


2018年01月28日 | マーチフォーライフ








トランプ政権になって、「合衆国外国援助 U.S. foreign aid」が、外国で堕胎を促進させることを阻止するメキシコ・シティー政策(Mexico City Policy)が再導入された。
トランプ大統領は、家族計画に予算を与えない法律にサインをし、プロライフの人々を政策の重要な地位に就け、従業員たちが自分の良心に反してでも避妊ピルや堕胎ピルを強制したオバマの健康人間サービス(Health and Human Services)を終わらせた。
トランプは既に2017年11月こう宣言した。「アメリカの子供は誰であれ、生まれた子であれまだ生まれていない子であれ、望まれない子でもないし、愛されない子でもない。」"no child in America – born or unborn – is unwanted or unloved."

Full text: President Trump’s historic speech to 2018 March for Life

Transcript of President Donald Trump's address to the 2018 March for Life in Washington D.C.



ドナルド・トランプ大統領は19日、ホワイトハウスのローズガーデンから、ビデオ中継で今年のマーチ・フォー・ライフのイベントに参加した。また大統領は、2018年1月22日を人間の生命の神聖さの国民的記念日(National Sanctity of Human Life)として宣言した。


















全国祈りの記念日(National Day of Prayer)に、私は宗教の自由を守るための大統領令に署名しました。(拍手)それを心から誇りに思っています。









マリアンヌは両親の愛と支えにに対する感謝の思いがとても強かったため、自分ほど幸運でない人のために尽くさなければならないと考えました。彼女はコミュニティで妊娠したホームレスの女性のための助産院を始めたのです。素晴らしいことです。それを「Room at the Inn(宿屋の部屋)」と名付けました。


これまで15年間、Room at the Innは400人以上の女性に住居、子供の世話、カウンセリング、教育、そして職業訓練を提供してきました。もっと大切なこととしては希望を与えてきたのです。その希望がすべての女性に、自分達が忘れ去られた存在ではなく、孤独ではなく、成功を手助けしてくれる家族がいるのだということを示してきました。




[To cheering crowd] Thank you very much, that's so nice. Sit, please.

We have tens of thousands of people watching this right down the road, tens of thousands. So, I congratulate you, and at least we picked a beautiful day, you can't get a more beautiful day. I want to thank our Vice President Mike Pence for that wonderful introduction. I also want to thank you and Karen for being true champions for life. Thank you, and thank Karen.

Today I’m honored and really proud to be the first president to stand with you here at the White House to address the 45th March for Life, that's very very special, 45th March for Life, and this is a truly remarkable group. Today tens of thousands of families, students, and patriots, and really just great citizens gather here in our nations Capitol. You come from many backgrounds, and many places, but you all come for one beautiful cause, to build a society where life is celebrated and protected and cherished.

The March for Life is a movement born out of love: you love your families; you love your neighbors; you love our nation; and you love every child born and unborn, because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God.

We know that life is the greatest miracle of all. We see it in the eyes of every new mother who cradles that wonderful, innocent, and glorious-newborn child in her loving arms. I want to thank every person here today and all across our country who works with such big hearts and tireless devotion to make sure that parents have the caring support they need to choose life.

Because of you, tens of thousands of Americans have been born and reached their full God-given potential, because of you. You’re living witnesses of this year's March for life theme, and that theme is, ‘Love Saves Lives.’

As you all know Roe versus Wade has resulted in some of the most permissive abortion laws anywhere in the world. For example, in the United States, it's one of only seven countries to allow elective late-term abortions along with China North Korea and others. Right now, in a number of States, the laws allow a baby to be born [sic, aborted] from his or her mother's womb in the ninth month.

It is wrong. It has to change.

Americans are more and more pro-life. You see that all the time. In fact, only 12% of Americans support abortion on demand at any time.

Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the ‘right to life.’

Tomorrow will mark exactly one year since I took the oath of office. And I will say our country is doing really well. Our economy is perhaps the best it's ever been. You look at the job numbers, the companies pouring back into our country, look at the stock market at an all-time high, unemployment at a 17-year low, unemployment for African workers at the lowest mark in the history of our country, unemployment for Hispanic at a record-low in history, unemployment for women, think of this, at an 18-year low.

We’re really proud of what we’re doing.

And during my first week in office, I reinstated a policy first put in place by Pres. Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City Policy.

I strongly supported the House of Representatives’ pain-capable bill, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide. And I call upon the Senate to pass this important law and send it to my desk for signing.

On the National Day of Prayer, I signed an executive order to protect religious liberty. [I’m] very proud of that. Today, I'm announcing that we've just issued a new proposal to protect conscience rights and religious freedoms of doctors, nurses, and other medical professions. So important.

I have also just reversed the previous administration’s policy that restricted state efforts to direct Medicaid funding away from abortion facilities that violate the law.

We are protecting the sanctity of life and the family as the foundation of our society. But this movement can only succeed with the heart and the soul and the prayer of the people.

Here with us today is Marianne Donadio from Greensboro North Carolina. Where is Marianne? Hello, come on up here Marianne. Come. Nice to see you, by the way.

Marianne was 17 when she found out that she was pregnant. At first, she felt like she had no place to turn. But when she told her parents they responded with total love, total affection, total support. Great parents? Great? [Trump asked Marianne. She responded in the affirmative] I thought you were going to say that. I had to be careful.

Marianne bravely chose life and soon gave birth to her son. She named him Benedict which means blessing. Marianne was so grateful for her parents love and support that she felt called to serve those who were not as fortunate as her. She joined with others in her community to start a maternity home to care for homeless women who were pregnant. That's great. They named it ‘Room at the Inn.’ Today, Marianne and her husband Don are the parents of six beautiful children. And her eldest son Benedict and her daughter Maria join us here today. Where are they? Come on over. That's great.

Over the last 15 years, Room at the Inn has provided housing, childcare, counseling, education, and job-training to more than 400 women. Even more importantly, it has given them hope. It has shown each woman she is not forgotten, that she is not alone, and that she really now has a whole family of people who will help her succeed.

That hope is the true gift of this incredible movement that brings us together today.

It is the gift of friendship, the gift of mentorship, and the gift of encouragement, love, and support. Those are beautiful words and those are beautiful gifts.

And most importantly of all, it is the gift of life itself – that is why we March, that is why we pray, and that is why we declare that America's future will be filled with goodness, peace, joy, dignity, and life for every child of God.

Thank you to the March for life, special, special people. And we are with you all the way. May God bless you and may God bless America. Thank you. Thank you.

