

Federation winter Zao

2010-01-25 19:35:08 | Weblog
Federation winter Zao . Yamagata  Zao  everyone's nice to meet you
Once  we  find  the  rime  theme . Yamagata Zao met a tourist site . Daily  Tourists and Skier coming .

Federation winter Zao . Speaking  of rime  Zao . Speaking  of  ice monsters  Zao . Transformed  into   monsters  Aomoritodomatsu (Abies mariesii) http://www.zaoropeway.co.jp/ REFERENCES
Click the first line 5
Pure  white  snow-covered  world . Intertwined  to  produce  snow  and  ice . Mysterious   World . Ice Monster . People and  animals

A variety of shape, Ice Monster

「  Lighted by the sun look good

     Federation Zao .  Ice   Monster group 」
  「  Skiers     Monster group    Contest     」

「  Dawn     Around   the ski slope    Monster 」

  「  Ice   Monster  plain   Warrior riding group of white
     Sedately                          」                         

  「  陽に映える   蔵王連邦   樹氷群   」
  「  スキーヤー   モンスター群  競演や  」
  「  曙や      ゲレンデ囲む   モンスター  」

  「  樹氷原     白い騎馬武者   悠然と    」

Winter  Fireworks   Fujikawaguchiko

2010-01-19 20:01:59 | Weblog
Everyone's Fujikawaguchiko . Happy  New  Year. Thank you also this year . Fuji's  New  Year's  dawn . I  saw  on  TV .
Japan  was  the  dawn  of  a  great . Currently,  fireworks  winter, 
it  is  the  dance of the lake has been . I  read  in  the  tourism  site . Fuji  and fireworks and Lake . It  is  a  wonderful  sight .
Thank  you  in  the  future .
http://www.fujisan.ne.jp/index.php REFERENCES
Click the first line 7

「  The  Kaleidoscopic   snow-capped Mt.Fuji Hiding watching   」
 「 Stars in  the  wintry  weather  looks  clear  and  sharp
    On  the  lake    Fireworks  flying   」 
 「 Winter  Fireworks   Dye  lake    Night  Flowers   」

 「 七色に   冠雪富士が   見え隠れ   」

 「 星冴ゆる  湖畔の上に   舞う花火   」

 「 冬花火   湖畔を染める  夜の華    」




Alps of New Year , Winter Shinshu

2010-01-07 21:03:02 | Weblog
Happy New Year . Thank you also this year
Alps of New Year , Winter Shinshu
New   Year's  air .   <Note >
Alps  in  winter  is  scary . Note  weather
Things  get  better  ask  the  locals .
http://www.mtlabs.co.jp/shinshu/event/kooritak.htm REFERENCES  Click the first line 3
Followed by a rime forest in a snow field . Wintersports
Karuizawa . Illuminations . Snow-covered Mount Asama
Apple Azumino . Alps  towering  sedately . Rime forest
Icicle Falls . Frozen waterfalls .
One Hundred Mountains . Plateau Utsukushigahara
Shinshu winter full of sights .

「 New   Year's   air .  Alps   Mountains .  Shining 」

「 Hudou Falls . Sharp tip . Icicle forest 」

「 Flying diamond . Utsukushigahara . Rime forest 」

「 Under moonlight . Soaring to the sky

   Frozen waterfalls 」

 「 初御空  アルプス山は  輝いて  」

 「 不動の滝  切尖鋭く  氷柱林  」

 「 ダイヤ舞う  美ヶ原  霧氷林  」
 「 月光下  天に聳える  氷瀑や  」