♪) 後編 >

ホテルの美しいわらぶき屋根のビーチバーで食事して 食後に主人とビーチ

へ行くと空も海も真っ青で素晴らしく綺麗ですね。 海と空の境目が全くわから

ない、このタイムゾーンで最も美しいビーチでしたね! 景色がいいのでここで

のんびりするが喉が渇いてきたのでホテルの部屋で. 持って来た摘みでビー

ルの飲みなおしですね!! そのうち暗くなってから綺麗な月夜の海を二人で

散歩ですね。 今にも人魚が現れそうな雰囲気 。ビーチで幸せな雌伏の時間

を過ごして良かったですね!! そして二人でホテルのメインダイニングに行

くと そこは生演奏者がいて雰囲気が良さそうですね。 しかしここはやぶ蚊は

ブンブン、料理はまずいし値段は高いし 後悔しながら二人で夜の海へ行と

雲の間からお月様が歓迎してくれましたね! 素敵で不思議な風、雲、薄い月

明かりの夜の海を堪能して 二人で部屋で充実した長い一日を終えました

ね・・・!!   お疲れ様でした!!

          <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


            Please say hello to your family

            Let's meet again .Take care.

           < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day3-8(後悔先に立たず…

            でも至福のひととき♪)> 後編



「生ビール           I also very mach regret, so I shoud have had beer         」

「夏の夕              But the scenery is nice, so I relax here for a while          」

「缶ビール           I'm thirsty so I'm going back to the hotel hurry up        」

「風薫る              We quickly return to the room and drink beer again     」

「夏の暮             I drink beer with the knob I brought with my husband  」

「暑き夜の          We go out for a walk because eventually it got dark     」

「宵涼し             It's a nice moonlit night so we go for a walk in the sea  」

「涼風の            Streetlights illuminate the surroundings here and there 」

「夏の月             The nice full moon illuminates the sea in the beach       」

「燈涼し              We will enjoy the beautiful beach with beach chairs      」

「夏の星              It’s an mood where mermaids are now to appear         」

 「影涼し             I spend a very happy blissful time with my husband      」

「夕涼の             I go to the main dining of the hotel with my husband   」

「ビアホール       There is a live musician and the mood looks good        」

「夏 魚              We ordered Cajun Tuna and Sashimi from the menu    」

「蚊の唸り          The clerk recommends another menu, but I refuse        」

「鰹 時              There is a atmosphere but mosquitoes are very flying   」

「黒鯛の             Live music of local song to sing in the beautiful Maori  」

「庭涼し             The venue is surrounded by gentle and nice live music  」

「飛魚の             The streaks sashimi that were served is bad at all          」

「夏葱の             And the rice is too not stick and not very delicious        」

「夏 鰊              The scent of soy sauce is flyed and it's not delicious      」

「暑き夜の           This is too expensive for $ 18, I wasted money              」

「石鯛の              Cajun Tuna is low in quantity and high in vegetables    」

「玉葱の              That's $ 18 rip-off, this hotel is really terrible !               」

「夏 霞              We've wasted money on too expensive and bad food   」

「月涼し               We went to the sea at night together with regret         」

「星涼し               We looked at the moon peeking through the clouds    」

「短夜の              It's nice mysterious wind, clouds and thin moonlight    」

「夜半の夏          Then we ended a fulfilling and long day in the room    」

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【パドヴァ 前編】後編

2021-09-06 14:22:15 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記>

How are you doing for a while 。 It's fast, It has changed from summer

to autumn 。 Currently, a state of emergency has been issued to 21

prefectures 。 Nearly half of Japan's prefectures are targeted to a state

of emergency 。 Especially the momentum of Delta variant is amazing !

By the way, the summer Koshien, which had been postponed due to

rain, also had a great fight 。 Chiben Wakayama won the championship

for the first time in 21 years 。 Thank you to all the Koshien baseball

players who participated in Koshien 。 Thank you for the fierce battle

without losing to the rain and the new coronavirus !!

Thank you for your impression !!

Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics held without spectators 。

The Paralympics where fierce battles continued every day!! As the

reputation says, China is amazing ! Japan has also steadily won medals 

Japanese athletes updated a world record, isn't it ? Players from 162

countries and regions gathered and everyone was connected by

emotion through sports 。Aiming for a society where about 120 billion

people with disabilities can coexist, 15% of the world's population 。

Even so, it's surprising that many Paralympic athletes are muscular 。

I admire the first-class athletes who have taken on the challenge of

difficult practice and attend the competition 。

9/5 the closing ceremony was held with the attendance of price Akisino 

The theme of the closing ceremony is "a city where all the differences

shine" 。The theme performance was directed 。 There was a greeting

from IPC Chairman Parsons 。 In general, the chairman said 。 I didn't

think that the tournament could be postponed for one year and held

one year later 。 Endless power to bounce off adversity 。 I was able to

see people struggling with outstanding sports 。 Stunning celebrations

and great Paralympics 。 Officers, athletes and volunteers who have

supported the Paralympics 。 Thank you to all of you, thank you very

much, congratulations ! Thank you for the historic impression !

It will be a precious memory that we will never forget 。 See you again at

the Paralympics in France 。

Goodbye Goodbye I'm looking forward to seeing you again !!


1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【パドヴァ 前編】<後編 >

ご了承ください。 エレミタニ市立博物館の見学を終了して 時間があるので


い女の子が 壁の画をじっと見ていますね!可愛い女の子ですね! 今度は

純白のドレスの少女ですね。 そして有名なジョット作品がたくさんあります

ね! 彼はフィレンテェのジョットの鐘楼で大変知られていますね!

スクロヴェーニ礼拝堂の内部も飾り. この宮殿の内部装飾もジョットですね。

そして宮殿にも沢山の絵画もありますね。 多くの美術館にはジョットの絵画

がたくさんあるのですね! 今度は目的のスクロヴェーニ礼拝堂に行き 部屋

でビデオを見ながら礼拝堂の勉強してから見学ですね。 そして入場すると

そこはまるで別世界のように美しいのですね! 天井にラピスラズリを使った

真っ青なフレスコ画。 正面に見えるのは最後の審判、反対側には受胎告知

の像ですね! 礼拝堂にはキリストの生誕から生涯が描かれていますね。

制限時間15分で見て回りまるのは大変ですね! わくわくドキドキしながら見

学ですね! 使徒の足を洗うキリスト様の姿。 そして大きなテーブルの周りの

最後の審判ですね! ダヴィンチの絵とは雰囲気が違い、ジョットの絵はかな

り楽しそうなのですね! 自ら十字架を担いで刑場へ向かうキリスト、生々し

い磔の絵! 足元で悲しみにくれるマグダラのマリア、聖母マリアも失神して

周りの女性に 支えられていますね! 全体的に明るい色になっているようで

すね! 最後の審判の絵に戻り左が天国、右が地獄の絵ですね!! 残念!

終了時間の15分経過しました 。 警備員は終わりの時が来たと大声で叫び

後ろ髪を引かれる思いで退出!! この後、史上最強のおいしいランチに出

会ってよかったですね!! スクロヴェーニ礼拝堂に行き絵画を見学したご褒

美でしょうかね!! これからパドヴァを存分に観光できますね。

        大変お疲れさまでした 。

        <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


          Please say hello to your family

          Let's meet again .Take care.

        1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020 【パドヴァ 前編】 後編


       < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「絨毯の             That white lovely kid is sitting on a white cushion          」

「暖房の             And the child is looking at the painting on the wall       」

「冬帽子              Sculpture can be seen in a 360-degree direction           」

「手袋の              This time it’s a beautiful girl in a pure white dress         」

「外套の              Now there are a lot of works of the famous Giotto       」

「ストーブの         He is known for Giotto's Bell Tower in Florence             」

「息白し               He decorates the interior of the Scrovegni Chapel        」

「冬服の              The interior decoration of this palace is also Giotto      」

「冬の色               And there are a lot of paintings in the palace too        」

セーターの         Many museums have a lot of Giotto's paintings           」

「冬日影             I'm going to the desired Scrovegni Chapel this time   」     

「襟巻の             I study the chapel while watch video in the room         」

「冬シャツの         When I enter, it's as beautiful as another world           」

「重ね着の           A deep blue fresco with lapis lazuli on the ceiling        」

「冬日向              The Last Judgment is visible in front of the room         」

「冬 館               On the other side is the image of the Annunciation      」

「冬 衣               The chapel depicts the life from the birth of Christ        」

「マフラーの          I look around with a time limit of 15 minutes               」

「冬座敷               The mind, eyes and body is dancing, it's exciting         」

「綿帽子              The figure of Christ washing the feet of the apostle      」

「冬木宿               Gorgeous blue of luxury lapis lazuli on the ceiling       」

「枯山吹               Surrounded by a large table the Last Judgment           」

「冬木影                The mood is different from Da Vinci's painting           」

「枯蔦の                Giotto's painting looks pretty fun for some reason     」

「冬景色                Christ carry the cross and heading to the prison         」

「枯庭の                There is also a picture of a fresh crucifixion scene       」

「枯 茨                 Mary Magdalene is mourning at the feet of Christ      」

「冬の園                Virgin Mary also faints and is supported by women   」

「枯山吹               Expressions are few differ depending on the painter   」

「枯芝の                I think so picture is in the overall bright colors            」

「冬半ば                I will return to the Last Judgment of the picture          」

「冬青空               Picture that the left is heaven and the right is hell        」

「冬晴れの            Sorry, 15 minutes have passed of the end time           」

「日向ぼこ             The watchman yells out when it's time to end             」

「冬 麗                 I'm leaving with the feel that pulled my back hair        」

「冬日差                I met the strongest and most delicious lunch ever      」

「冬日和                 From now on, I fully explore the town of Padua        」